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据中国台网测定,2006年4月21日7时25分3.0秒.在堪察加半岛东北地区(61.0°N,167.2°E)发生8.0级地震.美国地质调查局和日本气象局估计此次地震约为7.7级.  相似文献   

—The 12 November 1996 M w 7.7 Peru subduction zone earthquake occurred off the coast of southern Peru, near the intersection of the South American trench and the highest topographical point of the subducting Nazca Ridge. We model the broadband teleseismic P-waveforms from stations in the Global Seismic Network to constrain the source characteristics of this subduction zone earthquake. We have analyzed the vertical component P-waves for this earthquake to constrain the depth, source complexity, seismic moment and rupture characteristics. The seismic moment determined from the nondiffracted P-waves is 3–5 × 1020 N·m, corresponding to a moment magnitude M w of 7.6–7.7. The source time function for the 1996 Peru event has three pulses of seismic moment release with a total duration of approximately 45–50 seconds. The largest moment release occurs at approximately 35–40 seconds and is located ~90km southeast of the rupture initiation. Approximately 70% of the seismic moment was released in the third pulse.¶We find that the 1996 event reruptured part of the rupture area of the previous event in 1942. The location of the 1996 earthquake corresponds to a region along the Peru coast with the highest uplift rates of marine terraces. This suggests that the uplift may be due to repeated earthquakes such as the 1996 and 1942 events.  相似文献   

--A 2-D finite-element-method (FEM) numerical experiment of earthquake cycles at a subduction zone is performed to investigate the effect of viscoelasticity of the earth on great interplate earthquake fault slip. We construct a 2-D viscoelastic FEM model of northeast Japan, which consists of an elastic upper crust and a viscoelastic mantle wedge under gravitation overlying the subducting elastic Pacific plate. Instead of the dislocation model prescribing an amount of slip on a plate interface, we define an earthquake cycle, in which the plate interface down to a depth is locked during an interseismic period and unlocked during coseismic and postseismic periods by changing the friction on the boundary with the master-slave method. This earthquake cycle with steady plate subduction is periodically repeated to calculate the resultant earthquake fault slip.¶As simulated in a previous study (Wang, 1995), the amount of fault slip at the first earthquake cycle is smaller than the total relative plate motion. This small amount of fault slip in the viscoelastic medium was considered to be one factor explaining the small seismic coupling observed at several subduction zones. Our simulation, however, shows that the fault slip grows with an increasing number of repeated earthquake cycles and reaches an amount comparable to the total relative plate motion after more than ten earthquake cycles. This new finding indicates that the viscoelasticity of the earth is not the main factor in explaining the observed small seismic coupling. In comparison with a simple one-degree-of-freedom experiment, we demonstrate that the increase of the fault slip occurs in the transient state from the relaxed initial state to the stressed equilibrium state due to the intermittent plate loading in a viscoelastic medium.  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带热结构数值模拟与地震意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究马尼拉俯冲带地震分布的成因机制,根据马尼拉俯冲带最新的莫霍面深度和地壳厚度等地质与地球物理资料,选取3条典型剖面,模拟俯冲带热结构。结果表明:1俯冲带热结构主要受俯冲角度、俯冲速度和俯冲板块本身地质条件等因素影响;2 BB′剖面和CC′剖面属于热俯冲;3当洋壳俯冲至软流圈边界时,俯冲板块温度迅速升高,容易形成地震活动。BB′剖面的俯冲角度和俯冲速度比CC′剖面小,使得BB′剖面发生地震的深度更浅。俯冲洋壳底部温度比顶部低,地震活动也持续到更大的深度。  相似文献   

The results of studying the process of underthrusting in the Pacific plate under Kamchatka are presented, and the phenomena associated with this process are described. The seismic component of the velocity of the plate underthrust is estimated on the basis of (1) data from the CMT (Centroid Moment Tensor) catalog and (2) the sequence of the strongest Kamchatka earthquakes. A flat site with a strike azimuth of 217° and a dip angle of 25° located at depths of 30–70 km is assumed to be the interface between the plunging plate and Kamchatka. From CMT focal mechanisms, the underthrust velocity is estimated at V = 0.7 cm/yr for the southern zone (located south of Cape Shipunski) and at V = 1.1 cm/yr for the central zone (from Cape Shipunski to Cape Kronotski). From pairs of the strongest earthquakes that have occurred successively since 1737, the underthrust velocity for the southern zone is estimated at V = 6.6–7.1 cm/yr (from two pairs) and for the central zone, at V = 6.6 cm/yr. The creep portion of the underthrust amounts to 5–15% of the total velocity (the velocity of motion of the Pacific plate is 8 cm/yr).  相似文献   

