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Hatton Bank (northwest U.K.) continental margin structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The continent-ocean transition near Hatton Bank was studied using a dense grid of single-ship and two-ship multichannel seismic (mcs) profiles. Extensive oceanward dipping reflectors in a sequence of igneous rocks are developed in the upper crust across the entire margin. At the landward (shallowest) end the dipping reflectors overlie continental crust, while at the seaward end they are formed above oceanic crust. Beneath the central and lower part of the margin is a mid-crustal layer approximately 5 km thick that could be either stretched and thinned continental crust or maybe newly formed igneous crust generated at the same time as the dipping reflector sequence. Beneath this mid-crustal layer and above a well defined seismic Moho which rises from 27 km (continental end) to 15 km (oceanic end) across the margin, the present lower crust comprises a 10–15 km thick lens of material with a seismic velocity of 7.3 to 7.4 km/s. We interpret the present lower crustal lens as underplated igneous rocks left after extraction of the extruded basaltic lavas, A considerable quantity of new material has been added to the crust under the rifted margin. The present Moho is a new boundary formed during creation of the margin and cannot, therefore, be used to determine the amount of thinning.  相似文献   

New multichannel seismic reflection data were collected over a 565 km transect covering the non-volcanic rifted margin of the central eastern Grand Banks and the Newfoundland Basin in the northwestern Atlantic. Three major crustal zones are interpreted from west to east over the seaward 350 km of the profile: (1) continental crust; (2) transitional basement and (3) oceanic crust. Continental crust thins over a wide zone (∼160 km) by forming a large rift basin (Carson Basin) and seaward fault block, together with a series of smaller fault blocks eastwards beneath the Salar and Newfoundland basins. Analysis of selected previous reflection profiles (Lithoprobe 85-4, 85-2 and Conrad NB-1) indicates that prominent landward-dipping reflections observed under the continental slope are a regional phenomenon. They define the landward edge of a deep serpentinized mantle layer, which underlies both extended continental crust and transitional basement. The 80-km-wide transitional basement is defined landwards by a basement high that may consist of serpentinized peridotite and seawards by a pair of basement highs of unknown crustal origin. Flat and unreflective transitional basement most likely is exhumed, serpentinized mantle, although our results do not exclude the possibility of anomalously thinned oceanic crust. A Moho reflection below interpreted oceanic crust is first observed landwards of magnetic anomaly M4, 230 km from the shelf break. Extrapolation of ages from chron M0 to the edge of interpreted oceanic crust suggests that the onset of seafloor spreading was ∼138 Ma (Valanginian) in the south (southern Newfoundland Basin) to ∼125 Ma (Barremian–Aptian boundary) in the north (Flemish Cap), comparable to those proposed for the conjugate margins.  相似文献   

Summary. The stretching and thinning of the continental crust, which occurs during the formation of passive continental margins, may cause important changes in the velocity structure of such crust. Further, crust attenuated to a few kilometres' thickness, can be found underlying 'oceanic' water depths. This paper poses the question of whether thinned continental crust can be distinguished seismically from normal oceanic crust of about the same thickness. A single seismic refraction line shot over thinned continental crust as part of the North Biscay margin transect in 1979 was studied in detail. Tau— p inversion suggested that there are differences between oceanic and continental crust in the lower crustal structure. This was confirmed when synthetic seismograms were calculated. The thinned continental crust (β± 7.0) exhibits a two-gradient structure in the non-sedimentary crust with velocities between 5.9 and 7.4 km s−1; an upper 0.8 s−1 layer overlies a 0.4 s−1 layer. No layer comparable to oceanic layer 3 was detected. The uppermost mantle also contains a low-velocity zone.  相似文献   

