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The concentrations and sea-to-air fluxes of dissolved methane (CH4) were investigated in the North Yellow Sea during August 2006, January, April and October 2007. Dissolved CH4 concentrations showed obvious seasonal variation, with maximum values occurring in summer and lowest values occurring in winter. The saturations of dissolved CH4 in surface waters ranged from 78.7% to 1679.7% with an average of 252.4%. The estimated atmospheric CH4 fluxes using the Liss and Merlivat (LM86), and Wanninkhof formulae (W92) were (4.2±4.7), (11.6±10.3), (8.5±12.7) and (0.2±1.0), and (6.9±7.3), (14.6±22.3), (13.8±14.3) and (0.4±1.7) μmol·(m2 d)−1, respectively, for spring, summer, autumn and winter. Based on the average annual atmospheric CH4 flux and the area of the North Yellow Sea, the annual CH4 emission was estimated to be (2.4×10−2–4.2×10−2) Tg a−1, which suggests that the North Yellow Sea was a net source of atmospheric CH4.  相似文献   

13C/12C- and 18O/16O-signatures of Calcite Precipitations in Drainage Systems Measurements of drainage waters show two distinct processes of calcite precipitation: 1. reprecipitation of calcium carbonate previously dissolved in groundwaters and 2. absorption of atmospheric CO2 by alkaline solutions. Both processes may be distinguished by the stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon. Calcite precipitated from carbonate groundwater yields δ13C ≈ ?13%0 (PDB) and δ18O ≈ 24%0 (SMOW), whereas calcite produced by CO2-absorption shows δ13C ≈ ?25%0 (PDB) and δ18O ≈ 10%0 (SMOW).  相似文献   

During some, but not all winters, waters on the Mackenzie shelf of the Beaufort Sea become sufficiently saline to ventilate the halocline of the adjacent Canada Basin. This occurred in March 1988, at which time a survey of the temperature, salinity, dissolved nutrient and 18O properties of the ventilating waters was completed. The regional hydrography of 1988 was very similar to that of 1981, when ventilation also occurred in this area. The δ18O-salinity properties of the cold, saline shelf waters revealed that in the winter of 1987–1988, ice was grown from water initially more saline by about 1.5 [psu] than is typical for the area. The higher initial salinity appears to have been a consequence of a two-stage conditioning of shelf waters by storms in the autumn of 1987. Since the amount of ice growth, and consequent salt rejection, over the winter of 1987–1988 was abnormally low, this conditioning played a crucial role in the formation of the ventilating water mass. Nutrient concentrations in ventilating waters were the same as those of waters unaffected by freezing. Thus significant regeneration of nutrients within the cold saline shelf waters did not occur during their 6-month period of formation. In consequence, the nutrient signatures carried into the arctic halocline by winter shelf waters from this area tended to erode, rather than to reinforce the nutrient maxima. For this reason they are not the dominant source of supply to the arctic halocline. Waters in the Chukchi and northern Bering Seas during the same period had δ18O values intermediate between those on the Mackenzie shelf and those in the arctic halocline. Thus winter shelf waters are supplied to the arctic halocline with a range of nutrient, temperature, salinity and δ18O properties. On average, the southern Canada Basin is an impressive net producer of sea ice. The net rate of production from waters in the upper 350 m in this area is about 2 m y−1, approximately twice the net rate of production in the central Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

