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The carbonate fraction in carbonatitic Italian lamprophyres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alkaline and ultramafic lamprophyres represent the majority of pre-Pleistocene alkaline mafic magmatic activity in Italy and have been described from several localities. The age of magmatism ranges from Triassic to Lower Oligocene. Some contain appreciable amounts of carbonate. The primary carbonate of the Italian carbonatitic lamprophyres is mainly Sr- or Mn-rich calcite that occurs mostly as immiscible ocelli or as groundmass. Its textural occurrence, composition, and relationship with co-precipitating silicate phases is taken as evidence of an igneous origin. Low BaO and REE contents in the carbonate are explained by early crystallization of essential mica and subordinate apatite. Whole rock analyses and isotopic data (Rukhlov, A.S., Bell, K., Vichi, G., Stoppa, F., submitted for publication. The heterogeneous deep mantle: the Sr, Pb and Nd isotopic evidence from Early Cretaceous alkaline lamprophyres of Southern Tuscany, Italy. Lithos.) suggest a mantle origin for these rocks and rule out contamination in either high or low pressure regimes. The bulk compositions of the carbonatitic lamprophyres have high HFSE / LILE and LREE / HREE ratios and although the abundances of these elements are generally lower than for carbonatites s.s., they are comparable with the abundances in other ‘carbonate-free’ Italian lamprophyres and Italian carbonatites, suggesting similar mantle sources. Moreover, the age of the Italian lamprophyres, ranging from Middle Triassic to Lower Oligocene, is much greater than the Pleistocene age of Italian carbonatites and indicates that the source remained similar over a long time span.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to show the results of the Italian research project of national interest (PRIN) launched in 2006 and finished in 2008, concerning the “assessment of groundwater contamination risk by nitrates assessment”. The project verified the IPNOA method for nitrate groundwater contamination risk assessment in four test-sites of Italy. The IPNOA is a parametric index which assesses the potential hazard of nitrate contamination originating from agriculture on a regional scale. The method integrates two categories of parameters: the hazard factors (HF), which represent all farming activities that cause, or might cause, an impact on soil quality in terms of nitrate (use of fertilisers, application of livestock and poultry manure, food industry wastewater and urban sludge), and the control factors (CF) which adapt the hazard factors to the characteristics of the site (geographical location, climatic conditions and agronomic practices). Finally, the Potential Risk Map is obtained by coupling the potential hazard of nitrate pollution (IPNOA) and the aquifer Contamination Vulnerability Map. The project was carried out by five Research Units (RU) from the Politecnico di Torino, Universities of Piacenza, Florence, Naples and Palermo. The geochemistry of groundwaters from the four test-sites was studied to determine the distribution of nitrate, and to evaluate groundwater chemical facies. All the study areas are affected by groundwater nitrate contamination and often by hydrogeochemical peculiarities. In some cases isotopic study, δ18O–NO3δ15N–NO3, allowed to differentiate nitrates of chemical fertilisers from those of biological origin, as well as denitrification processes.  相似文献   

B.G. McFadgen  J.R. Goff   《Sedimentary Geology》2007,200(3-4):263-274
Historical and geological records both indicate tsunami inundation of New Zealand in the 700 years since the first human settlement. In addition, Maori oral traditions refer to unusual waves that might have been tsunami waves, although the accounts are open to other interpretations. Tsunami evidence has rarely been proposed from archaeological sites, primarily because of a limited understanding of the requisite evidence and environmental context. We list a criteria suggesting possible tsunami inundation of archaeological sites based upon geoarchaeological data, and use them in a case study from the Archaic Maori occupation site at Wairau Bar. The list is possibly incomplete, but indicates that archaeological investigations can gain from assessments of changing environmental conditions through time at any individual site. Our intention is not to prove tsunami inundation; rather, it is to point to archaeological sites as possible sources of information. We highlight the potential of the Wairau Bar site for further investigation.  相似文献   

