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I present an evolutionary stellar population synthesis model which predicts spectral energy distributions, SEDs, for simple old single-metallicity stellar populations, SSPs, in the wavelength intervalsλλ 3856–4476Å and 4795–5465Å at a resolution of FWHM$equals;1.8 $Aring;, on the basis of an extensive empirical spectral library composed of ≈550 stars. The synthesized model spectra can be used to analyse observed galaxy spectra in a very easy and flexible way, allowing us to adapt the theoretical predictions to the characteristics of the data instead of proceeding in the opposite direction (as we must do, for example, when transforming observational data to a particular system of indices at specific resolution/s, such as Lick, which is heavily instrument-dependent).The SSP spectra, with flux-calibrated response curves, can be smoothed to the same resolution as that of the data or to galaxy internal velocity dispersion, allowing us to analyse the observed spectra in their own system, and with no need to correct the index measurements for velocity dispersion. Thus, we are able to use all the information contained in the data, at their higher spectral resolution. Excellent fits are obtained for various metal-rich globular clusters at relatively high resolution, and well known spectral peculiarities such as the strong CN absorption features are detected. When applied to early-type galaxies the model also shows its potential for studying element ratios such as the Mg/Fe overabundance. The model spectra provided robust age indicators for old stellar populations which do not depend on metallicity and therefore have a great potential for solving the age–metallicitydegeneracy of galaxy spectra.  相似文献   

We explore the behaviour of the most popular spectroscopic absorption features in the optical region as a function of the initial mass function (IMF), while taking into account the spectral resolution and galaxy velocity dispersion. We conclude that the IMF produces a negligible effect on the Lick indices contained in the wavelength interval λ 3800–5500 Å, except the Mg1 index, for which the IMF could be as important as the metallicity. We also show that the IMF is irrelevant for most of the Rose (1994) indicators, except for various indices that show a non-negligible sensitivity. In contrast to the Lick indices, some of the Rose indicators vary their age–metallicity–IMF trends as a function of the spectral resolution.  相似文献   

We present an examination of the kinematics and stellar populations of a sample of three brightest group galaxies (BGGs) and three brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in X-ray groups and clusters. We have obtained high signal-to-noise ratio Gemini/Gemini South Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) long-slit spectra of these galaxies and use Lick indices to determine ages, metallicities and α-element abundance ratios out to at least their effective radii. We find that the BGGs and BCGs have very uniform masses, central ages and central metallicities. Examining the radial dependence of their stellar populations, we find no significant velocity dispersion, age, or α-enhancement gradients. However, we find a wide range of metallicity gradients, suggesting a variety of formation mechanisms. The range of metallicity gradients observed is surprising, given the homogeneous environment these galaxies probe and their uniform central stellar populations. However, our results are inconsistent with any single model of galaxy formation and emphasize the need for more theoretical understanding of both the origins of metallicity gradients and galaxy formation itself. We postulate two possible physical causes for the different formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

At high redshift the ubiquity of outflows and winds in strongly star‐forming galaxies has been demonstrated using rest frame UV absorption lines. In the cases with optical emission lines, the studies mostly had to rely on low and intermediate dispersion spectra. This implies that for detailed studies of galactic wind physics we have to use local objects. In particular, dwarf galaxies are well suited to extrapolation to high redshift protogalaxies. Several kinematic studies of strongly starforming dwarf galaxies using Fabry‐Pérot and IFU spectrographs exist. Unfortunately, similar as for high redshift galaxies the employed spectral resolution is often significantly higher that the thermal line width. As a result faint high velocity features and details of the turbulent motion are hidden or unresolved. Here we will present an analysis of the ionized gas kinematics of the prototypical star‐forming irregular galaxy NGC 4449 using long‐slit, high‐dispersion échelle spectra. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The structures of faint high redshift galaxies cannot be observed directly. But if a luminous quasar is located farther along their line of sight, high resolution absorption lines offer a valuable and reliable probe to their structure. GMRT is suited to monitor the absorption spectra, if the redshifted neutral hydrogen or OH doublet fall in one of the windows of the telescope. We present the OH doublet absorption spectra for the system B0218+357, taken at GMRT this year at resolution of approx. 9.5 km/sec with an rms noise of the order of 1 mJy. Based on our study of the OH doublet and 21cm neutral hydrogen line we infer that, in the lensing spiral galaxy of B0218 + 357, neutral hydrogen and OH coexist in tenous clouds and there is possibly a hole in the central part of the galaxy. In contrast, the gas is seen in high density clouds in the lens in an otherwise similar system PKS1830-211.  相似文献   