At three sample sites where there are good exposures of the upper 15 m of the 1912 ash-flow sheet in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS), Alaska, 18O/16O studies indicate that fumarolic activity produced a very wide range of δ18O values (?0.1 to +12.6; n=32) in the groundmass adjacent to fossil fissure fumaroles. This contrasts sharply with the uniformity of δ18O in the groundmass away from fumarolic conduits (δ18O=+5.9 to +7.1; n=7) and in all of the feldspar phenocrysts (δ18O=+6.11 to +7.5 1 for 11 samples from this study and Hildreth 1987), independent of whether these were collected from fossil fumaroles or from unaltered tuff. Only one sample contained feldspars that were even slightly 18O-enriched relative to the others (cloudy plagioclase δ18O=+8.45). and this sample also contained the most 180-enriched groundmass of any of those analyzed (δ18O=+12.6). This preservation of primary magmatic δ18O values in the VTTS feldspar phenocrysts is clearly a consequence of the extremely short time span (i.e., 1912 to ≈1923) of vigorous, high-temperature, fumarolic activity in the 1912 ash-flow sheet. These 18O/l6O systematica are strikingly similar to those discovered in the 2.8-Ma intracaldera Chegem Tuff (Gazis et al. 1996) and in the fossil fumaroles in the outflow sheet of the 0.76 Ma Bishop Tuff (Holt and Taylor 1998), thus confirming that a similar type of fumarolic meteoric-hydro-thermal activity occurred above the zone of intense welding in all three of these ash-flow tuffs. This is particularly important, because it provides a direct linkage between the older tuffs and the actual observations at the VTTS of steam chemistry, water/rock interaction, circulation geometry, flow velocities, and fumarolic temperatures (up to 645°C). The 18O/l6O effects in the VTTS can all be explained in terms of a two-stage history: (a) an early, 10- to 15-year-long, high-temperature (τ;450°C), fumarolic 18O-depletion event (groundmass δ18O=?0.1 to +4.8); and (b) a subsequent, much longer-lived, low-temperature (<150°C), 18O-enrichment episode (groundmass as high as δ18O=+12.6). Steam in these low-temperature fumaroles probably passed through various parts of the same hydrothermal system associated with the earlier, higher-temperature, fumarolic activity, and a weakened form of this low-temperature hydrothermal circulation continues to the present day (Keith et al. 1992; Lowell and Keith 1991). This low-temperature 18O/16O exchange probably occurred in combination with mineralogical alteration of both the groundmass and the calcium-rich portions of feldspar phenocrysts during the waning (<150°C) stages of fumarolic activity (Spilde et al. 1993). The slight 18O enrichment of apparently pristine, transparent feldspar phenocrysts (δ18O=+7.51) in one of the 18O-depleted, meteoric-hydrothermally altered fumarolic samples (whole-rock δ18O=+4.8) probably indicates that this sample was incipiently altered at low temperatures as fumarolic activity waned, and thus may have had a whole-rock δ18O value much lower than +4.87‰ prior to 1923.  相似文献   

为探明中国北方浅水湖泊乌梁素海冰封期水体溶解氧平衡的内在机理,于2021年1-2月在湖心处布设了一台水质在线监测浮标,收集到包括溶解氧等在内的水质数据.通过对溶解氧数据的小波降噪处理,结合气象资料,模拟分析了冰生长及稳定期内水体溶解氧的变化趋势,定性分析了水体溶解氧的平衡机理.结果表明:湖泊的日均最高产氧速率为7.19 mg/(L·d),最低产氧速率为2.01 mg/(L·d);日均最高耗氧速率为7.13 mg/(L·d),最低耗氧速率为2.37 mg/(L·d).24 h的单位时间平均最高产氧速率为0.55 mg/(L·h),最低产氧速率为0 mg/(L·h);单位时间平均最高耗氧速率为0.36 mg/(L·h),最低耗氧速率为0.08 mg/(L·h).由此说明小时间尺度下溶解氧的补充消耗不均衡导致了大时间尺度下的溶解氧不平衡,进而产生了冬季湖泊的亏氧现象.通过进一步溶解氧驱动因素与水环境因子响应关系的分析发现,浊度、水温与产氧速率呈显著负相关,叶绿素a与产氧速率和耗氧速率均呈显著正相关,表明了这些限制性水环境因子在一定程度上影响了冰下水体的溶解氧平衡.  相似文献   

祁连山断裂带中东段地下水地球化学特征研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
祁连山断裂带是中国西部地震活动最强烈的地区之一。本文应用Aquachem5.1对该断裂带中东段10口井水进行了水化学分析;同时利用Phreeqc软件对地下水化学组分和饱指数SI值进行了模拟计算;并结合氢氧和氦同位素组成特征初步分析了该断裂带地下水成因、水质类型、循环速度及循环深度。研究表明祁连山断裂中东段地下水均为大气成因,总体上体现为循环深度小、滞留时间短、水-岩反应程度较弱等特点,其化学活动性在空间上具有西弱东强分布特征。这一结论为今后进一步研究地下流体地震前兆异常提供了依据。  相似文献   

