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电渗析脱盐时威尔逊公式修正的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文列举了铝制品洗白碱性废水[1]、海水第二脱盐段①和人工配制NaCl水溶液②三种水质,采用伏-安法测定权限电流密度后,用三步作图法,分别求出威尔逊修正式中的系数K,浓度指数m和流速指数n,建立了威尔逊修正公式的新模式:I_(lim_=KC~mC~(a+bc)本模式适用于组份复杂、浓度变化范围大的水溶液体系。用该模式计算的极限电流密度值与实验测定值之间的偏差在±10%之内,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   

The chemical speciation of copper in the estuarine waters of the Vigo Ria was determined by titrations with salicylaldoxime (reverse copper titrations) and with copper (forward titrations). The forward titrations quantified the concentrations of ligands present in excess whereas the reverse titrations demonstrated the presence of low concentrations of very strong binding ligands, approximately matching the copper concentration. The data obtained by the reverse titrations indicated that copper was about 10× stronger bound than data based on the usual forward titrations.The copper concentration in these ria waters was low at 5 nM with a minor mid-estuarine maximum of 8 nM. These copper levels are amongst the lowest reported for estuarine waters and therefore represent uncontaminated waters. The concentration of inorganic copper was very low across the ria at  10–100 fM, except at Bouzas harbour (salinity 35.5) where it was raised to  1 pM due to copper contamination, in waters affected by the port facilities, to total levels of 15 to 20 nM copper, exceeding the concentration of the very strong ligand detected by the reverse titrations.  相似文献   

Detection of Hepatitis A virus in shellfish by rverse transcription PCRTXDetectionofHepatitisAvirusinshellfishbyreversetranscr...  相似文献   

为揭示近岸植物对孤立波的消减机制,利用物理模型实验探究了不同水深、入射波高和植物密度下植物模型与孤立波的相互作用机理。研究结果表明:树根、树冠和整株植物模型波能耗散系数范围分别为0.003~0.036,0.010~0.110和0.020~0.130;植物树根和树冠具有不同的消减孤立波机制,其中树冠对孤立波的消减起主要作用;波能耗散系数随相对波高增大而增大;植物模型的波能耗散系数小于其各组分波能耗散系数的线性叠加;当植物消波时,植物各组分之间存在反协同效应,且反协同效应随相对波高的增大而增强;波能耗散系数随雷诺数的增大而增大,当根部或冠部分布密度较小时,耗散系数与雷诺数的敏感度更高。研究结果可为沿海地区人工防浪林的设计提供一定参考。  相似文献   

为了解决水下低功耗无人设备的供能问题,给出了一种针对水下航行设备所发射特定频段的水声信号进行捕获和能量收集的方法。对方法中所涉及的能量收集器进行了数学建模与仿真分析,证明方法的理论可行性。最后基于仿真结果与设计参数对系统进行试验设计,发现水声信号在 400 Hz,186 dB 时,采用 30 mm×40 mm 的单涂层压电陶瓷可以产生最大输出电压,为 2.69 V。使用能量收集器对该能量进行收集储存,测得其最大输出功率为 315 nW,证明该方法切实可行。  相似文献   

淡水资源短缺和水源污染已成为一个严峻的问题。“开源、节流、回用”是解决我国水问题的一个指导方针。反渗透海水淡化工程的建设,正在缓解淡水供需矛盾。文章在概述海水淡化产量与水价后,用国内外3个不同规模的实例描述反渗透海水淡化给水工程中的膜工艺设计与应用,给出海水淡化反渗透给水工程设计方案与淡化水厂的运行结果。  相似文献   

The determination of the drag and inertia coefficients, which enter into the wave force model given by Morison's equation, is particularly uncertain and difficult when a linear spectral model is used for ocean waves, and the structure is compliant and has nonlinear dynamic response. In this paper, a nonlinear System Identification method, called Reverse Multiple Inputs–Single Output (R–MISO) is applied to identify the hydrodynamic coefficients as well as the nonlinear stiffness parameter for a compliant single-degree-of-freedom system. Four different types of problems have been identified for use in various situations and the R–MISO has been applied to all of them. One of the problems requires iterative solution strategy to identify the parameters. The method has been found to be efficient in predicting the parameters with reasonable accuracy and has the potential for use in the laboratory experiments on compliant nonlinear offshore systems.  相似文献   

以海洋温差能驱动的垂直运动水下监测装置为研究对象,通过MATLAB/Simulink仿真,对运动阶段下的运动基本方程进行了数值求解。结果表明:在设定情况下,水下监测装置从水面下潜到500 m所需时间约为2 900 s;水下监测装置从深约500 m上浮到海面所需时间约为2 890 s;水下监测装置水下运动时间随阻尼盘直径的增大略有增加,这有利于相变材料的相变过程特别是凝固过程顺利完成,但是随着阻尼盘直径的增大,浮力驱动系统的功耗也增大,通过综合比较认为阻尼盘直径为50 cm比较合适。  相似文献   

Based on observed wind waves,the relationships between wave spectrum products and wavecharacteristics are established successfully,and the apparent energy distribution of sea waves is expressed as afunction of wave characteristics.  相似文献   

