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Mariner 10 infrared brightness temperatures of the surface of Mercury at 11 and 45 μm are presented. The data were obtained during the first flyby along a nera-equatorial swath extending from 17 hours local time through local midnight to 9 hours local time. For an assumed emissivity of 0.9, derived surface thermal inertias are between 0.0031 and 0.0031 cal cm?2sec?12K?1 and the implied minimum predawn surface kinetic temperature for the warm pole at longitude 270° is near 93 K. Several pronounced thermal inhomogeneities were seen, one of which appears to coincide with a region of high radar reflectivity. The derived thermal properties and the electrical skin depth and loss tangent fall within the range of values found on the Moon.  相似文献   

The permittivity, waves and altimetry (PWA) instrument was designed for the investigation of the electric properties and other related physical characteristics of the atmosphere of Titan, from an altitude around 140 km down to the surface. PWA carried sensors to measure the atmospheric conductivity, and record electromagnetic and acoustic waves up to frequencies of 11.5 and 6.7 kHz, respectively. PWA also measured the relief roughness during the descent and the permittivity of the surface after touchdown. The measurements and the results of the preliminary analysis are presented. An ionized layer is detected at altitudes above 50 km, using two independent techniques, and the presence of free electrons in the upper atmosphere is confirmed. An electric signal at around 36 Hz is observed throughout the descent, but it is not yet confirmed that this emission is unambiguously related to a resonance of the ionospheric cavity. The relative dielectric constant of Titan's surface material is nearly 2 and the electric conductivity 4×10−10 S m−1. The electric properties of the surface seem to evolve after touch-down, possibly due to a local warming of the landing site by the Huygens Probe body.  相似文献   

The eruptive plumes and large heat flow (~15 GW) observed by Cassini in the South Polar Region of Enceladus may be expressions of hydrothermal activity inside Enceladus. We hypothesize that a subsurface ocean is the heat reservoir for thermal anomalies on the surface and the source of heat and chemicals necessary for the plumes. The ocean is believed to contain dissolved gases, mostly CO2 and is found to be relatively warm (~0 °C). Regular tidal forces open cracks in the icy crust above the ocean. Ocean water fills these fissures. There, the conditions are met for the upward movement of water and the dissolved gases to exsolve and form bubbles, lowering the bulk density of the water column and making the pressure at its bottom less than that at the top of the ocean. This pressure difference drives ocean water into and up the conduits toward the surface. This transportation mechanism supports the thermal anomalies and delivers heat and chemicals to the chambers from which the plumes erupt. Water enters these chambers and there its bubbles pop and loft an aerosol mist into the ullage. The exiting plume gas entrains some of these small droplets. Thus, nonvolatile chemical species in ocean water can be present in the plume particles. A CO2 equivalent-gas molar fraction of ~4 × 10?4 for the ocean is sufficient to support the circulation. A source of heat is needed to keep the ocean warm at ~0 °C (about two degrees above its freezing point). The source of heat is unknown, but our hypothesis is not dependent on any particular mechanism for producing the heat.  相似文献   

We describe and compare two methods of short-exposure, high-definition ground-based imaging of the planet Mercury. Two teams have recorded images of Mercury on different dates, from different locations, and with different observational and data reduction techniques. Both groups have achieved spatial resolutions of <250 km, and the same albedo features and contrast levels appear where the two datasets overlap (longitudes 270–360°). Dark albedo regions appear as mare and correlate well with smooth terrain radar signatures. Bright albedo features agree optically, but less well with radar data. Such confirmations of state-of-the-art optical techniques introduce a new era of ground-based exploration of Mercury's surface and its atmosphere. They offer opportunities for synergistic, cooperative observations before and during the upcoming Messenger and BepiColombo missions to Mercury.  相似文献   

