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Holocene lake-level fluctuations in Lake Bysjön are reconstructed from recorded changes in the sediment limit and the content of reworked minerogenic matter in the sediment. These recorded changes are related to past lake-level fluctuations by correlation to fluctuations convincingly demonstrated in earlier studies. A correlation of regionally significant fluctuations in South Sweden is presented, and the climatic interpretation is discussed. A distinct lowering in lake level culminated at about 9,500-9,200 B.P., recording a major period of drier climate in the earlier part of the Holocene. After a succeeding period of increased humidity, recorded by rising and relatively higher lake level, another major period of increased dryness began at about 6,800-6,500 B.P. In contrast to the older period, the climate was not uniformly drier, but anumber of demonstrated lake-level fluctuations suggest a fluctuating climate. From the reconstruction in Bysjön, dryness culminated at about 4,900-4,600 B.P., and the major period lasted until about 2,900-2,600 B.P. After a succeeding rise in lake level, another distinct lowering is recorded some time between 1,800 B.P. and 1,200 B.P.  相似文献   

A pollen profile obtained from lake sediments at Lunkaransar, Rajasthan, in northwest India was used along with a pollen-climate calibration function to estimate past precipitation. Between 10,500 and 3500 yr B.P., the estimated precipitation was about 500 mm/yr, or about 200 mm/yr above the modern value. A model was used for the energy and hydrologic budget of a lake basin and lake at Sambhar (located 240 km SE of Lunkaransar) to calculate that a 200 mm/yr increase in rainfall above the modern amount would have raised the lake level about 20 m above the modern level. Topographic charts and satellite imagery provided some evidence in support of an enlarged paleolake of that elevation, but field exploration would be required to confirm the size and date of a former lake. After about 3500 yr B.P., the Lunkaransar profile indicated a desiccated lake bed; because no pollen was preserved, the pollen-climate calibration function was of no use for estimating the amount of the precipitation decline. A reduction of precipitation of about 200 mm/yr below the modern amount was estimated from the energy and hydrologic budget for paleolake Sambhar by assuming that the lake was one-tenth of its present size during the dry interval.  相似文献   

Lake-level fluctuations in the Jura mountains (France) during the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene are reconstructed using sedimentological analyses. Major transgressive phases culminated just before the Laacher See tephra deposition, at the beginning of the Younger Dryas, between 9000 and 8000 BP and between 7000 and 6000 BP. The Younger Dryas appears to be characterized by increasing dryness. Other major lowering phases occurred during the middle Allerød and during the Preboreal. A transgressive event developed between c . 9700 and 9500 BP. These palaeohydrological changes can be related to climatic oscillations reconstructed from pollen and isotopic records in Swiss lakes, from glacier movements and timberline variations in the Alps, and from isotopic records in the Greenland ice sheet.  相似文献   

Masjed-Daghi is located in Julfa sheet (1:100,000 series) in the northwest of Iran. The area consists of a very likely gold mineralization bearing epithermal mineralization which appears to be associated with a porphyry Cu–Mo system at deeper levels. Ninety-three soil samples were collected and analyzed for 13 elements (Au, Mo, Cu, Pb, Sn, Ag, Zn, Cr, Mn, Ba, Be, Ni, Co) by using emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The data were processed and interpreted using univariate and multivariate statistical analyses. The distribution of the majority of variables is slightly to moderately positively skewed which can be interpreted by log-normal model. Only Ni, Be, and Mn show normal distribution. Based on cluster analysis, the variables can be classified into two main groups. The first group consists of the main ore forming elements such as Au, Ag, and Ba which belong to epithermal system and Mo, Sn, and Cu which have more affiliation to porphyry mineralization. The principal component analysis extracted three factors. These factors calculated using varimax rotated R-mode factor loading matrix account for more than 65 % of the total variance. The first factor represents the main constituents of the epithermal system (Au, Ag, Ba) and its geochemical halo at the northeast of the study area. The second factor represents the main constituents of the porphyry system (Cu, Mo, Sn) and its geochemical halo in the western part of the study area which is overlapped with the volcanic rocks affected by local intrusions with higher alteration overprint. The third factor, however with less significance, represents Pb and Zn which are not the main ore constituents but can be considered as pathfinder elements. The results have been used to locate hidden orebodies using presented factor score mapping.  相似文献   