We have defined a new Hβ absorption index definition,  Hβo  , which has been optimized as an age indicator for old and intermediate age stellar populations. Rather than using stellar spectra, we employed for this purpose a library of stellar population spectral energy distributions of different ages and metallicities at moderately high resolution.  Hβo  provides us with improved abilities for lifting the age–metallicity degeneracy affecting the standard Hβ Lick index definition. The new index, which has also been optimized against photon noise and velocity dispersion, is fully characterized with wavelength shift, spectrum shape, dust extinction and [α/Fe] abundance ratio effects.  Hβo  requires spectra of similar qualities as those commonly used for measuring the standard Hβ Lick index definition. Aiming at illustrating the use and capabilities of  Hβo  as an age indicator we apply it to Milky Way globular clusters and to a well selected sample of early-type galaxies covering a wide range in mass. The results shown here are particularly useful for applying this index and understand the involved uncertainties.  相似文献   

The results of spectroscopic observations of 30 galaxies from the Second Byurakan Spectral Sky Survey in a field of 16 square degrees centered at coordinates a = 15h30m, δ = + 53°are presented. The spectra were obtained on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, in the wavelength range of 4000–7400 Å with 15 Å resolution. Emission lines are present in the spectra of most of the galaxies. Redshifts and absolute stellar magnitudes were determined for all the galaxies.  相似文献   

E+A星系的光谱具有很强的巴耳末吸收线,缺乏与恒星形成相关的发射线,将典型的椭圆星系(E)和A型恒星的光谱进行线性组合就能够拟合出这类星系的光谱.它们的颜色、形态、星族年龄等参数介于典型的早型和晚型星系之间.E+A星系近期经历了星暴活动,在星系演化进程中,它们处于晚型到早型的过渡阶段,可能在演变过程中扮演着重要角色.介...  相似文献   

In the framework of study of the evolutionary status of galaxies in the nearby Lynx-Cancer void, we present the results of the SAO RAS 6-m telescope spectroscopy for 20 objects in this region. The principal faint line [Oiii]λ4363 Å, used to determine the electron temperature and oxygen abundance (O/H) by the classicalmethod, is clearly detected in only about 2/3 of the studied objects. For the remaining galaxies this line is either faint or undetected. To obtain the oxygen abundances in these galaxies we as well apply the semi-empirical method by Izotov and Thuan, and/or the empirical methods of Pilyugin et al., which are only employing the intensities of sufficiently strong lines. We also present our O/H measurements for 22 Lynx-Cancer void galaxies, for which the suitable Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra are available. In total, we present the combined O/H data for 48 Lynx-Cancer void galaxies, including the data adopted from the literature and our own earlier results. We make a comparison of their locations on the (O/H)-MB diagram with those of the dwarf galaxies of the Local Volume in the regions with denser environment. We infer that the majority of galaxies from this void on the average reveal an about 30% lower metallicity. In addition, a substantial fraction (not less than 10%) of the void dwarf galaxies have a much larger O/H deficiency (up to a factor of 5). Most of them belong to the tiny group of objects with the gas metallicity Z ⊙/20 or 12+log(O/H)?7.35. The surface density of very metal-poor galaxies (Z ⊙/10) in this region of the sky is 2–2.5 times higher than that, derived from the emission-line galaxy samples in the Hamburg-SAO and the SDSS surveys. We discuss possible implications of these results for the galaxy evolution models.  相似文献   

