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随着海洋渔业资源的不断衰退,为了保护渔业资源、推动海洋渔业的可持续发展,自20世纪70年代后期,我国出台了许多海洋捕捞相关政策。文章从投入控制制度、产出控制制度和技术控制制度3个角度出发,以捕捞许可制度、捕捞限额管理和伏季休渔制度等政策为重点,通过整理1980—2017年浙江省渔业经济的相关资料,从海洋捕捞渔船数量和功率、海洋捕捞产量、渔业劳动力数量变化3个方面,深入分析浙江省海洋捕捞现状,提出了完善现有的海洋捕捞政策、加强渔业执法管理力量、加强普法宣传、建立渔业资源调查与评估体系、帮助捕捞从业人员转产转业等对策建议,以期为我国海洋捕捞管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

基于灰色关联分析的我国海洋渔业产业结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为发展我国海洋渔业经济,促进海洋渔业资源的开发利用和渔业产业结构的优化升级,文章基于灰色关联分析,研究我国海洋渔业产业结构,并提出相应建议。研究结果表明:我国海洋渔业产业发展不平衡,第一产业占比较大;产量和产值保持平稳较快增长,海水养殖业和第三产业发展较快;与海洋渔业发展的关联程度由大到小依次为水产品加工业、海洋捕捞业、海水养殖业、休闲渔业;未来我国海洋渔业应大力发展远洋捕捞和海水养殖、科学延伸水产品加工产业链、促进渔业科技进步以及积极推动休闲渔业的发展,促进形成"三、二、一"型的产业结构。  相似文献   

文章以上海市、浙江省和山东省113户渔业生产者的问卷调研数据为基础,通过运用Logistic回归模型分析渔业生产者参与实施捕捞限额制度意愿的影响因素。研究表明,年龄、受教育水平、渔船总功率、年均捕捞量、捕捞收入与家庭总收入比例、举报奖励额与超额价值比例以及年监管次数均对渔业生产者参与实施捕捞限额制度的意愿产生显著影响。基于实证研究结果,提出应加大渔业培训力度,切实控制渔船功率,暂不设立举报机制以及结合目前的投入控制制度推行循序渐进、逐步严格的监管机制等建议,以提高渔业生产者参与实施捕捞限额制度的意愿,为制定有效的渔业资源管理制度提供参考依据,推进渔业现代化改革。  相似文献   

为促进我国海洋渔业的可持续发展,文章基于面板数据回归模型,分析海洋渔业产业结构的优化。研究结果表明:我国海洋渔业发展趋势较好,但受政策和资源等因素的制约,亟须优化产业结构;海洋渔业产业结构优化与海水养殖与海洋捕捞的增加值之比存在正相关关系,与海水养殖与海洋渔业的从业人员数量之比存在负相关关系;应提高海水养殖增加值,促进养殖企业形成最佳规模,同时重视先进科技的支撑作用。  相似文献   

史磊  宋毅宁  秦宏 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):40-50
自20世纪80年代以来,我国出台了众多海洋捕捞相关政策,厘清这些政策变迁规律对海洋捕捞业的健康发展具有重要意义。本文对1986年以来我国海洋捕捞业的政策文本展开量化分析,构建政策时间维度、政策工具维度、政策价值维度三维政策文本分析框架,梳理当前捕捞业政策变迁和结构特征,并深入分析了捕捞业政策与现实的匹配性。研究发现,海洋捕捞业的部分政策目标之间存在一定的冲突和矛盾;政策工具体系全面,但不同政策工具数量分布不均衡;早期政策的经济价值取向突出,社会、生态价值相对不足,需要适时调整政策价值取向。未来应明确政策目标,推动海洋捕捞管理范式由投入控制向产出控制的转变;优化政策工具组合,引导渔民自觉养护海洋渔业资源,提高海洋捕捞业政策的有效性;整合政策价值取向,协调产业发展、资源养护和渔民利益的关系,推动海洋捕捞可持续发展。  相似文献   

文章针对海洋渔业由于过度捕捞造成渔业资源枯竭的问题,提出了一种基于海洋遥感(ORS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和海洋地理信息系统(MGIS)等高新技术的海洋捕捞与海水养殖监管系统设计方案,可以远程自动对海洋渔业区域的水质多参数信息和养殖环境视频信息进行综合采集、传输及监控,也可以自动采集传输渔船RFID身份识别信息、渔船AIS自动识别信息、渔船GPS定位信息和捕捞生产视频信息等,并通过海洋精细渔业专家系统ES进行渔业养殖监控、渔业环境资源监测评估、渔船船数和功率数控制和海洋捕捞生产渔情监测等。该系统可以实现海洋渔业精细化捕捞和海洋渔业精细化养殖,促进海洋渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

