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This paper considers the results of summarized integrated geophysical investigations that were carried out from 2006 to 2012. The investigations included common depth point (CDP) seismic reflection survey, over water gravity survey, and differential hydromagnetic exploration with a total work scope of 30 000 linear kilometers. The deep structural tectonic plan, the structural and lithofacies features of the sedimentary cover section on the basic reflecting boundaries, and the features of the seismogeological complexes and seismic sections on a depth scale have been studied, and geological oil-and-gas zoning of the Northern Barents shelf has been made. Seventy-nine local anticlinal highs have been revealed, and the zones with potential nonstructural hydrocarbon traps have been determined. Due to the lack of huge anticlinal highs in the northern Barents Sea region, nonstructural traps are of interest in studying and replacing the mineral raw material base of Russia, as well as for arranging marine exploration.  相似文献   

Occurrence conditions and lithological-paleontological characteristics of two diamicton units developed in the southeastern segment of the Barents Sea shelf are considered. It is shown that they are lithologically analogous to the present-day (undoubtedly aqueous) diamicton mud. Correlation between bulk densities of both varieties and consolidation degree (consistency) is described by a single regression equation. We present pieces of evidence contradicting the widespread point of view about the diamicton as a glacial till moving along the seafloor. They are primarily represented by paleontological remains, mainly foraminiferal assemblages. It is shown that dislocations observed in cores and traditionally considered as glaciotectonic movements are confined to fault zones in the acoustic basement and they represent fragments of secondary neotectonic structures. Ridges and hills mapped previously as glacial accumulation morphostructures reflect a relict topography of the recent subaerial shelf development not masked by sedimentation so far.  相似文献   

This paper is a reply to the comment on our two previous publications (Krapivner, 2009a, 2009b) devoted to the genesis of recent sediments on the Barents Sea shelf in (Epshtein et al., 2011a, 2011b). It is substantiated that the physical nature of the reflection of recent sediments in seismoacoustic records, a very important point for the lithofacies analysis, is incorrectly interpreted by the above opponents. The paper presents geochronological and paleomagnetic data confirming invalidity of the popular concepts about the link between the cover of poorly consolidated sediments and the epoch of the last deglaciation. We show incorrectness of the statement of the opponents about the redeposited character of Pliocene-Quaternary marine biota of diamictons and the glacial processing of coarse-clastic material therein. Diverse properties of recent sediments and their topography artificially united into a complex of indicators of the glacial paragenesis are either simply explained in terms of the natural (for the Barents Sea) icemarine sedimentation or attributed to postsedimentary processes during intense neotectonic activity of the Barents Sea shelf.  相似文献   

The oil and gas potential of Jurassic deposits of the shelf zone of the Barents Sea is confirmed by the discovery of a series of fields, both in the Russian sector of the Barents Sea, and in the Norwegian one. Along with known large gas and gas-condensate fields, the first oil field was opened in the western Norwegian part in April 2011. Peculiarities of the stratigraphy of the Jurassic complex indicate that cyclicity occurred in the development of the basin. The results of the works that were carried out demonstrate that the search for oil and gas fields in sandy reservoirs, deposited at the periods of regression is promising. Regionally extended clayey beds, which were deposited during periods of transgression, are considered as a seal. New oil and gas fields can be found, not only in the anticline structures, but also in lithological traps.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages were studied in northern Barents Sea core ASV 880 along with oxygen and carbon isotope measurements in planktonic (N. pachyderma sin.) and benthic (E clavatum) species. AMS C‐14 measurements performed on molluscs Yoldiella spp. show that this core provides a detailed and undisturbed record of Holocene climatic changes over the last 10000 calendar years. Surface and deep waters were very cold (<0°C) at the beginning of the Holocene. C. reniforme dominated the highly diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblage. From 10 to 7.8 cal. ka BP, a warming trend culminated in a temperature optimum, which developed between 7.8 and 6.8 cal. ka BP. During this optimum, the input of Atlantic water to the Barents Sea reached its maximum. The Atlantic water mass invaded the whole Franz Victoria Trough and was present from subsurface to the bottom. No bottom water, which would form through rejection of brine during winter, was present at the core depth (388 m). The water stratification was therefore greatly reduced as compared to the present. An increase in percentage of I. helenae/norcrossi points to long seasonal ice‐free conditions. The temperature optimum ended rather abruptly, with the return of cold polar waters into the trough within a few centuries. This was accompanied by a dramatic reduction of the abundance of C. reniforme. During the upper Holocene, the more opportunistic species E. clavatum became progressively dominant and the water column was more stratified. Deep water in Franz Victoria Trough contained a significant amount of cold Barents Sea bottom water as it does today, while subsurface water warmed progressively until about 3.7 cal. ka BP and reached temperatures similar to those of today. These long‐term climatic changes were cut by several cold events of short duration, in particular one in the middle of the temperature optimum and another, which coincides most probably with the 8.2 ka BP cold event. Both long‐ and short‐term climatic changes in the Barents Sea are associated with changes in the flow of Atlantic waters and the oceanic conveyor belt.  相似文献   

