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In this paper changes in focal mechanisms) parameters of wave spectra, and stress drops for the Ms=5.0 forcshock and Ms=6.0 mainshock in February 2001 in Yajiang County, Sichuan, and seismicity in cpiccntral region are studied. Comparison of focal mechanisms for the Yajiang earthquakes with distribution patterns of aftcrshocks, the nodal plane Ⅰ, striking in the direction of NEN, of the Yajiang M=5.0 event is chosen as the faulting plane, the nodal plane Ⅱ, striking in the direction of WNW, of the M=6.0 event as the faulting plane. The strikes of the two faulting planes are nearly perpendicular to each other. The level of stress drops in the cpicentral region before the occurrence of the M=6.0 earthquake increases, which is consistent with increase of seismicity in the epicentral region. The rate decay of the Yajiang earthquake sequence, changes in wave spectra for foreshocks and aftershocks,and focal mechanisms are complex.  相似文献   

研究了2001年2月四川省雅江县发生的MS5.0前震、MS6.0主震及序列地震的震源机制、波谱参数及应力降的变化过程与震区地震活动.根据雅江地震的震源机制解,并结合余震空间分布图象分析,选雅江5.0级的节面Ⅰ为推测的地震断层,走向NNE;选雅江6.0级地震的节面Ⅱ为推测的地震断层,走向WNW,分析前震与主震的断层面走向是斜交的.雅江6.0级地震发生前震区应力降水平有所增加,这一现象与震区地震活动的增加是一致的.雅江地震序列的衰减起伏过程, 前、余震波谱变化, 以及震源力学错动机制等均呈现复杂特征.  相似文献   

雅江6级地震预测问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程万正 《地震》2002,22(2):47-52
概述了2001年2月在四川省雅江县与康定县间发生的MS 5. 0和6. 0地震的基本参数和震源机制,分析了震前区域地震活动特征和中短期观测异常现象,并对雅江6级地震的短临预测问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

The Yajiang earthquake sequence in 2001, with the major events of Ms5.1 on Feb. 14 and of Ms6.0 on Feb.23, are significant events in the Sichuan region during the last 13 years. Eighty-eight earthquakes in the sequence with at least 5 distinct onset parameters for each recorded by the Sichuan Seismic Network in the period of Jan. 1 through June 30,2001 were chosen for this study. The events are relocated and the focal mechanism is derived from P-wave onsets for 13 events with relatively larger magnitudes. The focal depth of all earthquakes fall between a range of 2km to 16km, with dominant distribution between 9km to 11km. Theforeshocks, the Ms5.1 earthquake and the Ms6.0 earthquake and their aftershocks are all located close to the Zihe fault and the dominant epicentral distribution is in NW direction, identical to that of the fault. The fracture surface of the focal mechanism is determined in accordance to the mass transfer orientation in the recent earth deformation field in the Yajiang region. The P axes of the principal compressive stress in focal mechanism solutions of the 13 events show bigger vertical components, and the horizontal projection trending SE. The earthquakes are of left-lateral, strike-slip normal, and normal strike-slip types. The rupture surface of most earthquakes strike NW-SE, dipping SW. Based on the above information, we conclude that the Zihe fault that crosses the earthquake area, striking NW and dipping SW, is the seismogenic fault for the Yajiang earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

2009年7月9日在云南省姚安县发生M6.0地震,利用云南区域数字地震台网记录的ML≥2.0余震波形记录,通过对S波观测记录谱进行传播路径、场地响应和仪器响应等影响的逐一消除,得到131个地震的震源谱.进而根据Brune圆盘震源模型,利用遗传算法计算地震矩、应力降、震源半径等震源参数.结果表明,该地震序列的M0在1012-1016N·m,与近震震级有很好的线性关系,与震源半径呈线性关系;应力降与近震震级有一定线性趋势相关性;拐角频率和地震矩M0之间有明显的依赖关系.  相似文献   

