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Benoît Noyelles 《Icarus》2010,207(2):887-902
The saturnian coorbital satellites Janus and Epimetheus present a unique dynamical configuration in the Solar System, because of high-amplitude horseshoe orbits, due to a mass ratio of order unity. As a consequence, they swap their orbits every 4 years, while their orbital periods is about 0.695 days. Recently, Tiscareno et al. (Tiscareno, M.S., Thomas, P.C., Burns, J.A. [2009]. Icarus 204, 254-261) got observational informations on the shapes and the rotational states of these satellites. In particular, they detected an offset in the expected equilibrium position of Janus, and a large libration of Epimetheus.We here propose to give a three-dimensional theory of the rotation of these satellites in using these observed data, and to compare it to the observed rotations. We consider the two satellites as triaxial rigid bodies, and we perform numerical integrations of the system in assuming the free librations as damped.The periods of the three free librations we get, associated with the three dimensions, are respectively 1.267, 2.179 and 2.098 days for Janus, and 0.747, 1.804 and 5.542 days for Epimetheus. The proximity of 0.747 days to the orbital period causes a high sensitivity of the librations of Epimetheus to the moments of inertia. Our theory explains the amplitude of the librations of Janus and the error bars of the librations of Epimetheus, but not an observed offset in the orientation of Janus.  相似文献   

Epimetheus, a small moon of Saturn, has a rotational libration (an oscillation about synchronous rotation) of 5.9°±1.2°, placing Epimetheus in the company of Earth’s Moon and Mars’ Phobos as the only natural satellites for which forced rotational libration has been detected. The forced libration is caused by the satellite’s slightly eccentric orbit and non-spherical shape.Detection of a moon’s forced libration allows us to probe its interior by comparing the measured amplitude to that predicted by a shape model assuming constant density. A discrepancy between the two would indicate internal density asymmetries. For Epimetheus, the uncertainties in the shape model are large enough to account for the measured libration amplitude. For Janus, on the other hand, although we cannot rule out synchronous rotation, a permanent offset of several degrees between Janus’ minimum moment of inertia (long axis) and the equilibrium sub-Saturn point may indicate that Janus does have modest internal density asymmetries.The rotation states of Janus and Epimetheus experience a perturbation every 4 years, as the two moons “swap” orbits. The sudden change in the orbital periods produces a free libration about synchronous rotation that is subsequently damped by internal friction. We calculate that this free libration is small in amplitude (<0.1°) and decays quickly (a few weeks, at most), and is thus below the current limits for detection using Cassini images.  相似文献   

Two families of symmetric periodic orbits of the planar, general, three-body problem are presented. The masses of the three bodies include ratios equal to the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system and the periods of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn are in a 25 resonance. The (linear) stability of the orbits are studied in relation to eccentricity and mass variations. The generation of the two families of periodic orbits follows a systematic approach and employs (numerical) continuation from periodic orbits of the first and second kind in the circular restricted problem to the elliptic restricted problem and from the circular and elliptic problems to the general problem through bifurcation phenomena relating the three dynamical systems. The approach also provides insight into the evolutionary process of periodic orbits continued from the restricted problems to the general problem.  相似文献   

We have obtained numerically integrated orbits for Saturn's coorbital satellites, Janus and Epimetheus, together with Saturn's F-ring shepherding satellites, Prometheus and Pandora. The orbits are fit to astrometric observations acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope and from Earth-based observatories and to imaging data acquired from the Voyager spacecraft. The observations cover the 38 year period from the 1966 Saturn ring plane crossing to the spring of 2004. In the process of determining the orbits we have found masses for all four satellites. The densities derived from the masses for Janus, Epimetheus, Prometheus, and Pandora in units of g cm−3 are , , , and , respectively.  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft collects high resolution images of the Saturnian satellites and reveals the surface of these new worlds. Tiscareno et?al. succeeded to determine the Epimetheus rotation from the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem data, initiating studies on the rotation of Epimetheus and its companion Janus (Tiscareno et?al., Icarus 204:254?C261, 2009; Noyelles, Icarus 207:887?C902, 2010; Robutel et?al., Icarus 211:758?C769, 2011). Especially, Epimetheus is characterized by its horseshoe shape orbit and the presence of the swap has to be introduced explicitly into rotational models. During its journey in the Saturnian system, Cassini spacecraft accumulates the observational data of the other satellites and it will be possible to determine the rotational parameters of several of them. To prepare these future observations, we built rotational models of the coorbital (also called Trojan) satellites Telesto, Calypso, Helene, and Polydeuces, in addition to Janus and Epimetheus. Indeed, Telesto and Calypso orbit around the L 4 and L 5 Lagrange points of Saturn-Tethys while Helene and Polydeuces are coorbital of Dione. The goal of this study is to understand how the departure from the Keplerian motion induced by the perturbations of the coorbital body, influences the rotation of these satellites. To this aim, we introduce explicitly the perturbation in the rotational equations by using the formalism developed by érdi (Celest Mech 15:367?C383, 1977) to represent the coorbital motions, and so we describe the rotational motion of the coorbitals, Janus and Epimetheus included, in compact form.  相似文献   