The metal grains in chondritic meteorites from terrestrial collections are coated with an optically thick surface layer, probably composed of iron oxide and/or iron sulfide. This coat on the metal grains suppresses the spectral contribution of NiFe metal in the reflectance curves of these meteorites. Only if this surface layer is disrupted will the strongly reddened signature of metallic NiFe be seen in chrondritic spectra. While origin of this surface layer is not yet established, it is probable that it is either pre-terrestrial or formed by the weathering of an unstable mineral species, such as lawrencite (FeCl2), which was present as a thin, pre-terrestrial veneer on the chondritic metal grains. In either case, the surfaces of intact metal grains in asteroidal chondritic assemblages most probably will not resemble NiFe metal. Low-nickel metal grains, such as those in H-type chondrites, will be brittle at asteroid surface temperatures. High-nickel metal grains, such as those in LL-type chondrites, remain ductile down to at least 50°K, below even asteroid night side temperatures. The metal phase, even when brittle, will be at least as strong as the silicate phase in asteroid regoliths. Therefore, preferential fragmentation of brittle metal is not a viable mechanism to increase the spectral contribution of the NiFe phase in an asteroid regolith. Under plausible proposed regolith processes, only the metal-rich H-type subset of the ordinary chondrites can be expected to produce an S-type asteroid spectrum from an undifferentiated assemblage, and then only if optically thick metal grain coats are absent. Known regolith processes cannot reasonably produce an S-type spectrum from metal-poor L-, LL-, or C3-type assemblages. The strong NiFe signatures and the mafic silicate features in the reflectance spectra of the S-type asteroids appear to require that the most of them represent metal-rich, differentiated assemblages. The spectral properties of M-type asteroids do not require metal-rich or differentiated surface materials, although it is plausible that this is the case.  相似文献   

For application to the mid-latitude topside ionosphere, we have derived diffusion and heat flow equations for a gas mixture composed of two major ions, electrons and a number of minor ions. These equations were derived by expanding the velocity distribution of each constituent about its 13 lower order velocity moments. As a consequence, each constituent was allowed to have its own temperature and drift velocity. The restriction to mid-latitudes results because we have assumed that the species temperature and drift velocity differences were small. In deriving the diffusion and thermal conduction equations, we have discovered some new transport effects. For the major ions, we have found that: (1) a temperature gradient in either gas causes thermal diffusion in both gases; (2) a temperature gradient in either gas causes heat to flow in both gases; and (3) a relative drift between the major ion gases induces a heat flow in both gases. Similar transport effects have also been found for the minor ions.  相似文献   

Barotropic wind-driven steady ocean circulation patterns have been calculated for several different continental geometries during the Tertiary. Using a shallow-water model, flows are computed at 5-Ma intervals within the 60–20 Ma period, while keeping a fixed pattern of the wind-stress forcing. The most interesting changes in ocean circulation occur between 35 and 20 Ma, in which (i) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current appears because of the widening of Drake Passage, (ii) the Tethys Current disappears because of the closure of the Tethys Seaway and (iii) the transport through Panama Straits (between North and South America) reverses. The results are qualitatively in agreement with interpretations of changes in ocean surface currents drawn on the basis of proxy studies. A physical mechanism of the flow reversal through the Panama Straits is proposed based on a detailed analysis of the changes in wind-driven transport of both the Tethys Current and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.  相似文献   

S Massetti  S Orsini  A Mura  H Lammer 《Icarus》2003,166(2):229-237
The presence of a magnetosphere around Mercury plays a fundamental role on the way the solar wind plasma interacts with the planet. Since the observations suggest that Mercury should occupy a large fraction of its magnetosphere and because of lack of an atmosphere, significant differences in solar wind-magnetosphere coupling are expected to exist with respect to the Earth case. On the basis of a modified Tsyganenko T96 model we describe the geometry of the magnetic field that could characterize Mercury, and its response to the variations of the impinging solar wind and of the interplanetary magnetic field. The investigation is focused on the shape and dimension of the open magnetic field regions (cusps) that allow the direct penetration of magnetosheath plasma through the exosphere of Mercury, down to its surface. The precipitating particle flux and energy are evaluated as a function of the open field line position, according to different solar wind conditions. A target of this study is the evaluation of the sputtered particles from the crust of the planet, and their contribution to the exospheric neutral particle populations. Such estimates are valuable in the frame of a neutral particle analyser to be proposed on board of the ESA/BepiColombo mission.  相似文献   

