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Abstract. The reproductive cycle of the comatulid crinoid Nemaster rubiginosa from Discovery Bay, Jamaica is described histologically. The cycle is annual and may be divided into (1) a "resting" phase (summer) in which most adults possess immature, unsexable gonads, (2) a recovery phase (early fall) marked by the re-initiation of gametogenesis and rapid gonadal growth, (3) a breeding phase (late fall and winter) during which the gonads are mature and repeated spawning likely takes place, and (4) a post-spawning phase (spring) during which relict gametes are removed from the shrinking gonads. Although unsexable individuals predominate during the "resting" phase, a small proportion of the adult population is unsexable at all times of the year. The reproductive condition of animals in the same month in two successive years was very similar, suggesting that the timing of reproduction is quite predictable from year to year. The re-initiation of gametogenesis in the early fall is correlated with both rising sea temperature and shortening daylength, and the October to March breeding season corresponds to the period of short daylengths at the study site. The well-defined and synchronized annual reproductive cycle of Nemaster rubiginosa contrasts with the more prolonged and variable reproductive cycles reported for other tropical crinoids and points to a diversity of breeding patterns among tropical crinoids.  相似文献   

Gordon  Hendler 《Marine Ecology》1984,5(4):379-401
Abstract. In the first decisive study of color-change in brittlestars, four Caribbean species, Ophiocoma echinata, 0. paucigranulata, O. pumila, and O. wendti are reported to change color from day to night. Color-change is most striking in O. wendti, which is dark brown during the day, and is banded gray and black from dusk to dawn. The transformation occurs over a 3 to 4 hour period and is effected by chromatorphores which appear to respond to illumination, independently of the central nervous system. Color-change may also be mediated by an endogenous rhythm. Ophiocoma wendti is more responsive to light than the other 3 species tested. It reacts to lower levels of illumination at night than during the day, exhibiting negative phototaxis in moonlight as well as in sunlight. I suggest that color-change may expose (or shield) photosensitive tissues that control the brittlestar's detection of shaded fissures in the reef. Thereby, chromatophore activity may be connected with the brittlestar's chief defense from predators, the ability to detect shadow and escape into darkened crevices. Although experiments to date with predacious fish are equivocal. the color patterns of Ophiocoma species mav provide protective camouflage.  相似文献   

Abstract. Holothuria tubulosa individuals were sampled regularly at three different depths (6, 19, and 33m) over a 20-month period in a Posidonia oceanica meadow off Ischia Island (Italy). Biometrical analysis demonstrated that holothuroids have a well-marked size-related distribution according to depth, with the smallest individuals in the shallowest part of the meadow and the large ones in its deepest part. The observed distributions reflect the ability of H. tubulosa to grow more efficiently in areas of low water turbulence where Posidonia shoots are scattered and detrital food is more easily accessible. Recruitment takes place in the shallow meadow, and holothuroids with high reproductive potential only occur in the deep meadow. Small holothuroids (shallow individuals of similar sizes) may be either juveniles or sexually mature individuals; environmental constraints apparently restrict the growth of individuals and their gonads. There is a progressive downward migration of growing individuals when the whole population is considered, although at the level of the individual the migration occurs randomly. Accordingly, the size of a sexually mature individual is more a function of its past history in the meadow than of its real age.  相似文献   

Ophiopholis mirabilis is a common species with a high population density on the western coasts of the northern Pacifi c Ocean.The number of O.mirabilis has been increasing recently in the scallop aquaculture zone(the Zhangzi Island area,northern Yellow Sea)in China.To explore the mechanism of its population variation,the reproductive cycle of O.mirabilis was investigated in this area(39°04′N;122°51′E)from February 2017 through January 2018 and determined by the monthly gonad index(GI),histological examinations of the gonads and the oocyte size-frequency distribution.O.mirabilis had a clear annual reproductive cycle that was synchronous between males and females.Sea temperature and food availability played important roles in O.mirabilis reproduction.The GI value was less reliable for determining reproductive activity in O.mirabilis because the nutritive tissues within the gonads may be utilized to synthesize gametes,leading to a decrease in GI during maturation.The histological results also show that abundant nutritive phagocytes were present in the gonads of O.mirabilis,which,together with the germ cells,aff ected the weight of the gonads.In addition,the mature oocytes of O.mirabilis were relatively small(75–150μm),indicating that the larval development was planktotrophic.This study provided insights into the reproductive patterns and biology of O.mirabilis and is an essential basis for the quantity control of this species in aquaculture areas.  相似文献   

