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Sedimentological and micropaleontological characteristics of core sediments from the outer shelf of the Korea Strait, which connects the northern East China Sea and the East Sea (Sea of Japan), were investigated to elucidate the paleoceanographic environment, especially the timing of the Kuroshio inflow, since the last glacial maximum. The core sediments, containing continuous records of the last 15,000 years, are characterized by a relatively high mud content (more than 50%, on average) and well-developed tide-influenced sedimentary structures. Their mineralogy suggests that the material originated from the paleo-Nakdong River system, which extended across the shelf of the Korea Strait during low sea-level periods. Planktonic foraminifers reveal a series of well-defined changes in paleoceanographic conditions during the late Pleistocene–Holocene. Down-core variations in the abundance of four foraminiferal assemblages, i.e., cold, coastal, tropical–subtropical, and Kuroshio water groups comprising characteristic planktonic species, suggest the occurrence of a distinct paleoenvironmental change in the surface water at 7,000 years b.p., i.e., from 15,000 to 7,000 years b.p., the area was influenced by coastal waters whereas since ca. 7,000 years b.p., it has been under the influence of open-sea water related to the Kuroshio Current flow, associated with both higher temperature and higher salinity. In particular, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata increased markedly in abundance at this time, documenting the inflow of the Kuroshio into the study area. These data indicate that the coastal water stage terminated at ca. 7,000 years b.p. when the warm Kuroshio and its major branch, the Tsushima Current, began to flow into the East Sea, as is the case today. The intrusion of the Tsushima Current through the Korea Strait after ca. 7,000 years b.p. resulted in abrupt changes in sedimentation rates and a dramatic increase in abundance of the Kuroshio indicator species, P. obliquiloculata.  相似文献   

Diamicton-dominated shelf glacigenic sequences are characterized on high-resolution seismic records by a structureless to chaotic acoustic texture, often with abundant hyperbolic (point-source) reflections. Existing depositional models, based primarily on seismic data, have been constructed on the basis that this acoustic signature is indicative of subglacial till. However, borehole data from the UK continental shelf indicate that glaciomarine facies are also present. Thus, while this acoustic character may be indicative of diamicton lithofacies, it should not be taken as a predictive genetic indicator of a specific depositional process.  相似文献   

In this study we provide evidence for methane hydrates in the Taranaki Basin, occurring a considerable distance from New Zealand's convergent margins, where they are well documented. We describe and reconstruct a unique example of gas migration and leakage at the edge of the continental shelf, linking shallow gas hydrate occurrence to a deeper petroleum system. The Taranaki Basin is a well investigated petroleum province with numerous fields producing oil and gas. Industry standard seismic reflection data show amplitude anomalies that are here interpreted as discontinuous BSRs, locally mimicking the channelized sea-floor and pinching out up-slope. Strong reverse polarity anomalies indicate the presence of gas pockets and gas-charged sediments. PetroMod™ petroleum systems modelling predicts that the gas is sourced from elevated microbial gas generation in the thick slope sediment succession with additional migration of thermogenic gas from buried Cretaceous petroleum source rocks. Cretaceous–Paleogene extensional faults underneath the present-day slope are interpreted to provide pathways for focussed gas migration and leakage, which may explain two dry petroleum wells drilled at the Taranaki shelf margin. PetroMod™ modelling predicts concentrated gas hydrate formation on the Taranaki continental slope consistent with the anomalies observed in the seismic data. We propose that a semi-continuous hydrate layer is present in the down-dip wall of incised canyons. Canyon incision is interpreted to cause the base of gas hydrate stability to bulge downward and thereby trap gas migrating up-slope in permeable beds due to the permeability decrease caused by hydrate formation in the pore space. Elsewhere, hydrate occurrence is likely patchy and may be controlled by focussed leakage of thermogenic gas. The proposed presence of hydrates in slope sediments in Taranaki Basin likely affects the stability of the Taranaki shelf margin. While hydrate presence can be a drilling hazard for oil and gas exploration, the proposed presence of gas hydrates opens up a new frontier for exploration of hydrates as an energy source.  相似文献   

