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This article broadly positions the successful establishment of the field of French tropical geography in the immediate postwar period against developments stemming from a longer history of French colonial engagement in Africa, Asia and South America, and clarifies the seemingly late timing of, and paradoxes involved in, the creation of a body of French scientific knowledge about the tropics. Colonial scientific research did not develop in France until the end of the nineteenth century. However, the colonial geography appearing at this time did not rely on fieldwork but, rather, catered to the demands of the business class for overseas expansion and to public curiosity. Even while the medical geography of tropical areas and knowledge of tropical soils and ecology progressed greatly between 1900 and 1940, there were still only a few French geographers working in the tropics. With the advent of the Second World War, when “big science” appeared in France and its colonial empire, the number of French geographers involved in tropical research grew rapidly. The field of tropical geography built up by Pierre Gourou was a synthesis of approaches developed in South America, Africa and Indochina. Although it soon came under strong criticism for its pessimistic view of prospects for industrialisation and urbanisation in the tropics, it seduced French geographers because it matched the contemporary interest in zonality and relied on a genre de vie analysis of, typically, rural areas. Thus, the postwar blossoming of tropical geography shaped by Gourou was more a response to various internal dynamics within French geography than an exercise in imperialism. Its demise was not due to the eclipse of French colonialism but, rather, its inability to deal with the modernisation of tropical societies.  相似文献   

For a decade or so after World War II, human geographers working in the American tropics found socio-political conditions and resultant research topics little changed from those before the war. This was in contrast to the Old World tropics where decolonization processes and the demands of economic development and new nation building produced divergent research currents, For the first half of the period under review, the American tropics continued to be the province largely of geographers with culturalhistorical questions grounded in natural historical bases. The legacy is Humboldt's; the practitioners most notably students of Carl Sauer or German counterparts such as Carl Troll. French and British regionalist approaches, strong in the region before World War II, survived less successfully. By the 1980s, however, broad pan-tropical currents of geographic discourse and debate had become established. New practices and theories were formulated and tested as North Atlantic geographers borrowed from antipodean innovators and others working in the Asian and African tropics. Since the 1980s, there have been greater efforts at dialogue and collaboration with host country colleagues. As might be expected in this era of ‘globalization’, national research styles and agendas have become less evident. This paper offers a highly selective map of research nodes within tropical Americanist geography since the early 1950s. The selection of examples includes qualitative criteria, but more importantly, research that signify stasis or intensification as well as turning points and departures in the overall development of this literature. The contours of this history suggest some highly evolved, even idiosyncratic enterprises, but in the main, it is an unfolding that suggests broad congruencies with human geographic work elsewhere in the tropics.  相似文献   

With the help of the mapping software Citespace and based on analysis of international human geographers’ journal outputs in terms of countries of residence, institutions, journals and key topics, this article demonstrates Chinese scholars’ contributions to both top and regional journals in the field. The analysis shows that Anglophone geographers have been leading the development of human geography. It also demonstrates that human geographers have taken a more micro and dynamic perspective to explain environmental and social phenomena, rather than a macro and narrative approach. Scholars tend to focus more on daily life, with research topics such as home, food, body and other micro-material matters. The analysis further finds that emotional geography, geography of embodiment, food geography as well as non-representational theory have drawn increasing attention from researchers. People's perceptions of nature have been constructed through the development and negotiation of social relations. As China becomes more visible internationally in the context of a highly globalized and mobile world, increasing numbers of Chinese geographers have become involved in research on human geography. Some representative scholars and institutions, especially those based in Hong Kong, act as academic leaders by articulating their own voices to tell the unique Chinese story internationally through the publication of their research.  相似文献   

With the help of the mapping software Citespace and based on analysis of international human geographers' journal outputs in terms of countries of residence, institutions, journals and key topics, this article demonstrates Chinese scholars' contributions to both top and regional journals in the field. The analysis shows that Anglophone geographers have been leading the development of human geography. It also demonstrates that human geographers have taken a more micro and dynamic perspective to explain environmental and social phenomena, rather than a macro and narrative approach. Scholars tend to focus more on daily life, with research topics such as home, food, body and other micro-material matters. The analysis further finds that emotional geography, geography of embodiment, food geography as well as non-representational theory have drawn increasing attention from researchers. People's perceptions of nature have been constructed through the development and negotiation of social relations. As China becomes more visible internationally in the context of a highly globalized and mobile world, increasing numbers of Chinese geographers have become involved in research on human geography. Some representative scholars and institutions, especially those based in Hong Kong, act as academic leaders by articulating their own voices to tell the unique Chinese story internationally through the publication of their research.  相似文献   