 Depth profiles of fluorescence at several excitation and emission wavelengths were measured along with CTD data during the cruise So119 of RV Sonne in the Arabian Sea from 12 May to 10 June 1997. In addition to chlorophyll fluorescence from phytoplankton in the near-surface layer, the profiles in the oxygen minimum region well below the euphotic zone show enhanced red fluorescence. Red fluorescence intensity is inversely related to the oxygen concentration in intermediate and deep waters. A relationship to characteristic water masses of the region cannot be found in the data, and this holds also with chemical data such as DOC. Absorbance spectra of water samples taken in the oxygen minimum zone show an absorption band at 420 nm wavelength with about 50 nm bandwidth, much weaker than gelbstoff absorbance in the same wavelength range. The absorption band remains stable after sample filtration with 0.45 μm glass fibre filters. Hence, the size of the absorbing matter is in the range of dissolved molecules or particles much smaller than 1 μm. Fluorescence spectra of unfiltered samples with 420 nm excitation show a weak emission band at 600 nm and a more pronounced one at 660 nm wavelength. The trailing edge of the 660 nm band falls into the range of chlorophyll emission, thus giving rise to the observed depth profiles of red fluorescence in the oxygen minimum zone. Red fluorescence measured on samples remain stable during a few hours after sampling even in the presence of oxygen. It is not detectable after several weeks of sample storage in the dark and cannot be reproduced even after depletion of dissolved oxygen. Received: 22 May 2002 / Accepted: 18 February 2003 Responsible Editor: Andreas Oschlies Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant from the Federal Minister of Education and Technology, Bonn, within the frame work of the JGOFS Arabian Sea program. We are grateful to the captain and the crew of RV Sonne for their support. We are indebted to Mrs. Kirsten Neumann from the Institute of Marine Chemistry and Biogeochemistry of the University of Hamburg for providing the oxygen data, and to Mr. Nikolai Delling from the same institute for making the DOC and chlorophyll data available to us.  相似文献   

We report a quantitative analysis of regional differences in the the oxygen isotope composition of river water and precipitation across the USA because data are now available to undertake a more geographically and temporally extensive analysis than was formerly possible. Maps of modern, mean annual δ18O values for both precipitation (δ18OPPT) and river water (δ18ORIV) across the 48 contiguous states of the USA have been generated using latitude and elevation as the primary predictors of stable isotope composition while also incorporating regional and local deviations based on available isotopic data. The difference between these two maps was calculated to determine regions where δ18ORIV is significantly offset from local δ18OPPT. Additional maps depicting seasonal and extreme values for δ18ORIV and δ18OPPT were also constructed. This exercise confirms the presence of regions characterized by differences in δ18ORIV and δ18OPPT and specifically identifies the magnitude and regional extent of these offsets. In particular, the Great Plains has δ18ORIV values that are more positive than precipitation, while much of the western USA is characterized by significantly lower δ18ORIV values in comparison with local δ18OPPT. The most salient feature that emerged from this comparison is the ‘catchment effect’ for the rivers. Because river water is largely derived from precipitation that fell upstream of the sample locality (i.e. at higher elevations) δ18ORIV values are often lower than local δ18OPPT values, particularly in catchments with high‐elevation gradients. Seasonal patterns in the isotopic data substantiate the generally accepted notion that amplitudes of δ18O variation are greatly dampened in river water relative to those of local precipitation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

华北地区低信噪比资料连片叠前时间偏移成像策略   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过华北地区的地震资料叠前时间处理实例,详细阐述了华北地区低信噪比资料的特点及针对性处理策略,探讨了该地区大面积连片叠前时间偏移的配套处理技术,为地震资料处理提高偏移成像精度积累了经验.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳厚度与泊松比研究   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
葛粲  郑勇  熊熊 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2538-2548
华北地区地壳结构和物理性质是研究华北克拉通破坏机制的重要依据.本文通过收集分布在华北克拉通区域的323个宽频带地震台记录到的2007年8月到2009年3月间发生在全球范围内6.5级到8.5级的共93个远震事件的波形资料,较完整地得到了华北及其周边区域台站下方的接收函数、地壳厚度和泊松比分布情况.研究发现:(1)华北克拉通地壳厚度大范围减薄不仅仅发生在东部,而是已经到达南北重力梯度带附近; (2)在鄂尔多斯的周边裂谷盆地,地壳也出现了减薄现象; 周边裂谷区的泊松比大于鄂尔多斯内部,局部区域的泊松比高达0.3左右; (3)从地壳厚度和地形的相关性来看,华北地区的地壳厚度与地表地形存在着明显负相关的关系,这与艾利均衡假说相一致,可能意味着华北地区的地壳正在经历着缓慢的破坏与均衡同时进行的过程; 而华北克拉通中西部和东北部则显示出明显的不均衡现象.  相似文献   