Bauxite is a residual rock, consisting mainly of a mixture of aluminium hydroxides, whose industrial significance is primarily due to its profitably exploitable alumina contents. In the last decades, bauxite, mainly karst bauxite, has been also considered as possible resource of a great number of economically interesting elements including some critical metals such as rare earth elements, Sc, Co, Ni, and Nb. In this study, we present results of univariate and multivariate (R-mode factor analysis) statistics performed on a large data set including chemical composition of the principal Cretaceous karst bauxites from central and southern Italy with the twofold aim to evaluate the inter-elemental relationship among major oxides and critical metals, and describe factors affecting their distribution. Univariate statistics reveal that some critical metals Co, Ni, and LREE, have a significant number of outliers. The Co-Ni relationship associated to the outliers dataset suggests that Co is likely hosted in Ni-rich phases whereas Ce accumulation in authigenic minerals, carbonate-fluoride and phosphate, is at the origin of LREE outliers. Multivariate R-mode statistics, applied to the outliers-devoid database, instead demonstrate that in absence of specific mineralization events, the distribution of most critical metals is controlled by Al-, Fe-, and Ti-oxi-hydroxides and, to a lesser extent, by detrital phases. Among the critical metals, Cr and Y are the exceptions. Their geochemical behaviour seems to be influenced primarily by their own chemical features that are responsible for the mobility of Cr during bauxitization and for the decoupling of Y from the REEs.  相似文献   

The problem of protection against earthquakes in Italy is made difficult by the presence of a huge historic and artistic heritage. Such a heritage is mainly made up of ancient buildings and monuments situated in the urban centres, which are densely distributed throughout Italy. Therefore, very complex problems are met in the determination of the value parameter concurring with the determination of seismic risk, in addition to hazard and vulnerability. An indication of the monetary value of a building is not sufficient as far as the cultural heritage is concerned: different criteria are necessary in order to distinguish which are the strategic buildings. If we consider that there are more than 2000 museums in Italy, most of which are placed inside historic buildings, it appears that museums should receive the highest priority in future initiatives for seismic rehabilitation.  相似文献   

全球地学断面数字化图形数据库建设   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
以原地质矿产部系统所完成的6条地学断面图为源数据基础,选用MAPGIS软件平台对6条地学断面图进行了数字化,根据"全球地学断面数字化指南",并参考了各地学断面的制图标准,建立了中国地学断面图形库和属性库.开发、研制了图形库管理系统.  相似文献   

The use of bottled mineral waters use is increasingly becoming popular and the need for better knowledge of their chemical composition is a key issue for defining their quality, particularly for those elements that are not monitored on a regular basis. The link between geology and water chemistry is well known and can lead to extreme differences in element distribution and is an issue that needs to be addressed. Such an opportunity has been provided by a project of the EuroGeoSurvey Geochemistry Expert Group aimed at the characterization of groundwater geochemistry using bottled mineral waters purchased in supermarkets all over Europe. On these waters pH, conductivity and concentrations of 69 elements and ions were measured at the BGR geochemical laboratories. On a total of 1785 “samples”, 158 represent waters bottled in Italy in 126 different sites scattered throughout the country. Most of the purchased mineral water is packaged in PET bottles. In this paper, the dataset concerning Italy has been used to provide an overview on the relationship between natural concentration of the determined chemical elements in groundwater and geo-lithological features. These relationships have been investigated mostly taking into account the surface geology and other information available on water sources. Application of R-Mode factor analysis to the data set allowed the determination of the possible relationship between the distribution of individual elements and lithology or other surface enrichment phenomena. In particular waters draining through volcanic rocks are enriched in elements such as As, B, Br, Cl, Cs, I, K, Li, Na, NO3, PO43−, Rb, Sc, SiO2, Sr, Te, Ti, and V up to 3 orders of magnitude higher than waters draining through other lithologies. REE and Y show significant difference in median concentration due to interaction of waters with plutonic rocks. Many elements have a large spread of concentrations, which reflects natural variations and interaction with particular lithologies. One of the five R-mode factor analysis associations, recognized as being representative of elements analysed shows high nitrate and V loadings along with As, PO43− and Se. The latter association probably reflects a sign of anthropogenic contribution in some aquifers in volcano-sedimentary or silico-clastic deposits and in intensively cultivated areas.  相似文献   