The combined micropaleontological (spores and pollen, diatoms, benthic foraminifers), lithologic, and isotopic-geochemical analysis of sediments from the northern shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk recovered by hydrostatic corer from the depth of 140 mbsl elucidated environmental changes in this part of the basin and adjacent land areas during the last 12.7 thousands cal. years. Geochronological scale of the core is established using the acceleration mass-spectrometry method for radiocarbon dating of benthic Foraminifera tests. The first insignificant warming in the northern part of the sea after glaciation occurred in the mid-Boreal time (9.6 ka ago) but not at the onset of the Holocene. The strongest warming in the region took place in the mid-Atlantic epoch to reach climatic optimum in the second half of the Subboreal (6 to 2.5 ka ago). A cooling in the northern shelf and adjacent land areas is established at the beginning of the Subatlantic (2.5 ka). A comparison of results obtained for Core 89211 with dated hydrological and climatic changes in central and southern parts of the Sea of Okhotsk (Gorbarenko et al., 2003, 2004) is used for a high-resolution analysis of climatic fluctuations in the study region and other areas of the basin during deglaciation and the Holocene.  相似文献   

Jan  Inge  Faleide  Filippos  Tsikalas  AsbjФrn  Breivik  Rolf  Mjelde  Oliver  Ritzmann  Фyvind  Engen  Jonas  Wilson  Olav  Eldholm 《《幕》》2008,31(1):82-91
The Norwegian Margin formed in response to early Cenozoic continental breakup and subsequent opening of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. There is a welldefined margin segmentation and the various segments are characterized by distinct crustal properties, structural and magmatic styles, and post-opening history of vertical motions. The sedimentary basins at the conjugate continental margins off Norway and Greenland and in the western Barents Sea developed as a result of a series of post-Caledonian rift episodes until early Cenozoic time, when complete continental separation took place.  相似文献   

Paleoenvironments and stratigraphy have been interpreted from 4380 km of seismic profiling collected during a geological and geophysical cruise on the continental shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) undertaken in 1996. The geophysical data are correlated with a borehole situated on the outer shelf obtained by Shanghai Marine Geology Bureau, indicating that six seismic units have been preserved since oxygen-isotope stage 6, including four regressive–transgressive cycles. Seismic units U2, U3+U4+U5, U6, and U7 are interpreted to correspond respectively to oxygen-isotope stages 1, 3, 5, and 6, implying that sediment partitioning and sequence architecture in the ECS have been controlled by glacio-eustasy and global climate changes. Alternating continental and marine strata corresponding to glaciation and interglaciation are well preserved on the outer shelf of the ECS. Most of the cold environment strata, which formed on the outer shelf during oxygen-isotope stages 2 and 4, are too thin to be recognized on SIG 600J because of resolution, but corresponding erosion surfaces exist. Seismic unit U7 is widespread over the shelf, extending to the continental edge and showing little variation in thickness, as the regression was pronounced and lasted a long time. Thus, U7 can be used as a marker layer for correlation of Quaternary strata on the shelf of the ECS. Post-glacial transgression is obvious in the ECS. Marine strata with varied thickness were developed in the shallow sea of the inner shelf, thinning toward the outer shelf. The continental shelf of the ECS has been influenced by Pacific tide-wave systems for a long time, forming tidal sand-ridge sequences, developed during transgressions, corresponding to oxygen-isotope stages 7 (or 9), 5, 3 and 1.  相似文献   