The Chilean subduction zone is one of the most active of the world with M?=?8 or larger interplate thrust earthquakes occurring every 10?years or so on the average. The identification and characterization of pulses propagated from dominant asperities that control the rupture of these earthquakes is an important problem for seismology and especially for seismic hazard assessment since it can reduce the earthquake destructiveness potential. A number of studies of large Chilean earthquakes have revealed that the source time functions of these events are composed of a number of distinct energy arrivals. In this paper, we identify and characterize the high frequency pulses of dominant asperities using near source strong motion records. Two very well recorded interplate earthquakes, the 1985 Central Chile (Ms?=?7.8) and the 2007 Tocopilla (Mw?=?7.7), are considered. In particular, the 2007 Tocopilla earthquake was recorded by a network with absolute time and continuos recording. From the study of these strong motion data it is possible to identify the arrival of large pulses coming from different dominant asperities. The recognition of the key role of dominant asperities in seismic hazard assessment can reduce overestimations due to scattering of attenuation formulas that consider epicentral distance or shortest distance to the fault rather than the asperity distance. The location and number of dominant asperities, their shape, the amplitude and arrival time of pulses can be one of the principal factors influencing Chilean seismic hazard assessment and seismic design. The high frequency pulses identified in this paper have permitted us to extend the range of frequency in which the 1985 Central Chile and 2007 Tocopilla earthquakes were studied. This should allow in the future the introduction of this seismological result in the seismic design of earthquake engineering.  相似文献   

—The 1952 Kamchatka earthquake is among the largest earthquakes of this century, with an estimated magnitude of M w = 9.0. We inverted tide gauge records from Japan, North America, the Aleutians, and Hawaii for the asperity distribution. The results show two areas of high slip. The average slip is over 3 m, giving a seismic moment estimate of 155×1020Nm, or M w = 8.8. The 20th century seismicity of the 1952 rupture zone shows a strong correlation to the asperity distribution, which suggests that the large earthquakes (M > 7) are controlled by the locations of the asperities and that future large earthquakes will also recur in the asperity regions.  相似文献   

—We have obtained constraints on the strength and orientation of anisotropy in the mantle beneath the Tonga, southern Kuril, Japan, and Izu-Bonin subduction zones using shear-wave splitting in S phases from local earthquakes and in teleseismic core phases such as SKS. The observed splitting in all four subduction zones is consistent with a model in which the lower transition zone (520–660 km) and lower mantle are isotropic, and in which significant anisotropy occurs in the back-arc upper mantle. The upper transition zone (410–520 km) beneath the southern Kurils appears to contain weak anisotropy. The observed fast directions indicate that the geometry of back-arc strain in the upper mantle varies systematically across the western Pacific rim. Beneath Izu-Bonin and Tonga, fast directions are aligned with the azimuth of subducting Pacific plate motion and are parallel or sub-parallel to overriding plate extension. However, fast directions beneath the Japan Sea, western Honshu, and Sakhalin Island are highly oblique to subducting plate motion and parallel to present or past overriding plate shearing. Models of back-arc mantle flow that are driven by viscous coupling to local plate motions can reproduce the splitting observed in Tonga and Izu-Bonin, but further three-dimensional flow modeling is required to ascertain whether viscous plate coupling can explain the splitting observed in the southern Kurils and Japan. The fast directions in the southern Kurils and Japan may require strain in the back-arc mantle that is driven by regional or global patterns of mantle flow.  相似文献   

郭斌  王斌  张月辉 《华南地震》2013,(4):97-105
对下扬子地区与琉球岛弧、日本岛弧、喜马拉雅碰撞带的地震活动性特征和不同区块之间地震活动的相关性进行分析.并结合地质构造、岩石圈结构、运动学特征等探讨了下扬子地区中强震发生的动力学背景。研究结果表明:下扬子地块与琉球岛弧带应变释放过程趋势一致;下扬子地区中强震与琉球岛弧带强震相关性较好:受琉球岛弧带发生强震影响,在6-8年时间范围内下扬子地区发生中强震概率较高:从更长远时间来看。下扬子地区中强震和构造应变主要受西太平洋板缘俯冲构造运动影响。  相似文献   