This paper discusses four key phases in the study of the tropical milieu of monsoon Asia by French geographers and colonial actors over the last 150 years. First, it sees how the natural milieu initially occupied a central and determining place in French colonial and scientific assessments of Indochina, and how the notion of monsoon Asia appeared within the framework of an academic geography (and formatively in the two regional theses produced by Charles Robequain and Pierre Gourou). It then shows how, after the Second World War, francophone geographers developed a “tropicalist” approach to monsoon Asia, one that was inextricably linked with the culturalist approach that was pioneered by Gourou, which later evolved into new, model‐building and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of tropical systems. It argues that these successive phases have marked a shift from a centred tropicality ‐ a system of knowledge anchored in French colonialism and centring on debate about the determinist influence of the natural milieu ‐ to a decentred tropicality that rejects environmental determinism, questions the ethnocentric character of tropical geography and integrates the study of tropical geography into the wider social sciences. The paper concludes with the suggestion that tropicality has had an epistemologically stronger and more institutionalised relationship with francophone geography than was the case in anglophone geography.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress of population geography in China since the 1980s. The review results suggest that contrary to the common perception of its invisibility and marginalized status in the field, tremendous progress has been made in population geography in China since the 1980s. Population geographers have made significant contribution to the understanding of a wide range of population issues from geographical perspectives, including migration, urbanization, population distribution, the relationships between population, environment and resources, aging, marriage patterns, and migrants’ crimes, although such contribution often did not appear in the geographical circle. Furthermore, population geographers have played an indispensable role in revitalizing population studies in China and forging its links to human geography, occupying an important position in this multi-disciplinary field. Population geographers’ contribution to the areas of migration and urbanization research has been particularly significant, reflected in their leading roles in these areas’ research. The paper demonstrates that as latecomers in the field after more than 20 years of isolation, population geographers in China have gone through a process of catching up and increasing engagement with developments in social sciences and increasing interaction with social scientists since the 1980s, and have benefited greatly from it; however, there is a tendency for population geography to be increasingly alienated from the main stream human geography, a phenomenon similar to but not exactly the same as Anglo-American geography in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The paper argues that population geography is only half way in the course to forge the links between population studies and human geography, and it needs to return to geographical sciences to strike a healthy balance between the field of population studies and that of human geography, and promote its further development in a multi-disciplinary field.  相似文献   

西方金融地理学研究进展及其启示   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
金融地理学作为一门新兴的分支学科,已受到越来越多地理学者的重视。本文试图总结国外学者在金融地理学领域的研究进展,阐述其当前主要研究议题,提出对我国金融地理研究的启示。国外金融地理学的研究主要经历了以下几个发展阶段:自20世纪70年代以来,地理学家开始关注金融机构在引导特定地区资本流动过程中所起的作用; 80年代,学者们转向研究金融在西方社会中的角色、特定金融制度的空间组织与运作、金融中心的发展、金融流动与产业发展的关系等; 90年代以来,金融地理研究中出现了三个贯穿、且相互增强的研究对象,即解除管制、技术创新及全球化,相关研究中出现了文化制度转向。当前主要研究议题包括: 金融中心的形成、发展及萎缩; 金融排除及其带来的地方货币系统的研究;货币地理学研究等。根据国外的研究进展及经验,我国可以在金融服务网络的空间格局、货币流地域差异、金融排除及其相关的社会问题等方面展开研究。  相似文献   