Photoelectrons are emitted from the surface of Mercury and take part in charge exchanges with the magnetosphere. We investigate the role of photoemission in closing field-aligned currents and in balancing the flow of magnetospheric electrons which precipitate to the surface. The conductance of the photoelectron sheath and sub-surface rock material are estimated and compared with that of the exosphere. It is shown that the loss cone angle is always larger than 30–40° on the dayside, and that significant electron precipitation takes place. It is concluded that the closure of field-aligned current is unlikely because the conductance of the surface environment is too low, but that photoemission may alter the isotropy of the magnetospheric electron energy distribution and induce plasma instabilities.  相似文献   

Recent ground-based astronomical short-exposure observations of Mercury have yielded more than 50000 electronic pictures of the planet at different phases and different positions relative to the Earth. The work was fulfilled in several observatories. The use of available and newly developed processing methods applied to large volumes of electronic frames allowed the images of a considerable portion of Mercury’s surface to be synthesized. We present the images of the 90°–180°W, 215°–280°W, and 50°–90°W sectors containing, among others, the longitudes not covered by spacecraft imaging. Along with the listed images, we present the results of recent observations of Mercury carried out on November 20–24, 2006 during the morning elongation at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SAO RAS) (Nizhnii Arkhyz, Karachai-Circassia, the Caucasus). The 265°–350°W longitude sector of Mercury was observed. The observations were made under good weather conditions. Among the main tasks of the new observations was obtaining a complete view of the S Basin. Previously, this basin had been investigated in fragments only by the actual solar illumination conditions. During the period of November 20–24, 2006, the S Basin was on the sunlit side of the planet. The complete image of the basin was obtained from the processing of a large number of electronic frames. The appearance of the S Basin is compared with the data on its relief acquired with radar methods. In this longitude sector, a number of other unusual surface features were found; among them, are a huge “Medallion” crater and other formations. The results considered in the present and earlier published studies are compared with the Mariner 10 data (1974–1975) and with the data received from the Messenger spacecraft during its first flyby of the planet (January 2008).  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(14):2037-2041
We present the results of an imaging survey of Mercury's Hill sphere in search for objects dynamically bound to the planet, motivated by the existence of hermeocentric orbits that have been shown to be stable over 5 Myr or more. A six-day survey of Mercury's apparent vicinity from 6 to 140 Mercury radii, with full coverage between 19 and 73 Mercury radii, was performed with the Nordic Optical Telescope using ALFOSC in the R-band. The deepest limiting magnitude of 18.6 at a signal-to-noise-level of 3 corresponds to a hermeocentric object size of 0.5 km, while the brightest limiting magnitude corresponds to a size of 1.6 km. While two suspected sources were found, no hermeocentric objects could be confidently identified.  相似文献   

We took electronic photographs of Mercury on the side of the planet that was not photographed from the Mariner-10 spacecraft in 1973–1975 by the millisecond-exposure method in ground-based observations. Based on these photographs, we synthesized resolved images of the surface of unknown regions of the planet. The capabilities of the method are limited by the small angular size of the planetary disk (only 7.3 arcsec at average quadrature), specific difficulties of Mercury’s ground-based observations, their very limited duration, and the laboriousness of the subsequent computer-aided observational data processing. The millisecond-exposure method is complex, but a sufficient number of primary electronic photographs can be taken under good seeing conditions for the subsequent synthesis of Mercurian images with a resolution of no worse than the diffraction limit. A giant basin about 2000 km in diameter and other large structures are distinguished in the synthesized images of the planet. In the regions where radar data are available, these structures can be identified with previously found ones. In some measure, the synthesized images allow the relief of the longitude sector 210°–290° W to be reconstructed on Mercury. It can be asserted with caution that the large relief features are distributed asymmetrically over the surface of Mercury, much as observed on other terrestrial planets, the Moon, and many satellites of giant planets.  相似文献   