Rifted margins are created as a result of stretching and breakup of continental lithosphere that eventually leads to oceanic spreading and formation of a new oceanic basin. A cornerstone for understanding what processes control the final transition to seafloor spreading is the nature of the continent‐ocean transition (COT). We reprocessed multichannel seismic profiles and use available gravity data to study the structure and variability of the COT along the Northwest subbasin (NWSB) of the South China Sea. We have interpreted the seismic images to discern continental from oceanic domains. The continental‐crust domain is characterized by tilted fault blocks generally overlain by thick syn‐rift sedimentary units, and underlain by fairly continuous Moho reflections typically at 8–10 s twtt. The thickness of the continental crust changes greatly across the basin, from ~20 to 25 km under the shelf and uppermost slope, to ~9–6 km under the lower slope. The oceanic‐crust domain is characterized by a highly reflective top of basement, little faulting, no syntectonic strata and fairly constant thickness (over tens to hundreds of km) of typically 6 km, but ranging from 4 to 8 km. The COT is imaged as a ~5–10 km wide zone where oceanic‐type features directly abut or lap on continental‐type structures. The South China margin continental crust is cut by abundant normal faults. Seismic profiles show an along‐strike variation in the tectonic structure of the continental margin. The NE‐most lines display ~20–40 km wide segments of intense faulting under the slope and associated continental‐crust thinning, giving way to a narrow COT and oceanic crust. Towards the SW, faulting and thinning of the continental crust occurs across a ~100–110 km wide segment with a narrow COT and abutting oceanic crust. We interpret this 3D structural variability and the narrow COT as a consequence of the abrupt termination of continental rifting tectonics by the NE to SW propagation of a spreading centre. We suggest that breakup occurred abruptly by spreading centre propagation rather than by thinning during continental rifting. We propose a kinematic evolution for the oceanic domain of the NWSB consisting of a southward spreading centre propagation followed by a first narrow ridge jump to the north, and then a younger larger jump to the SE, to abandon the NWSB and create the East subbasin of the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Expanding spread profile at the northern Jan Mayen Ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An expanding spread seismic profile at the central northern Jan Mayen Ridge, ESP-5, has yielded a crustal seismic velocity distribution which is similar to observations from the thinned continental crust at the Norwegian continental margin. The profile reveals a post-early Eocene sedimentary sequence, about 1. 5 km thick, overlying 1 km of volcanic extrusives and interbedded sediments. Below, there are about 3 km of pre-opening sediments above the seismic basement. The results indicate that the main ridge block is underlain by a thinned crust, possibly only 13.5 km thick. The results are compatible with a continental nature for the main ridge complex.  相似文献   

The Queen Charlotte Fault zone is the transpressive boundary between the North America and Pacific Plates along the northwestern margin of British Columbia. Two models have been suggested for the accommodation of the ∼20 mm yr−1 of convergence along the fault boundary: (1) underthrusting; (2) internal crustal deformation. Strong evidence supporting an underthrusting model is provided by a detailed teleseismic receiver function analysis that defines the underthrusting slab. Forward and inverse modelling techniques were applied to receiver function data calculated at two permanent and four temporary seismic stations within the Queen Charlotte Islands. The modelling reveals a ∼10 km thick low-velocity zone dipping eastward at 28° interpreted to be underthrusting oceanic crust. The oceanic crust is located beneath a thin (28 km) eastward thickening (10°) continental crust.  相似文献   

Summary. The crustal structure beneath the Vema fracture zone and its flanking transverse ridge was determined from seismic refraction profiles along the fracture zone valley and across the ridge. Relatively normal oceanic crust, but with an upwarped seismic Moho, was found under the transverse ridge. We suggest that the transverse ridge represents a portion of tectonically uplifted crust without a major root or zone of serpentinite diapirism beneath it. A region of anomalous crust associated with the fracture zone itself extends about 20 km to either side of the central fault, gradually decreasing in thickness as the fracture zone is approached. There is evidence to suggest that the thinnest crust is found beneath the edges of the 20 km wide fracture zone valley. Under the fracture zone valley the crust is generally thinner than normal oceanic crust and is also highly anomalous in its velocity structure. Seismic layer 3 is absent, and the seismic velocities are lower than normal. The absence of layer 3 indicates that normal magmatic accretionary processes are considerably modified in the vicinity of the transform fault. The low velocities are probably caused by the accumulation of rubble and talus and by the extensive faulting and fracturing associated with the transform fault. This same fracturing allows water to penetrate through the crust, and the apparently somewhat thicker crust beneath the central part of the fracture zone valley may be explained by the resultant serpentinization having depressed the seismic Moho below its original depth.  相似文献   