青藏高原处于东亚季风、印度季风和西风环流交互作用区.末次冰消期以来,太阳辐射对该地区的古气候环境产生了重要影响,湖泊随着季风系统的变化发生了明显的水位升降,对湖岸阶地的形成起到了直接作用.本项研究重建了青藏高原东北缘冬给错纳湖湖岸阶地记录的湖面波动历史,试图了解青藏高原季风系统演变过程.通过湖泊北岸265 cm厚湖岸阶地沉积物粒度、碳酸盐、矿物、元素和介形虫古环境指标,结合OSL年代模式,分析表明在约10. 2 ka B. P.之前水体较浅;约10. 2~9. 0 ka B. P.湖面开始上升,气候凉湿;9. 0~8. 5 ka B. P.为印度季风强盛期,湖面明显上升,降雨量增高、温度上升;8. 5~7. 9 ka B. P.湖面降低与气候变冷有关;7. 9~7. 0 ka B. P.印度季风开始减弱,气温、降雨下降,但有效湿度较大,湖面降低;7. 0~6. 1 ka B. P.湖面上升可能与低蒸发作用有关,印度季风仍然影响该地区;6. 1~5. 2 ka B. P.,印度季风衰退,气候逐渐变冷、降雨量减小、水体变浅;5. 2~4. 6 ka B. P.气候冷干,有效湿度减小,湖面进一步下降;4. 6 ka B. P.至今气候干冷,东亚季风衰退,湖面下降,期间也可能受西风环流影响而有短暂的降雨增加时期.  相似文献   

孔华  黄慧坤  成功 《江苏地质》2022,46(2):111-119
地球化学勘探找矿效果较好,但成本高、周期长;遥感地球化学利用遥感技术解决地球化学问题,遥感技术与地球化学方法相结合,可以降低找矿成本,提高效率。以新疆齐石滩金矿为研究区,将金矿成矿相关元素的化探数据与该区的WorldView-2遥感数据相结合进行遥感地球化学研究。采用多元线性回归(MLR)法建立各元素的反演模型,但反演结果精度不高,且异常位置和异常形态也存在一定的偏差,可能是混合像元致使含量与遥感影像呈非线性关系。因此,引入BP神经网络方法建模,反演精度明显提高,各元素反演异常与化探异常吻合很好,异常位置和异常形态更加精确。可见,BP神经网络方法更适合于遥感地球化学建模。  相似文献   

新疆乌什塔拉地区位于中亚天山成矿带的东南部,该成矿带上已发现众多矿床。在乌什塔拉地区开展地质矿产调查时,为快速确定找矿靶区,以遥感技术为先导,利用ETM+自然彩色合成、最小噪声分离等方法解译岩体、断层;之后对ETM+数据采用掩膜技术剔除干扰后,利用主成分分析法提取矿化蚀变信息;并将地质、化探、遥感等多元信息叠合进行综合分析。结果表明,利用主成分分析法提取的蚀变信息与化探异常、岩体、断层吻合较好,蚀变信息在工作区西北部、北部(喀拉塔格附近)及南部(阿拉塔格附近)具有面状、带状分布特征,而在工作区西南部、中部(阿勒格乌拉西)及东南部(扎合布拉格北沟附近)等地具有线状特征。经综合分析、筛选,共圈定了19处找矿靶区,对其中5处重点部位进行野外检查,发现利用主成分分析法提取的蚀变异常多由岩脉、断层、夕卡岩化、黏土化、褐铁矿化等引起。对蚀变带取样化学分析,确定了金、铜、铁矿化点3处。  相似文献   

