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Modelling of Progressive and Instantaneous Failures of Foliated Rock Slopes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Mechanisms of flexural toppling failure of slopes in foliated rock masses are investigated both experimentally by testing small scaled models in a centrifuge and theoretically by using a limiting equilibrium model and a finite element model based on the Cosserat theory. Both theoretical models include bending moments of rock layers in their formulation. Two main failure mechanisms are observed: (1) instantaneous failure involving a large volume of failed material and (2) progressive failure where the fracture initially localises near the toe region and then progresses further into the rock mass with increasing load. These two mechanisms of slope failure are observed to be controlled by the magnitude of the joint friction angle. The joint friction angles of about 20° and above are most likely to cause instantaneous failure while the lesser friction angles result in a progressive failure. Joint cohesion is not found to have a similar effect on the failure mechanisms, provided that it is low enough to allow sliding between the rock layers – a prerequisite for flexural toppling.  相似文献   

乌东德水电站右岸地下厂房随机块体特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随机块体的几何特征和稳定性是水利水电工程中地下厂房支护设计的重要依据。对乌东德水电站右岸地下厂房随机块体的特征进行了深入研究。对研究区域内实测的裂隙参数进行了分组统计,确定了各组裂隙产状、迹长等参数的分布形式和大小。利用逆建模方法建立了三维裂隙网络模型,获取了各组裂隙的直径和三维密度。采用一般块体方法对地下厂房进行随机块体的识别和稳定性分析,利用GeneralBlock软件进行了10次随机实现,对10次计算结果进行了统计分析和讨论。研究结果表明,结构面与开挖面形成的随机块体集中在地下厂房的顶拱部位,10次随机实现中,地下厂房全长范围内平均每次形成的随机块体为414个;随机块体的平均体积为2.9 m3,最大块体的体积达152.0 m3;可移动块体中,大部分为稳定块体,不稳定块体均以坠落形式破坏;构成可移动块体的结构面多为3~4条,最多可达12条,其中倾W向的中等倾角裂隙是构成块体并可能造成块体失稳的最危险结构面;随机块体的平均深度为1.2 m,最大深度为8.8 m。建议支护锚杆应尽量穿透倾W向中等倾角的长大裂隙,且锚杆支护长度大于8.8 m。  相似文献   

Summary The paper analyses the influence of rock mass quality on the performance of a double shield TBM in the excavation of a tunnel in a gneiss formation which is characterized by high strength and low fracture intensity.As full observation of the rock conditions was prevented by the use of segmental lining, a geomechanical survey of the face was performed during maintenance downtime and the observed conditions were correlated with the machine performance parameters for that same day. A statistical analysis of the data shows that penetration rate correlates well with a slightly modified RMR index (in which the influence of the water conditions and joint orientation were discounted), but the most important factor is by far the partial rating of the RMR classification related to joint spacing only. However in tunnels characterized by greater variability in rock strength and joint conditions, it could be worthwhile using the complete RMR index.Given the toughness of the rock, failure of the cutter bearings and supports were a frequent occurrence during excavation. Owing to this factor the influence of rock quality on the rate of advance was found to be weak and the correlation more scattered.The results obtained for the Varzo tunnel were compared with those relative to other tunnels in granitic rocks and found to be in good agreement. However the relationships obtained should be considered valid only for this type of rock; machine behaviour could be found to be markedly different in other rock types, even where rock material strength and joint frequency are the same.  相似文献   

Summary In block caving, it is important to estimate the cavability of an ore body. This study proposes a new three dimensional (3D) model for predicting the characteristics of ore fragmentation in block caving, which is based on the Monte Carlo simulation technique. In this paper, the following subjects are discussed: sampling methods of discontinuity, 3D modeling algorithms and conceptualization for analyzing the distribution of discontinuities. In addition, the influence of each modeling parameter on the distribution of ore fragmentation was analyzed. The characteristics of ore fragmentation in a Northern China underground copper mine are used as a case study. Based on the methods discussed here, a software system named “MAKEBLOCK” was developed for analyzing the characteristics of discontinuities in an ore body and predicting the size distribution of ore fragments in block caving. The ore fragmentation attained by using this 3D model is in a good agreement with the field fragmentation measurements. Received November 30, 2001; accepted September 19, 2002; Published online February 25, 2003 Acknowledgement Support for this project came primarily from The National Science Foundation of China (approval No. 59704004). We would like to thank professor J. F. Archbald, head of Faculty of Mining Engineering, Queen's University, Canada, for his excellent advice and for checking the technical presentations of this paper. Authors' address: Dr. Liguan Wang, College of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Hunan, Changsha, China; e-mail: liguan_wang@hotmail.com  相似文献   