Halipteris finmarchica is one of the most common species of deep‐sea pennatulacean corals in the Northwest Atlantic; it was recently determined to act as a biogenic substrate for other species and as a nursery for fish larvae. Its reproductive cycle was investigated in colonies sampled in 2006 and 2007 along the continental slope of Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada). Halipteris finmarchica exhibits large oocytes (maximum diameter of 1000 μm), which are consistent with lecithotrophic larval development. Female potential fecundity based on mature oocytes just before spawning was ~6 oocytes · polyp?1 (500–6300 oocytes · colony?1); male potential fecundity was 16 spermatocysts · polyp?1 (5500–57,400 spermatocysts · colony?1). Based on statistical analysis of size‐probability frequency distributions, males harboured one cohort of spermatocysts that matured inside 8–11 months, whereas females harboured two distinct cohorts of oocytes; a persistent pool of small ones (≤400 μm) and a small number (~20%) of larger ones that grew from ~400 to >800 μm over a year. Despite this difference in the tempo of oogenesis and spermatogenesis, a synchronic annual spawning was detected. A latitudinal shift in the spawning period occurred from south (April in the Laurentian Channel) to north (May in Grand Banks and July–August in Labrador/Lower Arctic), following the development of the phytoplankton bloom (i.e. sinking of phytodetritus). Prolonged oogenesis with the simultaneous presence of different oocyte classes in a given polyp is likely not uncommon in deep‐sea octocorals and could hamper the detection of annual/seasonal reproduction when sample sizes are low and/or time series discontinued or brief.  相似文献   

于2002年1月至2003年1月 ,在浙江温州对引种养殖的大西洋浪蛤(Spisulasolidissima)的性腺发育、生殖周期、肥满度、胚胎发育、幼虫发育及变态等进行了研究。研究结果表明 ,大西洋浪蛤性腺发育过程分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期5个阶段。在浙南沿海的大西洋浪蛤繁殖期在4月下旬至6月上旬 (水温19.5~25℃ ) ,可大量产卵二次 ;肥满度最高出现在5月份,为10.37 % ,最低出现在2月份 ,为4.66 %。个体产卵量为14.1×104~111.1×104粒 ,卵沉性 ,卵径50~60μm ;受精卵在水温19.5~23℃ ,经16~20h孵化成D形幼虫 ;初孵D形幼虫平均大小为75μm×62μm ,浮游幼虫经12~13d培养进入壳顶后期 ,15~16d进入附着变态期 ,壳长为260~290μm ,发育变态为稚贝。  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) from the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand, were followed between June 1998 and January 2000. Histological examination of the gonad confirms an annual cycle with a winter inactive period followed by rapid gonad development and a single short spawning period. The population gonad index correlated with seawater temperature and changes in tissue dry weight, condition index, and biochemical components. In winter, few individuals with early gametogenic stages were present and rapid development of primary oocytes (diam. 11 μm) occurred during spring (September‐November). The developmental rate and the diameter of mature oocytes (37 μm) was similar for the 1998 and 1999 seasons. For a standard 110‐mm‐length oyster, maximal tissue body weight and condition index were recorded in December. Rapid weight loss in January was length dependent and was attributed to spawning. Temperature was the environmental variable which best correlated with the timing of gametogenesis. Food availability (phytoplankton biomass) may have been responsible for inter‐annual variations. The biochemical composition (% glycogen, lipid, protein) of separated gonad and somatic tissues were variable seasonally and annually. Gametogenesis (oocyte diameter) was associated with increased gonad protein and glycogen and a decrease in lipid concentrations. These changes are similar to those in Pacific oyster populations from other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber is widely distributed in Australasian waters, and is a valued bycatch of inshore bottom trawl fisheries although little is known of its life history. Here, we describe the reproductive biology of the species based on 651 leatherjackets sampled in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, between July 2014 and March 2016. The maximum total length (LT) recorded for females and males were 320 and 315?mm, respectively, with both sexes present in all size classes. Monthly analysis of gonad condition revealed a clear spawning season from late austral winter to early summer (August–December), and histological analysis of the ovaries revealed that M. scaber is an indeterminate serial spawning gonochorist. The estimated sizes at sexual maturity (L50) for females (189.9?mm LT) and males (188.4?mm LT) did not differ significantly. Relatively small testes, sexual dimorphism and underwater observation of nesting suggest that M. scaber is a paired spawner.  相似文献   

Abstract. The recruitment and growth modalities of two populations of Acrocnida brachiata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from the intertidal and from a depth of 20 m in Douarnenez Bay (Brittany) were compared. This study was conducted in order to establish whether the populations developed differently according to environmental stability. The results were compared with those found in another amphiurid, Amphiura filiformis , distributed along a similar gradient of disturbance in the subtidal zone. The purpose was to determine whether the biological parameters from different species vary in a similar manner along such a gradient and. if not, what is the role of biotic and physical factors in the control of demographic structure in intertidal and subtidal populations.  相似文献   

Ophioleila elegans是一种非常少见的蛇尾。2014年大洋35航次中利用“蛟龙”号载人潜器在西北太平洋麦哲伦海山链的采薇平定海山水深1660m处采集到2株该种标本。该种首次发现于夏威夷海山相似的生境当中,本次采集到的样品是继首次发现之后的再次公开报道。本文中对该种的形态学特征,如腕部骨骼等,进行了更加详细的研究,同时基于COI序列进行系统发育分析。形态和系统发育分析的结果都表明,Ophioleila属与辐蛇尾科更加接近。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝雌雄同体自体受精繁殖生物学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以虾夷扇贝的雌雄同体个体为实验材料,对成熟个体的性腺进行组织切片观察,并通过对雌雄同体自体受精、早期胚胎发育和幼虫培养的研究,发现虾夷扇贝自体繁殖的产卵量、受精率和卵裂率与对照组没有很大差异,但是其孵化率和畸形率有明显差异分别为82%和17.3%,而对照组为90%和9.6%;幼虫培育期间的生长没有明显差异,但成活率差异极明显为4%,而对照组为40%。  相似文献   