Integral field spectroscopy has been obtained for the nuclear regions of three large, well-studied, early-type galaxies. From these spectra we have obtained line-strength maps for about 20 absorption lines, mostly belonging to the Lick system. An extensive comparison with multilenslet spectroscopy shows that accurate kinematic maps can be obtained, and also reproducible line-strength maps. Comparison with long-slit spectroscopy also produces good agreement.
We show that Mg is enhanced with respect to Fe in the inner disc of one of the three galaxies studied, the Sombrero. [Mg/Fe] there is larger than in the rest of the bulge. The large values of Mg/Fe in the central disc are consistent with the centres of other early-type galaxies, and not with large discs, like the disc of our Galaxy, where [Mg/Fe] ∼0. We confirm with this observation a recent result of Worthey: that Mg/Fe is determined only by the central kinetic energy, or escape velocity, of the stars, and not by the formation time-scale of the stars.
A stellar population analysis using the models of Vazdekis et al. shows that our observed H γ agrees well with what is predicted based on the other lines. Given the fact that H β is often contaminated by emission lines, we confirm the statement of Worthey & Ottaviani, Kuntschner & Davies and others that if one tries to measure ages of galaxies, H γ is a much better index to use than H β . Using the line strength of the Ca  ii IR triplet as an indicator of the abundance of Ca, we find that Ca follows Fe, and not Mg, in these galaxies. This is peculiar, given the fact that Ca is an α element. Finally, by combining the results of this paper with those of Vazdekis et al., we find that the line-strength gradients in the three galaxies are primarily caused by variations in metallicity.  相似文献   

We explore the prospects of predicting emission-line features present in galaxy spectra given broad-band photometry alone. There is a general consent that colours, and spectral features, most notably the 4000 Å break, can predict many properties of galaxies, including star formation rates and hence they could infer some of the line properties. We argue that these techniques have great prospects in helping us understand line emission in extragalactic objects and might speed up future galaxy redshift surveys if they are to target emission-line objects only. We use two independent methods, Artificial Neural Networks (based on the ANNz code) and Locally Weighted Regression (LWR), to retrieve correlations present in the colour N -dimensional space and to predict the equivalent widths present in the corresponding spectra. We also investigate how well it is possible to separate galaxies with and without lines from broad-band photometry only. We find, unsurprisingly, that recombination lines can be well predicted by galaxy colours. However, among collisional lines some can and some cannot be predicted well from galaxy colours alone, without any further redshift information. We also use our techniques to estimate how much information contained in spectral diagnostic diagrams can be recovered from broad-band photometry alone. We find that it is possible to classify active galactic nuclei and star formation objects relatively well using colours only. We suggest that this technique could be used to considerably improve redshift surveys such as the upcoming Fibre Multi Object Spectrograph (FMOS) survey and the planned Wide Field Multi Object Spectrograph (WFMOS) survey.  相似文献   

The high-redshift radio-loud quasar PKS 2126−158 is found to have a large number of red galaxies in close apparent proximity. We use the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) on Gemini South to obtain optical spectra for a large fraction of these sources. We show that there is a group of galaxies at   z ∼ 0.66  , coincident with a metal-line absorption system seen in the quasar's optical spectrum. The multiplexing capabilities of GMOS also allow us to measure redshifts of many foreground galaxies in the field surrounding the quasar.
The galaxy group has five confirmed members, and a further four fainter galaxies are possibly associated. All confirmed members exhibit early-type galaxy spectra, a rare situation for a Mg  ii absorbing system. We discuss the relationship of this group to the absorbing gas, and the possibility of gravitational lensing of the quasar due to the intervening galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a possible star formation and chemical evolutionary history for two early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 1400. They are the two brightest galaxies of the NGC 1407 (or Eridanus-A) group, one of the 60 groups studied as part of the Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study.
Our analysis is based on new high signal-to-noise ratio spatially resolved integrated spectra obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope, out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. Using Lick/IDS indices, we estimate luminosity-weighted ages, metallicities and α-element abundance ratios. Colour radial distributions from HST /ACS and Subaru Suprime-Cam multiband wide-field imaging are compared to colours predicted from spectroscopically determined ages and metallicities using single stellar population (SSP) models. The galaxies formed over half of their mass in a single short-lived burst of star formation  (≥100 M yr−1)  at redshift z ≥ 5. This likely involved an outside–in mechanism with supernova-driven galactic winds, as suggested by the flatness of the α-element radial profiles and the strong negative metallicity gradients. Our results support the predictions of the revised version of the monolithic collapse model for galaxy formation and evolution. We speculate that, since formation, the galaxies have evolved quiescently and that we are witnessing the first infall of NGC 1400 in the group.  相似文献   