The geometry and internal structures of modern sediments on the inner shelf off the southeastern coast of Korea were investigated by means of analysing high-frequency (3.5 kHz) seismic records. The records reveal a wedge-shaped sediment body, tapering off toward the sea. On the basis of reflection patterns, the sediments can be classified into two units; foreset (prodelta) unit and bottomset unit, consisting of sandy muds and clays, respectively. The lateral transition from foreset to bottomset deposits suggests a prograding delta system of the Nakdong River since the late Holocene.  相似文献   

The coastal ocean meets the deep sea at the continental shelf edge. Questions of global change entail elucidation of the processes that determine the quantities, transformation and fate of materials transported between the shelf and ocean, the measurement and definition of exchange processes, and the development of prognostic models of exchanges.Physical processes control the large-scale movement and irreversible small-scale mixing of water and its constituents. At the shelf edge, steep bathymetry may inhibit ocean-shelf exchange, but in combination with stratification gives rise to special processes and modelling challenges.A preliminary assessment is made of coastal-trapped waves; along-slope currents, instability and meanders; eddies; upwelling, fronts and filaments; downwelling, cascading; tides, surges; internal tides and waves as potentially influential processes in ocean-shelf exchange, water-mass structure and general circulation, according to their scales and context. For this purpose, theory and previous measurements are interpreted.Future studies needed to improve this assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

A dissected valley system along the central portion of the Labrador upper slope has been investigated using geophysical and submersible observations. The complex slope is a result of mass wasting on a steep slope gradient which appears to be independent of processes on the bank top. Small scale slumping and creep, a result of biological activity and iceberg rafting, and large-scale debris flows occur presently below 750 m water depth. A recent debris flow in the valley was examined in detail. Degraded iceberg scour marks are the principal sea bed feature above 750 m water depth.  相似文献   

Shallow gas in the Korea Strait shelf mud (KSSM) off SE Korea, revealed by high-resolution subbottom profiles, is associated with acoustic blanking, acoustic turbidity, seepages with plumes in the water column, and seafloor depressions. The acoustic blanking, characterized by strong, consistent top reflection and wipeout below, is most dominant. The seaward edge of the acoustic blanking zone generally coincides with the 100-m water-depth contour, suggesting that the water depth (the pressure) may control the distribution of shallow gas. The acoustic turbidity, characterized by diffuse top reflection, is a dark smear, partially blanking the data below. The seepages with plumes, characterized by vertical smearing and disturbed seafloor, are seen only along the shallowest, landward edge of the acoustic blanking zone. This may suggest that the decreased gas solubility at shallow water depths, caused by the lowered pressure, increases the volume of free gas in the sediments, facilitating the gas escape. The seafloor depressions, interpreted as pockmarks, are accompanied by cone-shaped acoustic masking, which is probably the reflection from a narrow vent of gas. The gas-related acoustic anomalies appear to occur mostly in the upper, recent mud of the KSSM. Neither permeable beds nor faults, which can act as vertical migration pathways for deep thermogenic gas, are evident in the recent mud. We interpret that the bacterial degradation of organic matter in situ is the main source for the gas in the KSSM. The upwelling off SE Korea may be an important source for the increased organic matter in the area.  相似文献   