彭克银 《地震》2004,24(1):50-54
分析了西南地区的活动构造、 应力场特征, 统计了川滇菱形块体内部理塘-德巫断裂上发生的中强地震与川滇及其附近地区大地震的对应关系。 结果表明, 1900~2000年理塘-德巫断裂上发生的6次5.5级以上地震有5次在其后2~3年内, 川滇菱形块体边界带及其附近地区发生了7.5级以上地震。 反之, 1900年以来西南地区共发生7.5级以上地震7次, 其中5次地震前2~3年内理塘-德巫断裂上均发生了5.5级以上地震。 在此统计基础上讨论了2001年2月23日雅江6.0级地震对西南地区近期地震形势的影响。  相似文献   

2001年雅江6.0级地震序列震源机制解与应力场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了利用P波初动和短周期体波振幅联合测定震源机制解和利用震源机制解求取区域主应力张量的方法,采用成都遥测数字地震台网在2001年2月雅江Ms 5.0、Ms 6.0地震前后的3.0级以上的26个地震,共14个台站的垂直分向速度波形记录进行计算。使用主事件定位法,确定了这些地震较准确的震中位置,并在此后的计算中采用该数据。震源机制解结果表明:5.0和6.0级地震与另外3次地震为走滑型,呈北东向分布;而外围的其他21次地震全部是倾滑型。分析认为,雅江震区位于鲜水河断裂带南端西侧的以贡嘎山为中心的地壳隆起区内,地壳的抬升运动导致震源体的形成,两种破裂方式与之有关。前震与余震时段的最大主压应力σ1轴的方向大致相同,5.0和6.0级地震期间,σ1轴的方向偏转了约100°。  相似文献   

2001年四川雅江6.0级地震序列的破裂特征及发震构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙思胜 《中国地震》2004,20(1):1-11
2001年雅江地震序列(主要地震是2月14日的Ms5.1和2月23日的Ms6.0地震)是四川地区近13年来的重要地震。选择2001年1月1日~6月30日期间,四川地震台网至少5个清晰的初动到时所记录的雅江地震序列中88次地震,并对其作了重新定位,对其中较大的13次地震用四川地区地震台网P波初动资料作了震源机制解。88次地震震源深度分布在2~16km,优势深度为9~llkm。前震、5.1级地震及其余震、6.0级地震及余震都紧邻孜河断裂分布,且按时段划分的震中优势分布方位与孜河断裂走向都是北西向。根据雅江地区近期大地形变场物质运移方向,选定了震源机制解的破裂面。13次较大地震震源机制解的主压应力P轴具有较大的垂向分量,水平投影方向为南东;地震类型都是左旋、走滑一正断型或正断一走滑型;大部分地震破裂面走向为北西一南东,倾向南西。根据前震、5.1级地震及其余震、6.0级地震及其余震震中优势分布方位,以及大多数较大地震破裂面走向和倾向,认为穿过震区的走向北西、倾向南西的孜河断裂是这次雅江地震序列的发震断裂。  相似文献   

In this paper changes in focal mechanisms, parameters of wave spectra, and stress drops for the M S=5.0 foreshock and M S=6.0 mainshock in February 2001 in Yajiang County, Sichuan, and seismicity in epicentral region are studied. Comparison of focal mechanisms for the Yajiang earthquakes with distribution patterns of aftershocks, the nodal plane I, striking in the direction of NEN, of the Yajiang M=5.0 event is chosen as the faulting plane; the nodal plane II, striking in the direction of WNW, of the M=6.0 event as the faulting plane. The strikes of the two faulting planes are nearly perpendicular to each other. The level of stress drops in the epicentral region before the occurrence of the M=6.0 earthquake increases, which is consistent with increase of seismicity in the epicentral region. The rate decay of the Yajiang earthquake sequence, changes in wave spectra for foreshocks and aftershocks, and focal mechanisms are complex.  相似文献   