A review of natural sinkhole phenomena in Italian plain areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Italian sinkholes, which are mainly related to karst phenomena (i.e., solution sinkholes, collapse sinkholes, etc.), are widespread along the Apennine ridge and in pedemontane areas where there are carbonatic bedrock outcrops. However, other collapses, which seem unrelated to karst dissolution, have been identified in plain areas with a thick sedimentary cover over buried bedrock. The main goal of this work is to study the geological, geomorphological, and structural setting of these areas to identify the possible mechanism of the generation and evolution of these collapses. About 750 cases were identified by research based on historical archives, specific geological literature, and information from local administrations. Geological, geomorphological, and hydro-geochemical surveys were conducted in 300 cases, supported by literature, borehole, and seismic data. A few examples were discarded because they could be ascribed to karst dissolution, volcanic origin (i.e., maar), or anthropogenic causes. Field studies regarding the other 450 cases are in progress. These cases occur along the Tyrrhenian margin (Latium, Abruzzo, Campania, Tuscany) in tectonic, coastal, and alluvial plains close to carbonate ridges. These plains are characterized by the presence of pressurized aquifers in the buried bedrock, overlaid by unconsolidated sediments (i.e., clay, sands, pyroclastic deposits, etc.). The majority of these collapses are aligned along regional master and seismogenetic faults. About 50% of the studied cases host small lakes or ponds, often characterized by highly mineralized springs enriched with CO2 and H2S. The Periadriatic margin does not seem to be affected by these phenomena, and only a few cases have been found in Sicily, Sardinia, and Liguria. The obtained scenarios suggests that this type of collapse could be related to upward erosion through vertical conduits (i.e., deep faults) caused by deep piping processes whose erosive strength is increased by the presence of acidic fluids. In order to distinguish these collapses from typical karst dissolution phenomena, they are defined as deep piping sinkholes (DPS).  相似文献   

We designed a new seismic source model for Italy to be used as an input for country-wide probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) in the frame of the compilation of a new national reference map.

We started off by reviewing existing models available for Italy and for other European countries, then discussed the main open issues in the current practice of seismogenic zoning.

The new model, termed ZS9, is largely based on data collected in the past 10 years, including historical earthquakes and instrumental seismicity, active faults and their seismogenic potential, and seismotectonic evidence from recent earthquakes. This information allowed us to propose new interpretations for poorly understood areas where the new data are in conflict with assumptions made in designing the previous and widely used model ZS4.

ZS9 is made out of 36 zones where earthquakes with Mw > = 5 are expected. It also assumes that earthquakes with Mw up to 5 may occur anywhere outside the seismogenic zones, although the associated probability is rather low. Special care was taken to ensure that each zone sampled a large enough number of earthquakes so that we could compute reliable earthquake production rates.

Although it was drawn following criteria that are standard practice in PSHA, ZS9 is also innovative in that every zone is characterised also by its mean seismogenic depth (the depth of the crustal volume that will presumably release future earthquakes) and predominant focal mechanism (their most likely rupture mechanism). These properties were determined using instrumental data, and only in a limited number of cases we resorted to geologic constraints and expert judgment to cope with lack of data or conflicting indications. These attributes allow ZS9 to be used with more accurate regionalized depth-dependent attenuation relations, and are ultimately expected to increase significantly the reliability of seismic hazard estimates.  相似文献   

宽频带数字地震观测数据子库   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李秋生  史大年 《地球学报》2001,22(6):507-512
宽频带数字地震观测数据库是以Windows 98、MS Access 97数据库软件、个人Web服务器PWS(Personal Web Server)、ODBC(Open Data Base Connector)驱动程序为基础建立的.它采用网页与数据库接口的形式实现了数据网上发布与数据存储的完全分离.该子库具有运行速度快,操作简便及安全性强等优点.数据库收录了"九五"以前国土资源部(原地质矿产部)系统天然地震临时台网观测的数据约45 GB.可供从事地球深部构造研究、天然地震监测等方面的研究者按共享协议使用.  相似文献   

基于MAPGISG平台的中国地学断面数字化图形库的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地学断面积累了丰富的地质,地球物理和地球化学等综合资料,从中得出的地学信息是提供科学决策,促进社会科技事业和生产力发展的依据。在MAPGIS软件基础上的中国地学断面数字化图形库的建立过程中,地学断面中的每一个实体,在颜色,符号以及线型等方面都被规划统一。地学断面中的特征主题进行了层名划分以及层名,实体的编码,形成分层标准和编码准则。利用MAPGIS的编辑子系统和Access关于数据库软件,建立了中国地学断面的空间数据库和属性数据库,并将它们联接起来,从而建立了整个中国地学断面数字化图形库。  相似文献   