洪超 《海洋信息》2006,(1):29-29
2000年以来,荣成市针对近海捕捞资源持续衰退、传统作业渔场大幅缩减对海洋捕捞乃至控个渔业经济发展产生严重制约的现实,把远洋渔业作为摆脱渔业所面临的困境、实现转产转业的重点之一,通过加大资金投入、推进科技进步等措施,力促快速健康发展。  相似文献   

为更加清晰和客观地认知我国海洋渔业的发展情况,促进海洋渔业转方式、调结构,推动农业现代化建设和渔业经济发展,文章以供给侧结构性改革为背景,以海洋捕捞和海水养殖为主要内容,从供给规模、产业结构、地区分布、品种结构和生产方式5个方面,梳理我国海洋渔业的供给和结构;分析我国海洋渔业供给侧存在的主要问题,包括海洋生态环境破坏和渔业资源衰退、海洋捕捞过度以及海水养殖效率、方式和品种结构不合理。在此基础上,提出我国海洋渔业供给侧结构性改革的建议:加强海洋生态环境保护,合理有序开发利用海洋渔业资源;控制近海捕捞强度,发展远洋渔业;转变养殖发展方式,优化养殖品种结构。  相似文献   

海洋渔业卫生遥感的研究应用及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫星遥感技术在海洋渔业领域已得到广泛的应用。本文根据收集到文献资料,着重分析了海洋环境要素与鱼类行为之间的关系,概括了卫星遥感技术在海洋渔场环境分析与渔业捕捞研究中的应用现状与发展,介绍了国际上海洋渔业应用的主要遥感卫星平台及其特征,并综述了世界上主要渔业发达国家如美国、日本以及其它国家和我国利用卫星遥感技术在海洋渔场环境分析及渔情速、预报服务领域中的研究应用的进展。  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺现象对广西海洋捕捞产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厄尔尼诺现象是一种对世界渔业有重要影响的气候事件,它的形成,使得海洋气候、水温、海流等因子也相应发生了不同的变化。本文对1980-2009年的Nino3.4区的海表温度(SST)和广西海洋捕捞产量的增长率进行了线性回归并经F检验分析,得出了它们在α=0.05的水平上回归效果显著的结论(F>Fα=0.05),且随着厄尔尼诺强度的增强、持续时间的增长,广西海洋捕捞产量的增长率也随之增大。因此,可将Nino3.4区的海表温度作为预测广西海洋捕捞产量的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

To describe marine recreational fisheries, their socio-economic importance and interactions with other fisheries and the environment, it is necessary to define what is meant by recreational fishing. A review of European Member States’ national legislation revealed considerable variation in ownership and access to coastal waters/fisheries, and in the legal distinction between sport fishing and other recreational uses of marine fisheries and their commercial (catching for sale and profit) counterparts. Together with a re-examination of existing definitions, this has enabled us to suggest definitions that may be used to develop a common approach to evaluate participation and socio-economic value of marine recreational fishing, and guide attempts to legislate for the benefit and development of marine recreational fishing across Europe.  相似文献   

High sea industrial longline fishing can be understood as a case study of the cultural, economic, environmental and social impacts of unsustainable fishing technology. While much attention has been attributed to the impact of industrial longlines on the marine ecosystem, little is known about the impact of longline fishing on local food security, employment, cultural belief systems and traditions, revenue generation from marine tourism and climate change. New data demonstrate that the contributions of Marine Protected Areas, marine tourism and recreational fishing to local coastal economies dwarf the contributions of longline fishing. When combined with the impact of overfishing on coastal fishing communities and fish consumers, policies promoting sustainable fisheries must be expanded to take these other factors into account along with issues of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Robert Ovetz   《Marine Policy》2006,30(6):809-820
Industrial longline fishing can be understood as a case study of the cultural, economic, environmental and social impacts of unsustainable fishing technology. While much attention has been attributed to the impact of industrial longlines on the marine ecosystem, little is known about the impact of longline fishing on local food security, employment, cultural belief systems and traditions, revenue generation from marine tourism and climate change. New data demonstrate that the contributions of Marine Protected Areas, marine tourism and recreational fishing to local coastal economies dwarf the contributions of longline fishing. When combined with the impact of overfishing on coastal fishing communities and fish consumers, policies promoting sustainable fisheries must be expanded to take these other factors into account along with issues of biodiversity.  相似文献   