本文对20世纪80年代以来中国人口地理学的发展进行了全面综述。尽管近年来中国人口地理学在地理学科领域给人留下的是萧条、甚至被边缘化的印象,但从跨学科的角度看,该学科还是取得了巨大进展。人口地理学者在复兴中国的人口学研究中发挥了不可或缺的作用,并在这一跨学科研究领域中占据了重要地位。人口地理学者从地理学的视角出发,在人口迁移流动、城镇化、人口分布、人口与资源和环境之间的关系、老龄化、婚姻模式和移民犯罪等众多人口问题的研究上作出了重要贡献,尤其是在人口迁移流动研究和人口城镇化若干问题的研究中占据着领先地位。中国人口地理学者自20世纪80年代以来与社会科学领域学者间的交流互动不断增加,在促进学科发展的同时,也出现了一种逐渐偏离主流人文地理学的倾向;今后,中国人口地理学应更多地回归地理学领域,在人口学和人文地理学两个领域间寻求健康、平衡的定位,以促进其在跨学科领域中获得进一步发展。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress of population geography in China since the 1980 s. The review results suggest that contrary to the common perception of its invisibility and marginalized status in the field, tremendous progress has been made in population geography in China since the 1980 s. Population geographers have made significant contribution to the understanding of a wide range of population issues from geographical perspectives, including migration, urbanization, population distribution, the relationships between population, environment and resources, aging, marriage patterns, and migrants' crimes, although such contribution often did not appear in the geographical circle. Furthermore, population geographers have played an indispensable role in revitalizing population studies in China and forging its links to human geography, occupying an important position in this multi-disciplinary field. Population geographers' contribution to the areas of migration and urbanization research has been particularly significant, reflected in their leading roles in these areas' research. The paper demonstrates that as latecomers in the field after more than 20 years of isolation, population geographers in China have gone through a process of catching up and increasing engagement with developments in social sciences and increasing interaction with social scientists since the 1980 s, and have benefited greatly from it; however, there is a tendency for population geography to be increasingly alienated from the main stream human geography, a phenomenon similar to but not exactly the same as Anglo-American geography in the late 1990 s and early 2000 s. The paper argues that population geography is only half way in the course to forge the links between population studies and human geography, and it needs to return to geographical sciences to strike a healthy balance between the field of population studies and that of human geography, and promote its further development in a multi-disciplinary field.  相似文献   

Despite having a long-standing relationship, teacher education and geography in primary and secondary education in Norway has received little attention as a research field within academic geography until recently. The author asks: How has Norwegian school geography related to geography taught at universities? Where does research on school geography and geographical education stand today and where should it go from here? She examines the development of the role played by academic geographers in the field from the 1970s until the present. Some potential future venues for this emerging research field are suggested on the basis of an examination of what themes are current focal points for research and comparing them to what other countries consider essential in their teacher education.  相似文献   

The third and final article in this series about employment conditions in geography addresses the issue of future demand in both academic and nonacademic settings. To gain an understanding of future demand conditions in colleges and universities, we projected the retirement of AAG members by topical specialty and then matched these retirement trends with a profile of new faculty searches as reported by geography department chairs. We assessed the likely future demand for geography teachers at the precollegiate level through a survey of Geography Alliance Coordinators about teacher certification requirements and the education environments in their respective states. We speculated on how the kinds of jobs geographers do will be affected by changes now underway in the national and global economies. And finally, we conducted a small telephone survey of AAG corporate sponsors to determine how future business trends will affect the demand for geographers.  相似文献   

Research into and teaching on population issues in New Zealand's university geography departments is at a crossroads. A significant cohort of New Zealand population geographers who gained their graduate and post-graduate training during the 1950s and 1960s is rapidly diminishing as a result of retirements and late career shifts. In the much more competitive university environment of the 1990s staff are either not being replaced, or their positions and programmes are being reshaped as part of radical restructuring of the social sciences and humanities. This paper reflects on recent developments in population geography in New Zealand, highlighting the contributions made by three of the country's most prominent researchers and teachers in what is fast becoming a dying field of discourse in university geography departments. The paper concludes on an ambivalent note about prospects for geographers in the era of sub-replacement fertility and the heightened attention that will be accorded to migration processes.  相似文献   

Published evidence suggests that American geographers largely ignore foreign languages in their professional activities. Trends in the whole educational system, weakened graduate requirements and the cultural isolationism of the Anglo-Saxon world explain the weak language competency of the discipline in the U.S. American geography cannot contribute to the gamut of sound international knowledge while this situation persists.  相似文献   

袁超  陈品宇  孔翔  吴栋 《地理研究》2021,40(2):583-596
行动者网络理论(ANT)被用于诸多学科,对突破地理学中的二元思维具有重要意义.通过梳理和比较ANT与人文地理学的相关理论,发现其时空观具有相通之处.广义对称性原则将ANT与人文地理学链接,使得人文地理学中描述的方法论、自然和物质的重要性及网络被重新认识.地理学者对ANT的批判主要围绕社会解释与网络解释、传统批判的合法性...  相似文献   

