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The Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation in the Jixian section of Tianjin is a succession of 3300-m-thick carbonate strata formed in a period of about 100 Ma (1310±20 Ma-1207±10 Ma). In this succession of strata, the carbonate metre-scale cyclic sequences belonging to peritidal type with an approximately symmetrical lithofacies-succession are best developed. The wide development of 1:4 stacking patterns shows that these metre-scale cyclic sequences are genetically related to the short-eccentricity cycles, which are called the Wumishan cyclothems that could truly represent sedimentary cycles. Generally, massive and thick-bedded calcareous dolomites and dolomitic limestones of stromatolite biostromes and thrombolite bioherms constitute the central part of the Wumishan cyclothems. The lower and upper parts consist of tidal flat dolostones, sandy-muddy dolostone and the top part is composed of lagoonal facies dolomitic shales with a paleosol cap. Therefore, an approximately symmetrical lithofacies-successio  相似文献   

A key feature of an ideal granite is the occurrence of grain sequences which are reversible Markov chains. This property was tested using a 2 test on a 2 × 6 contingency table consisting of reversible grain pairs for microcline, plagioclase, quartz, and biotite, and on a 2 × 12 contingency table consisting of reversible grain triads. All 28 samples examined from the Pacolet Mills pluton, South Carolina, passed the 2 test for grain pairs, and all but three of these passed the 2 test for grain triads. The coefficients of the reversibility matrix were examined for statistical significance after normalization, using a logarithmic transformation. For all three phases of the Pacolet Mills pluton, the average coefficients were in the range 1.08–0.89. Elevated and depressed values of these coefficients suggested possible differences among the three phases of the granite in their crystallization paths.  相似文献   

天津蓟县雾迷山旋回层基本模式及其马尔柯夫链分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
津蓟县的中元古界雾迷山组,是一套碳酸盐岩地层,具近似对称相序组构的环潮坪型碳酸盐米级旋回层序特别以育。其近似对称的相序组构及普遍的1:4叠加形态,表明它们与短偏心率旋回具有成因关联,被命名为雾迷山旋回层来代表真正的碳酸盐沉积旋回。雾迷山旋回层是与高频率产面变化相关的环境加深及环境变浅过程的产物。马尔柯夫链分析的结果表明了雾迷山旋回层的基本相序模式是客观存在的,由于它们以瞬时暴露间断面为界,因而与Vail等(1977)的层序地层概念体系中所定义的“准层序”存在明显的差异。尽管难以断定前寒武纪地球轨道效应旋回的周期安全与显生宙一致,但是,七级韵律层、六级旋回层及五级准层序组之间的垂直叠置形态,以及由它们所指示的周期时限,与显生宙温室效应时期的轨道效应旋回周期是大体一致的。  相似文献   

罗明高 《沉积学报》1995,13(1):88-93
本文从热力学基本定律出发,将复杂的成岩作用过程归结为各种不同的化学反应,从而建立了一套利用反应自由能定量确定成岩作用顺序的方法。该方法将沉积岩成岩作用历史研究从定性引向定量,使其更具理论依据,结果更可靠。利用本方法对国内外两个不同碎屑岩定量研究结果表明,这种方法获得的结果与传统方法的顺序完全一致,从而说明了该方法的良好实用性。  相似文献   

马尔柯夫链在江汉平原第四纪沉积环境分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用马尔柯夫链基本原理,在系统统计江汉平原监利县周老镇ZL01钻孔揭示的第四系基础上,结合该区的地质特征,进行了极限概率分析、差值矩阵分析、置换分析和熵分析.根据马尔柯夫链的综合分析结果,总结出江汉平原周老镇ZL01钻孔剖面的第四纪沉积主旋回,发现该剖面主要形成于河流沉积环境,并建立了该区第四系的地方性沉积相模式,为研究该地区的沉积作用、判断沉积环境提供定量的解释依据,对研究江汉平原的变迁历史及其保护和开发利用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

根据地层露头和钻孔资料揭示,运用高分辨率层序地层学理论和方法,对兴隆含煤区石炭二叠系进行研究,划分了短期、中期、长期基准面旋回。研究区短期基准面旋回类型是以基准面上升为主的不对称旋回,共识别出短期旋回8个,中期旋回5个,长期旋回2个。研究区发育典型的边缘相组合,包括冲积扇沉积组合、辫状河三角洲平原组合及渴湖一泛滥盆地组合,分析了各组合相沉积特征,并讨论了层序界面选取原则及煤层在层序划分中的意义。该成果对于在研究区及外围寻找新的煤炭资源具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