Shallow gas in the Korea Strait shelf mud (KSSM) off SE Korea, revealed by high-resolution subbottom profiles, is associated with acoustic blanking, acoustic turbidity, seepages with plumes in the water column, and seafloor depressions. The acoustic blanking, characterized by strong, consistent top reflection and wipeout below, is most dominant. The seaward edge of the acoustic blanking zone generally coincides with the 100-m water-depth contour, suggesting that the water depth (the pressure) may control the distribution of shallow gas. The acoustic turbidity, characterized by diffuse top reflection, is a dark smear, partially blanking the data below. The seepages with plumes, characterized by vertical smearing and disturbed seafloor, are seen only along the shallowest, landward edge of the acoustic blanking zone. This may suggest that the decreased gas solubility at shallow water depths, caused by the lowered pressure, increases the volume of free gas in the sediments, facilitating the gas escape. The seafloor depressions, interpreted as pockmarks, are accompanied by cone-shaped acoustic masking, which is probably the reflection from a narrow vent of gas. The gas-related acoustic anomalies appear to occur mostly in the upper, recent mud of the KSSM. Neither permeable beds nor faults, which can act as vertical migration pathways for deep thermogenic gas, are evident in the recent mud. We interpret that the bacterial degradation of organic matter in situ is the main source for the gas in the KSSM. The upwelling off SE Korea may be an important source for the increased organic matter in the area.  相似文献   

A one and a half layer inviscid hydraulic model was introduced to study the dynamics of the flow that brings the bottom cold water southward into the Korea Strait. Two different channel geometries were considered; a rectangular channel and a channel with a sloping western wall, which represents the continental slope near the Korean coast. The lower layer water in the rectangular channel separates from the eastern wall when the depth of the channel,H o, becomes shallower than a critical value donwstream. Hydraulic control of the flow is possible after the flow separation, if the channel becomes shallow enough. Before hydraulic control, the width of the flow decreases asH o decreases, but the effect of the slope of the western wall is negligible. After the control, however, the width increases asH o decreases or the slope becomes weaker. If the slope becomes weak enough or the channel becomes deep enough, which is determined by upstream conditions, the lower layer is observed only over the sloping western wall. This simple model shows that the continental slope between the East Sea (Japan Sea) and the Korea Strait makes the southward flowing North Korean Cold Water bank against the Korean coast in the Korea Strait. The model also shows that the sloping bottom near the Korean coast makes the bottom cold water of the Korea Strait appear only over the continental slope away from the trough of the strait.  相似文献   

Trains of large-scale ripple marks (megaripples and sand waves) were found on the Amakusa and East China Sea shelves bordering the northern Okinawa Trough. Side-scan sonar surveys were carried out in 1974 and 1976 to investigate sea-floor features lying along a proposed submarine cable line. Megaripples were found on the outer margin of the Amakusa shelf between depths of 140 and 200 m. The megaripples were especially well developed at a depth of 167 m. They were typically straight-transverse crested with asymmetrical profiles, and measured 7 to 15 m in wavelength and 0.4 to 1.4 m in waveheight. Formation of the megaripples on the Amakusa shelf is probably controlled by relatively complex oceanographic conditions. A secondary circulation associated with the Gotô-nada clock-wise Current may be responsible for formation of the ripple marks. Local vorticities generated in the coastal boundary layer as a result of curvature of the Gotô-nada Current are known to cause the complex flow pattern at the Gotô and Amakusa shelf margins. The main semidiurnal (M2) tidal current may also interact with these fluid processes.On the East China Sea shelf, megaripples and sand waves were found between depths of 140 and 220 m. Sand waves (200 m in wavelength) were observed in seismic reflection profiles. Large-scale lunate megaripples were observed at a depth of 154 m by the side-scan sonar. They had wavelengths of 10 to 30 m and waveheights of 1 to as high as 3 m. It appears from the types and nature of distribution of the megaripples that they are responding to the present-day flow regime, and it is partly ascertained from our observations over an interval of two years that the megaripples appear to be short-term response elements compared wit hteh sand waves. We conclude that the megaripples on the East China Sea shelf are current-formed during peak typhoon flow in August to November. From their distribution, the long term path of the main flow of the Tsushima Current is inferred at the edge of the East China Sea shelf. An area of low sediment mud content (less than 20 per cent) coincides with this path giving further support to our interpretation.  相似文献   