The distribution of galaxy properties in groups and clusters holds important information on galaxy evolution and growth of structure in the Universe. While clusters have received appreciable attention in this regard, the role of groups as fundamental to formation of the present-day galaxy population has remained relatively unaddressed. Here, we present stellar ages, metallicities and α-element abundances derived using Lick indices for 67 spectroscopically confirmed members of the NGC 5044 galaxy group with the aim of shedding light on galaxy evolution in the context of the group environment.
We find that galaxies in the NGC 5044 group show evidence for a strong relationship between stellar mass and metallicity, consistent with their counterparts in both higher and lower mass groups and clusters. Galaxies show no clear trend of age or α-element abundance with mass, but these data form a tight sequence when fitted simultaneously in age, metallicity and stellar mass. In the context of the group environment, our data support the tidal disruption of low-mass galaxies at small group-centric radii, as evident from an apparent lack of galaxies below  ∼109 M  within ∼100 kpc of the brightest group galaxy. Using a joint analysis of absorption- and emission-line metallicities, we are able to show that the star-forming galaxy population in the NGC 5044 group appears to require gas removal to explain the ∼1.5 dex offset between absorption- and emission-line metallicities observed in some cases. A comparison with other stellar population properties suggests that this gas removal is dominated by galaxy interactions with the hot intragroup medium.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the importance of high‐resolution absorption spectroscopy for our understanding of the distribution and physical nature of the gaseous circumgalactic medium (CGM) that surrounds the Milky Way. Observational and theoretical studies indicate a high complexity of the gas kinematics and an extreme multi‐phase nature of the CGM in low‐redshift galaxies. High‐precision absorption‐line measurements of the Milky Way's gas environment thus are essential to explore fundamental parameters of circumgalactic gas in the local Universe, such as mass, chemical composition, and spatial distribution. We shortly review important characteristics of the Milky Way's CGM and discuss recent results from our multi‐wavelength observations of the Magellanic Stream. Finally, we discuss the potential of studying the warm‐hot phase of the Milky Way's CGM by searching for extremely weak [Fe X] λ 6374.5 Å and [Fe XIV] λ 5302.9 Å absorption in optical QSO spectra. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We determine the companion galaxy luminosity function (LF) for regions around isolated spiral galaxies. If we assume that any excess in the galaxy number counts in the vicinity of a spiral galaxy is due to galaxies at the same distance, then a system LF can be determined from the variation of excess numbers with apparent magnitude. By studying the excess over many field 'centre' galaxies, a good statistical accuracy can be obtained for the companion galaxy LF. Since redshift information is not required for the faint galaxies, it is possible to sample further down the LF as compared with redshift surveys. For 23 primary galaxies of known redshift, we find a dwarf satellite Schechter LF with a characteristic magnitude M V *( D )≃−19 and a faint-end slope α=−1.7, down to MV =−14 ( H 0=50 km s−1 Mpc−1).  相似文献   