武定地震序列的震源参数与频率特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用武定地震序列数字化记录地震图资料研究了直接用速度谱和位移谱测定地震矩的方法,结果给出前者的误差比后者小50%,两者无系统差。对序列地震震源参数的研究结果给出,地震矩M0在1012~1016(N·m)之间,震源破裂半径a在100~350m范围,震源距r或震级ML与近场波谱拐角频率f0相关性不明显,序列地震应力降Δσ多数在10~80MPa的范围,表明武定地震序列是在高应力背景下发生的爆发性地震群。  相似文献   

Site attenuation and source characteristics of 45 aftershocks of the 13 March 1992 Erzincan, eastern Turkey earthquake have been determined from SH-wave spectra using a least-squares best-fit method. Although the most of the seismograms were recorded on the ophiolitic rock sites and the average regional attenuation correction of Q(f) = 35 f0.83 was applied, the high fall-off rates ranging between 3.0 and 4.5 beyond the corner frequencies of 8–13 Hz were observed on the SH spectra. The site attenuation value, , has been calculated from the slope of the high frequency part of the SH spectra. It was found that varied in the range of 0.0124–0.0364 s and the average was 0.0246 s with a standard deviation of 0.0047 s. The high fall-off rates of observed spectra have decreased considerably as a result of site attenuation corrections and converged to an average value of 2.3. We concluded that the high fall-off rates of SH wave spectra are mainly controlled by highly deformed Miocene ophiolitic formations which covers a wide area in the North Anatolian Fault zone in the vicinity of Erzincan region. Using the spectra that were corrected for regional and site attenuation, and assuming a Brune's source model; seismic moment, source radius, and stress-drops of the aftershocks were computed. We found that stress-drops for some of the aftershocks in Erzincan area have slightly decreased after removal of site attenuation over SH wave observed spectra.  相似文献   

对川西地区2000~2001年雅江—康定间6.0级地震前后的重力观测资料进行了处理,绘制了重力场变化等值线图和三维曲面图,从动态的观点研究了雅江地震前后重力场的图像变化特征。结果表明:①重力变化与构造环境变化有关,地震前重力场有明显的异常变化。②雅江地震前后重力场空间分布图较好地反映了鲜水河断裂带及北西向的理塘断裂和北东的玉龙西断裂构造活动弓l起的重力变化。③地震发生在重力异常下降区及高梯度带附近。  相似文献   

姚安地震序列与大姚地震序列震源参数的对比研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘丽芳  刘杰  苏有锦 《地震》2006,26(1):10-18
2000年1月15日在云南省姚安县发生了MS6.5地震, 2003年7月21日和10月16日在云南省大姚县发生了MS6.2、 MS6.1地震。 这两个地震序列均发生在滇中块体, 震中位置相距42.5 km, 构造、 应力背景相似, 但序列类型不同, 时间间隔短。 为深入研究姚安地震和大姚地震序列的特征, 根据昆明区域数字台网记录的数字地震波资料, 利用遗传算法计算了2000年姚安地震和2003年大姚地震序列的震源参数。 研究结果表明, 姚安地震序列和大姚地震序列的地震矩和近震震级有很好的线性关系, 它们的地震矩M0均在1012~1014 N·m, 地震矩与震源半径之间呈线性关系。 应力降随震级变化不明显。 拐角频率和地震矩之间有明显的依赖关系, 用最小二乘法拟合拐角频率和地震矩的关系式, 利用此关系式可计算出给定地震矩的拐角频率估计值fa, 进而可分析实际计算的拐角频率与估计值之差(fc-fa)的时间变化曲线。 姚安地震序列和大姚地震序列实际计算的拐角频率与估计值之差(fc-fa)及应力降随时间的变化表现出了不同的特征: 姚安地震序列的应力降和拐角频率差值在4.3级和4.6级强余震前均有一个上升-下降过程, 反映余震区应力场有一个增高-下降过程; 大姚地震序列应力降和拐角频率差值在MS≥4.6强余震发生之前均会出现高值异常, 但在MS4.6~4.7地震之前出现的高值异常持续时间短, 在MS6.1地震前出现的高值异常持续较长。 文中结合两个地震的发震构造, 序列类型等特征进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