Despite the wide distribution of zoanthids, little is known about their pattern of reproduction. Here we investigate the reproductive biology of two Mediterranean species, the common Parazoanthus axinellae (Schmidt) and the rare Savalia savaglia (Bertoloni). For both species, samples were collected during an annual cycle, from January to December 2005, in the Western Mediterranean (Ligurian Sea, Italy). Both species are gonochoric. In P. axinellae the sex‐ratio (n colonies = 30) showed a slight predominance of male colonies (M/F = 1.35), whereas in the population of S. savaglia (n colonies = 15) a predominance of females was found (M/F = 0.3). In P. axinellae the first gametocytes were visible in March, whereas in S. savaglia they became visible in May. Both species reproduce at the end of autumn when seawater temperature begins to decrease. Parazoanthus axinellae (10 m depth) spawns eggs and sperms in November, whereas S. savaglia (67 m depth) spawns in December. In P. axinellae sexes were segregated on a rocky wall, with males occurring deeper, whereas male and female colonies of S. savaglia were irregularly dispersed in the population. The maximum number of oocytes differed between the species, being higher in P. axinellae than in S. savaglia.  相似文献   

Test diameter and gonad volume were recorded over 1 year for bimonthly samples of Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes) from each of 3 subtidal populations 10 km apart in the Hauraki Gulf. Histological analysis was used to relate cellular events during gametogenesis to the annual cycle of change in gonad size. Mean gonad sizes of the different sea urchin populations were compared by analysis of covariance. Gametogenesis began in the spring, and major spawning occurred in mid to late summer. The proportion of the gonads taken up by nutritive phagocyte cells increased from autumn to spring. During proliferation and growth of gametes the nutritive phagocytes declined in abundance and globulation, suggesting that reserves stored in these cells were transferred to developing gametes. Gonad size doubled during gametogenesis, declined after spawning, and remained low in autumn and winter. Differences in gonad size between populations were significant during most of the year, and were most pronounced in mid summer. Although synchronous gametogenesis occurred in the 3 populations studied, spawning occurred at different times. This suggested that spawning in this species was induced by factors acting either within sea urchin populations or over distances of a few km or less.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a brackish water population of Marphysa sanguinea (Polychaeta Eunicidae), from the Venice Lagoon (Italy), was investigated from April 1993 to August 1994. Marphysa sanguinea is a large‐sized gonochoric species with annual iteroparous strategy and synchronous spawning at population level. The sex‐ratio was close to 1:1. There were no morphological differences between males and females and spawning occurred without epitokal metamorphosis. The gonadial activity was maximum during summer period in both sexes. From May to September in the females, the greater number of immature oocytes could be observed; starting from November immature oocytes decreased and progressively those with a wider diameter increased in number. Spawning took place in April–May and generally not all eggs were spawned, a small proportion being kept as a reserve material for the following gamete production. The pelagic phase (trochophore and metatrochophore stages) was short (2–3 days). The reduction in the dispersal phase, together with the development of a strong anterior musculature, brought to an early acquisition of the benthic habit, which was attained with the construction of the mucous tube inside of which the larva lived. The results highlighted that colonization of brackish environments took place thanks to morphological and physiological features that allow this species to live in a sediment layer characterized by the stability of the physical and chemical characteristics of the substratum.  相似文献   

Interactions between ‘oxygen concentration’ (normoxia: >80% oxygen saturation, and hypoxia: 18% oxygen saturation) and ‘water flow velocity’ (low: 0.1 cm s−1, and moderate: 0.5 cm s−1) were studied on growth rates in the brittle star Amphiura filiformis in a flow-through aquaria system. Effects of ‘sublethal predation’ on growth rates were investigated as ‘number of amputated arms’ (1 and 3 arms) and ‘amputation of the disk’. A significant interaction between oxygen concentration and water flow velocity was observed in mean arm regeneration rate, but in both flow velocities higher mean arm regeneration rates were observed in normoxia compared to hypoxia. In hypoxia a positive response in arm regeneration rate was observed in moderate flow compared to low flow velocity. In normoxia, however, no response to flow velocity was observed. The latter observation indicates that Amphiura filiformis is able to maintain the ventilation of the burrow at low flow velocities, but in low oxygen concentrations hydrodynamic forces seem to affect growth. A significant interaction between oxygen concentration and disk amputation was observed in both arm and disk regeneration rates, indicating that the disk is the major organ for gas exchange in this species. The number of arms amputated, however, did not affect mean arm regeneration rate. The results obtained in this study suggest that the secondary production in subtidal infaunal populations could be negatively affected by low oxygen concentrations and that this response is even more negative in combination with low flow velocities in the near-bottom water.  相似文献   

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