秦涛  陈建平  赵洁 《江苏地质》2020,44(4):386-393
利用GIS与多重分形奇异值理论,探讨了一种用地球化学数据提取断裂构造信息的方法。基于滇东南地区1∶20万水系沉积物地球化学数据,依据构造地球化学原理选取Au、As、Sb、Hg、W、Sn、Bi共7种元素进行构造信息提取。经因子分析及因子旋转,发现主因子得分的空间分布与已知岩浆岩及断裂的空间展布行迹密切相关。通过计算断裂构造因子的奇异性指数进行弱信息增强,凸显出断裂构造的弱异常。将奇异性指数作为证据层,点状要素化的断裂构造数据作为训练点,进行模糊证据权(FWofE)计算,并对计算结果利用Student′s t值确定异常下限,圈定断裂构造异常范围。地球化学数据具有深部指示作用,这种断裂构造信息提取方法为深部找矿的断裂构造信息提取提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Holocene lake-level fluctuations in Jurassian and French subalpine lakes are reconstructed using sedimentological analysis, and a regional pattern of palaeohydrological changes is put forward. Major transgressive phases culminated at about 8500 BP, 6500 BP, 4800 BP, 3500–2300 BP and 450 BP. (1) The synchroncity of Holocene lake-level changes demonstrated for a large number of lakes, (2) close correlations attested between certain lakes and (3) the coincidence between rises in lake-levels in Jura and French subalpine ranges, and glacier advances in Swiss and Austrian Alps argue for a climatic control of these Holocene lake-level fluctuations.  相似文献   

Pollen analyses of three Late Weichselian Late-Glacial lake sediment successions provided a basis for the construction of pollen assemblage zones for The Netherlands. Special attention is paid to the behaviours of Populus in the Alleröd boreal forest. Some aspects of the autecology of Juniperus and Hippohaë and the dynamics of birch and pine forests are discussed in the light of the observed succession. The Late-Glacial vegetational succession in The Netherlands is compared with data published for neighbouring NW European countries. It is concluded that differences in precipitation (snow cover) along a west-east transect to a great extent determined the inferred differences in vegetational development.  相似文献   

Vegetation and lake-level data from the archaeological site of Tresserve, on the eastern shore of Lake Le Bourget (Savoie, France), are used to provide quantitative estimates of climatic variables over the period 4000–2300 cal BP in the northern French Pre-Alps, and to examine the possible impact of climatic changes on societies of the Bronze and early Iron Ages. The results obtained indicate that phases of higher lake level at 3500–3100 and 2750–2350 cal BP coincided with major climate reversals in the North Atlantic area. In west-central Europe, they were marked by cooler and wetter conditions. These two successive events may have affected ancient agricultural communities in west-central Europe by provoking harvest failures, more particularly due to increasing precipitation during the growing season. However, archaeological data in the region of Franche-Comté (Jura Mountains, eastern France) show a general expansion of population density from the middle Bronze Age to the early Iron Age. This suggests a relative emancipation of proto-historic societies from climatic conditions, probably in relation to the spread of new modes of social and economic organisation.  相似文献   

根据多年工作实践,总结了应用土壤地球化学资料解决基础地质问题的实例,其中包括判断下覆岩性、圈定构造、地层对比划分等问题,阐述了在解决地质问题中的地球化学原理和应用条件,介绍了如何利用残积晕在浅覆盖区、干旱草原区、热带雨林区扩大地质填图的基岩出露面积,识别推断下覆地层岩性;通过残积晕和上置晕推断隐伏构造;通过地球化学建造晕进行地层划分和对比。认为在矿产地质调查中充分利用地质调查区的化探资料,是可以提高地质填图质量的,并有助于解决常规地质工作中遇到的问题。地质与化探的结合也可以提高化探异常的地质解释能力。  相似文献   

