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We investigate the nonlinear growth stages of the bending instability in stellar disks with exponential radial density profiles. We found that the unstable modes are global (the wavelengths are larger than the disk scale lengths) and that the instability saturation level is much higher than that following from a linear criterion. The instability saturation time scales are of the order of one billion years or more. For this reason, the bending instability can play an important role in the secular heating of a stellar disk in the z direction. In an extensive series of numerical N-body simulations with a high spatial resolution, we were able to scan in detail the space of key parameters (the initial disk thickness z0, the Toomre parameter Q, and the ratio of dark halo mass to disk mass Mh/Md). We revealed three distinct mechanisms of disk heating in the z direction: bending instability of the entire disk, bending instability of the bar, and heating on vertical inhomogeneities in the distribution of stellar matter.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have constructed the cosmological model of the universe in f(RT) theory of gravity in a Bianchi type \(\mathrm{VI}_h\) universe for the functional f(RT) in the form \(f(R,T)=\mu R+\mu T\), where R and T are respectively Ricci scalar and trace of energy momentum tensor and \(\mu \) is a constant. We have made use of the hyperbolic scale factor to find the physical parameters and metric potentials defined in the space-time. The physical parameters are constrained from different representative values to build up a realistic cosmological model aligned with the observational behaviour. The state finder diagnostic pair is found to be in the acceptable range. The energy conditions of the model are also studied.  相似文献   

We supplement the following result of C. Marchal on the Newtonian N-body problem: A path minimizing the Lagrangian action functional between two given configurations is always a true (collision-free) solution when the dimension d of the physical space \({\mathbb {R}}^d\) satisfies \(d\ge 2\). The focus of this paper is on the fixed-ends problem for the one-dimensional Newtonian N-body problem. We prove that a path minimizing the action functional in the set of paths joining two given configurations and having all the time the same order is always a true (collision-free) solution. Considering the one-dimensional N-body problem with equal masses, we prove that (i) collision instants are isolated for a path minimizing the action functional between two given configurations, (ii) if the particles at two endpoints have the same order, then the path minimizing the action functional is always a true (collision-free) solution and (iii) when the particles at two endpoints have different order, although there must be collisions for any path, we can prove that there are at most \(N! - 1\) collisions for any action-minimizing path.  相似文献   

The instability of anisotropic disk systems with elongated stellar orbits has been investigated. N-body generalized polytropic models of stellar disks have been constructed. They are shown to be unstable with respect to the bar formation at any degree of anisotropy. This result differs from the results of the studies of such models by other authors. The bar pattern speed and amplitude have been found. The initial distribution of precession rates and the adiabatic invariants of stellar orbits have been calculated. A bar is shown to be formed in such systems due to the radial orbit instability.  相似文献   

The gravitational interaction between two objects on similar orbits can effect noticeable changes in the orbital evolution even if the ratio of their masses to that of the central body is vanishingly small. Christou (Icarus 174:215–229, 2005) observed an occasional resonant lock in the differential node \(\varDelta \varOmega \) between two members in the Himalia irregular satellite group of Jupiter in the N-body simulations (corresponding mass ratio \(\sim 10^{-9}\)). Using a semianalytical approach, we have reproduced this phenomenon. We also demonstrate the existence of two additional types of resonance, involving angle differences \(\varDelta \omega \) and \(\varDelta (\varOmega +\varpi )\) between two group members. These resonances cause secular oscillations in eccentricity and/or inclination on timescales \(\sim \)1 Myr. We locate these resonances in (aei) space and analyse their topological structure. In subsequent N-body simulations, we confirm these three resonances and find a fourth one involving \(\varDelta \varpi \). In addition, we study the occurrence rates and the stability of the four resonances from a statistical perspective by integrating 1000 test particles for 100 Myr. We find \(\sim \)10 to 30 librators for each of the resonances. Particularly, the nodal resonance found by Christou is the most stable: 2 particles are observed to stay in libration for the entire integration.  相似文献   

We have studied the evolution of cosmological parameters by considering exponential harmonic field with collisional matter. A comparison has been made with the behavior of these parameters in the presence of ordinary matter and the model \(\Lambda CDM\). We have also compared the evolution of these parameters with the ones obtained in the modified gravity f(R) and f(RT) theory case. The results are in line with those of the modified gravity so that the harmonic exponential field can be used to explain why the Universe has gone from the deceleration phase to the acceleration phase.  相似文献   