The experiment, The Acoustic Characterization Test III, was conducted in the oceanographically complex Strait of Korea to accurately measure the sound transmission under known environmental conditions. Geoacoustic profiles derived from geophysical measurements, measured bathymetry, and sound-speed profiles were the basis for range dependent parabolic equation (PE) calculations. Agreement between measured and calculated transmission loss was obtained with an attenuation profile in the near water-sediment interface layer with a dependence on frequency to the 1.8 power consistent with measurements in other sand-silt areas. Since the environment was oceanographically complex and the shipping noise levels were high, the coherency of the sound transmission was estimated using relative signal gain (RSG). RSG was taken as the difference between the gain calculated with PE and measured with the array and at longer ranges and higher frequencies was found to be approximately -2 dB with a signal gain coefficient of variation of 5%. This RSG degradation, attributed to the random signal phase fluctuations resulting from scattering from the surfaces and volume of the waveguide, yielded using a Gaussian coherence function a spatial coherence length of 30/spl lambda/ @ 400 Hz-40 km. In addition, high resolution imaging of five targets with two bottom mounted arrays illustrate the achievable performance of low-to-mid frequency active sonar in this environment.  相似文献   

The Korea (Tsushima) Strait is an important seaway through which the warm Tsushima Current flows into the East Sea (Japan Sea). A paleogeographic map constrained by a regional sea-level curve developed on the basis of a number of recent 14C radiocarbon dates suggests that the Korea Strait was not closed during the last glacial period. Rather, it was open as a channel-like seaway linking the western North Pacific and the East Sea. Some fraction of the paleo-Tsushima Current inflow presumably continued at that time through the Korea Strait. The activity of the paleo-Tsushima Current is evidenced by the distribution pattern of river-derived lowstand deposits, consisting of a beach/shoreface complex and lowstand deltaic wedges. Received: 16 April 1999 / Revision accepted: 25 February 2000  相似文献   

This study presents a review of extensive literature and reports new findings extracted from previously collected cores. Globally lowered sea level during the last glacial maximum (LGM) reduced the cross-sectional area in the Korea Strait, minimizing volume transport of the paleo-Tsushima Current and increasing freshwater input to the East Sea. The higher supply of freshwater played an important role in compositional changes of surface water in the sea, indicated by low sea surface salinity (down to about 20‰) and light d 18O of planktonic Foraminifera (lighter than 1‰) recorded in core sediments. The Korean fluvial systems (Nakdong and Seomjin rivers) emptying into the southeastern sea of Korea may have contributed substantially to freshwater supply to the surface layer of the LGM East Sea, although Chinese paleo-river (Huanghe and Yangtze rivers) waters, together with the paleo-Tsushima Current, also seem to have supplied some freshwater to the sea. The higher supply of river waters to the East Sea is strongly evidenced by the high amount of terrigenous material (quartz, feldspar and rock fragments) in core sediments. In addition, high magnetic susceptibility, high grain density, and high C/N ratios were documented in cores MB98PC-11 and 95PC-1. In contrast with earlier studies, we propose that Korean rivers played a more substantial role in supplying freshwater to the East Sea during the LGM than previously thought.  相似文献   