A new fuel consumption monitoring system was set up for research purpose in order to evaluate the energy performance of fishing vessels under different operating conditions. The system has been tested on two semi-pelagic pair trawlers in the Adriatic Sea with an engine power of around 900 kW, and with length overall of around 30 m. Both vessels work with a gear of similar design and size, the differences between the two vessels are in the propeller design and the hull material: the first with a controllable pitch propeller (CPP) and a metal hull, the second with a fixed pitch propeller (FPP) and a wooden hull. The fuel monitoring system conceived at CNR-ISMAR Ancona (Italy) consists of two mass flow sensors, one multichannel recorder and one GPS data logger. The working time duration, the vessel speed, the total fuel consumption and the instant fuel rate were logged by the system. A typical commercial round trip for a semi-pelagic trawler consists of several fishing operations (steaming, trawling sailing, etc.). Fuel consumption rate and vessel speed data were used to identify energy performance under different vessel-operating conditions. The highest fuel demands were during the trawling (130 l/h at 4.4 kn) and the steaming (100–130 l/h at 11 kn) phases. Fuel savings of up to 15% could be obtained by reducing the navigation speed of half a knot.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - As applied to the conditions of wildfires in Siberia, remote sensing is adapted to record the radiation power from the active fire zone in the range of...  相似文献   

上海目前消耗的能源全部来自煤、石油和天然气,环境污染一直困扰着上海。由于大量使用煤炭、石油、天然气等化石能源,带来两大问题:化石物质在燃烧过程中,排放了大量有害有毒物质,严重地污染了环境;地球上这些资源的储存量是有限的,专家们指出,如继续大量使用石油,按现有储量,则五六十年后石油资源将枯竭,已探明可开采的天然气约可维持六七十年,储量丰富的煤,预计也只有三百年左右的开采寿命。1面对能源与环境的双重挑战,研究开发利用清洁和可再生的新能源已在世界发达国家兴起。新能源主要包括太阳能、风能、生物质能、…  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The upper boundary layer of the sea is most affected by the atmosphere, and the motions formed there have a significant influence on the horizontal and...  相似文献   

Energy transfer ratio is the basic-factor affecting the level of pipe damage during the impact between dropped object and submarine pipe. For the purpose of studying energy transfer and damage mechanism of submarine pipe impacted by dropped objects, series of experiments are designed and carried out. The effective yield strength is deduced to make the quasi-static analysis more reliable, and the normal distribution of energy transfer ratio caused by lateral impact on pipes is presented by statistic analysis of experimental results based on the effective yield strength, which provides experimental and theoretical basis for the risk analysis of submarine pipe system impacted by dropped objects. Failure strains of pipe material are confirmed by comparing experimental results with finite element simulation. In addition, impact contact area and impact time are proved to be the major influence factors of energy transfer by sensitivity analysis of the finite element simulation.  相似文献   

壳聚糖分离膜的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,膜分离材料及膜分离技术是一个相当受重视的研究开发和应用的领域[1,2]。反渗透法是一项新型的膜分离技术。  相似文献   

太阳能海水淡化技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章论述应用太阳能集热和太阳能光伏发电系统进行蒸馏淡化和膜法淡化的海水淡化方法。与传统动力源和热源相比 ,太阳能具有安全、环保等优点 ,将太阳能采集与脱盐工艺两个系统结合是一种可持续发展的海水淡化技术  相似文献   

The present study proposed a floating multi-body wave energy converter composed of a floating central platform, multiple oscillating bodies and multiple actuating arms. The relative motions between the oscillating bodies and the floating central platform capture multi-point wave energy simultaneously. The converter was simplified as a forced vibration system with three degrees of freedom, namely two heave motions and one rotational motion. The expressions of the amplitude-frequency response and the wave energy capture width were deduced from the motion equations of the converter. Based on the built mathematical model, the effects of the PTO damping coefficient, the PTO elastic coefficient, the connection length between the oscillating body and central platform, and the total number of oscillating bodies on the performance of the wave energy converter were investigated. Numerical results indicate that the dynamical properties and the energy conversion efficiency are related not only to the incident wave circle frequency but also to the converter's physical parameters and interior PTO coefficients. By adjusting the connection length, higher wave energy absorption efficiencies can be obtained. More oscillating bodies installed result in more stable floating central platform and higher wave energy conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

基于三维势流理论,建立筏式波浪发电装置多浮体水动力模型。利用AQWA水动力软件研究多浮体水动力相互作用对发电装置浮体单元水动力系数的影响;将能量转换系统等效成刚度-阻尼模型后,对其进行不规则波时域模拟,对比分析方向谱和频率谱波浪模型对波浪发电装置能量吸收的影响。结果表明:浮体之间的水动力相互作用对浮体单元纵荡方向上的附加质量与辐射阻尼系数有明显的影响,对垂荡和纵摇方向上的水动力系数影响较小;不同的波浪模型下,能量俘获功率有着较大的差别,特别是在迎浪状态下。  相似文献   

近年来,海洋能利用的研究与探索仍是可再生能源领域备受关注的课题之一,研究热点更多集中在对海洋能发电装置的研究上,然而研究成本过高是制约海洋能技术发展的因素之一。在新能源发电领域,国际上通常采用能源均化(发电)成本(levelized cost of energy,LCOE)方法来对不同发电技术和规模的能源项目进行比较。借鉴能源均化成本(LCOE)的计算模式,对引导和推进海洋可再生能源技术和产业发展具有重要意义。文章首先阐述海洋能LCOE的影响因素,并以波浪能和潮流能为例介绍英、美两国如何推算其开发成本,进而探讨降低能源成本的可能性,为我国海洋能发电装置提供参考。  相似文献   

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