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We investigate the possibility of interstellar masers in transitions of the methanol isotopomers CH3OD, 13CH3OH and CH318OH, and of CH3SH. The model used, in which masers are pumped through the first and second torsionally excited states by IR radiation, has accounted successfully for the Class II masers in main species methanol, 12CH316OH. Several potential maser candidates are identified for CH3OD, their detectability depending on the enrichment of this species in star-forming regions. In 13CH3OH and CH318OH the best maser candidates are direct counterparts of the well-known 6.7- and 12.2-GHz methanol masers, but the lower interstellar abundance of these substituted species means that the expected brightness is greatly reduced. The maser candidates in CH3SH are also weak. By comparing these species we find that the large b -component of the dipole moment in methanol plays a significant role in its propensity to form masers, as does the strong torsion–rotation interaction due to the light hydroxyl frame. Thus the exceptional brightness of interstellar methanol masers is due to a favourable combination of molecular properties as well as high interstellar abundance.  相似文献   

Anomalous molecular line profile shapes are the strongest indicators of the presence of the infall of gas that is associated with star formation. Such profiles are seen for well-known tracers, such as HCO+, CS and H2CO. In certain cases, optically thick emission lines with appropriate excitation criteria may possess the asymmetric double-peaked profiles that are characteristic of infall. However, recent interpretations of the HCO+ infall profile observed towards the protostellar infall candidate B335 have revealed a significant discrepancy between the inferred overall column density of the molecule and that which is predicted by standard dark cloud chemical modelling.
This paper presents a model for the source of the HCO+ emission excess. Observations have shown that, in low-mass star-forming regions, the collapse process is invariably accompanied by the presence of collimated outflows; we therefore propose the presence of an interface region around the outflow in which the chemistry is enriched by the action of jets. This hypothesis suggests that the line profiles of HCO+, as well as other molecular species, may require a more complex interpretation than can be provided by simple, chemically quiescent, spherically symmetric infall models.
The enhancement of HCO+ depends primarily on the presence of a shock-generated radiation field in the interface. Plausible estimates of the radiation intensity imply molecular abundances that are consistent with those observed. Further, high-resolution observations of an infall-outflow source show HCO+ emission morphology that is consistent with that predicted by this model.  相似文献   

Two Bok globules, L1253 (CB246) and CB34, have been mapped in the C2S (21–10) transition and in the NH3 (1, 1) and NH3 (2, 2) inversion transitions, respectively. By comparing the C2S map of L1253 (CB246) with the NH3 map of the same globule from Lemme et al., a clumped onion structure results as a consequence of the chemical and dynamical evolution of the object. From the derived parameters it appears that both L1253 (CB246) and CB34 are close to virial equilibrium.  相似文献   

The results of B -band CCD imaging linear polarimetry obtained for stars from the Hipparcos catalogue are used to re-examine the distribution of the local interstellar medium towards the IRAS 100-μm emission void in the Lupus dark clouds. The analysis of the obtained parallax–polarization diagram assigns to the dark cloud Lupus 1 a distance between 130 and 150 pc and assures the existence of a low column density region coincident with the observed infrared void. Moreover, there are clear indications of the existence of absorbing material at distances closer than 60–100 pc, which may be associated with the interface boundary between the Local Bubble and its neighbourhood Loop I superbubble.  相似文献   

HCO+ has been detected for the first time towards the star Cygnus OB2 No. 12 through emission of the 1–0 rotational transition at 89 GHz. The CO( J =2−1) transition has also been observed. The observations are consistent with a model of dense regions embedded in a low-density clump gas. If actually present, the dense component would have an aggregate size L 1300 au, in agreement with estimates of small-scale density fluctuations observed along diffuse lines of sight.  相似文献   

Solid CO2 is observed to be an abundant interstellar ice component towards both quiescent clouds and active star-forming regions. Our recent models of gas–grain chemistry, appropriate for quiescent regions, severely underproduce solid CO2 at the single assumed gas density and temperature. In this paper, we investigate the sensitivity of our model results to changes in these parameters. In addition, we examine how the nature of the grain surface affects the results and also consider the role of the key surface reaction between O and CO. We conclude that the observed high abundance of solid CO2 can be reproduced at reasonable temperatures and densities by models with diffusive surface chemistry, provided that the diffusion of heavy species such as O occurs efficiently.  相似文献   

A model is constructed of the material in front of the star Cygnus OB2 no. 12 in which dense cores are embedded in diffuse clumps of gas. The model reproduces the measured abundances of C2 and CO, and predicts a column density of 91010 cm2 for HCO+.  相似文献   