McIntosh  K.  Akbar  F.  Calderon  C.  Stoffa  P.  Operto  S.  Christeson  G.  Nakamura  Y.  Shipley  T.  Flueh  E.  Stavenhagen  A.  Leandro  G. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(5):451-474
In March and April 1995 a cooperative German, Costa Rican, and United States research team recorded onshore-offshore seismic data sets along the Pacific margin of Costa Rica using the R/V Ewing. Off the Nicoya Peninsula we used a linear array of ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones (OBS/H) with onshore seismometers extending across much of the isthmus. In the central area we deployed an OBS/H areal array consisting of 30 instruments over a 9 km by 35-km area and had land stations on the Nicoya Peninsula adjacent to this marine array and also extending northeast on the main Costa Rican landmass. Our goal in these experiments was to determine the crustal velocity structure along different portions of this convergent margin and to use the dense instrument deployments to create migrated reflection images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting Cocos Plate. Our specific goal in the central area was to determine whether a subducted seamount is present at the location of the 1990, M 7 earthquake off the Nicoya Peninsula and can thus be linked to its nucleation. Subsequently we have processed the data to improve reflection signals, used the data to calculate crustal velocity models, and developed several wide-aperture migration techniques, based on a Kirchhoff algorithm, to produce reflection images. Along the northern transect we used the ocean bottom data to construct a detailed crustal velocity model, but reflections from the plate boundary and top and bottom of the subducting Cocos plate are difficult to identify and have so far produced poor images. In contrast, the land stations along this same transect recorded clear reflections from the top of the subducting plate or plate boundary, within the seismogenic zone, and we have constructed a clear image from this reflector beneath the Nicoya shelf. Data from the 3-D seismic experiment suffer from high-amplitude, coherent noise (arrivals other than reflections), and we have tried many techniques to enhance the signal to noise ratio of reflected arrivals. Due to the noise, an apparent lack of strong reflections from the plate boundary zone, and probable structural complexity, the resulting 3-D images only poorly resolve the top of the subducting Cocos Plate. The images are not able to provide compelling evidence of whether there is a subducting seamount at the 1990 earthquake hypocenter. Our results do show that OBS surveys are capable of creating images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting plate well into the seismogenic zone if coherent reflections are recorded at 1.8 km instrument spacing (2-D) and 5 km inline by 1 km crossline spacing for 3-D acquisition. However, due to typical high amplitude coherent noise, imaging results may be poorer than expected, especially in unfavorable geologic settings such as our 3-D survey area. More effective noise reduction in acquisition, possibly with the use of vertical hydrophone arrays, and in processing, with advanced multiple removal and possibly depth filtering, is required to achieve the desired detailed images of the seismogenic plate boundary zone.  相似文献   

Material transport through the shelf edge to the deep ocean determines the fate of particulate matter generated in productive coastal seas. In stratified estuaries, onshore flow in the bottom layer generally keeps particulate matter generated in the upper layer and settled down to the bottom layer within the estuaries. AT the shelf edge of Tokyo Bay under the condition of average onshore flow in the bottom layer, we observed higher vertical sediment flux during ebb than flood tidal currents. The on-shelf and off-shelf differences in turbulent mixing and water depth mainly cause such difference in sediment flux. We propose to call this export process of particulate matter the tidal pump at the shelf edge.  相似文献   

A three-year-long time series of water temperature and salinity observed on a ferryboat in the shelf region off Shikoku Japan was analyzed, focusing on the phenomena with a time scale of more than one month. We found two remarkable fronts in the seasonal variations. One is the well-known Kii Channel Front. This front remains as a haline front in summer while a thermohaline front in winter. The other, which is formed near Cape Ashizuri-misaki, is newly found. Density gradient across the front in winter is in the opposite direction to that in summer. Next, focusing on phenomena with a shorter time scale, we found the simultaneous variation in water temperature over the observational region, the time scale of which is about three months. It has a good coherence with the variation in air temperature observed at the coast, which implies that this variation has something to do with a phenomenon including the atmospheric system. Warm water intrusion from the Kuroshio is also correlated with this variation. Short-period variations such as the eastward progression of warm water mass tend to be active when the simultaneous variation in water temperature is in the warming phase, i.e., water temperature is increasing.  相似文献   