青藏高原腹地湖泊沉积序列与古气候变化   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
胡东生  张华京 《地质学报》2000,74(4):363-370
在青藏高原综合科学考察中,选择其腹地系列剖面的沉积物记录进行地层气候学和同位素气候学的研究。沉积物记录的气候变化与同位素丰度变化的响应关系十分吻合,其时间尺度和分辨率也能够互为补偿,在较大范围内覆盖了32kaBP以来的古气候环境变化。更为有意义的是,清晰准确地检出新仙女木期气候冷干颤动事件,用同位素丰度变化拟合的降温幅度可达11C;并且识别出“仙女木期”(包括老-中-新仙女木事件)高分辩率气候变化  相似文献   

河流阶地作为河谷中常见地貌, 其堆积物特征对气候变化过程研究具有重要的意义.通过对循化黄河Ⅲ级阶地剖面沉积特征、粒度、磁化率、孢粉以及光释光测年的研究, 初步厘定循化黄河Ⅲ级阶地形成时代为75 ka.循化盆地晚更新世气候演化可以大致划分为6个阶段: 120~114 ka, 气候暖湿; 114~105 ka, 气候较为干冷; 105~98 ka, 气候较暖湿; 98~85 ka, 气候转为温凉; 85~75 ka, 气候暖湿; 75~63 ka, 气候干冷.这6个阶段分别与MIS5e-4段相对应.   相似文献   

黔桂地区石炭纪I型层序界面沉积记录及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黔桂地区石炭纪 10个层序中的S1、S3、S6、S9、S10 5个Ⅰ型层序底界面和S10 层序顶界面具有特征的沉积记录 ,表现为岩性岩相的突变 ,侵蚀平行不整合和上超不整合发育 ,风化残积硅铝、铁铝和铝土质粘土层、残积角砾岩、淡水成岩相及白云岩化广泛发育 ,生物化石组合的巨大变化和C、O、Sr同位素值的明显差异。这些Ⅰ型界面是由不同的成因事件形成的。研究结果表明 ,S1底界面对应的是构造事件 ,即柳江运动 ;S10 顶界面反映的构造事件是黔桂运动 ;S3、S6、S9、S10 底界面均是由海平面下降事件形成  相似文献   

Several stratigraphic sequences in the Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) in Kansas (Midcontinent, USA) were analyzed quantitatively for periodic repetitions. The sequences were coded by lithologic type into strings of datasets. The strings then were analyzed by an adaptation of a one-dimensional Fourier transform analysis and examined for evidence of periodicity. The method was tested using different states in coding to determine the robustness of the method and data. The most persistent response is in multiples of 8–10 ft (2.5–3.0 m) and probably is dependent on the depositional thickness of the original lithologic units. Other cyclicities occurred in multiples of the basic frequency of 8–10 with persistent ones at 22 and 30 feet (6.5–9.0 m) and large ones at 80 and 160 feet (25–50 m). These levels of thickness relate well to the basic cyclothem and megacyclothem as measured on outcrop. We propose that this approach is a suitable one for analyzing cyclic events in the stratigraphic record.  相似文献   

秦祁昆接合部二叠纪沉积建造时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区位于秦祁昆结合部及邻区.二叠纪时, 研究区以南祁连构造地层带为界, 呈现北陆南海对峙格局: 北部的中祁连、北祁连和阿拉善主要为一套砾岩、砂岩和泥岩为主的河湖相沉积; 南祁连为海陆交互相碎屑岩、灰岩沉积; 南部西秦岭和东昆仑主要是以半深海-深海浊积岩、玄武岩和海山碳酸岩盐为主的多岛洋沉积.本次1∶25万临夏市幅和定西市幅地质填图中, 笔者在西秦岭与南祁连结合部位的甘肃夏河县甘加一带, 发现一套早-中二叠世小洋盆玄武岩和碳酸盐岩海山建造, 与秦昆结合部布青山-花石峡-兴海一带的早-中二叠世多岛洋沉积建造可以对比.晚二叠世, 北部的秦祁结合部仍为半深海-深海浊积岩沉积, 而南部秦昆结合部则转换为前陆-磨拉石沉积建造.   相似文献   