We explore the effect of oblateness of Saturn (more massive primary) on the periodic orbits and the regions of quasi-periodic motion around both the primaries in the Saturn-Titan system in the framework of planar circular restricted three-body problem. First order interior and exterior mean motion resonances are located. The effect of oblateness is studied on the location, nature and size of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits, using the numerical technique of Poincare surface of sections. Some of the periodic orbits change to quasi-periodic orbits due to the effect of oblateness and vice-versa. The stability of the orbits around Saturn, Titan and both varies with the inclusion of oblateness. The centers of the periodic orbits around Titan move towards Saturn, whereas those around Saturn move towards Titan. For the orbit around Titan at C=2.9992, x=0.959494, the apocenter becomes pericenter. By incorporating oblateness effect, the orbit around Titan at C=2.99345, x=0.924938 is captured by Saturn, remains in various trajectories around Saturn, and as time progresses it spirals away around both the primaries.  相似文献   

The planetary dynamics of 4/3, 3/2, 5/2, 3/1 and 4/1 mean motion resonances is studied by using the model of the general three body problem in a rotating frame and by determining families of periodic orbits for each resonance. Both planar and spatial cases are examined. In the spatial problem, families of periodic orbits are obtained after analytical continuation of vertical critical orbits. The linear stability of orbits is also examined. Concerning initial conditions nearby stable periodic orbits, we obtain long-term planetary stability, while unstable orbits are associated with chaotic evolution that destabilizes the planetary system. Stable periodic orbits are of particular importance in planetary dynamics, since they can host real planetary systems. We found stable orbits up to 60° of mutual planetary inclination, but in most families, the stability does not exceed 20°–30°, depending on the planetary mass ratio. Most of these orbits are very eccentric. Stable inclined circular orbits or orbits of low eccentricity were found in the 4/3 and 5/2 resonance, respectively.  相似文献   

The nominal tour of the Cassini mission enabled the first spectra and solar phase curves of the small inner satellites of Saturn. We present spectra from the Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) and the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) that span the 0.25-5.1 μm spectral range. The composition of Atlas, Pandora, Janus, Epimetheus, Calypso, and Telesto is primarily water ice, with a small amount (∼5%) of contaminant, which most likely consists of hydrocarbons. The optical properties of the “shepherd” satellites and the coorbitals are tied to the A-ring, while those of the Tethys Lagrangians are tied to the E-ring of Saturn. The color of the satellites becomes progressively bluer with distance from Saturn, presumably from the increased influence of the E-ring; Telesto is as blue as Enceladus. Janus and Epimetheus have very similar spectra, although the latter appears to have a thicker coating of ring material. For at least four of the satellites, we find evidence for the spectral line at 0.68 μm that Vilas et al. [Vilas, F., Larsen, S.M., Stockstill, K.R., Gaffley, M.J., 1996. Icarus 124, 262-267] attributed to hydrated iron minerals on Iapetus and Hyperion. However, it is difficult to produce a spectral mixing model that includes this component. We find no evidence for CO2 on any of the small satellites. There was a sufficient excursion in solar phase angle to create solar phase curves for Janus and Telesto. They bear a close similarity to the solar phase curves of the medium-sized inner icy satellites. Preliminary spectral modeling suggests that the contaminant on these bodies is not the same as the exogenously placed low-albedo material on Iapetus, but is rather a native material. The lack of CO2 on the small inner satellites also suggests that their low-albedo material is distinct from that on Iapetus, Phoebe, and Hyperion.  相似文献   