Concentration levels of the trace elements Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Y, and Zn in the shallow Dutch ground water were studied. Data were extracted from the data base of the Dutch National Ground Water Quality Monitoring Network, a network set up to monitor the diffuse contamination. The network contains over 350 sites at a low density of about 1 per 100 km2. The sites are sampled once a year at two depths (approx. 10 and 25 m below surface). A two-step multivariate statistical approach was used, in which the major element chemistry was used to define water types. Within each water type, trace element behavior could be coupled to distinct geochemical processes: dilution, acidification and weathering, carbonate dissolution, oxidation/reduction, and ion exchange. In recently infiltrated acid rain water in low buffering capacity sands, the anthropogenic influence indirectly caused mobilization of Al (median 430 g/l), Cd (0.6 g/l), Co (14 g/l), Cu (2.7 g/l), Ni (16 g/l), Y (11 g/l), and Zn (50 mg/l). In carbonate bearing sediments the acidification is neutralized, and the mentioned trace elements remain immobile. Arsenic and Cr have higher concentrations levels in ground waters with a slightly reducing character and are possibly governed by the dissolution of iron-manganese hydroxides. Boron, Li, and Sr have high concentrations (respectively 875, 80, 2700 g/l) in the water type related to a seawater source. Strontium is related to carbonate dissolution in all other water types (medians ranging from 100 to 1000 g/l). Barium shows a complex behaviour. It is concluded that the high Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, and Zn concentrations are anthropogenically induced. High Ba and Cr concentrations are inferred to be due to natural processes.  相似文献   

前人研究认为,火山岩中部分地球化学指标与岩浆弧地壳厚度之间存在一定的相关性,并通过统计主量元素K2O、Ca O和Na2O指标及微量元素Ce/Y、Sm/Yb、Dy/Yb、Sr/Y、La/Yb指标与地壳厚度之间关系,约束地质史上某些区域的地壳厚度发展和变化。本文基于GEOROC数据库,以Si O2含量57%和火山岩年龄23Ma为界,将全球火山岩数据分成年轻-壳源( 57%,23Ma)、年轻-幔源(57%,23Ma)、古老-壳源( 57%, 23Ma)和古老-幔源(57%, 23Ma)四个数据集,并通过核函数估计方法获得了各个地球化学指标与地壳厚度的归一化联合概率密度分布图。本文统计结果表明,年轻-幔源火山岩中的K2O含量分布与壳源火山岩呈现指数正相关关系、Ca O含量分布于地壳厚度呈现线性负相关关系,年轻-壳源火山岩中Ce/Y、La/Yb和Sm/Yb与现今地壳厚度有指数正相关关系。由以上5种地化指标建立的回归方程确定系数R2均大于0. 7,可以认为相关关系显著。本文认为幔源岩浆在穿透地壳到达地表过程中,地壳厚度控制了富K壳源物质进入地幔熔体和富Ca矿物结晶分异过程,导致了火山岩中K2O和Ca O含量的相关变化;而下地壳部分熔融形成的壳源岩浆,不同深度压力控制了残留相矿物比例,导致Ce/Y、La/Yb和Sm/Yb体现出与地壳厚度的相关性。本文建立的回归函数是基于大量数据概率密度分布的统计分析得出的,由于离群数据普遍存在,回溯历史地壳厚度变化需要大量数据统计支撑,否则难以获得可靠的结果。  相似文献   

长江口沉积物碳氮元素地球化学特征及有机质来源分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据对长江口水下三角洲上部(CJ16)和口门浅滩(CJ19)柱状样的粒度、总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)和有机碳同位素(δ13C)以及长江口表层样TOC的测定,得出其粒度及碳氮元素特征,利用C/N和δ13C分析有机质来源及不同来源的贡献率。研究结果表明:(1)沉积物中有机碳含量在0.19%~1.17%之间,CJ16柱中有机碳含量比CJ19柱略高;总氮含量均比较少,且变化幅度小;C/N比值在5~17间变化;CJ16柱的δ13C值在24.70‰~22.86‰间变化,CJ19柱为24.88‰~22.37‰,且CJ19柱δ13C值在36 cm以上段较下段明显增大,推测可能与南汇边滩互花米草(C4植物)的引种有关;(2)长江口表层沉积物TOC的含量范围为0.17%~1.16%,平均值为0.52%;(3)粒度特征显示长江口主要以粉砂和粘土为主,砂含量较少,粒度与长江口TN、TOC含量有较好的相关性;(4)C/N和δ13C值的特征均显示该区有机质为陆源和海洋混合,利用C/N比值估算出来自陆源的有机碳比例在CJ16柱约为40%,而在CJ19柱中约为60%;根据δ13C值估算出CJ16柱陆源和海源两种有机质来源几乎是各占一半的比例,CJ19柱来自陆源的有机碳占总有机碳的60%,与用C/N比值法测得的结果较一致。上述结果显示长江口的不同空间位置碳氮元素分布特征不同,沉积记录受到粒度、河口区物源的影响,还受到陆源和海源不同有机质来源输入的影响。  相似文献   

