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当前能源资源压力趋紧,消费增长过快。能源消费高增长的主要驱动力:一是投资,二是高耗能产业。国际能源价格提升,我国只能被动埋单。"十二五"在能源失常的条件下难以持续高速增长。"十二五"将设定能源消耗总量控制目标,它是能源强度目标的重要补充。要从战略上考虑低碳能源的发展。  相似文献   

山西省煤炭资源丰富,年煤炭产量占全国产量的近1/4,煤炭资源开采形成大量的采空地下空间。随着碳中和目标的提出和山西风电、光伏发电的大力发展,如何合理利用煤矿采空地下空间,尤其是将地下空间与新能源结合将成为煤炭产业低碳发展的关键。本次研究运用比例系数法和采空地下空间守恒定律,测算出2022年山西省开采煤矿井巷可利用空间为1.54亿m3,“十五”到“十三五”期间关闭/退出煤矿的井巷可利用空间为1.05亿m3,估算1949至2021年山西省煤矿因工作面开采形成的采空地下空间约38.98亿m3,预测到2030年山西省煤矿工作面开采还可形成采空地下空间约19.56亿m3。根据山西省能源低碳发展需求提出了山西省煤矿采空地下空间未来可利用的四种模式:煤矿地下旅游或地下仓储、煤矿地下抽水蓄能、煤矿地下压缩空气储能和煤矿地下封存二氧化碳等。  相似文献   

9月30日,国庆前夕,秋高气爽,山西省垣曲县中心广场沉浸在一片欢乐的场景中,中国·垣曲第三届观赏石推介会上,垣曲县县政府领导高兴的接过山西省观赏石协会授予垣曲县为"梅花石之乡"的牌匾(晋石协[2014]6号《关于批准垣曲县为"梅花石之乡"的通知》)。这是垣曲县的荣誉也是山西省的喜事,更是广大石友、石农和石商期盼已久的大事。"梅花石之乡"的命名可以使梅花石作为山西知名品牌迈向国内、外市场。  相似文献   

我国是一个能源消费大国,如何缓解能源供应压力一直是经济发展中的热点和难点问题。一方面要保障有效的能源供应,另一方面要适应低碳发展的要求,这无疑是一个严峻挑战。因此,深入研究能源发展的重大问题,规划好未来五年乃至今后几十年我国的能源发展战略,对我国经济和社会发展有着重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

"低碳城市"是我国城市发展的目标。在阐释基本概念的基础上,分析淮南市建设低碳城市面临的关键问题,为该市低碳发展提出建议性措施。  相似文献   

随着煤价不断下跌,煤企的盈利能力大不如前。以煤炭大省山西省为例,今年1月份和2月份煤炭行业经营持续困难,亏损达40亿元。"煤老大"的地位首次被电力超越。日前,山西省统计局发布1月和2月山西工业经济运行报告。  相似文献   

大力开发和利用煤层气是"十二五"期间我国能源战略的重点,此前,国家能源局发布的《煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)开发利用"十二五"规划》(下称《规划》)提出,十二五期间,将投入604亿元用于煤层气的地面开发,到2015年全国煤层气产量要达300亿立方米。3月以来,山西省一些煤炭企业闻风而动纷纷发力,通过合作合资等形式为煤层气市场注入新的活力。有分析认为,随着天然气、煤层气等新能源深入人们的社会生活,我国将迎来"气化"时代。  相似文献   

氢能是来源广泛且低碳清洁的能源,大力发展氢能产业是实现双碳目标和应对全球能源转型的重要举措。在氢能“制备―储存―运输―应用”全产业链中,储氢难问题长期制约着氢能产业高质量发展。盐穴储氢具有成本低、规模大、安全性高和储氢纯度高等突出优势,是未来氢能大规模储备的重要发展方向,也是我国能源低碳转型的重大战略需求。综合调研了我国制氢产业和氢能消费现状,分析了我国盐穴储氢的需求。调研了国外利用盐穴储存天然气和氢气的技术及工程现状,总结了我国盐穴储气库发展和建设历程。对比了利用盐穴储存天然气、氦气、压缩空气和氢气的异同点,提出我国盐穴储氢面临三大科技挑战:层状盐岩氢气渗透与生化反应、盐穴储氢库井筒完整性管控、储氢库群灾变孕育与防控。研究成果明确了我国氢气储备需求的快速增长趋势和大规模盐穴储氢的重点攻关方向。  相似文献   

随着我国煤炭去产能政策的有力实施,一批资源枯竭及产能落后矿井将陆续关停废弃.废弃矿井仍赋存着大量的煤层气资源,其开发利用是实现煤炭产业清洁安全高效低碳发展、促进煤矿安全生产、优化能源结构、实现温室气体减排等方面的重要举措.基于山西省煤基重点科技攻关(煤层气产业链)项目相关研究,系统阐述了废弃矿井煤层气开发面临着资源量评...  相似文献   