E+A galaxies are characterized as galaxies with strong Balmer absorption lines but without any [O  ii ] or Hα emission lines. The existence of strong Balmer absorption lines indicates that E+A galaxies have experienced starburst within the past one gigayear. However, the lack of [O  ii ] and Hα emission lines indicates that E+A galaxies do not have any on-going star formation. Therefore, E+A galaxies are interpreted as post-starburst galaxies. For many years, however, it has been a mystery why E+A galaxies started starburst and why they quenched star formation abruptly. Using one of the largest samples of 266 E+A galaxies carefully selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2, we have investigated the environment of E+A galaxies from 50 kpc to 8 Mpc scale, i.e. from a typical distance to satellite galaxies to the scale of large-scale structures. We found that E+A galaxies have an excess of local galaxy density only at a scale of <100 kpc (with a 2σ significance), but not at the cluster scale (∼1.5 Mpc) nor at the scale of large-scale structure (∼8 Mpc). These results indicate that E+A galaxies are not created by the physical mechanisms associated with galaxy clusters or the large-scale structure, but are likely to be created by dynamical interaction with closely accompanying galaxies at a <100 kpc scale. The claim is also supported by the morphology of E+A galaxies. We have found that almost all E+A galaxies have a bright compact core, and that ∼30 per cent of E+A galaxies have dynamically disturbed signatures or tidal tails, which quite strongly suggest the morphological appearance of merger/interaction remnants.  相似文献   

Stellar population characteristics are presented for a sample of low-luminosity early-type galaxies (LLEs) in order to compare them with their more luminous counterparts. Long-slit spectra of a sample of 10 LLEs were taken with the ESO New Technology Telescope, selected for their low luminosities. Line strengths were measured on the Lick standard system. Lick indices for these LLEs were correlated with velocity dispersion (σ), alongside published data for a variety of Hubble types. The LLEs were found to fall below an extrapolation of the correlation for luminous ellipticals and were consistent with the locations of spiral bulges in plots of line strengths versus σ. Luminosity weighted average ages, metallicities and abundance ratios were estimated from  χ2  fitting of 19 Lick indices to predictions from simple stellar population models. The LLEs appear younger than luminous ellipticals and of comparable ages to spiral bulges. These LLEs show a bimodal metallicity distribution, consisting of a low-metallicity group (possibly misclassified dwarf spheroidal galaxies) and a high-metallicity group (similar to spiral bulges). Finally, they have low α-element to iron peak abundance ratios indicative of slow, extended star formation.  相似文献   

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a galaxy in possession of a good quantity of gas must want to form stars. It is the details of how and why that baffle us all. The simplest theories either would have this process a carefully self-regulated affair, or one that goes completely out of control and is capable of wrecking the galaxy which hosts it. Of course the majority of galaxies seem to amble along somewhere between these two extremes, and the mean properties tend to favour a quiescent self-regulated evolutionary scenario. But there area variety of observations which require us to invoke transitory ‘bursts’ of star-formation at one time or another in most galaxy types. Several nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies have clearly determined star-formation histories with apparent periods of zero star formation followed by periods of fairly active star formation. If we are able to understand what separated these bursts we would understand several important phenomena in galaxy evolution. Were these galaxies able to clear out their gas reservoir in a burst of star formation? How did this gas return? or did it? Have these galaxies receieved gas from the IGM instead? Could stars from these types of galaxy contribute significantly to the halo population in our Galaxy? To answer these questions we need to combine accurate stellar photometry and Colour-Magnitude Diagram interpretation with detailed metal abundances to combine a star-formation rate versus time with a range of element abundances with time. Different elements trace different evolutionary process (e.g., relative contributions of type I and II supernovae). We often aren't even sure of the abundance spread in these galaxies. We have collected detailed high resolution UVES spectra of four nearby dwarf spheroidal galaxies (Sculptor, Fornax, Leo I &; Carina) to begin to answer these questions. This is a precursor study to a more complete study with FLAMES. We presented at this meeting the initial results for the Sculptor and Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxies which have been previously had single element (low resolution) calcium abundance studies (Tolstoy et al., 2001). See Figures 1 and 2.  相似文献   

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