岩体不连续面迹长、产状、空间组合形态等的不确定性和复杂性,使结构面整体几何形态研究存在困难。利用岩体内大量随机展布的不连续面所具有的统计相似性,结合具有统计意义的数学方法进行结构面参数描述,是岩体随机不连续面三维网络模拟的基础,也为岩体稳定性评价提供可靠依据。本文基于数字近景摄影测量技术对长春市净月开发区东升采石场坡面进行调查研究,获取高精度的大量岩体结构面迹长、产状、间距、张开度等几何参数。利用Matlab编制Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S)检验程序,实现结构面参数的K-S法概率分布检验,分析了结构面参数所服从的概率分布类型;同时用SPSS软件检验程序正确性,并引入最优拟合度,选取符合多种概率分布参数的最优拟合概率模型。结果表明:研究区内结构面迹长、间距服从对数正态分布规律,产状服从伽马分布规律。  相似文献   

田小甫 《地质与勘探》2012,48(4):840-846
[摘 要] 本文采用数值模拟的方法,利用UDEC 软件,开展了结构面对岩质边坡地震动影响的数值 模拟研究,研究内容涉及结构面产状和位置变化对岩体边坡地震动放大系数空间展布的影响。根据岩 体边坡中结构面发育的一般规律,本文模型工况主要考虑与坡面相交的贯穿性结构面,模拟的主要物理 对象是层面、贯穿性长大软弱结构面等。数值模拟结果表明:结构面越靠近坡顶,边坡上部的地震动响 应越强烈;顺倾结构面会使坡肩部形成更强烈的地震动响应;边坡越陡,坡顶和坡肩部的地震动响应越 强烈。上述规律对于岩质边坡地震稳定性分析具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary A series of numerical tests including both rock mechanics and fracture mechanics tests are conducted by the rock and tool (R–T2D) interaction code coupled with a heterogeneous masterial model to obtain the physical–mechanical properties and fracture toughness, as well as to simulate the crack initiation and propagation, and the fracture progressive process. The simulated results not only predict relatively accurate physical–mechanical parameters and fracture toughness, but also visually reproduce the fracture progressive process compared with the experimental and theoretical results. The detailed stress distribution and redistribution, crack nucleation and initiation, stable and unstable crack propagation, interaction and coalescence, and corresponding load–displacement curves can be proposed as benchmarks for experimental study and theoretical research on crack propagation. It is concluded that the heterogeneous material model is reasonable and the R–T2D code is stable, repeatable and a valuable numerical tool for research on the rock fracture process.  相似文献   


Nd isotope studies of the oldest metasedimentary rocks from the Wonominta Block, western New South Wales reveal that these samples have a model age (TDM) of 1780–2010 Ma, slightly younger than that of low‐grade Willyama Supergroup metasediments (1920–2160 Ma), and significantly younger than those ages previously reported from high‐grade rocks of the Broken Hill Block (2200–2300 Ma). These differences have important implications for tectonic reconstruction in this region and support a model of transitional tectonics from the Broken Hill to Wonominta Blocks, as suggested by earlier geochemical studies of mafic rocks. Those studies revealed that the mafic rocks from the basal sequence of the Wonominta Block may have formed in a back‐arc basin, developed from a propagating rifting, an environment contiguous to that in which Willyama Supergroup was deposited. These results also carry significant implications for tectonic reconstruction of eastern Australia.  相似文献   

王良奎 《世界地质》1998,17(4):43-46
通过对白山市石碑岭公路隧道K241+290-255段网络模拟,剖面切割,块体搜索及稳定性分析,从而进行块体危岩超前地质预报。  相似文献   

滚石在平台上的运动特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
危岩体;滚石;平台;运动距离;现场试验;滚动摩擦系数  相似文献   