Geophysical data from the Amazon Cone Experiment are used to determine the structure and evolution of the French Guiana and Northeast Brazil continental margin, and to better understand the origin and development of along-margin segmentation. A 427-km-long combined multichannel reflection and wide-angle refraction seismic profile acquired across the southern French Guiana margin is interpreted, where plate reconstructions suggest a rift-type setting.
The resulting model shows a crustal structure in which 35–37-km-thick pre-rift continental crust is thinned by a factor of 6.4 over a distance of ∼70  km associated with continental break-up and the initiation and establishment of seafloor spreading. The ocean–continent boundary is a transition zone up to 45  km in width, in which the two-layered oceanic-type crustal structure develops. Although relatively thin at 3.5–5.0  km, such thin oceanic crust appears characteristic of the margin as a whole.
There is no evidence of rift-related magmatism, either as seaward-dipping sequences in the reflection data or as a high velocity region in the lower crust in the P -wave velocity model, and as a such the margin is identified as non-volcanic in type. However, there is also no evidence of the rotated fault block and graben structures characteristic of rifted margins. Consequently, the thin oceanic crust, the rapidity of continental crustal thinning and the absence of characteristic rift-related structures leads to the conclusion that the southern French Guiana margin has instead developed in an oblique rift setting, in which transform motion also played a significant role in the evolution of the resulting crustal structure and along-margin segmentation in structural style.  相似文献   

Large Igneous Provinces (LIP) are of great interest due to their role in crustal generation, magmatic processes and environmental impact. The Agulhas Plateau in the southwest Indian Ocean off South Africa has played a controversial role in this discussion due to unclear evidence for its continental or oceanic crustal affinity. With new geophysical data from seismic refraction and reflection profiling, we are able to present improved evidence for its crustal structure and composition. The velocity–depth model reveals a mean crustal thickness of 20 km with a maximum of 24 km, where three major units can be identified in the crust. In our seismic reflection records, evidence for volcanic flows on the Agulhas Plateau can be observed. The middle crust is thickened by magmatic intrusions. The up to 10 km thick lower crustal body is characterized by high seismic velocities of 7.0–7.6 km s−1. The velocity–depth distribution suggests that the plateau consists of overthickened oceanic crust similar to other oceanic LIPs such as the Ontong-Java Plateau or the northern Kerguelen Plateau. The total volume of the Agulhas Plateau was estimated to be 4 × 106 km3 of which about 10 per cent consists of extruded igneous material. We use this information to obtain a first estimate on carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emission caused by degassing from this material. The Agulhas Plateau was formed as part of a larger LIP consisting of the Agulhas Plateau itself, Northeast Georgia Rise and Maud Rise. The formation time of this LIP can be estimated between 100 and 94 (± 5) Ma.  相似文献   