Leonard Guelke has suggested a new mode of geographic inquiry based upon an analysis of individual human actions and avoiding reliance upon theory, as implied by epistemological idealism. His position has been criticized for its emphasis upon rationality and the investigator's reconstructive ability. An idealist geography could. however, provide an understanding of the milieu surrounding a given situation and an explanation of events arising from it if its practitioners gained sufficient field exposure to become sensitive to the nuances of meaning and the oblique expressions of common experience required to achieve the reconstructions to which Guelke refers.  相似文献   

从地理学视角来看,西方国家关于老年人长期照护的研究经历了从非地理学者的早期探索,到多学科交叉领域,再到地理学研究分支领域的发展过程。论文在回顾已有文献的基础上,梳理出西方老年人长期照护地理学研究的5个主题:① 老年人长期照护需求的地理分布;② 照护设施的空间布局及可达性;③ 长期照护服务的利用状况与制约因素;④ 不同空间或场所的照护体验;⑤ 长期照护的政策讨论与应对,以期为从地理学视角解读中国特定社会经济背景下的老年人长期照护提供借鉴,并对中国老年人长期照护的地理学研究提出展望。  相似文献   

This article locates Portuguese tropical geography within wider academic debates on ‘tropicality’, contributing to discussion on not only the ‘tropicality of geography’ but also the ‘geography of tropicality’. It traces the role of Portuguese tropical geography in the colonial project and in the production of geographical knowledge, discourses and imaginaries, in particular the emergence of lusotropicality. While noting the underestimated connections with developments in German and British geography, we argue that the genealogy of Portuguese tropical geography lies mostly within contemporaneous French developments. By focusing on the central role of the Lisbon school (i.e. the Centre for Geographical Studies established in 1943), and in particular the tropical research initiated by Orlando Ribeiro (1911–1997), the paper seeks to engage with the ways in which geographical knowledge was produced within the academic discipline in Portugal under military dictatorship associated with the Estado Novo (1926–1974). By decentring the exploration of some of the ways in which the ‘tropics’ have been constructed and revising forms of producing geographical knowledge, the paper hopes to further understandings of the geographical imaginary of the tropics, unravelling the history and the role of geography in colonialism.  相似文献   

西方经济地理学理论建构的发展与论争   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
苗长虹  魏也华 《地理研究》2007,26(6):1233-1246
本文从历史和现实的视角,对西方经济地理学理论建构的演变与近期发展趋势进行了分析与总结。经济活动的区位、空间与地方是经济地理学研究的基本对象,也是经济地理学认识社会经济生活的基本视角,其理论建构的核心始终围绕着区位、空间与地方来进行,并以分析它们与经济、政治、社会、自然、环境的关系以及其中经济行动者的能动性与结构的关系而走向理论建构的多样化和多元化,而技术、制度、文化和关系、尺度、调节是其理论建构的重要中介,也是当今"新经济地理学"理论建构争论的核心所在。  相似文献   

地理学的政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云刚 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2170-2175
中国地理学的发展当前正处于十字路口,面临诸多方向的选择。如外生地理学和内生地理学的分化,实用主义和科学主义的混行,系统地理学和区域地理学的脱节,经济地理学和人文地理学的互为归属。这些问题悬而不决使地理学的向心力逐渐弱化,地理学者不得不面对诸多学科发展方向上的困扰,以及对学科规范和学术认同上的困惑。笔者以为,此时“搁置争议”并不是办法。为了学科的长远发展,中国的地理学家和地理学会必须做出一些选择。坚持一元还是认同分化,这即是地理学的政治。  相似文献   

1889-1944年日本《地学杂志》刊载涉及中国论文分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
段伟  何滢 《地理研究》2013,32(3):580-589
日本《地学杂志》是日本地球科学界最重要的专门性刊物之一,自1889年创刊以来登载了大量有关东亚及东南亚的地理信息,其中对中国的报道和研究所占版面年平均超过13%。本文主要介绍日本《地学杂志》的发展沿革及内容构成,着重分析1889-1944年该杂志所载涉及中国的文章,特别关注日本地学家对中国各区域地形、地质、资源、物产、水道交通及社会人文等方面的实地考察,论证其研究价值和意义,分析其时空分布特点。通过分析1889-1944年间以《地学杂志》相关人员为代表的日本研究者对中国的关注和认识在时空及侧重点上的变化态势,表明当时日本地学家在中国所从事的实地调查活动与日本国家在政治和经济上对中国地理知识的需求之间有着十分密切的联系。  相似文献   

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