We study orbits of planetary systems with two planets, for planar motion, at the 1/1 resonance. This means that the semimajor axes of the two planets are almost equal, but the eccentricities and the position of each planet on its orbit, at a certain epoch, take different values. We consider the general case of different planetary masses and, as a special case, we consider equal planetary masses. We start with the exact resonance, which we define as the 1/1 resonant periodic motion, in a rotating frame, and study the topology of the phase space and the long term evolution of the system in the vicinity of the exact resonance, by rotating the orbit of the outer planet, which implies that the resonance and the eccentricities are not affected, but the symmetry is destroyed. There exist, for each mass ratio of the planets, two families of symmetric periodic orbits, which differ in phase only. One is stable and the other is unstable. In the stable family the planetary orbits are in antialignment and in the unstable family the planetary orbits are in alignment. Along the stable resonant family there is a smooth transition from planetary orbits of the two planets, revolving around the Sun in eccentric orbits, to a close binary of the two planets, whose center of mass revolves around the Sun. Along the unstable family we start with a collinear Euler–Moulton central configuration solution and end to a planetary system where one planet has a circular orbit and the other a Keplerian rectilinear orbit, with unit eccentricity. It is conjectured that due to a migration process it could be possible to start with a 1/1 resonant periodic orbit of the planetary type and end up to a satellite-type orbit, or vice versa, moving along the stable family of periodic orbits.  相似文献   

The stability of an imaginary planet located in the present main asteroid belt is studied with a 7-body model (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the imaginary planet). The fourth-order Hermite algorithm P(EC)3 is used, which has a very small secular energy error for the integration of periodic orbits with a constant time-step. The evolution of orbits is followed up to 108 years. Our numerical results show that the low-order resonances with Jupiter can enhance the stability of the imaginary planet in some cases. The survival probability of the imaginary planet decreases with the planet mass. The upper limit of the imaginary planet's mass that can survive in the main belt is around 1025 kg, i.e., about the Earth's mass.  相似文献   

In the general three-body problem, in a rotating frame of reference, a symmetric periodic solution with a binary collision is determined by the abscissa of one body and the energy of the system. For different values of the masses of the three bodies, the symmetric periodic collision orbits form a two-parametric family. In the case of equal masses of the two bodies and small mass of the third body, we found several symmetric periodic collision orbits similar to the corresponding orbits in the restricted three-body problem. Starting with one symmetric periodic collision orbit we obtained two families of such orbits. Also starting with one collision orbit in the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system we obtained, for a constant value of the mass ratio of two bodies, a family of symmetric periodic collision orbits.  相似文献   

A systematic numerical exploration of the families of asymmetric periodic orbits of the restricted three-body problem when a) the primary bodies are equal and b) for the Earth-Moon mass ratio, is presented. Decades families of asymmetric periodic solutions were found and three of the simplest ones, in the first case, and ten of the second one are illustrated. All of these families consist of periodic orbits which are asymmetric with respect to x-axis while are simple symmetric periodic orbits with respect to y-axis (i.e. the orbit has only one perpendicular intersection at half period with y-axis). Many asymmetric periodic orbits, members of these families, are calculated and plotted. We studied the stability of all the asymmetric periodic orbits we found. These families consist, mainly, of unstable periodic solutions but there exist very small, with respect to x, intervals where these families have stable periodic orbits. We also found, using appropriate Poincaré surface of sections, that a relatively large region of phase space extended around all these stable asymmetric periodic orbits shows chaotic motion.  相似文献   

In this paper, families of simple symmetric and non-symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted four-body problem are presented. Three bodies of masses m 1, m 2 and m 3 (primaries) lie always at the apices of an equilateral triangle, while each moves in circle about the center of mass of the system fixed at the origin of the coordinate system. A massless fourth body is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of the primaries. The fourth body does not affect the motion of the three bodies. We investigate the evolution of these families and we study their linear stability in three cases, i.e. when the three primary bodies are equal, when two primaries are equal and finally when we have three unequal masses. Series, with respect to the mass m 3, of critical periodic orbits as well as horizontal and vertical-critical periodic orbits of each family and in any case of the mass parameters are also calculated.  相似文献   

We consider the scattering motion of the planar restricted three-body problem with two equal masses on a circular orbit. Using the methods of chaotic scattering we present results on the structure of scattering functions. Their connection with primitive periodic orbits and the underlying chaotic saddle are studied. Numerical evidence is presented which suggests that in some intervals of the Jacobi integral the system is hyperbolic. The Smale horseshoe found there is built from a countable infinite number of primitive periodic orbits, where the parabolic orbits play a fundamental role.  相似文献   