The Canary Islands swell: a coherence analysis of bathymetry and gravity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Canary Archipelago is an intraplate volcanic chain, located near the West African continental margin, emplaced on old oceanic lithosphere of Jurassic age, with an extended volcanic activity since Middle Miocene. The adjacent seafloor does not show the broad oceanic swell usually observed in hotspot-generated oceanic islands. However, the observation of a noticeable depth anomaly in the basement west of the Canaries might indicate that the swell is masked by a thick sedimentary cover and the influence of the Canarian volcanism. We use a spectral approach, based on coherence analysis, to determine the swell and its compensation mechanism. The coherence between gravity and topography indicates that the swell is caused by a subsurface load correlated with the surface volcanic load. The residual gravity/geoid anomaly indicates that the subsurface load extends 600 km SSW and 800 km N and NNE of the islands. We used computed depth anomalies from available deep seismic profiles to constrain the extent and amplitude of the basement uplift caused by a relatively low-density anomaly within the lithospheric mantle, and coherence analysis to constrain the elastic thickness of the lithosphere ( Te ) and the compensation depth of the swell. Depth anomalies and coherence are well simulated with Te =28–36 km, compensation depth of 40–65 km, and a negative density contrast within the lithosphere of ∼33 kg m−3. The density contrast corresponds to a temperature increment of ∼325°C, which we interpret to be partially maintained by a low-viscosity convective layer in the lowermost lithosphere, and which probably involves the shallower parts of the asthenosphere. This interpretation does not require a significant rejuvenation of the mechanical properties of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Interpretation of long‐offset 2D depth‐imaged seismic data suggests that outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward rapidly as rifting yields to seafloor spreading and thermal subsidence of the margin. This collapse post‐dates rifting and stretching of the crust, but occurs roughly ten times faster than thermal subsidence of young oceanic crust, and thus is tectonic and pre‐dates the ‘drift stage’. We term this middle stage of margin development ‘outer margin collapse’, and it accords with the exhumation stage of other authors. Outer continental margins, already thinned by rifting processes, become hanging walls of crustal‐scale half grabens associated with landward‐dipping shear zones and zones of low‐shear strength magma at the base of the thinned crust. The footwalls of the shear zones comprise serpentinized sub‐continental mantle that commonly becomes exhumed from beneath the embrittled continental margin. At magma‐poor margins, outer continental margins collapse and tilt basinward to depths of about 3 km subsea at the continent–ocean transition, often deeper than the adjacent oceanic crust (accreted later between 2 and 3 km). We use the term ‘collapse’ because of the apparent rapidity of deepening (<3 Myr). Rapid salt deposition, clastic sedimentation (deltaic), or magmatism (magmatic margins) may accompany collapse, with salt thicknesses reaching 5 km and volcanic piles 1525 km. This mechanism of rapid salt deposition allows mega‐salt basins to be deposited on end‐rift unconformities at global sea level, as opposed to deep, air‐filled sub‐sea depressions. Outer marginal collapse is ‘post‐rift’ from the perspective of faulting in the continental crust, but of tectonic, not of thermal, origin. Although this appears to be a global process, the Gulf of Mexico is an excellent example because regional stratigraphic and structural relations indicate that the pre‐salt rift basin was filled to sea level by syn‐rift strata, which helps to calibrate the rate and magnitude of collapse. We examine the role of outer marginal detachments in the formation of East India, southern Brazil and the Gulf of Mexico, and how outer marginal collapse can migrate diachronously along strike, much like the onset of seafloor spreading. We suggest that backstripping estimates of lithospheric thinning (beta factor) at outer continental margins may be excessive because they probably attribute marginal collapse to thermal subsidence.  相似文献   

Summary. The crustal structure beneath the exposed terranes of southern Alaska has been explored using coincident seismic refraction and reflection profiling. A wide-angle reflector at 8–9 km depth, at the base of an inferred low-velocity zone, underlies the Peninsular and Chugach terranes, appears to truncate their boundary, and may represent a horizontal decollement beneath the terranes. The crust beneath the Chugach terrane is characterized by a series of north-dipping paired layers having low and high velocities that may represent subducted slices of oceanic crust and mantle. This layered series may continue northward under the Peninsular terrane. Earthquake locations in the Wrangell Benioff zone indicate that at least the upper two low-high velocity layer pairs are tectonically inactive and that they appear to have been accreted to the base of the continental crust. The refraction data suggest that the Contact fault between two similar terranes, the Chugach and Prince William terranes, is a deeply penetrating feature that separates lower crust (deeper than 10 km) with paired dipping reflectors, from crust without such reflectors.  相似文献   