Measurements of the disk-integrated reflectance spectrum of Mercury and the Moon have been obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft. A comparison of spectra from the two bodies, spanning the wavelength range 220-1450 nm, shows that the absolute reflectance of Mercury is lower than that of the nearside waxing Moon at the same phase angle with a spectral slope that is less steep at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. We interpret these results and the lack of an absorption feature at a wavelength near 1000 nm as evidence for a Mercury surface composition that is low in ferrous iron within silicates but is higher in the globally averaged abundance of spectrally neutral opaque minerals than the Moon. Similar conclusions have been reached by recent investigations based on observations from both MESSENGER and Mariner 10. There is weak evidence for a phase-reddening effect in Mercury that is slightly larger in magnitude than for the lunar nearside. An apparent absorption in the middle-ultraviolet wavelength range of the Mercury spectrum detected from the first MESSENGER flyby of Mercury is found to persist in subsequent observations from the second flyby. The current model of space weathering on the Moon, which also presumably applies to Mercury, does not provide an explanation for the presence of this ultraviolet absorption.  相似文献   

Javier Ruiz 《Icarus》2005,177(2):438-446
The heat flow from Europa has profound implications for ice shell thickness and structure, as well as for the existence of an internal ocean, which is strongly suggested by magnetic data. The brittle-ductile transition depth and the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere are here used to perform heat flow estimations for Europa. Results give preferred heat flow values (for a typical geological strain rate of 10−15 s−1) of 70-110 mW m−2 for a brittle-ductile transition 2 km deep (the usually accepted upper limit for the brittle-ductile transition depth in the ice shell of Europa), 24-35 mW m−2 for an effective elastic thickness of 2.9 km supporting a plateau near the Cilix impact crater, and >130 mW m−2 for effective elastic thicknesses of ?0.4 km proposed for the lithosphere loaded by ridges and domes. These values are clearly higher than those produced by radiogenic heating, thus implying an important role for tidal heating. The ?19-25 km thick ice shell proposed from the analysis of size and depth of impact structures suggests a heat flow of ?30-45 mW m−2 reaching the ice shell base, which in turn would imply an important contribution to the heat flow from tidal heating within the ice shell. Tidally heated convection in the ice shell could be capable to supply ∼100 mW m−2 for superplastic flow, and, at the Cilix crater region, ∼35-50 mW m−2 for dislocation creep, which suggests local variations in the dominant flow mechanism for convection. The very high heat flows maybe related to ridges and domes could be originated by preferential heating at special settings.  相似文献   

A detailed study to evaluate ground-based photographs of Mercury has been carried out. Models of the surface scattering properties have been assumed and smeared with a Gaussian function for direct comparison with center-to-limb scans along Mercury's intensity equator. Data from a range of phase angles from 31° to 92° have been compared with smeared models assuming a Lambert surface, a surface which obeys the Lommel-Seeliger law and one which is Minnaertian, having a variable coefficient. Within the limits of the observations a lunar Minnaert surface yields the most consistent interpretation. An objective evaluation of the resolution of the photographs is obtained in terms of Gaussian half-widths.  相似文献   