The recently discovered coorbital satellites of Saturn, 1980S1 and 1980S3, are shown to be librating in horseshoe orbits. By considering the effects of tangential forces on the semimajor axes of the satellite orbits, we derive an accurate relation between the sum of the satellite masses and (a) their minimum angular separation, (b) the variation of their angular separation with time and (c) the libration period. Observations of (b) and (c) are the most practical methods of determining the satellite masses. The orbits of the coorbital satellites of Dione and Tethys are discussed. We demonstrate the possibility of calculating a new value for the mass of Dione and we show that one of the coorbital satellites of Tethys could be moving in a horseshoe orbit even though another satellite is librating in a tadpole orbit about the leading Lagrangian equilibrium point L4. The origin of coorbital satellites and the stability of their orbits are discussed.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits associated with the triangular equilibrium points L 4 and L 5, in the gravitational and the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these critical points, are also presented. Hundreds of asymptotic orbits for equal mass of the primaries and for various values of the radiation pressure are computed and the most interesting of them are illustrated. In the Copenhagen case, which the problem is symmetric with respect to the x- and y-axis, we found and present non-symmetric heteroclinic asymptotic orbits. So pairs of heteroclinic connections (from L 4 to L 5 and vice versa) form non-symmetric heteroclinic cycles. The termination orbits (a combination of two asymptotic orbits) of all the simple families of symmetric periodic orbits, in the Copenhagen case, are illustrated.  相似文献   

We locate members of an important category of periodic orbits in the Newtonian four-body problem. These systems perform an interplay motion similar to that of the periodic three-body orbit discovered by Schubart. Such orbits, when stable, have been shown to be a key feature and influence on the dynamics of few-body systems. We consider the restricted case where the masses are collinear and are distributed symmetrically about their centre of mass. A family of orbits is generated from the known (three-dimensionally) unstable equal masses case by varying the mass ratio, whilst maintaining the symmetry. The stability of these orbits to perturbation is studied using linear stability analysis, analytical approximation of limiting cases and nonlinear simulation. We answer the natural question: are there any stable periodic orbits of this kind? Three ranges of the mass ratio are found to have stable orbits and three ranges have unstable orbits for three-dimensional motion. The systems closely resemble their three-body counterparts. Here the family of interplay orbits is simpler requiring just one parameter to characterise the mass ratio. Our results provide a further insight into three-body orbits studied previously.  相似文献   

We apply a numerical searching method to investigate three-dimensional periodic orbits of charged dust particles in planetary magnetospheres. A classic generalized Stormer model of magnetic planets along with the parameters of Saturn is employed. More periodic orbits are found, besides the already known circular periodic orbits in or parallel to the equatorial plane. We divide all these orbits into six categories based on their appearances. By calculating the characteristic multipliers of the orbits, we investigate the stabilities of these periodic orbits.  相似文献   

An analytical model that describes the evolution of ring particles that are co-orbital with two larger bodies on near-circular and near-planar orbits has been formulated. This can be used to estimate the lifetime of the particles within the ring. All the examples investigated, such as the Janus-Epimetheus (JE) system, indicate that the particles should be removed from the co-orbital region within half a synodic period (∼4 years for JE). Numerical modelling confirms the predictions of the model. When the masses are on eccentric orbits the particles remain within the co-orbital system for longer. Our results suggest that the ring associated with Janus and Epimetheus must be continually fed with material, probably by meteoroid impacts on the two satellites.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Sitnikov family of straight-line motions of the circular restricted three-body problem, viewed as generator of families of three-dimensional periodic orbits. We study the linear stability of the family, determine several new critical orbits at which families of three dimensional periodic orbits of the same or double period bifurcate and present an extensive numerical exploration of the bifurcating families. In the case of the same period bifurcations, 44 families are determined. All these families are computed for equal as well as for nearly equal primaries (μ = 0.5, μ = 0.4995). Some of the bifurcating families are determined for all values of the mass parameter μ for which they exist. Examples of families of three dimensional periodic orbits bifurcating from the Sitnikov family at double period bifurcations are also given. These are the only families of three-dimensional periodic orbits presented in the paper which do not terminate with coplanar orbits and some of them contain stable parts. By contrast, all families bifurcating at single-period bifurcations consist entirely of unstable orbits and terminate with coplanar orbits.  相似文献   

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