Multiple source rock assemblages were deposited in the sedimentary provinces in South China in geologic history,and some of them were destructed by and some survived against multiple tectonic movements.Therefore,multiple sources,mixed sources,and uneven distribution of sources occurred in the marine sedimentary basins in South China during the late stage of hydrocarbon pooling.Epidiagenesis of the marine carbonate reservoirs and its modification to reservoir poroperm characteristics determined the formation and the scale of natural gas pools.The exploration practices show that the large to medium gas fields mainly occur in areas with high-quality reservoirs.Detailed study of the paleo-oil accumulations and typical oil and gas reservoirs reveals that the basins experienced multiphase superimposition and modification,leading to the distribution of the Paleozoic paleo-oil accumulations and bitumen in the peripheral areas.The phenomenon that oil and gas production concentrates in the Sichuan basin indicates that the overall sealing conditions of a basin determine the oil/gas potentials and the scale of oil and gas production.This is a critical factor controlling the accumulation and distribution of gas in the marine sequences in South China.The early oil and gas pools in the Yangtze platform left billions of bitumen in the peripheral areas due to the destruction of seals.Since the Himalayan,"late-generation and late-accumulation" gas pools represented by the gas pools in the Sichuan (四川) basin were formed in the marine sedimentary sequences in South China as a result of the change of the sealing conditions.Current gas discoveries appear to be "paleo-generation and paleo-accumulation" gas pools but actually are "late-generation and late-accumulation" gas pools.These patterns of hydrocarbon pooling clearly depict themselves in western Sichuan basin and Weiyuan (威远)gas field.It is revealed that the gas pools in the Sichuan basin were mainly formed as a result of hydrocarbon phase change (thermal cracking of oil to gas),miscible migration,and dynamic equilibration since the Himalayan.A large number of gas pools were formed in the Himalayan and the gas pools in the marine sequences are characterized by late pooling; this kind of gas fields/pools are controlled by:(1) effectiveness of modification and superimposition of the marine basins,(2) effectiveness of the source rocks,(3) effectiveness of the overall preservation conditions,and (4) effectiveness of plays.  相似文献   

气候、沉积环境和湖平面的演变直接或间接地影响湖相叠层石的生长,因而叠层石的出现可以作为此三者变化的判别标志。通过对比研究柴达木盆地西部地区西岔沟、长尾台两条新生代陆相地层剖面中近10个湖相叠层石的发育层位、垂向沉积序列,表明叠层石主要发育于新生代两个气候温暖湿润的高湖面时期,而且叠层石沉积亦同时出现在青藏高原其他邻近陆相新生代盆地,显示区域性的大规模异常湿润性气候,以强蒸发和强降水的交替为特征;划分出的4种含叠层石基本沉积序列中,叠层石可在泥岩或砂砾岩硬底上生长,含叠层石灰岩层之上通常是细粒碎屑沉积或间断面,这暗示了叠层石的生长出现在滨湖、浅湖相次级湖泛面附近,或指示湖水的突然加深。  相似文献   

冀中坳陷古近系沉积层序特征及其沉积体系的演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
冀中坳陷古近系是由平行、微角度或角度不整合面所限定的一个区域性(二级)的沉积层序,其内可划分出3个二级层序、13个三级层序和数十个四级、五级的层序单元。整体上显示为三套从水进到水退的沉积旋回,可识别出冲积扇—河流、湖泊—湖泊三角洲以及河流等三套沉积相组合。构造、气候、物源供给及湖平面的变化等各地质要素之间严格控制着坳陷内部层序的构成及其充填响应模式。构造沉降过程等分析过程揭示了沉积坳陷经历了两次沉积速率变化的演化旋回,即两个不同的沉降阶段。第一阶段为古近纪古新世的缓慢加速沉降、始新世早中期的快速沉降和始新世晚期的缓慢沉降;第二阶段为始新世末期的缓慢加速沉降、渐新世早期的快速沉降和渐新世中晚期的缓慢加速沉降。这两个阶段的演化过程沉降速率分别为100~110 m·Ma-1、205~220 m·Ma-1、40~50 m·Ma-1、30~40 m·Ma-1、135~142 m·Ma-1和10~20 m·Ma-1。古近纪扭动作用揭示了坳陷左旋运动使其雁列构造在沙四末和东营末为北北东或北东方向展布;右旋运动使其雁列构造在左旋交替过程中产生,但其产生的构造的规模要比左旋构造小得多,一般表现为北西—北北西向构造。这种扭动作用的表现形式是南北对扭,并最终造就了坳陷东西向两凹夹一隆的构造格局。  相似文献   

