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Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions of DOC and particulate organic carbon (POC), and elemental C/N ratios of POC were measured for samples collected from the lower Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers and adjacent coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico during the low flow season in June 2000 and high flow season in April 2001. These isotopic and C/N results combined with DOC measurements were used to assess the sources and transport of terrestrial organic matter from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers to the coastal region in the northern Gulf of Mexico. δ13C values of both POC (−23.8‰ to −26.8‰) and DOC (−25.0‰ to −29.0‰) carried by the two rivers were more depleted than the values measured for the samples collected in the offshore waters. Strong seasonal variations in δ13C distributions were observed for both POC and DOC in the surface waters of the region. Fresh water discharge and horizontal mixing played important roles in the distribution and transport of terrestrial POC and DOC offshore. Our results indicate that both POC and DOC exhibited non-conservative behavior during the mixing especially in the mid-salinity range. Based on a simple two end-member mixing model, the comparison of the measured DOC-δ13C with the calculated conservative isotopic mixing curve indicated that there was a significant in situ production of marine-derived DOC in the mid- to high-salinity waters consistent with our in situ chlorophyll-a measurements. Our DOC-δ13C data suggest that a removal of terrestrial DOC mainly occurred in the high-salinity (>25) waters during the mixing. Our study indicates that the mid- to high- (10–30) salinity range was the most dynamic zone for organic carbon transport and cycling in the Mississippi River estuary. Variability in isotopic and elemental compositions along with variability in DOC and POC concentrations suggest that autochthonous production, bacterial utilization, and photo-oxidation could all play important roles in regulating and removing terrestrial DOC in the northern Gulf of Mexico and further study of these individual processes is warranted.  相似文献   

The 87Sr, 13C, and 15N isotopic signatures of organic matter in sediments from the continental shelf facing the Orinoco Delta were measured to determine the contribution of sediments transported from the Amazon River by the coastal Guayana current and the sediments transported by the Orinoco River. Box core samples between 60 and 300 m water depth collected along 4 transects located eastwards to the Orinoco Delta were analyzed. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations decreased with depth under water on the shelf, and were strongly correlated indicating homogeneity of organic matter composition. Phosphorus content was also associated to organic matter in most samples, but some of them revealed deposition of P-enriched sediments. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios showed a strong continental signature averaging 0.7117, therefore, limiting the possible carbon and nitrogen sources associated with these sediments to C3 trees, C4 grasses, or freshwater phytoplankton. The δ13C values were relatively high averaging −21‰, above values reported for sediments on the Amapá shelf and the Amazon River in Brazil. Average δ13C values did not differ significantly among transects. High δ13C values point to the influence of organic matter transported from the C4-plants dominated savannas in the northern fringe of the Orinoco River. δ15N values were positive and averaged 5‰, being within the range of values measured in the Marajo island (Amazon River) and the estuary of the Pará River. The δ15N values differed significantly among transects (4.9–5.2‰), lowest values corresponding to the northernmost transect near the coast of Trinidad, and the highest values corresponding to the transect located at the southernmost position.  相似文献   

The contribution of bacterial biomass to total particulate organic matter (POM) in the ocean, including exported material, is poorly constrained. To examine potential signatures for the presence and export of bacterioplankton and their detrital remains, here we provide a detailed compound-specific 13C characterization of fatty acids from membrane polar lipids obtained from a water column profile in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific. POM of submicron size (0.2–0.7 μm; “X-POM”) was sampled and analyzed separately from the size class typically collected as “suspended” POM (0.7–53 μm; “L-POM”). The distributions of polar head group classes, specific fatty acid side chains, and natural 13C contents all vary, both between particle size classes and with depth in the water column. In general, the polar lipids in submicron material – and by inference, lipids of bacterial origin – have higher 13C content than polar lipids from larger POM and are equally abundant. Lipid signatures from the photic zone appear to be partially conserved in the suspended pool during transit down the water column. However, bacterial heterotrophy and possibly chemoautotrophy partially overprint these surface signatures. In addition, active metabolisms in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) appear to mediate the disaggregation of POM transported from the surface, thus adding complexity to the pathways of mid-water carbon flux and providing additional organic substrates to the OMZ and below. This “substrate injection” may provide important fuel for the denitrification and anammox reactions. Finally, examination of 13C content in polar lipids provides a basis for new interpretation of depth-related variations in δ13C values of bulk suspended POM.  相似文献   