The saturation conditions for bending modes in inhomogeneous thin stellar disks that follow from an analysis of the dispersion relation are compared with those derived from N-body simulations. In the central regions of inhomogeneous disks, the reserve of disk strength against the growth of bending instability is smaller than that for a homogeneous layer. The spheroidal component (a dark halo, a bulge) is shown to have a stabilizing effect. The latter turns out to depend not only on the total mass of the spherical component, but also on the degree of mass concentration toward the center. We conclude that the presence of a compact (not necessarily massive) bulge in spiral galaxies may prove to be enough to suppress the bending perturbations that increase the disk thickness. This conclusion is corroborated by our N-body simulations in which we simulated the evolution of near-equilibrium, but unstable finite-thickness disks in the presence of spheroidal components. The final disk thickness at the same total mass of the spherical component (dark halo + bulge) was found to be much smaller than that in the simulations where a concentrated bulge is present.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to construct a trial Qμ(l) distribution in the silicate mantle of Mars. With the allowance for the fact that on the PT plane the Earth’s geotherm is close to the distribution of areotherms, it was concluded that Qμ(l) should be distributed in the Martian interior topologically close to the Qμ(l) distribution in the Earth. The initial distribution was specified by the four-layer piecewise-constant distribution from the QML9 model. An important step was to select the power index in the frequency dependence of Qμ. Based on the laboratory data and on the experience of studying this problem for the Earth, n was specified in the interval 0.1–0.3. It was found that with the conversion of the initial distribution to the orbital period of Phobos around Mars, which is the only constraint for the problem derived from the observations, this distribution agrees reasonably well with the observational data at n = 0.1.  相似文献   

Three three-component (bulge, disk, halo) model Galactic gravitational potentials differing by the expression for the dark matter halo are considered. The central (bulge) and disk components are described by the Miyamoto–Nagai expressions. The Allen–Santillán (I), Wilkinson–Evans (II), and Navarro–Frenk–White (III) models are used to describe the halo. A set of present-day observational data in the range of Galactocentric distances R from 0 to 200 kpc is used to refine the parameters of thesemodels. For the Allen–Santillán model, a dimensionless coefficient γ has been included as a sought-for parameter for the first time. In the traditional and modified versions, γ = 2.0 and 6.3, respectively. Both versions are considered in this paper. The model rotation curves have been fitted to the observed velocities by taking into account the constraints on the local matter density ρ = 0.1 M pc?3 and the force K z =1.1/2πG = 77 M pc?2 acting perpendicularly to the Galactic plane. The Galactic mass within a sphere of radius 50 kpc, M G (R ≤ 50 kpc) ≈ (0.41 ± 0.12) × 1012 M , is shown to satisfy all three models. The differences between the models become increasingly significant with increasing radius R. In model I, the Galactic mass within a sphere of radius 200 kpc at γ = 2.0 turns out to be greatest among the models considered, M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (1.45 ±0.30)× 1012 M , M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (1.29± 0.14)× 1012 M at γ = 6.3, and the smallest value has been found in model II, M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (0.61 ± 0.12) × 1012 M . In our view, model III is the best one among those considered, because it ensures the smallest residual between the data and the constructed model rotation curve provided that the constraints on the local parameters hold with a high accuracy. Here, the Galactic mass is M G (R ≤ 200 kpc) = (0.75 ± 0.19) × 1012 M . A comparative analysis with the models by Irrgang et al. (2013), including those using the integration of orbits for the two globular clusters NGC 104 and NGC 1851 as an example, has been performed. The third model is shown to have subjected to a significant improvement.  相似文献   

Two quasars SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 and J030642.51+185315.8 with redshifts z = 6.30 and z = 5.363 were recently discovered. Their apparent magnitudes in the standard cosmological model give the luminosities of Lbol ~ 4.3 × 1014L and Lbol ~ 3.4 × 1014L. In the framework of modern concepts it is accepted that the energy release of quasars is provided by the accretion onto black holes with masses of 1.24 ± 0.19 × 1010M and 1.07 ± 0.27 × 1010M. As within the standard cosmological model the ages of these objects are about one billion years, this creates serious difficulties for the scenario of formation of such objects. Here we interpret the ultra-high luminosities of quasars as the effect of lensing of their radiation by the foreground globular clusters or dwarf galaxies.  相似文献   