Old geochemical datasets from the Paraná Shield of southern Brazil have been integrated into a new geochemical database and the results are presented as a series of multipurpose geochemical maps. Although the 24 datasets retrieved were analysed by three different laboratories, the maps produced correlate surprisingly well with bedrock geological features.The retrieval of old geochemical exploration data sets for the purpose of generating maps showing element depletions and enrichments is a powerful tool with a wide range of applications: trace elements such as Zn, Cu and Mo can significantly affect crop productivity; areas with high abundances of harmful elements such as As and F can be delineated in order to identify public health hazards; heavy metals such as Cd, Pb and Hg can be measured in order to better constrain knowledge of chemical background levels for environmental monitoring. The integration and manipulation of different data sets can however be complicated by the heterogeneity in sampling and analytical procedures.  相似文献   

Calcitized Jurassic dolostones from central Mount Lebanon (Kesrouane Formation) are discussed utilizing petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data. In particular, two sequential extraction methods for both major/trace elements and stable isotope analyses provide results that support and refine conventional bulk analyses data. The new data demonstrate that the major dedolomitization phase of the investigated Jurassic carbonates occurred as a result of the migration of karst‐related meteoric waters (characterized by soil‐derived carbon, and estimated δ18OV‐SMOW composition between ?7·2‰ and ?3·4‰) into previously dolomitized horizons within the limestone rock, during the final uplift and emergence of Mount Lebanon, after Palaeogene time. The study demonstrates that, in this case, the mechanisms of dedolomitization and their resulting fabrics are controlled primarily by the texture of the original dolomite rock. Pervasively dolomitized rocks, where the micritic matrix is entirely dolomitized, show calcitization mainly through dissolution/precipitation. By contrast, the rock textures that still include a considerable amount of limey micritic matrix – spared from dolomitization – are more prone to mole per mole and mimic replacement of the dolomite crystals by calcite.  相似文献   

A systematic drilling and optical dating programme on Middle Kalahari beach ridge (relict shoreline) sediments has enabled the identification of multiple episodes of lake high stands of an extensive palaeolake system at the terminus of the Okavango Delta, northern Botswana. This paper presents 23 ages from the Mababe Depression and establishes four shoreline construction phases in the late Quaternary coeval with other sub-basin lake high stands (Lake Ngami). These synchronous lake phases result from a coalescence of the sub-basins into a unified palaeolake, Lake Thamalakane, covering an area of  32,000 km2. Six additional ages are also presented from the Chobe enclave to the north of the basin where shoreline ridges were emplaced at the same time as Lake Thamalakane phases. This suggests that increased flow in the Chobe and Zambezi system significantly contributed to the Middle Kalahari lake phases in both the post-glacial and Holocene periods. The integration of these new data and their compatibility with other regional and tropical palaeo-archives is discussed in the light of understanding Quaternary climate drivers within the Kalahari.  相似文献   

Regional geochemical data from the 1:250,000 map series of Great Britain produced by the Institute of Geological Sciences are processed using a computer system developed for the National Geochemical Data Bank. The system, which can be used for the selective or complete retrieval of data and for statistical analysis and plotting, incorporates a procedure for determining accuracy and precision. Changes in accuracy are monitored by analysis of standards and the redetermination of sub-sets of samples using an instrumental neutron activation method. Samples are assigned random numbers in the field and are re-ordered sequentially prior to preparation and analysis in order to determine systematic errors occurring within batches of samples.Sampling, sub-sampling and analytical precision are monitored using analysis of variance methods on the results obtained on duplicate samples and analyses. The system for the efficient processing of this information is described and examples of the different types of error presented.  相似文献   

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