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Coherent values of U, Th and K concentrations obtained by γ-spectrometry are recommended for 43 international rock reference samples.  相似文献   

Improved determinations of uranium and thorium by fission track and moderating neutron techniques are presented for the rock reference samples of the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) "Igneous rock series 1986". The non-homogenous distribution of uranium and thorium has been detected in the samples JF-1, JG-2 and JG-1a caused by the presence of highly radioactive accessory minerals.  相似文献   

TOPO萃取光度法连续测定地球化学样品中的铀和钍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铀、钍在地壳中的含量平均约3ppm至8ppm。地球化学探矿样品一般要求测定低于地壳平均值的含量,如1—2ppm的铀或钍。在一次分离的溶液中测定两个痕量元素是最可取的。Pollock在抗坏血酸存在下以硼酸掩蔽氟,用TOPO(三辛基氧膦)的环己烷溶液一次萃取铀  相似文献   

Analyses of the United States Geological Survey geochemical exploration reference samples (GXR) 1–6 are reported for 36 elements and compared with published values.  相似文献   

A new geochemical reference material, coral Porites sp. JCp-1 has been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ). Provisional values for twenty one major, minor and trace elements are presented. The homogeneity tests showed that all elements studied are considered to be homogeneously distributed.  相似文献   

同时测定地质样品中的钍和钾,可为放射性矿产资源勘探、天然放射性生态环境评价提供重要依据。对于钍,传统方法使用碱熔法分解试样分光光度法测定,此方法前处理冗长、复杂且不利于多元素的同时测定。而氧化钾一般采用酸溶法消解样品火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定,此方法测定浓度高的溶液需要稀释,检测效率较低。钍和氧化钾的分析涉及了两种配套方法。本文根据地质样品的化学成分特征,筛选出了用硝酸、氢氟酸和高氯酸为溶剂溶解样品,硝酸提取定容后,用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)分别在波长401.913nm和766.490nm处,采用径向观测方式同时测定了钍、氧化钾的含量。钍、氧化钾的标准曲线相关系数均大于0.999,方法检出限分别为0.69μg/g、0.008%,标准物质的测定值与认定值基本一致,二者的对数误差绝对值小于0.1,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=6)小于6.0%,加标回收率在96.0%~104.0%之间,符合《地质矿产实验室测试质量管理规范》的要求。  相似文献   

The uranium contents of 36 geological reference samples have been determined by fluorimetry after ion-exchange separation, and spectrophotometry using Arsenazo III after solvent extraction with tri-n-octylphosphine oxide. The agreement between present results and published data is generally good. The methods of fluorimetry and spectrophotometry proved very convenient in the determination of uranium in geological materials.  相似文献   

Routine XRF determination of 19 trace elements in 23 international standards using the method of Leake et al is examined. Agreement of results for 15 well-established international reference samples is generally good, showing that this method gives comparable results to other techniques. New trace element data using this method are presented for the 8 USGS III standards.  相似文献   

Nine reference materials, recently distributed by the Geological Survey of Japan (JA-1, JB-la, JB-2, JB-3, JG-la, JGb-1, JP-1, JR-1 and JR-2) have been analysed by instrumental neutron activation analysis using well proven experimental techniques. Results for the twenty elements determined (selected rare earth elements, Fe, Ba, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb, Sc, Ta, Th and U) are assessed for accuracy and precision and show good agreement with previously published data.  相似文献   

We determined chlorine contents in nine GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) reference materials (JB-1, 1a, 2, 3; JA-1, 2, 3; JR-1, 2) by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis, employing the standard addition method. Pressed powder disks of each reference material were used for neutron irradiation and gammaray measurement, after known quantities (25-200 μl) of sodium chloride solution were added. The influence of the nearby sodium peak overlap was checked, and fluctuations in the chlorine count rate were corrected using silicon as an internal standard. The slopes of calibration lines for seven reference materials (JB-1, 2, 3; JA-1, 2, 3; JR-2) and SiO2 powders fall within 5% error, and their chlorine values were obtained from the intercepts. Chlorine contents in JB-1 a and JR-1 were also determined by using the calibration lines. Our chlorine values ranged from 26.1 to 934 μg g-1, which agrees well with the previously reported values.  相似文献   

Geochemical Reference Samples, Drainage Sediment GSD 1 - 8 from China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A set of eight geochemical standard reference samples of stream sediments was prepared. The original purpose was to use these samples as primary standards for the data quality monitoring of a nation-wide regional geochemical survey program in China. But their use has been soon extended to other fields. Forty-one laboratories in China have joined in a collaborative venture to analyse these samples, using a variety of analytical procedures. Recommended values for over 50 trace and minor elements were derived by a method of repetitive elimination of outliers and calculation of central "tendency" from several central values.  相似文献   

In 1978, seven uranium ore reference samples were prepared by the Bureau of Uranium Geology (China). The processing of these samples, prepared in the range of 220–370 kg, is briefly presented along with their general chemical composition. Analytical procedures employed for the determination of U, Th and Ra are briefly discussed. Recommended values are proposed for U, Th and Ra in the seven reference samples.  相似文献   