山西煤炭开发利用的三个方面柴东浩(山西省地质科学研究所)山西煤炭的开发利用虽历史久远,但与以煤炭为主要能源的发达国家相比,其开发利用水准差距较大。在过去这是一个没有办法解决的问题。改革开放和实行社会主义市场经济以来,山西经济快速增长所引发的各种具体现...  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):720-746
Climate change is a common problem in human society. The Chinese government promises to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and strives to achieve carbon neutralization by 2060. The proposal of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization has led China into the era of climate economy and set off a green change with both opportunities and challenges. On the basis of expounding the objectives and specific connotation of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization, this paper systematically discusses the main implementation path and the prospect of China’s carbon peak and carbon neutralization. China’s path to realizing carbon neutralization includes four directions: (1) in terms of carbon dioxide emission control: energy transformation path, energy conservation, and emission reduction path; (2) for increasing carbon sink: carbon capture, utilization, and storage path, ecological governance, and land greening path; (3) in key technology development: zero-carbon utilization, coal new energy coupling, carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), energy storage technology and other key technology paths required to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutralization; (4) from the angle of policy development: Formulate legal guarantees for the government to promote the carbon trading market; Formulate carbon emission standards for enterprises and increase publicity and education for individuals and society. Based on practicing the goal and path of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, China will vigorously develop low carbon and circular economy and promote green and high-quality economic development; speed up to enter the era of fossil resources and promoting energy transformation; accelerate the integrated innovation of green and low-carbon technologies and promote carbon neutrality.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

In the context of global climate change, geosciences provide an important geological solution to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, China’s geosciences and geological technologies can play an important role in solving the problem of carbon neutrality. This paper discusses the main problems, opportunities, and challenges that can be solved by the participation of geosciences in carbon neutrality, as well as China’s response to them. The main scientific problems involved and the geological work carried out mainly fall into three categories: (1) Carbon emission reduction technology (natural gas hydrate, geothermal, hot dry rock, nuclear energy, hydropower, wind energy, solar energy, hydrogen energy); (2) carbon sequestration technology (carbon capture and storage, underground space utilization); (3) key minerals needed to support carbon neutralization (raw materials for energy transformation, carbon reduction technology). Therefore, geosciences and geological technologies are needed: First, actively participate in the development of green energy such as natural gas, geothermal energy, hydropower, hot dry rock, and key energy minerals, and develop exploration and exploitation technologies such as geothermal energy and natural gas; the second is to do a good job in geological support for new energy site selection, carry out an in-depth study on geotechnical feasibility and mitigation measures, and form the basis of relevant economic decisions to reduce costs and prevent geological disasters; the third is to develop and coordinate relevant departments of geosciences, organize and carry out strategic research on natural resources, carry out theoretical system research on global climate change and other issues under the guidance of earth system science theory, and coordinate frontier scientific information and advanced technological tools of various disciplines. The goal of carbon neutrality provides new opportunities and challenges for geosciences research. In the future, it is necessary to provide theoretical and technical support from various aspects, enhance the ability of climate adaptation, and support the realization of the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.  相似文献   

高渗透性煤储层分布的构造预测   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以我国山西沁水盆地为例,采用现代构造应力场和构造曲率分析相结合的方法,就构造对煤储层高渗透性区发育特征的控制规律及其地质机理进行了研究。结果表明:沁水盆地下二叠统山西组主煤储层试井渗透率与现代构造应力场最大主应力差之间具有指数正相关关系,煤储层构造裂隙在构造主曲率大于O.1×10^4/m的地段可能相对发育;高构造曲率与高最大主应力差相匹配的地段在盆地中-南部呈NNW向展布,是较高渗透性煤储层发育的地带;构造应力实质上是通过对天然裂隙开合程度的控制而对煤储层渗透率施加影响。  相似文献   

China’s petrochemical industries are playing an important role in China’s economic development. However, the industries consume large amounts of energy and have become primary sources of carbon emission. In this paper, the change in carbon emissions from China’s petrochemical industries between 2000 and 2010 was quantitatively analyzed with the Log-Mean Divisia Index method, which was decomposed into economic output effect, industrial structural effect and technical effect. The results show that economic output effect is the most important factor driving carbon emission growth in China’s petrochemical industries; industrial structural effect has certain decrement effect on carbon emissions; adjustment of industrial structure by developing low-carbon emission industrial sectors may be a better choice for reducing carbon emissions; and the impact of technical effect varies considerably without showing any clear decrement effect trend over the period of year 2000–2010. The biggest challenge is how to make use of these factors to balance the relationship between economic development and carbon emissions. This study will promote a more comprehensive understanding of the inter-relationships of economic development, industrial structural shift, technical effect and carbon emissions in China’s petrochemical industries and is helpful for exploration of relevant strategies to reduce carbon emissions.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,经过50余年的地质勘查和矿山建设,奠定了湖南作为我国矿产资源大省的地位,赢得了“有色金属之乡”和“非金属之乡”的美誉.在经历了计划经济和过渡时期的管理模式之后,湖南省的矿产资源管理正逐步由行政手段为主转为以法律手段为主,由直接组织或干预地勘单位的勘查和矿山企业的开采活动转为以矿业权管理为核心的新型管理模式.湖南省矿产资源面临看自然禀赋存在缺陷,开发成本高、难度大,保有储量消耗过快,接替资源不足,地勘投入短缺,矿业结构失调,经营方式粗放,资源利用率低,环境污染和破坏严重等一系列严峻问题.为此,应采取逐步建立和完善矿业市场,实现地勘业和矿业开发管理体制创新,加强处质勘查,提高矿产资源开发利用的集约化程度,加强矿山环境保护等措施,保证矿业可持续发展,促进全省工业化进程。  相似文献   