We have developed a low-cost off-the-shelf component star sensor (StarSense) for use in minisatellites and CubeSats to determine the attitude of a satellite in orbit. StarSense is an imaging camera with a limiting magnitude of 6.5, which extracts information from star patterns it records in the images. The star sensor implements a centroiding algorithm to find centroids of the stars in the image, a Geometric Voting algorithm for star pattern identification, and a QUEST algorithm for attitude quaternion calculation. Here, we describe the software package to evaluate the performance of these algorithms as a star sensor single operating system. We simulate the ideal case where sky background and instrument errors are omitted, and a more realistic case where noise and camera parameters are added to the simulated images. We evaluate such performance parameters of the algorithms as attitude accuracy, calculation time, required memory, star catalog size, sky coverage, etc., and estimate the errors introduced by each algorithm. This software package is written for use in MATLAB. The testing is parametrized for different hardware parameters, such as the focal length of the imaging setup, the field of view (FOV) of the camera, angle measurement accuracy, distortion effects, etc., and therefore, can be applied to evaluate the performance of such algorithms in any star sensor. For its hardware implementation on our StarSense, we are currently porting the codes in form of functions written in C. This is done keeping in view its easy implementation on any star sensor electronics hardware.  相似文献   

We discuss a solar flare microwave burst complex, which included a major structure consisting of some 13 spikes of 60 ms FWHM each, observed 21 May, 1984 at 90 GHz (3 mm). It was associated with a simultaneous very hard X-ray burst complex. We suggest that the individual spikes of both bursts were caused by the same electron population: the X-bursts by their bremsstrahlung, and the microwave bursts by their gyrosynchrotron emission. This latter conclusion is based on the evidence that the radio turnover frequency was 150 GHz. It follows that the emission sources were characterized by an electron density of about 1011 cm–3, a temperature of 5 × 108 K and a magnetic field of about 1400–2000 G. They had a size of about 350 km; if the energy release is caused by reconnection the sources of primary instability could have been smaller and in the form of thin sheets with reconnection speed at a fraction of the Alfvén velocity and burst-like energy injections of 1027 erg during about 50 ms each. The energized plasma knots lost their injection energy by saturated convective flux (collisionless conduction) in about 30 ms.  相似文献   

Reflectance spectra of Mercury, covering the spectral range of ~0.3–1.1 μm obtained during 1963–1976, were examined for any correlations with surface terrain. Mercury's 6.1385°/day rotational rate, the phases of the planet around maximum elongations, and bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy theory were used to identify the surface area associated with each spectrum. Data from 1974–1975, re-reduced with improved standard star flux ratios, show a weak absorption band in the near infrared not see in earlier analyses. Older spectra suggest that the western longitudes of the unimaged side of Mercury are similar to the rest of the planet. Spectra of the intercrater plains in the 0–90° quadrant suggest a possible absorption band. Spectra of areas dominated by Caloris Basin with the encompassing smooth plains may show Fe2+ abundances in the soil comparable to lunar highlands soil. No striking differences between spectra of intercrater plains and spectra of smooth plains are found. The absorption features seen in spectra of Mercury are generally weaker than features seen in lunar spectra.  相似文献   

We selected a sample of nearby galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7(SDSS DR7) to investigate the variation of physical properties from the blue cloud to green valley to red sequence.The sample is limited to a narrow range in the color-stellar mass diagram. After splitting green valley galaxies into two parts—a bluer green valley(green 1) and a redder one(green 2) and three stellar mass bins,we investigate the variation of physical properties across the green valley region. Our main results are as follows:(i) The percentages of pure bulge and bulge-dominated/elliptical galaxies increase gradually from blue cloud to red sequence while the percentages of pure disk and disk-dominated/spiral galaxies decrease gradually in all stellar mass bins and different environments.(ii) With the analysis of morphological and structural parameters(e.g., concentration(C) and the stellar mass surface density within the central 1 kpc(Σ1)), red galaxies show more luminous and compact cores than both green valley and blue galaxies, while blue galaxies show the opposite behavior in all stellar mass bins.(iii) A strong negative(positive) relationship between bulge-to-total light ratio(B/T) and specific star formation rate(sSFR)(D_(4000)) is found from blue to red galaxies. Our results indicate that the growth in bulge plays an important role when the galaxies change from the blue cloud, to the green valley and to the red sequence.  相似文献   

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