冰封期湖泊与大气的气体交换受冰盖阻碍,影响湖泊溶解氧含量,进而影响湖泊水质.为探究冰封期湖泊溶解氧和新陈代谢速率变化特征及影响因素,本研究通过监测典型季节性冰封湖泊不同深度的溶解氧(DO)、水温和光合有效辐射(PAR),结合水质检测结果,分析冰封期湖泊DO变化及代谢速率影响因素,对湖泊日新陈代谢速率计算方法进行改进并估算冰封期湖泊新陈代谢速率.结果表明:2021年1—3月间,岱海DO浓度平均值为15.49 mg/L,并出现昼夜变化和分层现象.DO在冰封期变化趋势呈现出先逐渐升高,然后保持稳定,进入消融期(2021年3月2—11日)分层现象逐渐消失的规律.岱海冰封期净初级生产力和生态系统呼吸速率平均值分别为0.11和0.10 mg/(L·d),在水温未出现分层时净初级生产力呈现较高水平;之后水温沿水深方向出现分层,净初级生产力明显下降;当冰层融化后,PAR显著上升,净初级生产力又逐渐恢复至0.10 mg/(L·d).统计分析表明,岱海冰封期DO与水温、PAR、总氮等变化具有一定相关关系,且由于湖泊流域生态环境条件及冰封期物候特征不同,岱海与内蒙古其他湖泊相比,冰封期DO变化趋势存在一定差...  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was studied in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (Southern North Sea) during several cruises between 2002 and 2005. The spatial distribution of CDOM in the German Bight shows a strong gradient towards the coast. Tidal and seasonal variations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) identify freshwater discharge via flood-gates at the coastline and pore water efflux from tidal flat sediments as the most important CDOM sources within the backbarrier area of the Island of Spiekeroog. However, the amount and pattern of CDOM and DOC is strongly affected by various parameters, e.g. changes in the amount of terrestrial run-off, precipitation, evaporation, biological activity and photooxidation. A decoupling of CDOM and DOC, especially during periods of pronounced biological activity (algae blooms and microbial activity), is observed in spring and especially in summer. Mixing of the endmembers freshwater, pore water, and open sea water results in the formation of a coastal transition zone. Whilst an almost conservative behaviour during mixing is observed in winter, summer data point towards non-conservative mixing.  相似文献   

Nutrient salt surveys in the southern North Sea have shown that the level of phosphate and nitrate off the continental coast during January, 1974 was two to three times higher than during the same period in 1962. The level of phosphate has also increased in the Thames Estuary but to a lesser degree. It is suggested that these increases are related to the discharge of waste material from terrestrial sources and that such changes must be considered in the context of eutrophication in the southern North Sea.  相似文献   

During the last glacial cycle an intriguing feature of the British-Irish Ice Sheet was the North Sea Lobe (NSL); fed from the Firth of Forth and which flowed south and parallel to the English east coast. The controls on the formation and behaviour of the NSL have long been debated, but in the southern North Sea recent work suggests the NSL formed a dynamic, oscillating terrestrial margin operating over a deforming bed. Further north, however, little is known of the behaviour of the NSL or under what conditions it operated. This paper analyses new acoustic, sedimentary and geomorphic data in order to evaluate the glacial landsystem imprint and deglacial history of the NSL offshore from NE England. Subglacial tills (AF2/3) form a discontinuous mosaic interspersed with bedrock outcrops across the seafloor, with the partial excavation and advection of subglacial sediment during both advance and retreat producing mega-scale glacial lineations and grounding zone wedges. The resultant ‘mixed-bed’ glacial landsystem is the product of a dynamic switch from a terrestrial piedmont-lobe margin with a net surplus of sediment to a partially erosive, quasi-stable, marine-terminating, ice stream lobe as the NSL withdrew northwards. Glaciomarine sediments (AF4) drape the underlying subglacial mixed-bed imprint and point to a switch to tidewater conditions between 19.9 and 16.5 ka cal BP as the North Sea became inundated. The dominant controls on NSL recession during this period were changing ice flux through the Firth of Forth ice stream onset zone and water depths at the grounding line; the development of the mixed-bed landsystem being a response to grounding line instability. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Beached seabirds, mainly common guillemots Uria aalge, were collected on the Belgian coast during winter from 1990 to 1995. Concentrations of total and organic mercury, and of organochlorines (PCBs and pesticides) were determined in muscle, liver and kidney. They were high compared to summer data (up to one order of magnitude), and increased during winter. This increase is not due to changes of total body weight nor polar lipid content, and thus reflects an actual increase of the seabirds' contamination while wintering in the southern North Sea. The observed annual cycle can be understood by assuming differences in prey contamination: higher during winter in the southern North Sea ecosystem than during summer in the Atlantic water ecosystem.  相似文献   

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