Fan  Tijun  Luo  Ruiling  Xia  Haiyang  Li  Xiaopeng 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):319-332

China’s petrochemical industries are playing an important role in China’s economic development. However, the industries consume large amounts of energy and have become primary sources of carbon emission. In this paper, the change in carbon emissions from China’s petrochemical industries between 2000 and 2010 was quantitatively analyzed with the Log-Mean Divisia Index method, which was decomposed into economic output effect, industrial structural effect and technical effect. The results show that economic output effect is the most important factor driving carbon emission growth in China’s petrochemical industries; industrial structural effect has certain decrement effect on carbon emissions; adjustment of industrial structure by developing low-carbon emission industrial sectors may be a better choice for reducing carbon emissions; and the impact of technical effect varies considerably without showing any clear decrement effect trend over the period of year 2000–2010. The biggest challenge is how to make use of these factors to balance the relationship between economic development and carbon emissions. This study will promote a more comprehensive understanding of the inter-relationships of economic development, industrial structural shift, technical effect and carbon emissions in China’s petrochemical industries and is helpful for exploration of relevant strategies to reduce carbon emissions.


The transportation sector is the main energy consumer and carbon emitter in China. To accurately evaluate the dynamic changes in the energy–carbon performance of the sector and to propose alternatives for sustainable development, this paper proposes an approach incorporating the meta-frontier method, global benchmark technology, and non-radial directional distance function. Using this approach, the paper proposes a new definition, named the global meta-frontier non-radial Malmquist energy–carbon performance index (GMNMECPI). GMNMECPI can be decomposed into technical efficiency change (EC), best-practice gap change (BPC), and technology gap change (TGC). This new method was then used to estimate the dynamic changes of energy–carbon performance in China’s transportation sector from 2006 to 2015. The paper also identifies the effect of current policies. The empirical results show that the energy–carbon performance of China’s transportation sector decreased annually by 1.636% during the study period. This reduction was mainly caused by a significant technology lag in the central area while primarily influenced by deterioration in efficiency in both the east and west. There is a distinct heterogeneity in technology across China’s three areas. Based on the findings, the paper closes with policy implications.  相似文献   

As the two large developing and populous countries, China and India face the dual challenges of economic development and climate change. Both of them are active in carbon emissions reduction, while India also bears the pressure of being “benchmarked” against China. With taking China and India as the sample of a comparative analysis, and the statistical value of a long sequence as the basic analysis data, based on the detailed analysis and comparison of carbon emissions history, the carbon emissions situation of the two countries from various dimensions including economic development, energy reserves and consumption, etc. were comparatively analyzed. The carbon intensity and energy structure after achieving the objectives were measured and compared by focusing on the carbon emissions reduction targets in China and India. The comparative results show that: China’s total carbon emissions are greater than India’s, but the growth rate of emissions, per capita emissions are significantly lower than India’s, while the carbon intensity decreases significantly faster than that of India. China has taken more efforts to make commitments to carbon reduction than India. With India’s energy structure adjustment, the situation will be gradually better than that in China.  相似文献   

吴斐  杨海娟  闫晓红 《地下水》2011,(1):102-105
虚拟水是当今水科学研究的热点,对解决水资源问题有着重要的影响.本文借助虚拟水概念,分析陕西省1990~2008年城乡消费结构,结果表明城乡消费结构变化影响虚拟水消费量,通过调整城乡消费结构可节约虚拟水消费量.  相似文献   

郭万里  王恒山  李瑞 《地质论评》2023,69(3):69031050-69031054
为适应国家发展改革的趋势,促进甘肃省地勘事业的可持续发展,探索出一套具有甘肃特色、适应当前市场经济体制的地勘业发展的“甘肃模式”。本文SWOT方法[指分析企业在整个市场环境中的机会(Opportunities)、风险(Threats)、优势(Strengths)、劣势(Weaknesses)]分析了甘肃省地勘事业在高质量发展道路上的现状、内外部环境和存在的优势、劣势、机遇及威胁,提出了甘肃地勘事业未来怎样顺应时代发展潮流,发挥优势、规避劣势、抓住机遇、迎接挑战的途径和策略。这对于甘肃地勘产业形成统一的有机体,产业结构相对合理、产业队伍相对稳定,产业内部协调有序运行,从而保持地勘经济持续增长具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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