为进行核地质分析实验室间比对,采集了南方硬岩和北方砂岩铀矿石样本,按照标准物质制备方法制备了2种铀矿地质样品(编号分别为Albriug-09、Albriug-10),其粒度为小于60μm,铀含量分别为497mg·kg~(-1)和935mg·kg~(-1)。对用于样品均匀性检验的时间分辨紫外脉冲光诱导荧光分析法(TRLIF)进行了分析性能有效性评价。TRLIF测定铀的检出限为0.09mg·kg~(-1),测定范围为0.27~1250mg·kg~(-1);当铀含量范围在4.6~514mg·kg~(-1)之间时,其精密度(RSD%)在9.6%~3.43%之间;当铀含量范围在1.7~514mg·kg~(-1)之间时,其正确度(RE%)在±16.3%~±0.2%之间。应用TRLIF对制备的样品进行了铀含量均匀性测试并采用单因子方差分析法进行了统计检验,其统计量F分别为0.61和0.76,均小于临界值F0.05(9,10)(3.02),表明制备的样品均匀性好,符合实验室间比对测定要求。  相似文献   

Experimental results for most rare-earth elements, yttrium and thorium in several international geological reference samples are presented and compared with other published values, where available. The analytical method used to obtain these results involved a preliminary concentration of the rare-earths On milligram quantities of iron as carrier for atomic-absorption, flame-emission and spectrophotometric determinations, or on milligram quantities of Fe2O3, Al2O3 and SiO2 as carriers for optical-emission spectrometric determination.  相似文献   

Two new geochemical reference materials, copper ore JCu-1 and zinc ore JZn-1 have been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) for the determination of major and minor elements and isotopic compositions. JCu-1 is a sample of Cu-bearing sulfide ore typical of the Kamaishi mine in Iwate Prefecture, Japan, and is composed mainly of hedenbergite, chalcopyrite, quartz and calcite. Pyrrhotite, magnetite and actinolitic amphibole were also commonly found. The Zn-rich ore, JZn-1 is a crude ore from the Kamioka Pb-Zn mine in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The sample consists of hedenbergite, quartz, calcite, sphalerite and epidote as main crystalline phase. Homogeneity test results showed that all studied constituents including ore elements such as Cu, Pb and Zn can be considered to be homogeneously distributed. Provisional collaborative analyses were carried out in ten laboratories, and the data were evaluated using a robust statistical method using z-scores. Recommended values for a number of major elements including TiO2, Al2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, Fe (total), Zn, Cu and Pb were established. In addition, information values for eighteen major, minor and trace elements are presented to support future collaborative analyses.  相似文献   

A modified isotope dilution technique is described which has resulted in significant reduction of the time required for the determination of alkali (K, Rh and Cs) and alkaline earth (Ba and Sr) elements. The precision and accuracy of the results are shown to be quite satisfactory in measurements on the geochemical reference samples G-2, BCR-1, AN-G, BE-N and MA-N.  相似文献   

The beryllium and zirconium contents of 45 geochemical reference samples have been determined by inductively coupled plasma after fusion of the samples with lithium metaborate and dissolution of the melt in dilute nitric acid. The method described here is rapid and sample preparation straightforward. Good agreement is shown with previously published results for these two elements. A correction has to be made for an interference due to vanadium in determining the beryllium content, and there is a slight interference due to yttrium in the determination of zirconium. The detection limit for beryllium is about 0.2 μg g-1 and for zirconium about 15 μg g-1 in the sample.  相似文献   

A series of rock reference samples have been analyzed for Ag, Cd and Pb. All elements were determined from a single digest using a method involving solvent extraction and flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry.  相似文献   

夏飞勇  焦养泉  荣辉  吴立群  朱强  万璐璐 《地球科学》2019,44(12):4235-4251
沉积物的地球化学成分在沉积岩物源分析及构造背景的研究中具有重要的作用.对研究区4口钻孔中的姚家组砂岩进行了详细的岩石学和地球化学研究,结果显示,砂岩碎屑颗粒石英含量最高,长石次之,岩屑含量最低,平均值分别为42%、37%和21%,具有锆石+钛磁铁矿+石榴子石的重矿物组合,反映源岩以酸性岩浆岩或变质岩为主,Dickinson判别图解表明物源主要来自于大陆物源区;姚家组砂岩的稀土元素以轻稀土富集、重稀土平坦、中度铕负异常为特征.砂岩CIA值为52.02~60.16,平均值为56.69,反映了干燥气候背景下弱的化学风化作用.源岩属性判别图解表明源岩为再旋回的古老沉积物及长英质火山岩.主量、微量和稀土元素的构造背景判别图解综合表明姚家组砂岩物源区为被动大陆边缘构造环境,结合区域构造演化,认为姚家组砂岩的物源为华北克拉通北缘燕山陆内造山带发育的火山-沉积岩系.   相似文献   

红石泉矿床位于龙首山铀成矿带的西段,是我国发现的最为典型的伟晶岩型铀矿床,具有岩体型矿化的特点,铀矿化发育于伟晶岩体内部和接触混染带内。通过对含矿主岩伟晶岩进行系统研究表明,红石泉矿床中铀以晶质铀矿、沥青铀矿和铀黑形式存在。在中条造山运动晚期(1 735±67) Ma形成初始铀矿化,并在海西期(356±46) Ma部分矿石发生了热液叠加改造。早期岩浆成矿阶段主要形成晶质铀矿,晚期热液叠加改造阶段主要形成沥青铀矿,并发育了与芨岭钠交代型铀矿床相似的"四位一体"蚀变组合,热液改造过程是一个去K、增Na的过程。  相似文献   

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