During 1999–2000, 13 bottom mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) and 12 wave/tide gauges were deployed along two lines across the Korea/Tsushima Strait, providing long-term measurements of currents and bottom pressure. Tidally analyzed velocity and pressure data from the moorings are used in conjunction with other moored ADCPs, coastal tide gauge measurements, and altimeter measurements in a linear barotropic data assimilation model. The model fits the vertically averaged data to the linear shallow water equations in a least-squares sense by only adjusting the incoming gravity waves along the boundaries. Model predictions are made for the O1, P1, K1, μ2, N2, M2, S2, and K2 tides. An extensive analysis of the accuracy of the M2 surface-height predictions suggests that for broad regions near the mooring lines and in the Jeju Strait the amplitude prediction errors are less than 0.5 cm. Elsewhere, the analysis suggests that errors range from 1 to 4 cm with the exception of small regions where the tides are not well determined by the dataset. The errors in the model predictions are primarily caused by bias error in the model’s physics, numerics, and/or parameterization as opposed to random errors in the observational data. In the model predictions, the highest ranges in sea level height occur for tidal constituents M2, S2, K1, O1, and N2, with the highest magnitudes of tidal velocities occurring for M2, K1, S2, and O1. The tides exhibit a complex structure in which diurnal constituents have higher currents relative to their sea level height ranges than semi-diurnal constituents.  相似文献   

An investigation of the surface sediments and bedforms in the Osumi Strait, located between Kyushu and Tanegashima, south of Kyushu, Japan, was carried out. The distribution of some characteristics of the surface sediments and bedforms is clarified.In the Osumi Strait, the surface sediments tend to become finer in size, better sorted and lower in specific gravity from southwest to northeast. The bedform distribution shows a systematic change in the same direction. This direction is the same as the direction of sediment transportation and of the current flowing through the Strait. It is considered that these changes in bedforms and sediment properties are formed by the decrease in the energy of the current. The current generating bedforms and sediment distribution is the Osumi Branch Current, one of the branches of the Kuroshio. The sediment transportation is active under the present hydraulic conditions.The sedimentary facies developed in the Osumi Strait is controlled by a unidirectional ocean current. The ocean current is one of the important factors for sedimentary processes where strong ocean current prevails along or near the continental shelf such as around the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

台湾海峡晚更新世以来的高分辨率地震地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于4 530 km高分辨率单道地震数据和钻孔资料,采用高分辨率地震地层学的方法,对台湾海峡晚更新世以来的地层进行了划分,自上而下共识别出R0、R1、R2、R3、R4等5个主要反射界面,分别对应海底、3 ka BP前后高海平面、最大海泛面、海侵面和 Ⅰ 型层序界面,并以此划分出4个地层单元:晚全新世浅海-滨海沉积A,中全新世浅海沉积B,早全新世海侵沉积C,晚更新世陆相河流沉积D。在海平面变化的作用下,海峡地区先后发育低水位沉积D(低位体系域),海侵沉积C (海侵体系域)、高水位沉积B和A(高位体系域)。研究了台湾海峡的典型地震相,提出了关于台中浅滩(云彰隆起)处的楔状沉积体的新观点,认为该楔状体为全新世中期以来形成的三角洲沉积受波浪和潮流作用改造而形成的潮流沙脊,其物质主要来源于台湾。识别出了晚更新世和早全新世古河道沉积,海平面变化和地势高低是其形成时间差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

This study is the fi rst to depict typhoon-induced continental shelf wave(CSW)propagation in the eastern Taiwan Strait(TWS)during the passage of Typhoon Meranti in 2016 using tidal gauge data and along-track satellite altimeter data.The strong amplitude response of sea level oscillations(within the range of 0.30–0.54 m)as a free,barotropic CSW after Meranti,which impacted the TWS,was clearly detected in time and frequency(in bands of 64–81 h)using wavelet and cross-wavelet analyses.The measured group and phase speeds were consistent with the dispersion curves for CSW with the fi rst-mode derived from the cross-shelf sections of the eastern TWS,with the mean speeds reaching 3 and 5.6±0.7 m/s,respectively.Coincidentally,the typhoon-induced sea level anomaly(SLA)was also captured by the satellite altimeter before this CSW entered into the TWS.Using the theoretical cross-shore CSW modes to fi t the SLA data,the results indicated that the fi rst three wave modes can interpret this CSW event appeared in the southern TWS very well,with the fi rst mode being the dominant one.  相似文献   

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