Summary. A long seismic refraction profile was carried out between southern Israel and Cyprus. The seismic energy was generated by 33 sea shots each of 0.8 t explosives and was recorded by land stations in Israel and Cyprus and by ocean bottom seismographs deployed along the profile.
The results showed that the continental crust of southern Israel thins towards the Mediterranean underneath a northward thickening sedimentary cover. Cyprus is underlain by a 35 km thick continental crust thinning south-wards and extending to Mt Eratosthenes. Between Mt Eratosthenes and the Israel continental shelf the crystalline crust is composed of high velocity (6.5 km s-1)material and is about 8 km thick. It is covered by 12–14 km of sediments and may represent a fossil oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Abstract Rifted margin architecture along part of the southern Gabonese margin is interpreted from four deep-penetration, multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiles. A series of synthetically faulted crustal blocks are identified, separated by dominantly seaward-dipping fault zones formed during Cretaceous rifting between Africa and South America. Extensional strain ratios are ≅ 1.5. These faults appear either to transect the entire crustal section or are interrupted by discontinuous zones of midcrustal reflections which may represent detachments.
Outer acoustic basement highs are situated just seaward of the continental slope. On the combined basis of seismic geometry, an associated positive magnetic anomaly and an increase in free-air gravity, these outer highs are interpreted to mark faulted transitions from rifted continental crust to 'proto-oceanic crust', presumably composed of mafic volcanic rocks and possibly slivers of attenuated continental crustal blocks. The outer edge of Aptian salt lies °165 km south-west of the edge of the continental shelf. The salt forms an° 1.5-km-thick horizon overlying the outer highs, and it may be autochthonous there, suggesting salt was deposited contemporaneously with emplacement of proto-oceanic crust.
Differential subsidence and tilting between continental rift-blocks during post-rift margin subsidence has resulted in a sympathetic terrace-ramp geometry in overlying Aptian salt. Salt terraces form above tops of crustal blocks, where salt tends to rise vertically, creating pillows and diapirs. Ramps connecting terraces tend to form above seaward-facing fault zones; salt flowage there has been both lateral and vertical, creating triangular diapirs along the footwalls of growth faults. Most of these growth-faults sole within the salt base, but a few continue into the interpreted synrift succession.  相似文献   

Around 4370 km of new seismic reflection data, collected along the East Greenland margin between 71°30'N and 77°N in 2003, provide a first detailed view of the sediment distribution and tectonic features along the East Greenland margin. After processing and converting the data to depth, we correlated ODP-Site 913 stratigraphy into the new seismic network. Unit GB-2 shows the greatest glacial sediment deposits beneath the East Greenland continental shelf. This unit is characterized by the beginning of prograding sequences and has, according to our stratigraphic correlation, a Middle Miocene age. It might have been caused by rapid changes in sea level and/or glacial erosion by an early ice sheet or glaciers along the coast. A basement high, presumably a 360 km long basement structure at 77°N–74°54'N, prevents continuous sediment transport from the shelf into the deep sea area in times before 15 Myr. The origin of this prominent structure remains speculative since no rock sample from this structure is available. Seaward dipping reflectors at the eastern flank of this structure strongly support that it is a volcanic construction and is most likely emplaced on continental or transitional crust. The compilation of sediment thickness provide an insight into the regional sediment distribution in the Greenland Basin. An average sediment thickness of 1 km is observed. The north bordering Boreas Basin has a sediment thickness of 1.8 km close to the Greenland fracture zone (GFZ).  相似文献   

Seismic reflection profiles from the Murray Ridge in the Gulf of Oman, northwest Indian Ocean, show a significant component of extension across the predominantly strike-slip Indian–Arabian plate boundary. The Murray Ridge lies along the northern section of the plate boundary, where its trend becomes more easterly and thus allows a component of extension. The Dalrymple Trough is a 25 km wide, steep-sided half-graben, bounded by large faults with components of both strike-slip and normal motion. The throw at the seabed of the main fault on the southeastern side of the half-graben reaches 1800 m. The northwest side of the trough is delineated by a series of smaller antithetic normal faults. Wide-angle seismic, gravity and magnetic models show that the Murray Ridge and Dalrymple Trough are underlain by a crystalline crust up to 17 km thick, which may be continental in origin. Any crustal thinning due to extension is limited, and no new crust has been formed.
We favour a plate model in which the Indian–Arabian plate boundary was initially located further west than the Owen Fracture Zone, possibly along the Oman continental margin, and suggest that during the Oligocene–Early Miocene Indian Ocean plate reorganization, the plate boundary moved to the site of the present Owen Fracture Zone and that motion further west ceased. At this time, deformation began along the Murray Ridge, with both the uplift of basement highs, and subsidence in the troughs tilting the lowest sedimentary unit. Qalhat Seamount was formed at this time. Subsequent sediments were deposited unconformably on the tilted lower unit and then faulted to produce the present basement topography. The normal faulting was accompanied by hanging-wall subsidence, footwall uplift, and erosion. Flat-lying recent sediments show that the major vertical movements have ceased, although continuing earthquakes show that some faulting is still active along the plate boundary.  相似文献   

