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While galactic bulges may contain no significant dust of their own, the dust within galaxy discs can strongly attenuate the light from their embedded bulges. Furthermore, such dust inhibits the ability of observationally determined inclination corrections to recover intrinsic (i.e. dust-free) galaxy parameters. Using the sophisticated 3D radiative transfer model of Popescu et al. and Tuffs et al., together with the recent determination of the average face-on opacity by Driver et al. in nearby disc galaxies, we provide simple equations to correct (observed) disc central surface brightness and scalelengths for the effects of both inclination and dust in the B , V , I , J and K passbands. We then collate and homogenize various literature data sets and determine the typical intrinsic scalelengths, central surface brightness and magnitudes of galaxy discs as a function of morphological type. All galaxies have been carefully modelled in their respective papers with a Sérsic   R 1/ n   bulge plus an exponential disc. Using the bulge magnitude corrections from Driver et al., we additionally derive the average, dust-corrected, bulge-to-disc flux ratio as a function of galaxy type. With values typically less than 1/3, this places somewhat uncomfortable constraints on some current semi-analytic simulations. Typical bulge sizes, profile shapes, surface brightness and deprojected densities are provided. Finally, given the two-component nature of disc galaxies, we present luminosity–size and (surface brightness)–size diagrams for discs and bulges. We also show that the distribution of elliptical galaxies in the luminosity–size diagram is not linear but strongly curved.  相似文献   

We consider the luminosity and environmental dependence of structural parameters of lenticular galaxies in the near-infrared K band. Using a 2D galaxy image decomposition technique, we extract bulge and disc structural parameters for a sample of 36 lenticular galaxies observed by us in the K band. By combining data from the literature for field and cluster lenticulars with our data, we study correlations between parameters that characterize the bulge and the disc as a function of luminosity and environment. We find that scaling relations such as the Kormendy relation, photometric plane and other correlations involving bulge and disc parameters show a luminosity dependence. This dependence can be explained in terms of galaxy formation models in which faint lenticulars  ( M T > −24.5)  formed via secular formation processes that likely formed the pseudo-bulges of late-type disc galaxies, while brighter lenticulars  ( M T < −24.5)  formed through a different formation mechanism most likely involving major mergers. On probing variations in lenticular properties as a function of environment, we find that faint cluster lenticulars show systematic differences with respect to faint field lenticulars. These differences support the idea that the bulge and disc components fade after the galaxy falls into a cluster, while simultaneously undergoing a transformation from spiral to lenticular morphologies.  相似文献   

We present bulge and disc (B/D) decompositions of existing   K '  surface brightness profiles for 65 Ursa Major (UMa) cluster spiral galaxies. This improves upon the disc-only fits of Tully et al. The 1996 disc fits were used by Tully & Verheijen for their discovery of the bimodality of structural parameters in the UMa cluster galaxies. It is shown that our new one-dimensional B/D decompositions yield disc structural parameters that differ only slightly from the basic fits of Tully et al. and evidence for structural bimodality of UMa galaxies is maintained. Our B/D software for the decomposition of one-dimensional surface brightness profiles of galaxies uses a non-linear minimization scheme to recover the best-fitting Sérsic bulge and the exponential disc while accounting for the possible presence of a compact nucleus and spiral arms and for the effects of seeing and disc truncations. In agreement with Tully & Verheijen, we find that the distribution of near-infrared disc central surface brightnesses is bimodal with an F-test confidence of 80 per cent. There is also strong evidence for a local minimum in the luminosity function at     . A connection between the brightness bimodality and a dynamical bimodality, based on new H  i linewidths, is identified. The B/D parameters are presented in Table 1 .  