There are two stages in Cenozoic development of the West Barents continental margin: rifting and passive margins. The main thickness of the Pliocene-Eocene complex is typical of the Serverstsnaget Basin, Vestbakken Volcanic Province, and Hornsund fault zone formed under conditions of strike-slip tectonics (“pull-apart” conditions). However, the thickness of the Oligocene-Pliocene sediments reaches its maximum on the eastern slope of the North Atlantic ocean basin. Paleogene and Neogene sediments consist mostly of claystones and siltstones but there are also sandy intervals formed because of gravity flows. The sandy layers can form lithological hydrocarbon traps.  相似文献   

Carbonate macrofaunal remains and diagenetic tubes collected from a number of structures in the Central Barents Sea area during the 18th TTR (Training Through Research) cruise were subdivided into three groups according to the results of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes analysis. The first group includes carbonates that were formed from bicarbonate only from surrounding sea waters. The carbonates of the second group were formed during diagenesis with use of mixed sources of bicarbonate. The fourth group includes methane-derived carbonates that were formed as a result of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM).  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡分类及成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆坡形态隐含了丰富的地质信息,其差异性是大陆边缘沉积、侵蚀过程长期交互作用的结果。利用横跨南海北部的二维地震测线,采取曲线拟合的研究手段,在南海北部识别出了下凹型、平直型、"S"型等三种类型的陆坡。下凹型陆坡发育在莺歌海-琼东南西部、珠江口中部两个陆坡区,但其成因不同,前者主要受控于快速的沉积物供给,而后者受到陆架边缘三角洲进积和海底峡谷侵蚀的联合作用;平直型陆坡仅见于琼东南东部地区,其主控因素为弱的沉积物供给和较快的构造沉降;"S"型陆坡发育在珠江口地区的两翼,其形成明显受到海流和内波等外作用的改造。不同类型的陆坡具有特定的地层叠置样式、陆架坡折迁移轨迹类型和沉积体系分布特征。对陆坡类型的研究有助于建立沉积过程和产物的预测模式,从而指导古代陆坡的深水油气勘探。  相似文献   

Earthquake, as disastrous events in geological history, can be recorded as soft-sediment deformation. In the Palaeogene of the East China Sea shelf, the soft-sediment deformation related to earthquake event is recognized as seismic micro-fractures, micro-corrugated laminations, liquefied veins, ‘vibrated liquefied layers’, deformed cross laminations and convolute laminations, load structures, flame structures, brecciation, slump structures and seismodisconformity. There exists a lateral continuum, the wide spatial distribution and the local vertical continuous sequences of seismites including slump, liquefaction and brecciation. In the Palaeogene of East China Sea shelf, where typical soft-sediment deformation structures were developed, clastic deposits of tidal-flat, delta and river facies are the main background deposits of Middle-Upper Eocene Pinghu Formation and Oligocene Huagang Formation. This succession also records diagnostic marks of event deposits and basinal tectonic activities in the form of seismites.  相似文献   

The results of seismic monitoring in the area of the Franz Victoria and Orla trenches in 2011–2013 are discussed in the paper. A seismic catalog of recorded earthquakes with calculated source parameters is given, and the spatial distribution of these earthquakes is characterized. The results of monitoring are compared with the data on historical earthquakes. A cumulative graph of recurrence has been constructed.  相似文献   

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