It is more difficult for a hot dry rock to form a fracture network system than shale due to its special lithology, physical and mechanical properties under high temperature. The essential characteristics, rock mechanics and in-situ stress characteristics of a hot rock mass have been systematically studied by means of laboratory tests and true tri-axial physical simulation. The fracture initiation and propagation characteristics under different geological and engineering conditions are physically simulated, and the main controlling factors for the formation of a complex fracture network are revealed. The technology of low displacement for enhancing thermal cracking, gel fluid for expanding fracture and variable displacement cyclic injection for increasing a fracture network has been applied in the field, and good results have been achieved. Micro-seismic monitoring results demonstrate that complex fractures were formed in the field test, and the stimulation volume for heat exchanging reaches more than 3 million cubic meters. The research results play an important role in the stimulation technology of an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) and realize a breakthrough for power generation.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRock deformation is normally explained by tec-tonic stress as rock deformation results fromthe tec-tonic stress field. The classic tools that explainedfracture mechanisms were the Coulomb shear fracturerule and the Anderson mode derived fromit (Zhu,1999) . More and more studies have shown that it isdifficult to explain rock deformation in a large strainrange using only the Coulomb shear fracture rule( Waltham,2002 ; Gutscher et al .,2001 ; Tikoff andWojtal ,1999) . As a ver…  相似文献   

针对富有机质页岩储层复杂的矿物组分与微观孔缝结构,本文提出基于岩石物理模型和改进粒子群算法的页岩储层裂缝属性及各向异性参数反演方法。应用自相容等效介质理论与Chapman多尺度孔隙理论建立裂缝型页岩双孔隙系统岩石物理模型。开发基于岩石物理模型的反演流程,引入模拟退火优化粒子群算法解决多参数同时反演问题,反演算法能够避免陷入局部极值且收敛速度快。将本文方法应用于四川盆地龙马溪组页岩气储层,反演得到的孔隙纵横比、裂缝密度等物性参数和各向异性参数与已有研究结果一致,能为页岩储层的评价提供多元化信息。  相似文献   

Summary. An approach for modelling fractured rock masses has been developed which has two main objectives: to maximise the quality of representation of the geometry of existing rock jointing and to use this within a loading model which takes full account of this style of jointing. Initially the work has been applied to the modelling of mine pillars and data from the Middleton Mine in the UK has been used as a case example. However, the general approach is applicable to all aspects of rock mass behaviour including the stress conditions found in hangingwalls, tunnels, block caving, and slopes. The rock mass fracture representation was based on a combination of explicit mapping of rock faces and the synthesis of this data into a three-dimensional model, based on the use of the FracMan computer model suite. Two-dimensional cross sections from this model were imported into the finite element computer model, ELFEN, for loading simulation. The ELFEN constitutive model for fracture simulation includes the Rotating Crack, and Rankine material models, in which fracturing is controlled by tensile strength and fracture energy parameters. For tension/compression stress states, the model is complemented with a capped Mohr-Coulomb criterion in which the softening response is coupled to the tensile model. Fracturing due to dilation is accommodated by introducing an explicit coupling between the inelastic strain accrued by the Mohr-Coulomb yield surface and the anisotropic degradation of the mutually orthogonal tensile yield surfaces of the rotating crack model. Pillars have been simulated with widths of 2.8, 7 and 14 m and a height of 7 m (the Middleton Mine pillars are typically 14 m wide and 7 m high). The evolution of the pillar failure under progressive loading through fracture extension and creation of new fractures is presented, and pillar capacities and stiffnesses are compared with empirical models. The agreement between the models is promising and the new model provides useful insights into the influence of pre-existing fractures. Further work is needed to consider the effects of three-dimensional loading and other boundary condition problems.  相似文献   

大冶铁矿东露天采场边坡岩体力学参数研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了三十多年来在大冶铁矿东露天采场南、北帮边坡岩体中进行的岩体抗剪强度现场测试方法、技术及试验结果,并汇总出一套历次为边坡稳定性分析采用的抗剪强度参数值,为岩体力学参数数据库增加了大量信息。  相似文献   

岩石爆破模型研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
邵鹏  东兆星  张勇 《岩土力学》1999,20(3):91-96
系统综述了岩石爆破模型的国内外研究现状,阐明了其基本思想。对岩石爆破模型作了简要评述,就岩石爆破模型的发展趋势提出了初步看法。  相似文献   

揭示一个基于代数拓扑理论的裂隙网络中物质弥散模型,还给出了应用于网络中的对流扩散的对应性原理的证明。应用拓扑理论给出的框架,使其起了一个数据结构的组织者的作用,由此得到网络中每一个分支上的浓度的解。这个解是在拉普拉斯空间上的解析解。网络中任意点在任何时刻的浓度可以很方便地用数值拉氏反变换求出。  相似文献   

巷道围岩参数的人工神经网络预测   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用人工智能方法解决地下工程问题,提出了预测巷道围岩参数的人工神经网络预测法,构造了预测围岩参数的神经网络模型。预测结果证明,该模型具有很高的预测精度。提出的方法有一定的实用价值和参考价值。  相似文献   

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