Cenozoic lamprophyres (minettes, spessartites, kersantite) from the Western Alps, northern Italy, represent small volume, mafic melts with high Mg#s and high Ni and Cr contents. All the lamprophyres show light REE enrichment, high incompatible element contents, and Ta, Ti and Nb troughs on chondrite-normalized diagrams. Age-corrected 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios (assuming t = 30 Ma) are highly variable and range from 0.70590 to 0.71884; 143Nd/144Nd ratios range from 0.51203 to 0.51242. Pb isotopic ratios are: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.669–18.895, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.605–15.689 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.224–39.134. 87Sr/86Sr ratios show a negative correlation with 143Nd/144Nd, and a positive correlation with K, Ba, and Rb as well as with Ti, Th, Ta, Nb and Zr abundances. The primitive nature of the lamprophyres, coupled with their enriched incompatible trace element and isotopic signatures, suggest derivation from a metasomatized upper mantle source. Linear arrays in isotope space and elemental data plots suggest mixing between two distinct end-members in the Italian mantle; an enriched end-member that is isotopically similar to pelagic sediments, and a significantly less enriched end-member that approaches Bulk Earth values. New isotopic data indicate that the mantle source(s) of the lamprophyres from the Western Alps contain a very high proportion of the enriched end-member. The geochemical signature of the enriched end-member is attributed to fluids or melts derived from pelagic sediments subducted during the closure of the Tethyan Ocean in the late Cretaceous to early Tertiary.  相似文献   

In this article, the results of a study aimed to assess the landslide susceptibility in the Calaggio Torrent basin (Campanian Apennines, southern Italy) are presented. The landslide susceptibility has been assessed using two bivariate-statistics-based methods in a GIS environment. In the first method, widely used in the existing literature, weighting values (Wi) have been calculated for each class of the selected causal factors (lithology, land-use, slope angle and aspect) taking into account the landslide density (detachment zones + landslide body) within each class. In the second method, which is a modification of the first method, only the landslide detachment zone (LDZ) density has been taken into account to calculate the weighting values. This latter method is probably characterized by a major geomorphological coherence. In fact, differently from the landslide bodies, LDZ must necessarily occur in geoenvironmental classes prone to failure. Thus, the calculated Wi seem to be more reliable in estimating the propensity of a given class to generate failure. The thematic maps have been reclassified on the basis of the calculated Wi and then overlaid, with the purpose to produce landslide susceptibility maps. The used methods converge both in indicating that most part of the study area is characterized by a high–very high landslide susceptibility and in the location and extent of the low-susceptible areas. However, an increase of both the high–very high and moderate–high susceptible areas occurs in using the second method. Both the produced susceptibility maps have been compared with the geomorphological map, highlighting an excellent coherence which is higher using method-2. In both methods, the percentage of each susceptibility class affected by landslides increases with the degree of susceptibility, as expected. However, the percentage at issue in the lowest susceptibility class obtained using method-2, even if low, is higher than that obtained using method-1. This suggests that method-2, notwithstanding its major geomorphological coherence, probably still needs further refinements.  相似文献   

 The use of hydrothermal simulation models to improve the prediction of water inflows in underground works during drilling is tested in the Mont Blanc tunnel, French and Italian Alps. The negative thermal anomaly that was observed during the drilling of this tunnel in 1960 is reproduced by long-term, transient hydrothermal simulations. Sensitivity analysis shows the great inertia of thermal phenomena at the massif scale. At the time of tunnel drilling, the massif had not reached thermal equilibrium. Therefore, a set of simulation scenarios, beginning at the end of the last glacial period, was designed to explain the anomaly encountered in the tunnel in 1960. The continuous cooling of alpine massifs due to infiltration of waters from the surface has occurred for 12,000 years and is expected to continue for about 100,000 years. Comparisons of water-discharge rates simulated in the tunnel with those observed indicate that this hydrothermal method is a useful tool for predicting water inflows in underground works. Received, May 1998 · Revised, March 1999 · Accepted, April 1999  相似文献   

数字填图中不同阶段数据模型的继承技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以当前第三代地理数据库模型和PRB数据模型为基础, 通过PRB数据流“栈”与不同阶段数据模型的关系说明PRB数据流“栈”是不同阶段数据模型继承和传递的基础; 阐明了最终解释成果空间数据库的数据模型是在不同阶段结构化与非结构化数据模型关系上通过抽象与综合来实现“继承”的; 用对象类和要素类的互操作来实现空间与非空间的属性继承传递.同时, 基于地质图一体化的描述、组织和存储的数据建模原则, 得出了基于PRB数据模型为基础的PRB地质图空间数据库由17个基本要素类、6个对象类、8个综合要素数据集构成.并对实体名称、要素与对象编码、空间数据类型、实体间的关系、主关键字名称、子关键字名称、注释要素类编码、实体属性内容说明进行了定义和说明   相似文献   