We analyze the families of central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with four masses equal to 1 when the fifth mass m varies from 0 to \(+\infty \). In particular we continue numerically, taking m as a parameter, the central configurations (which all are symmetric) of the restricted spatial (\(4+1\))-body problem with four equal masses and \(m=0\) to the spatial 5-body problem with equal masses (i.e. \(m=1\)), and viceversa we continue the symmetric central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with five equal masses to the restricted (\(4+1\))-body problem with four equal masses. Additionally we continue numerically the symmetric central configurations of the spatial 5-body problem with four equal masses starting with \(m=1\) and ending in \(m=+\infty \), improving the results of Alvarez-Ramírez et al. (Discrete Contin Dyn Syst Ser S 1: 505–518, 2008). We find four bifurcation values of m where the number of central configuration changes. We note that the central configurations of all continued families varying m from 0 to \(+\infty \) are symmetric.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the elliptic collinear solutions of the classical n-body problem, where the n bodies always stay on a straight line, and each of them moves on its own elliptic orbit with the same eccentricity. Such a motion is called an elliptic Euler–Moulton collinear solution. Here we prove that the corresponding linearized Hamiltonian system at such an elliptic Euler–Moulton collinear solution of n-bodies splits into \((n-1)\) independent linear Hamiltonian systems, the first one is the linearized Hamiltonian system of the Kepler 2-body problem at Kepler elliptic orbit, and each of the other \((n-2)\) systems is the essential part of the linearized Hamiltonian system at an elliptic Euler collinear solution of a 3-body problem whose mass parameter is modified. Then the linear stability of such a solution in the n-body problem is reduced to those of the corresponding elliptic Euler collinear solutions of the 3-body problems, which for example then can be further understood using numerical results of Martínez et al. on 3-body Euler solutions in 2004–2006. As an example, we carry out the detailed derivation of the linear stability for an elliptic Euler–Moulton solution of the 4-body problem with two small masses in the middle.  相似文献   

We developed a generic formalism to estimate the event rate and the redshift distribution of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) in our previous publication (Bera et al. 2016), considering FRBs are of an extragalactic origin. In this paper, we present (a) the predicted pulse widths of FRBs by considering two different scattering models, (b) the minimum total energy required to detect events, (c) the redshift distribution and (d) the detection rates of FRBs for the Ooty Wide Field Array (OWFA). The energy spectrum of FRBs is modelled as a power law with an exponent ?α and our analysis spans a range ?3≤α≤5. We find that OWFA will be capable of detecting FRBs with α≥0. The redshift distribution and the event rates of FRBs are estimated by assuming two different energy distribution functions; a Delta function and a Schechter luminosity function with an exponent ?2≤γ≤2. We consider an empirical scattering model based on pulsar observations (model I) as well as a theoretical model (model II) expected for the intergalactic medium. The redshift distributions peak at a particular redshift z p for a fixed value of α, which lie in the range 0.3≤z p ≤1 for the scattering model I and remain flat and extend up to high redshifts (z?5) for the scattering model II.  相似文献   

We studied plane symmetric cosmological model in the presence of quark and strange quark matter with the help of f(R, T) theory. To decipher solutions of plane symmetric space-time, we used power law relation between scale factor and deceleration parameter. We considered the special law of variation of Hubble’s parameter proposed by Berman (Nuovo Cimento B74, 182, 1983) which yields constant deceleration parameter. We also discussed the physical behavior of the solutions by using some physical parameters.  相似文献   

An improved version of the 3D stellar reddening map in a space with a radius of 1200 pc around the Sun and within 600 pc of the Galactic midplane is presented. As in the previous 2010 and 2012 versions of the map, photometry with an accuracy better than 0.05 m in the J and Ks bands for more than 70 million stars from the 2MASS catalogue is used in the new version. However, the data reduction technique is considerably more complicated. As before, an analysis of the distribution of stars near the main-sequence turnoff on the (J ? Ks)?Ks diagram, where they form a distribution maximum, provides a basis for the method. The shift of this maximum, i.e., the mode (J ? Ks), along (J ? Ks) and Ks, given the spatial variations of the mean dereddened color (J ? Ks)0 of these stars, is interpreted as a growth of the reddening with increasing distance. The main distinction of the new method is that instead of the fixed mean absolute magnitude, dereddened color, distance, and reddening for each cell, the individual values of these quantities are calculated for each star by iterations when solving the system of equations relating them. This has allowed one to increase the random accuracy of the map to 0.01 m and its spatial resolution to 20 pc in coordinates and distance and to 1° in longitude and latitude. Comparison with other reddening estimates for the same spatial cells and Gaia DR1 TGAS stars shows that the constructed map is one of the best maps for the space under consideration. Its systematic errors have been estimated to be σ(E(J ? Ks)) = 0.025 m , or σ(E(B ? V)) = 0.04 m . The main purpose of the map is to analyze the characteristics of Galactic structures, clouds, and cloud complexes. For this purpose, the reddening map within each spatial cell has also been computed by analyzing the reddening along each line of sight.  相似文献   