The Southeastern portion of the East African Rift System reactivates Mesozoic transform faults marking the separation of Madagascar from Africa in the Western Indian Ocean. Earlier studies noted the reactivation of the Davie Fracture Zone in oceanic lithosphere as a seismically active extensional fault, and new 3D seismic reflection data and exploration wells provide unprecedented detail on the kinematics of the sub-parallel Seagap fault zone in continental/transitional crust landward of the ocean-continent transition. We reconstruct the evolution of the seismically active Seagap fault zone, a 400-km-long crustal structure affecting the Tanzania margin, from the late Eocene to the present day. The Seagap fault zone is represented by large-scale localized structures affecting the seafloor and displaying growth geometries across most of the Miocene sediments. The continuous tectonic activity evident by our seismic mapping, as well as 2D deep seismic data from literature, suggests that from the Middle-Late Jurassic until 125 Ma, the Seagap fault acted as a regional structure parallel to, and coeval with, the dextral Davie Fracture Zone. The Seagap fault then remained active after the cessation of both seafloor spreading in the Somali basin and strike-slip activity on the Davie Fracture Zone, till nowaday. Its architecture is structurally expressed through the sequence of releasing and restraining bends dating back at least to the early Neogene. Seismic sections and horizon maps indicate that those restraining bends are generated by strike-slip reactivation of Cretaceous structures till the Miocene. Finally based on the interpretation of edge-enhanced reflection seismic surfaces and seafloor data, we shows that, by the late Neogene, the Seagap fault zone switched to normal fault behaviour. We discuss the Seagap fault's geological and kinematic significance through time and its current role within the microplate system in the framework of the East African rift, as well as implications for the evolution and re-activation of structures along sheared margins. The newly integrated datasets reveal the polyphase deformation of this margin, highlighting its complex evolution and the implications for depositional fairways and structural trap and seal changes through time, as well as potential hazards.  相似文献   

According to recent estimates, the continental mid-crust contains 35–40 per cent amphibolites. Heating of the crust by an underlying mantle plume, for example beneath continental rifts, high plateaus, and areas of intraplate volcanic activity, releases water. Dehydration of amphibole-bearing rocks at depths of 20–40  km occurs mainly in the temperature range 650–700 °C, and this releases about 0.4  wt per cent of water.
  Seismic tomography studies of the crust in the Kirgyz Tien Shan Range, where the age of the tectonic activity is less than 30  Ma, revealed a low-velocity zone in the mid-crust. The velocity of P waves was 0.4  km  s1 lower than in normal crust. MT sounding data in the region show the existence of a low-resistivity layer with an average resistivity of about 25  Ω  m at the depth of the low-velocity layer. The spatial correlation of the observed anomalous layers and calculated effect of fluid phase on seismic and electric parameters of rocks suggests the presence of aqueous fluids released by the heating of the mid-crust.  相似文献   

Summary. The active Australian-Pacific plate boundary passes through New Zealand. In the north, the Pacific plate subducts beneath the Australian plate with an accretionary wedge forming the eastern continental (Hikurangi) margin of the North Island. The structure of the region behind the Hikurangi margin changes from the extensional back-arc basin under central North Island to a postulated crustal downwarp under the southern North Island. A 100 km long multichannel seismic reflection profile was recorded across the region of crustal downwarp. The data show discontinuous coherent reflectors dipping westwards at the east end of the profile, and east dipping reflectors at the west end, from depths of 9 to 15 s two way time. Simple hand migration of these events indicate that the east dipping reflectors, interpreted as the base of the Australian plate crust, abut against the west dipping reflectors which are interpreted as marking the top of the subducted Pacific plate. Detailed earthquake hypocentre locations in the area show a dipping zone of high seismicity, the top of which coincides closely with the west dipping events, thus supporting this interpretation.  相似文献   

Summary. We present evidence for a seismic discontinuity near 200km depth (the Lehmann Discontinuity) under the passive continental margin of northwest Australia, where continental lithosphere merges into oceanic lithosphere. The velocity contrast across the discontinuity is 0.2–0.3 km s-1, and is similar to the contrast across discontinuities at similar depths in seismic models for purely continental paths to the east under central Australia. The discontinuity has been shown to be present under continents, oceans and now at continental margins, and is probably a worldwide feature.  相似文献   

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