The zone of serpentinite melange in the Kamchatsky Mys Peninsula was found to contain high-magnesium ultramafic volcanic rocks, viz., plagioclase picrite (oceanite) with a MgO concentration of 22.5–25.8%. We evaluated the petrochemical and geochemical characteristics of these rocks, as well as their mineral compositions. The olivine phenocrysts make up 50–60% of the rock volume; their composition (mostly 87–89 mol % Fo) and the composition of melt inclusions in them indicate their origin from a picritic melt with an additional cumulative enrichment in olivine. The geochemical parameters (Zr/Y = 3.1, Th/Yb = 0.14–0.18, Nb/Yb = 2.39–2.66, La(N)/Sm(N) = 1.0–1.1, La(N)/Yb(N) = 1.24–1.42) indicate an oceanic genesis of these rocks affected by a mantle plume.  相似文献   

利用主动震源检测汶川地震余震引起的浅层波速变化   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
为了监测汶川地震后断裂带附近的波速变化,2008年6月,我们利用快速响应探测系统,在龙门山断裂带北端进行了为期3周的连续观测实验.实验使用电动落锤作为主动震源,GPS连续同步授时的高精度数采作为接收系统.利用记录到的高时间精度观测数据,结合互相关时延检测技术,计算了P波和面波走时的相对变化,来表征地下波速的变化.我们观测到两次面波波速的异常变化,变化幅度最高达到2%,远远大于气压变化所能引起的波速变化.结合该时段内地震活动记录,我们认为面波的波速变化是由在附近发生的两次地震事件的同震效应引起的,该观测结果同理论计算结果相符.  相似文献   

利用剪切波分裂可以研究地壳介质的地震各向异性特征.研究表明,复杂地质构造会造成剪切波偏振方向的不同.剪切波分裂特性对地壳应力场的微小变化所引起的地壳岩石裂隙图像的变化非常敏感,由于快剪切波偏振方向反映了地震台站下方地壳的主压应力的方向,因而可以用来研究地壳应力场特征.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the Wadati-Benioff zone in the region of Kamchatka and Northern Kuriles, based on the distribution of 1102 earthquake foci, verified the existence of an intermediate depth aseismic gap and its relation to active andesitic volcanism. A system of deep seismically active fracture zones, genetically connected with the process of subduction, was delineated in the continental plate and confirmed by the results of deep seismic sounding. Two of these fractures, dipping toward the subduction zone, may be considered as the principal feeding channels for active and Holocene volcanoes of the continental volcanic belts of Kamchatka.  相似文献   

—An enhancement of the electrical conductivity in the upper layers in the subduction zones of southern Peru and northern Argentina is found by analyzing the solar quiet geomagnetic variations. This feature appears in a zone associated with large subduction angles. In this region high values of heat flow have been measured, therefore a one-dimensional thermal model is proposed using regional characteristic parameters to reproduce these values. It is found that thermal convection necessarily plays a contributing role. This effect may be produced by the ascending magma and fluids, which can explain the enhancement of the electrical conductivity.  相似文献   

利用谱分析方法对河北省测震台网2016年1月—2020年7月唐山老震区(117.5°~119.5°E,39°~41°N)85次M_L≥2.5地震进行震源参数分析,发现该时段唐山老震区应力降范围在0.1~10.3MPa,主要集中在0.1~1.0MPa,其中应力降小于2MPa的地震占81%。当2.5≤M_L≤3.5时,应力降、拐角频率与震级之间无明显的对应关系;ML≥4.0地震较少,但应力降有随震级增大而增大的趋势,拐角频率有随震级增大而减小的趋势。2019年12月5日河北丰南M4.5地震和2020年7月12日唐山M5.1地震之间发生了 7次M_L≥2.5地震,震级范围为2.5≤M_L≤2.8,提取该震级范围的震源参数进行时空分析,发现唐山M5.1地震前有2次明显的高应力降事件,2次高应力降事件呈现出应力降数值高、拐角频率高、震源尺度小的特点,表明单位体积所释放能量较多。2次高应力降事件均发生在唐山M5.1地震震中17km范围内,可能是唐山M5.1地震前震源区构造应力较高的一个标志。  相似文献   

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