就如何利用数据库,结合Java、XML等手段对震源参数管理进行了一些探索,并给出了一些在一个实际系统中实现了的例子。  相似文献   

IntroductionItisshowedbyresearchesonearthquakestresstriggeringrecentlythatsmall'static'stresschangesduetopermanentfaultdisplacementcanalterthelikelihoodof,ortrigger,earthquakesonnearbyfaults(Harris,1998).Manystudiesoftriggeringinthenear-field,particularlyofaftershocks,showthesestaticchangesaretriggeringagent(Kilb,etal,2000).ReasenbergandSimpson(1992)studiedthere-sponseofregionalseismicitytothestaticstresschangeproducedbyLomaPrietaearthquake,andtheresultsshowedthataftershockratesincreasedinre…  相似文献   

Source parameters and characteristics of regional attenuation of Tangshan aftershocks are studied by using digital records of Tangshan aftershocks. An inversion method of P wave spectra to reduce influence on the ambiguity in the estimates of parameters by the usual spectrum analysis method is developed. By testing with digital simulation data and applying to actual data, it is confirmed that the method is usable. Source parameters of the Tangshan Luanxian area are obtained by using records of 35 earthquakes at 5 stations.Q values of P wave and high frequency decay rate γ of source spectrum at 5 stations are obtained. TheQ values range from 408 to 847, and the mean value is 520; whiley ranges from 1.54 to 3.22, and the mean value is 2.41. In the studies of spectra of the micro-earthquakes in the Luanxian area, that stress drop increases with increasing earthquake moment is found. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 430–441, 1991.  相似文献   

利用晋冀鲁豫交界地区邯郸地震台网记录的地震波形资料,选取2005—2016年ML≥1.8地震事件,采用Brune震源模型,结合遗传算法得到该区中小地震震源参数,并分析各参数形态特征。研究表明:①晋冀鲁豫交界地区中小地震的地震矩取值范围1.34×1011—2.63×1015 N·m,震源半径取值范围132—1 044 m,拐角频率fc取值范围1.25—9.82 Hz,应力降取值范围0.036 4—11.063 1 MPa;②震源参数之间相互关系;③按照震中分区分析不同区域应力降分布特征,河北邯郸、邢台等地及附近地区应力降范围为0 MPa<Δσ≤5 MPa,河南濮阳以及范县和山西黎城等地及附近地区应力降范围为5 MPa <Δσ≤11.063 1 MPa,该区处于高应力背景场状态。  相似文献   

李艳娥  陈学忠 《地震》2007,27(4):59-67
根据Andrews谱积分的方法, 采用近震源Brune圆盘模型, 测定了1999年11月29日辽宁岫岩MS5.4地震序列的震源参数。 结果表明, 得到辐射能量与震级的关系, 与古登堡-里克特给出的关系基本一致; 地震矩与震级的关系中斜率和截距都小于陈培善等给出的全球结果; 视应力与震级呈半对数线性关系; 在双对数坐标下视应力随地震矩的增加而增加; 地震矩随拐角频率的7次方衰减, 在地震序列的不同阶段各参数的拟合关系斜率也不完全相同。  相似文献   

震源参数反演及精度评定的Bootstrap方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

在震源参数反演理论研究中,地表形变与震源参数之间为复杂多维的非线性关系,针对传统泰勒级数展开的精度评定方法可能无法适用于震源参数的精度评定问题,本文将Bootstrap方法引入到震源参数非线性反演及精度评定研究中.通过对GPS地表形变观测数据实施Bootstrap重采样获取自助样本,使用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)搜索震源参数,设计并给出了震源参数精度评定的Bootstrap方法计算流程.将本文方法用于6个模拟地震、Amatrice地震及Visso地震实验中,通过反演震源参数、获取参数的置信区间及中误差,并与Jackknife方法、Monte Carlo方法进行对比分析.实验结果表明,通过执行本文精度评定方法能够获取比Jackknife方法更加可靠的震源参数置信区间以及更加精确的精度信息.实验验证了将Bootstrap方法用于震源参数精度评定的有效性和可靠性,为研究震源参数精度评定理论研究提供了一种新的采样思路.


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