This paper investigates rapid channelized debris flow related to rainfalls in small alpine basins. Its goal is to evaluate and correlate different geological and technical aspects with predisposing and triggering factors that can control these phenomena. The study area is the upper part of the Susa Valley where 12 small basins were selected. For each of them, lithological, geomorphological, climatic and technical information were mapped and analysed. Debris-flow triggering conditions, flow and depositional processes were related to physical characteristics of the basin that can be easily measured and quantified. At least three different groups of basins were found: G1) basins with one event each 4–6 years, characterised by massive or blocky calcareous rocks, G2) basins with more than one event per year that show an abundance of layered or sheared fine-grained rocks and G3) basins with recurrence levels exceeding 10 years, activated only by heavy and prolonged rainfalls, marked by massive or blocky coarse-grained igneous rocks. Furthermore, important morphometric differences were found. These considerations are useful in terms of hazard zonation and risk mitigation.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国1∶100万数字地质图数据库是根据统一标准和要求编制的专题数字地质图,以中华人民共和国1∶50万数字地质图数据库为数据源,在综合研究的基础上,充分吸收近年来地质调查1∶25万、1∶20万、1∶5万等区调工作新成果、新资料,应用地质编图新技术、新理论和新方法编制而成。以年代地层单位为主、辅以岩石地层的表示方法,侵入岩按“岩性加年代”表示方法,进一步提高了基础地质的研究程度。地质图数据库内容丰富,信息量大,数据量约为1.2 GB,标示了岩石地层单位5347个图例,侵入体“岩性加时代”单位1780个图例,跨省区重要断裂93条,各省(市、自治区)内重要断层558条,同位素年龄数据1545个(组),有代表性的钻孔382个。所有地质体的面元及线元、同位素年龄和钻孔都建立了相应的属性,相邻图幅之间进行了接图处理,编写了编图说明书和元数据。数据库采用统一的线型库、符号库、色标库等,成图过程全部采用MapGIS6.5平台计算机辅助成图,成图精度高,质量好,符合设计要求,全国64幅图采用分4个片区的工作方法,最后统一编制而成。该数字地质图是目前中国资料最全、内容最新的1∶100万地质图,是中国第一份应用GIS技术的1∶100万数字地质图的最新成果,充分反映了中国地质构造特点和当前地质研究的新水平。  相似文献   

从勘察设计企业对档案利用需求出发,按照现代企业制度要求,研究建立一套突出高效利用的档案服务体系,从电子文件收集开始,到为用户提供网络环境下的快速查询利用的系统解决方案,对企业档案现代化建设进行创新探索。  相似文献   

Microbiological studies have always had an important role in the evaluation of drinking water quality. However, since geological processes are the most important factors controlling the source and distribution of chemical elements in natural waters, the importance of geochemical data must not be underestimated. This study presents data on pH, conductivity and concentrations of 69 elements and ions (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Ge, Hf, Hg, Ho, I, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Nd, Ni, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zn, Zr, Br, HCO3, Cl, F, NH4+, NO2, NO3, PO43−, SO42−, SiO2) from 186 bottled mineral waters of 158 different Italian name brands. Analyses show a large range in concentrations for most of these elements, with variations up to four orders of magnitude. Our data demonstrate that some elements (such as Be), generally considered unlikely to occur, can instead reach surprisingly high levels in drinking water, and also how packaging can release some trace elements to the bottled water. Data analysis shows that the implementation of an international database of bottled water geochemistry and of potential toxicological effects is of paramount importance to provide a robust data set which would be useful to set international action levels and guidelines to secure bottled water quality, whose consumption has steadily increased in the recent years. A new formula to calculate nitrate and nitrite tolerable concentration levels in waters intended for human consumption is proposed, to take into account that about 5% of dietary nitrate in humans is converted to nitrite.  相似文献   

构建以企业数字档案为资源的咨询、设计知识管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从勘察设计企业对档案利用需求出发,按照现代企业制度要求,研究建立一套突出高效利用的、以企业数字档案为资源的知识管理服务体系,从构建数字档案结构化数据库开始,依托网络环境和技术,提出系统解决方案,对企业档案的深度发掘利用进行创新探索。  相似文献   

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