"蓝色粮仓"是包含海产品生产、加工及海洋水产资源环境养护等众多关联产业的集合体,是保障我国粮食和营养安全、推进海洋强国战略和国家生态文明建设的重大举措。然而,"蓝色粮仓"关联产业粗放式的发展模式给近海渔业资源及生态环境造成了不同程度的损害,制约了我国"蓝色粮仓"的可持续发展。文章系统地分析了我国"蓝色粮仓"关联产业的发展现状与存在资源衰退状况严重、近海捕捞难以维持、养殖环境问题突出、水产品安全问题凸显等问题,并提出了控制近海捕捞产量,推进捕捞业转型升级、优化海水养殖模式,提高生态和经济效益、加强水产品精深加工,提高产业价值链、加强渔业资源保育工作、完善各项保障措施等对策,以求为我国"蓝色粮仓"建设决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This article is an analysis of observed changes in the level of fishing effort and the spatial distribution of fishing effort following implementation of a marine reserve off the California coast. The Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) closes the area between depth contour based boundaries to commercial trawl fishing. In this analysis, commercial fishing vessels are grouped based on their level of fishing effort within the closed area prior to the closure in order to compare changes in effort levels between groups. The results suggest that the RCA may have had a small effect on the level of fishing effort in the California groundfish trawl fishery. Spatial distribution of fishing effort before and after implementation of the marine reserve is also compared. Some concentration of effort occurred along parts of the closed area boundaries. This pattern suggests the “fishing the line” behavior noted in the marine reserve literature, but other possible explanations exist including the effects of coincident changes in other regulations and changing bioeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

Community acceptance of Marine Parks is widely acknowledged as being critical for success. Where community stewardship and voluntary compliance have been achieved, there are fewer issues with non-compliance of zoning regulations. Probability-based surveys that are representative of the wider community can improve understanding of community perceptions prior to and following establishment of Marine Parks. Understanding attitudes towards newly created Marine Parks among user groups provides valuable information for the design of education and engagement programs, while also creating a benchmark to compare changes over time. A survey of community perceptions and awareness regarding the recently created Ngari Capes Marine Park in south-west Western Australia was measured via a randomised telephone survey of local and non-local boat-based recreational fishers; and local residents (including non-fishers and shore/boat fishers). This survey also evaluated other recreational uses of the park and how these activities were valued, knowledge of Marine Park zones, and how information about Marine Parks was being accessed. Participation in recreational fishing within Ngari Capes was above average and a supportive attitude towards the park was apparent. Boat-based recreational fishers displayed a higher degree of concern about fishing restrictions compared to local residents, but overall were supportive of the Marine Park. Across all user groups there was low awareness of the Ngari Capes Marine Park and poor understanding of Marine Parks. A lack of clarity regarding the likely benefits of the Ngari Capes Marine Park was apparent, implying a need to improve public communication and community engagement.  相似文献   

As marine protected areas (MPAs) continue to be established, measures to address displaced effort are likely to become increasingly relevant. Recent experiences of displaced fishing effort programs for MPAs and recreational fishing reserves in Australia, together with two examples from the United States, are described. A practical framework for addressing displaced fishing effort is developed, which explores the likely displaced-effort scenarios and options when planning spatial commercial fishing closures for an MPA.  相似文献   

Signs of changing marine ecosystems due to increasing human use of marine resources are recognised worldwide. Legislation and regulations are often at the core of fisheries management and harvesting control. However, these are ineffective without the respective compliance, often requiring an effective surveillance and enforcement in support of conservation success. Limpets are a popular seafood and traditionally collected and consumed in the Azores, Northeast Atlantic, leading to a fisheries collapse in the 1980s and the subsequent implementation of limpet protected zones (LPZs) and seasonal fishing closures. A roving creel survey was used in two islands of the Azores to assess the level of compliance with the existing regulations. Results indicate that shore-based limpet collection is mainly influenced by environmental conditions, including wave height and tide, and general temporal constraints, including time of day, day type, and season. A high level of non-compliance with spatial (i.e. about 40% of the harvesting events inside no-take zones) and temporal conservation measures was observed. Harvesting effort in the closed and open season was not significantly different. Recently new regulations for limpet harvesting were implemented in the Azores, extending recreational harvesting techniques to snorkelling but potential long-term effects are unknown. This study shows how on-site recreational fishing survey methods can assist managers to assess the level of illegal fishing and support the development of adaptive conservation strategies for vulnerable inshore species.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of fishing activity in Scottish waters is required to inform marine spatial planning. Larger fishing vessels are fitted with Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) offering spatial information on fishing activity. VMS does not cover smaller vessels (under 15 m), which fish predominantly in inshore waters where the competition for space is often greatest. To improve knowledge of the distribution of fishing activity and value of fisheries in Scotland's inshore waters, Marine Scotland conducted a participatory fisheries mapping project, known as ScotMap. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with 1090 fishermen of Scottish registered commercial fishing vessels under 15 m in overall length and relate to fishing activity for the period 2007–2011. Interviewees were asked to identify the areas in which they fish, estimate the contribution these areas make to vessel earnings, and to provide associated information. The majority of interviews relate to creel fishing. The data collected were aggregated to provide mapped outputs of the monetary value, relative importance to fishermen and the usage of the seas around Scotland (number of fishing vessels and number of crew). ScotMap outputs provide information on the locations of inshore fishing activities and the economic importance of different sea areas at a much higher spatial resolution than was previously possible. Outputs have informed marine policy development, provide a valuable resource for marine spatial planning in Scotland and illustrate how participatory mapping can generate useful resources on the location and importance of inshore fishing areas.  相似文献   

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