Sinking particles were analyzed for their nitrogen isotopic ratio δ15N) of total particulate nitrogen (PN), stable carbon isotopic ratio (δ13C) and radioactive isotopic ratio (δ14C) of total particulate organic carbon (POC), at three different latitudinal (temperate, subpolar and equatorial) and geomorphological (trench, proximal abyssal plain and distal abyssal plain) sites in the western North Pacific Ocean using year-long time series sediment trap systems, to clarify the common vertical trends of the isotopic signals in deep water columns. Although the δ15N and δ13C values of sinking particulate organic matter (POM) were partly affected by the resuspension of sedimentary POM from the sea floor, especially in the trench, the changes in δ15N and δ13C values owing to the resuspension could be corrected by calculation of the isotopic mass balance from δ14C of sinking POC. After this correction, common downward decreasing trends in δ15N and δ13C values were obtained in the deep water columns, irrespective of the latitudes and depths. These coincidental isotopic signals between δ15N and δ13C values provide new constraints for the decomposition process of sinking POM, such as the preferential degradation of 15N- and 13C-rich compounds and the successive re-formation of the sinking particles by higher trophic level organisms in the deep water column.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the distribution and carbon stable isotope signature of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and humic substances (HS) along a salinity gradient in the Altamaha and Satilla River estuaries. The maximum DOC concentrations in the Altamaha and Satilla were 10 and 29 mg C l−1, respectively, though concentrations were similar at the mouth of both estuaries. There was a decrease in HS content of DOC from 50 to 80% at the head of the estuaries to 10% at salinities higher than 30‰. The δ13C DOC varied between −25.5 and −19‰ and between −27 and −21‰ in the Altamaha and Satilla estuaries, respectively. The tendency towards more depleted δ13C DOC in the Satilla, especially in the lower salinity portion of this estuary, suggests greater terrestrial inputs in the Satilla than in the Altamaha. Seasonal fluctuations were observed in the form of increased (two to three times) range in DOC concentration, heavier δ13C DOC and increased proportion of estuarine–marine-derived DOC (average enrichment of δ13C DOC from +1 to +2) during low river flow (July–October). The δ13C HS in both rivers showed a similar trend, but was consistently more depleted than DOC, with an average range from −28 to −24.5‰. This suggests that HS have larger proportions of terrestrial components (a maximum of >60% at the mouth of the estuary) than DOC. The less depleted δ13C values of DOC in comparison with HS indicate a different source for the non-humic (non-HS) component of DOC (range in δ13C non-HS, −22 to −16‰). That source could either be the decomposition of detrital material derived from saltmarsh environments or microalgal-derived DOC of estuarine or marine origins.  相似文献   

The stable isotopic composition(δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N) and carbon/nitrogen ratio(C/N) of particulate organic matter(POM) in the Chukchi and East Siberian shelves from July to September, 2016 were measured to evaluate the spatial variability and origin of POM. The δ~(13)C_(POC) values were in the range of -29.5‰ to-17.5‰ with an average of -25.9‰±2.0‰, and the δ~(15)N_(PN) values ranged from 3.9‰ to 13.1‰ with an average of 8.0‰±1.6‰. The C/N ratios in the East Siberian shelf were generally higher than those in the Chukchi shelf, while the δ~(13)C and δ~(15)N values were just the opposite. Abnormally low C/N ratios(4), low δ~(13)C_(POC)(almost-28‰) and high δ~(15)N_(PN)(10‰) values were observed in the Wrangel Island polynya, which was attributed to the early bloom of small phytoplankton. The contributions of terrestrial POM, bloom-produced POM and non-bloom marine POM were estimated using a three end-member mixing model. The spatial distribution of terrestrial POM showed a high fraction in the East Siberian shelf and decreased eastward, indicating the influence of Russian rivers. The distribution of non-bloom marine POM showed a high fraction in the Chukchi shelf with the highest fraction occurring in the Bering Strait and decreased westward, suggesting the stimulation of biological production by the Pacific inflow in the Chukchi shelf. The fractions of bloom-produced POM were highest in the winter polynya and gradually decreased toward the periphery. A negative relationship between the bloom-produced POM and the sea ice meltwater inventory was observed, indicating that the net sea ice loss promotes early bloom in the polynya.Given the high fraction of bloom-produced POM, the early bloom of phytoplankton in the polynyas may play an important role on marine production and POM export in the Arctic shelves.  相似文献   