  Table 1.  B/D parameters.  相似文献   

We present new models for the formation of disc galaxies that improve upon previous models by following the detailed accretion and cooling of the baryonic mass, and by using realistic distributions of specific angular momentum. Under the assumption of detailed angular momentum conservation, the discs that form have density distributions that are more centrally concentrated than an exponential. We examine the influence of star formation, bulge formation, and feedback on the outcome of the surface brightness distributions of the stars. Low angular momentum haloes yield disc galaxies with a significant bulge component and with a stellar disc that is close to exponential, in good agreement with observations. High angular momentum haloes, on the other hand, produce stellar discs that are much more concentrated than an exponential, in clear conflict with observations. At large radii, the models reveal distinct truncation radii in both the stars and the cold gas. The stellar truncation radii result from our implementation of star formation threshold densities, and are in excellent agreement with observations. The truncation radii in the density distribution of the cold gas reflect the maximum specific angular momentum of the gas that has cooled. We find that these truncation radii occur at H  i surface densities of roughly 1 M pc−2, in conflict with observations. We examine various modifications to our models, including feedback, viscosity, and dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, but show that the models consistently fail to produce bulge less discs with exponential surface brightness profiles. This signals a new problem for the standard model of disc formation: if the baryonic component of the protogalaxies out of which disc galaxies form has the same angular momentum distribution as the dark matter, discs are too compact.  相似文献   

We re-examine the Fall & Efstathiou scenario for galaxy formation, including the dark halo gravitational reaction to the formation of the baryon disc, as well as continuous variations in the intrinsic halo density profile. The recently published rotation curves of low surface brightness (LSB) and dwarf galaxies together with previously known scaling relations provide sufficient information on the present-day structure of late-type disc galaxies to invert the problem. By requiring that the models reproduce all the observational restrictions we can fully constrain the initial conditions of galaxy formation, with a minimum of assumptions, in particular without the need to specify a cold dark matter (CDM) halo profile. This allows one to solve for all the initial conditions, in terms of the halo density profile, the baryon fraction and the total angular momentum. We find that a unique initial halo shape is sufficient to accurately reproduce the rotation curves of both LSB and normal late-type spiral galaxies. This unique halo profile differs substantially from that found in standard CDM models. A galactic baryon fraction of 0.065 is found. The initial value of the dimensionless angular momentum is seen to be the principal discriminator between the galaxy classes we examine. The present-day scalings between structural parameters are seen to originate in the initial conditions.  相似文献   

We present data for a sample of 45 spiral galaxies over a range of Hubble types, imaged in the near-IR J K bands. Parameters are calculated describing the bulge, disc and bar K -band light distributions, and we look for correlations showing the interrelation between these components. We find that bulge profiles are not well-fitted by the classic de Vaucouleurs profile, and that exponential or R 1/2 fits are preferred. The bulge-to-disc ratio correlates only weakly with Hubble type. Many of the galaxies show central reddening of their J  −  K colours, which we interpret as due to nuclear starbursts or dusty AGN. We define a new method for measuring the strength of bars, which we call 'equivalent angle'. We stress that this is better than the traditional bar–interbar contrast, as it is not subject to seeing and resolution effects. Bars are found in 40 of the 45 galaxies, nine of which had been previously classified as unbarred. Bar strengths are found not to correlate with disc surface brightness or the presence of near neighbours, but a tendency is found for the most strongly barred galaxies to lie within a restricted, intermediate range of bulge-to-disc ratio. Bar light profiles are found to be either flat or exponentially decreasing along their long axes, with profile type not correlating strongly with Hubble type. Bar short axis profiles are significantly asymmetric, with the steeper profile being generally on the leading edge, assuming trailing arms. In the K band we find bars with higher axial ratios than have been found previously in optical studies.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structural and dynamical properties of triaxial stellar systems whose surface brightness profiles follow the   r 1/ n   luminosity law – extending the analysis by Ciotti, who explored the properties of spherical   r 1/ n   systems. A new analytical expression that accurately reproduces the spatial (i.e., deprojected) luminosity density profiles (error less than 0.1 per cent) is presented for detailed modelling of the Sérsic family of luminosity profiles. We evaluate both the symmetric and the non-axisymmetric components of the gravitational potential and force, and compute the torques as a function of position. For a given triaxiality, stellar systems with smaller values of n have a greater non-axisymmetric gravitational field component . We also explore the strength of the non-axisymmetric forces produced by bulges with differing n and triaxiality on systems having a range of bulge-to-disc ratios. The increasing disc-to-bulge ratio with increasing galaxy type (decreasing n ) is found to greatly reduce the amplitude of the non-axisymmetric terms, and therefore reduce the possibility that triaxial bulges in late-type systems may be the mechanism or perturbation for non-symmetric structures in the disc.
Using seeing-convolved   r 1/ n   -bulge plus exponential-disc fits to the K -band data from a sample of 80 nearby disc galaxies, we probe the relations between galaxy type, Sérsic index n and the bulge-to-disc luminosity ratio. These relations are shown to be primarily a consequence of the relation between n and the total bulge luminosity. In the K band, the trend of decreasing bulge-to-disc luminosity ratio along the spiral Hubble sequence is predominantly, though not entirely, a consequence of the change in the total bulge luminosity; the trend between the total disc luminosity and Hubble type is much weaker.  相似文献   

Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 group catalogue of Yang et al., we investigate sizes, concentrations, colour gradients and surface brightness profiles of central and satellite galaxies. We compare central and satellite galaxies at fixed stellar mass, in order to disentangle environmental from stellar mass dependencies. Early- and late-type galaxies are defined according to concentration. We find that at fixed stellar mass, late-type satellite galaxies have smaller radii and larger concentrations than late-type central galaxies. No such differences are found for early-type galaxies. We have also constructed surface brightness and colour profiles for the central and satellite galaxies in our sample. We find that late-type satellite galaxies have a lower surface brightness and redder colours than late-type central galaxies. We show that all observed differences between satellite and central galaxies can be explained by a simple fading model, in which the star formation in the disc decreases over time-scales of 2–3 Gyr after a galaxy becomes a satellite. Processes that induce strong morphological changes (e.g. harassment) and processes that strip the galaxy of its entire interstellar medium need not to be invoked in order to explain the environmental dependencies we find.  相似文献   

龚俊宇  毛业伟 《天文学报》2023,64(2):20-105
利用星系解构软件GALFIT通过面亮度轮廓拟合对近邻早型旋涡星系M81 (NGC 3031)进行形态学解构,旨在探究M81星系的结构组成并对其进行形态学量化.通过6种解构模式,对M81进行了不同复杂程度的结构分解,其中最复杂的解构模式包含核球、盘、外旋臂、内旋臂、星系核5个子结构.研究结果显示, M81有一个Sérsic指数约为5.0的经典核球,其形态和光度在不同解构模式中均保持稳定; M81星系盘的Sérsic指数约为1.2,但它的形态参数和光度与是否分解内旋臂相关.不同子结构的组合对作为混合体的星系整体的形态有不可忽视的影响.星系解构的结果提供了不同解构模式适用性的建议:其中核球+盘+星系核的三成分解构适用于大样本星系的核-盘研究;而考虑旋臂的复杂解构则适合于对星系子结构的精确测量,如小样本(或个源)研究.基于Spitzer-The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 4.5μm的单波段图像的形态学解构研究是后续一系列研究的开始,在此基础上未来将会对M81进行多波段解构,同时研究不同子结构的光谱能量分布和星族性质,并推断M81各子结构的形成历史和演化过程.  相似文献   

We use three-dimensional SPH/ N -body simulations to study ram pressure stripping of gas from spiral galaxies orbiting in clusters. We find that the analytic expectation of Gunn & Gott, relating the gravitational restoring force provided by the disc to the ram pressure force, provides a good approximation to the radius at which gas will be stripped from a galaxy. However, at small radii it is also important to consider the potential provided by the bulge component. A spiral galaxy passing through the core of a rich cluster, such as Coma, will have its gaseous disc truncated to ∼4 kpc, thus losing ∼80 per cent of its diffuse gas mass. The time-scale for this to occur is a fraction of a crossing time ∼107 yr. Galaxies orbiting within poorer clusters, or inclined to the direction of motion through the intracluster medium, will lose significantly less gas. We conclude that ram pressure alone is insufficient to account for the rapid and widespread truncation of star formation observed in cluster galaxies, or the morphological transformation of Sabs to S0s that is necessary to explain the Butcher–Oemler effect.  相似文献   