During the GRIF experiment onboard the Mir orbiting station, the sky was monitored with a PX-2 wide-field (~1 sr) scintillation X-ray spectrometer to detect bursts in the photon energy range 10–300 keV. Because of the comprehensive instrumentation, which, apart from the X-ray and gamma-ray instruments, also included charged-particle detectors, the imitations of astrophysical bursts by magnetospheric electron precipitations and strongly ionizing nuclei were effectively filtered out. It was also possible to separate solar and atmospheric events. Several tens of bursts interpreted as being astrophysical were detected in the experiment at sensitivity levels S~10?7 erg cm?2 (for bursts whose spectra were characterized by effective temperatures kT~100 keV) and S~3×10?8 erg cm?2 (for bursts with kT~25 keV). Some of the soft gamma-ray or hard X-ray bursts with kT~10–50 keV were identified with the bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28. Our estimate of the detection rate for cosmological soft gamma-ray or hard X-ray bursts from the entire sky suggests that the distributions of long-duration (>1 s) gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in characteristic energy kT and duration are inconsistent with the steady-state cosmological model in which the evolution of burst sources is disregarded. Based on GRIF and BATSE/CGRO data, we conclude that most of the GRB sources originate at redshifts 1<z<5.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the model with a new type of interaction between generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) and dark matter. It is shown that there exists a stable scaling attractor, which provides the possibility to alleviate the coincidence problem. The equation of state (EoS) of GCG approaches the attractor phase from either w g >?1 or w g w g w g w g >?1), and next cross again the phantom divide (the transition from w g >?1 to w g Q can change its sign from Q<0 to Q>0 as the universe expands, which is different from the usual interaction. Moreover, we investigate the model from statefinder viewpoint. The statefinder diagnostic can not only discriminate the model with different coupling constant but also distinguish the model from other dark energy models.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of published data on exposure ages of iron meteorites determined with the 40K/K method (T K) and ages calculated using short-lived cosmogenic radionuclides (with the half-life T 1/2 < 1 Myr) in combination with stable cosmogenic isotopes of noble gases (TRS), the following results have been obtained. (1) The distribution of T RS ages (106 values) has an exponential shape, similar to that for ordinary chondrites, but different from the distribution of T K ages (80 values). The difference is most likely due to small amounts of data for meteorites with low T K ages (less than ~200–300 Myr). The latter can be ascribed to the difficulty of measurement of small concentrations of cosmogenic potassium isotopes. This circumstance makes the selection of meteorites with 40K/K ages nonrepresentative and casts doubt on the correctness of conclusions about the variations of the intensity of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) based on the analysis of distribution of these ages. (2) The magnitude of the known effect (systematic overestimation of T K ages in comparison with T RS ages) has been refined. The value k = T K/T RS = 1.51 ± 0.03 is acquired for the whole population of data. We have shown the inefficiency of the explanation of this effect on account of an exponential change in the GCR intensity (I T ) with time (T) according to the relation I T = I 0exp(–γT) over the whole range of ages of iron meteorites. (3) In order to explain the overestimation of T K ages in comparison with T RS ages, a model has been proposed, according to which the GCR intensity has exponentially increased in the interval of 0–1500 Myr governed by the relation: I T = I T = 1500 (1 + αexp(–βT)). For one of the variants of this model, the GCR intensity has exponentially increased by a factor of two only over the recent ~300 Myr, remaining approximately constant for the rest of the time. The data acquired with the use of this model indicate that the measured T K ages are close to the actual time that the meteorites existed in space; the data are in agreement with the observed exponential distribution of T RS ages.  相似文献   

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