There are complex and regular changes on sedimentary facies from the Early to the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang basin. After the obvious drowned event of carbonate platforms in the transitional period between Permian and Triassic, carbonate platforms have evolved into the ramp type from the rimmed-shelf type. The differentiation of sedimentary facies becomes dearer in space, which are marked by the changes from an attached platform to a turbidity basin and several isolated platforms in the basin. The striking characteristics are the development of oolitic banks on isolated platforms in Nanning and Jingxi and the reef- and bank-limestones in the margin of the attached platform in the Early Triassic. Despite the difference of the time-span and the architectnre of fades succession of third-order sedimentary sequences, the process of the third-order relative sea-level changes reflected by the sedimentary facies succession of the third-order sequences is generally synchronous. Therefore, six third-order sequences could be discerned in the strata from the Early to the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang basin. Using two types of facies changing surfaces and two types of diachronisms in stratigraphic records as the key elements, the sedimentary facies architectures of the third-order sequences that represent sequence stratigraphic frameworks from the Early to the Middle Triassic in the Nanpanjiang basin could be constructed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIn South China,the marine Middle Triassic is distributedmainly over the Yangtze region along the present YangtzeRiver,where the Hercynian orogeny did not happen but thesubsequent Indosinian m ovement greatly changed thepaleogeographic pattern and depositional history.The TriassicIndosinian movement troansfered most parts of the Yangtzeplatform from marine to terrestrial in early or late MiddleTriassic (Table 1) and finally ended the marine history of theseareas.The first …  相似文献   

以实测剖面和路线剖面为基础,采用旋回沉积学理论和地层优势相(亚相)法首次系统地研究了羌塘盆地查郎拉地区中-新生代的充填序列和沉积旋回特征.指出该区充填序列自下而上由上三叠统肖查卡组-上第三系石平顶组构成,根据各种相标志将其划分出7大沉积相、18个亚相及若干个微相,并从老至新划分出6个沉积体系,相应组成5个沉积旋回层.着重阐述了充填序列中各个沉积体系及沉积旋回层特征,并对沉积演化过程中的沉积旋回曲线特征、水位变化和抬升-沉降历史作了讨论.  相似文献   

伊海生 《沉积学报》2015,33(5):855-864
在陆源碎屑岩地层的沉积记录中,测井曲线上一个砂泥岩旋回可以采用正弦波进行描述,测井曲线幅度的高低反映旋回粒度大小的变化,旋回波长则是度量旋回厚度的标尺。本研究表明,测井曲线变化幅度与其平均值之差计算的累积残差曲线,是识别沉积体系、判别旋回层序界面的一个有效图解方法。根据数值模拟实验,证实对于任意一个级次的旋回复合波系,累积残差曲线的正半波和负半波曲线分别对应低频旋回的向上变细和向上变粗的沉积序列,正半波和负半波曲线的转换点位置对应旋回层序界面的深度。同时,引进测井曲线的频谱分析和滤波方法,可以划分沉积旋回的级别,进而研究沉积旋回变化形式的驱动机制。文中以柴达木盆地东部地区仙3井为例,根据测井数据计算的累积残差曲线,说明了划分低频和高频旋回层序的方法和流程,讨论了旋回幅度、波长变化与沉积环境和沉积速率的关系。  相似文献   

西准噶尔前陆盆地二叠纪火山—沉积序列与盆地演化耦合   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
赵玉光  肖林萍 《地质论评》2000,46(5):530-535
本文探讨了西准噶尔前陆盆地二叠系序界面属性及层序的内部构成,识别并标定了6类层序界面:消截角度不整合、削截不整合、削蚀不整合、削蚀上超不整合、侵蚀上超不整合和上超界面,在此研究的基础上,二叠系被划分为6个三级层序。建立了区内二叠纪火山-沉积盆地演化的序列模型。下二叠统的4个三级层序是火山沉积盆地演化的结果,与前陆盆地早期残余海的演化耦合;中、上二叠统发育的两个三级层序的时空堆叠与前陆盆地晚期地演化  相似文献   

The process-facies types of the Devonian volcanic sedimentary successions in northern Xinjiang include explosive facies, effusive facies, pyroclastic-calcareous-terrigenous tempestite facies, and coarse~-, medium~- and fine-grained pyroclastic turbidite facies, volcanic eruption tsunamite facies, syndepositional and soft-deformed seismite facies, sandy and silt-muddy contourite facies. This paper presents their characteristics and diagnostic indicators, and discusses the temporal and spatial structures of both the process-facies and the environment-facies of the Zhifang section, east Junggar, and the Mount Sarburti section, west Junggar, and their relation to plate tectonism. The author holds that the facies analysis dominated by process-facies is the facies analysis' nucleus in an orogenic belt and active continental margin.  相似文献   

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