The results obtained from a study of the mass distribution of 36 spiral galaxies are presented. The galaxies were observed using Fabry–Perot interferometry as part of the GHASP survey. The main aim of obtaining high-resolution Hα 2D velocity fields is to define more accurately the rising part of the rotation curves which should allow to better constrain the parameters of the mass distribution. The Hα velocities were combined with low resolution H  i data from the literature, when available. Combining the kinematical data with photometric data, mass models were derived from these rotation curves using two different functional forms for the halo: an isothermal sphere (ISO) and a Navarro–Frenk–White (NFW) profile. For the galaxies already modelled by other authors, the results tend to agree. Our results point at the existence of a constant density core in the centre of the dark matter haloes rather than a cuspy core, whatever the type of the galaxy from Sab to Im. This extends to all types the result already obtained by other authors studying dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies but would necessitate a larger sample of galaxies to conclude more strongly. Whatever model is used (ISO or NFW), small core radius haloes have higher central densities, again for all morphological types. We confirm different halo scaling laws, such as the correlations between the core radius and the central density of the halo with the absolute magnitude of a galaxy: low-luminosity galaxies have small core radius and high central density. We find that the product of the central density with the core radius of the dark matter halo is nearly constant, whatever the model and whatever the absolute magnitude of the galaxy. This suggests that the halo surface density is independent from the galaxy type.  相似文献   

We have modelled 38 barred galaxies by using near-infrared and optical data from the Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey. We constructed the gravitational potentials of the galaxies from H -band photometry, assuming a constant mass-to-light ratio. The halo component we choose corresponds to the so-called universal rotation curve. In each case, we used the response of gaseous and stellar particle disc to rigidly rotating potential to determine the pattern speed.
We find that the pattern speed of the bar depends roughly on the morphological type. The average value of corotation resonance radius to bar radius,     , increases from 1.15 ± 0.25 in types SB0/a–SBab to 1.44 ± 0.29 in SBb and 1.82 ± 0.63 in SBbc–SBc. Within the error estimates for the pattern speed and bar radius, all galaxies of type SBab or earlier have a fast bar     , whereas the bars in later type galaxies include both fast and slow rotators. Of 16 later type galaxies with a nominal value of     , there are five cases, where the fast-rotating bar is ruled out by the adopted error estimates.
We also study the correlation between the parameter     and other galactic properties. The clearest correlation is with the bar size: the slowest bars are also the shortest bars when compared to the galaxy size. A weaker correlation is seen with bar strength in a sense that slow bars tend to be weaker. These correlations leave room for a possibility that the determined pattern speed in many galaxies corresponds to actually that of the spiral, which rotates more slowly than the bar. No clear correlation is seen with either the galaxy luminosity or the colour.  相似文献   

We analyse N -body galaxy merger experiments involving disc galaxies. Mergers of disc–bulge–halo models are compared to those of bulgeless, disc–halo models to quantify the effects of the central bulge on merger dynamics and the structure of the remnant. Our models explore galaxy mass ratios 1:1 through 3:1, and use higher bulge mass fractions than previous studies. A full comparison of the structural and dynamical properties with our observations is carried out. The presence of central bulges results in longer tidal tails, oblate final intrinsic shapes, surface brightness profiles with a higher Sérsic index, steeper rotation curves and oblate-rotator internal dynamics. Mergers of bulgeless galaxies do not generate long-lasting tidal tails, and their strong triaxiality seems inconsistent with observations; these remnants show shells, which we do not find in models including central bulges. Giant ellipticals with boxy isophotes and anisotropic dynamics cannot be produced by the mergers modelled here; they could be the result of mergers between lower luminosity ellipticals, themselves plausibly formed in disc-disc mergers.  相似文献   