Within the same population, nesting green turtles (Chelonia mydas) might exploit different niches by exhibiting polymorphic foraging strategies and/or inhabiting geographically distinct foraging areas. This is crucial information for the conservation of this species. Here, we used stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) to test for differences in a population of green turtles nesting on Príncipe Island (1°37′N; 7°24?′E), Central Africa. A total of 60 nesting females were sampled on the two main nesting beaches of the island in December 2012. Minimum curved carapace length (CCL) was recorded, and δ13C and δ15N values were measured in the epidermis of each individual. Overall, CCL varied from 87.0 to 108.0 cm (mean ± SD =100.0 ± 5.1), δ13C values from ?19.4 to ?8.6‰ (?17.3 ± 1.8) and δ15N values from 7.9 to 17.3‰ (13.6 ± 1.5). Despite the large variation in both isotopic ratios, their distributions were unimodal, showing an absence of polymorphic foraging strategies and isotopically distinct foraging areas. However, smaller females (< median, 100.8 cm) occupied a much larger isotopic niche (i.e., four times greater) than larger females. These results suggest that nesting green turtles may forage opportunistically on the resources available in each of their foraging home ranges, with smaller females venturing to more isotopic‐diversified areas and/or exhibiting broader foraging strategies than larger females. In addition, and in accordance with other studies, findings suggest that the foraging grounds used by the Príncipe green turtle nesting females are distributed mainly throughout the Gulf of Guinea.  相似文献   

Deep sea drilling in the Central Gulf of California, a young and active spreading centre, shows that the high heat flow typical of these regions causes extensive alteration of sediment organic matter, especially near sills and above magma chambers where hydrothermal activity is concentrated. Even on the nearby passive margin, where there are no sills, heat flow is moderately high and hydrocarbon generation has begun in immature sequences. Migrating light hydrocarbons are detected especially where hydrothermal activity is concentrated. Thermogenic methane is more widespread, though not in the passive margin bordering the spreading centre. Despite the incidence of hydrocarbon generation and migration, the amounts of hydrocarbons involved are relatively small and apparently do not lead to commercially significant accumulations of petroleum.The organic matter in these sediments is mostly marine because the Gulf of California generally has low runoff from land and highly productive surface waters. Turbidites rich in terrigenous organic material are locally abundant in the mainly pelagic section in the Guaymas Basin. The highest concentrations of organic matter are found in laminated diatomites deposited on the Guaymas passive margin within the oxygen minimum zone.  相似文献   

Cod populations in Newfoundland and Labrador waters have shown differing growth, condition and recruitment since near-universal declines in these properties during the cold period of the late 1980s and early 1990s. To assess the influence of variable prey communities on these parameters, we compared cod energetics and diet in populations off Labrador and the northeast and south coasts of Newfoundland. Many properties were highest in the southern group(s) and lowest in the northern group(s), including growth, somatic condition, liver index and age-at-maturity. Most differences could be explained by variations in diet, as measured by stomach contents and stable carbon isotopes (δ13C). The diet of Labrador cod consisted almost entirely of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis), and these cod displayed the most benthic δ13C signatures. Northeast cod had a more varied diet that included capelin and other fish, but still had mostly benthic δ13C signatures, suggesting the importance of benthic prey like shrimp in this population. South coast cod exhibited the most varied diet, including capelin (Mallotus villosus), zooplankton, crabs and other fish, and had the most pelagic δ13C signatures. Among and within populations, the benefits of a more pelagic diet in medium-sized (30–69 cm) cod included higher somatic condition, higher liver index (lipid stores) and greater spawning potential (decreased incidence of atresia). It is hypothesized that major rebuilding of Newfoundland and Labrador cod stocks will require a return to a system that supports mostly pelagic feeding (i.e. capelin) in cod.  相似文献   

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