We present a test for the degree of symmetry in the distribution of the Hα brightness along the arms of a sample of spiral galaxies. The test consists of deriving the cross-correlation function of the Hα brightness as a function of curvilinear distance along pairs of opposed arms, after unfolding the arms geometrically. Our results reveal a significantly greater degree of symmetry in the non-barred population than in the barred. We derive parameters for both bar strength and bar ellipticity, and compare these with the derived cross-correlations to strengthen this conclusion. We suggest that density waves are a probable cause for the appearance of global, i.e. disc-wide, two-fold symmetry in spiral discs. Comparison with published work on abundance gradients in the discs of barred and non-barred galaxies indicates that, as for the abundances, mixing in the spiral disc as a result of the bar potential may well be responsible for our observation that stronger bars are related to reduced two-fold symmetry in the distribution of star-forming regions along the spiral arms.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of a bar and an asymmetric spiral structure on the neutral hydrogen distribution and kinematics in the strongly barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479. The strongest 21-cm line emission at 1-kpc resolution comes from the western spiral arm which appears to be slightly inclined to the plane of the main disc. In contrast, the area within the radius of the bar is devoid of 21-cm line emission. The radio continuum emission at 21 cm follows the bar dust lanes, but beyond 3 kpc from the nucleus the radio continuum emission has a peculiar morphology, unlike that of optical and near-infrared images. We did not detect any low surface brightness gas-rich companions in the near neighbourhood of NGC 7479. This leads us to propose that the strong western spiral arm was created in a recent minor merger.  相似文献   

We have analysed the distribution of inclination-corrected galaxy concentrations in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that unlike most galaxy properties, which are distributed bimodally, the distribution of concentrations is trimodal: it exhibits three distinct peaks. The newly discovered intermediate peak, which consists of early-type spirals and lenticulars, may contain ∼60 per cent of the number density and ∼50 per cent of the luminosity density of  0.1 Mr < −17  galaxies in the local universe. These galaxies are generally red and quiescent, although the distribution contains a tail of blue star-forming galaxies and also shows evidence of dust. The intermediate-type galaxies have higher apparent ellipticities than either disc or elliptical galaxies, most likely because some of the face-on intermediate types are misidentified as ellipticals. Their physical half-light radii are smaller than the radii of either the disc or elliptical galaxies, which may be evidence that they form from disc fading. The existence of a distinct peak in parameter space associated with early-type spiral galaxies and lenticulars implies that they have a distinct formation mechanism and are not simply the smooth transition between disc-dominated and spheroid-dominated galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a general recipe for constructing N -body realizations of galaxies comprising near spherical and disc components. First, an exact spherical distribution function for the spheroids (halo and bulge) is determined, such that it is in equilibrium with the gravitational monopole of the disc components. Second, an N -body realization of this model is adapted to the full disc potential by growing the latter adiabatically from its monopole. Finally, the disc is sampled with particles drawn from an appropriate distribution function, avoiding local-Maxwellian approximations. We performed test simulations and find that the halo and bulge radial density profile very closely match their target model, while they become slightly oblate due to the added disc gravity. Our findings suggest that vertical thickening of the initially thin disc is caused predominantly by spiral and bar instabilities, which also result in a radial re-distribution of matter, rather than scattering off interloping massive halo particles.  相似文献   

Deep images of the Centaurus and Coma clusters reveal two spectacular arcs of diffuse light that stretch for over 100 kpc, yet are just a few kiloparsecs wide. At a surface brightness of m b ∼27–28 mag arcsec−2 , the Centaurus arc is the most striking example known of structure in the diffuse light component of a rich galaxy cluster. We use numerical simulations to show that the Centaurus feature can be reproduced by the tidal debris of a spiral galaxy that has been tidally disrupted by the gravitational potential of NGC 4709. The surface brightness and narrow dimensions of the diffuse light suggest that the disc was corotating with its orbital path past pericentre. Features this prominent in clusters will be relatively rare, although at fainter surface brightness levels the diffuse light will reveal a wealth of structure. Deeper imaging surveys may be able to trace this feature for several times its presently observed extent, and somewhere along the tidal debris, a fraction of the original stellar component of the disc will remain bound, but transformed into a faint spheroidal galaxy. It should be possible to confirm the galactic origin of the Centaurus arc by observing planetary nebulae along its length with redshifts close to that of NGC 4709.  相似文献   

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