We present a model for empirically reproducing line profiles of molecular hydrogen emission in bow shocks. The model takes into account bow velocity, dissociation limit, a cooling function, viewing angle, bow shape and a limited form of extinction. Our results show that both geometrical factors and shock physics can significantly affect the profile morphology. In a companion paper we will apply this model to Fabry–Perot observations of bow shocks in the Orion BN–KL outflow.  相似文献   

The Cepheus A star-forming region has been investigated through a multiline H2S and SO2 survey at millimetre wavelengths. Large-scale maps and high-resolution line profiles reveal the occurrence of several outflows. Cep A East is associated with multiple mass-loss processes: in particular, we detect a 0.6-pc jet-like structure which shows for the first time that the Cep A East young stellar objects are driving a collimated outflow moving towards the south.
The observed outflows show different clumps associated with definitely different H2S/SO2 integrated emission ratios, indicating that the gas chemistry in Cepheus A has been altered by the passage of shocks. H2S appears to be more abundant than SO2 in high-velocity clumps, in agreement with chemical models. However, we also find quite small H2S linewidths, suggestive of regions where the evaporated H2S molecules had enough time to slow down but not to freeze out on to dust grains. Finally, comparison between the line profiles indicates that the excitation conditions increase with the velocity, as expected for a propagation of collimated bow shocks.  相似文献   

The optical spectrum of the carbon star IRAS 12311−3509 is dominated by the Merrill–Sanford emission bands of SiC2, by absorption and emission in the Swan system of C2, and by resonance emission lines of neutral metals. The infrared energy distribution is flat from 1 to 60 μm. These observations are interpreted as arising from a star with a cool dusty disc which is edge-on to the observer and obscures direct starlight. The infrared continuum is caused predominantly by absorption of stellar light by dust in the disc and re-emission at longer wavelengths. The optical stellar spectrum is seen by reflection off dusty material which lies out of the plane of the disc, and the molecular and atomic emission arises in the same geometry through resonance fluorescence. The object has similarities to the J-silicate stars, but may have a carbon-rich rather than oxygen-rich disc. A full spectroscopic assignment and discussion of the SiC2 bands and their intensities are given. Modelling of the rotational contours of the     band yields a rotational temperature of 250 K, indicating very cool gas.  相似文献   

The identity of the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) is one of the most fascinating puzzles of modern spectroscopy. Over the last few years the number of known DIBs has grown substantially. In this paper we discuss the two recently discovered near-infrared weak interstellar features which have already been proposed as fingerprints of the buckminsterfullerene We present and discuss measurements of the two related DIBs within a larger sample of reddened targets, observed with different spectrometers, telescopes and site conditions. We provide additional arguments in favour of the interstellar origin of the two bands. We find evidence around the 9577-Å DIB of far-wing structures, which may affect broad-band measurements. We estimate corrections and errors for telluric and stellar blends, and show that the cores of the two DIBs are well correlated with a ratio near unity within 20 per cent. Finally, we discuss their relation to the laboratory spectra of and the search for two expected weaker transitions.  相似文献   

The results of a survey searching for outflows using near-infrared imaging are presented. Targets were chosen from a compiled list of massive young stellar objects associated with methanol masers in linear distributions. Presently, it is a widely held belief that these methanol masers are found in (and delineate) circumstellar accretion discs around massive stars. If this scenario is correct, one way to test the disc hypothesis is to search for outflows perpendicular to the methanol maser distributions. The main objective of the survey was to obtain wide-field near-infrared images of the sites of linearly distributed methanol masers using a narrow-band 2.12-μm filter. This filter is centred on the  H2 v = 1–0 S(1)  line; a shock diagnostic that has been shown to successfully trace CO outflows from young stellar objects. 28 sources in total were imaged of which 18 sources display H2 emission. Of these, only two sources showed emission found to be dominantly perpendicular to the methanol maser distribution. Surprisingly, the H2 emission in these fields is not distributed randomly, but instead the majority of sources are found to have H2 emission dominantly parallel to their distribution of methanol masers. These results seriously question the hypothesis that methanol masers exist in circumstellar discs. The possibility that linearly distributed methanol masers are instead directly associated with outflows is discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss wide-field near-infrared (near-IR) imaging of the NGC 1333, L1448, L1455 and B1 star-forming regions in Perseus. The observations have been extracted from a much larger narrow-band imaging survey of the Taurus–Auriga–Perseus complex. These H2 2.122-μm observations are complemented by broad-band K imaging, mid-IR imaging and photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope , and published submillimetre CO   J = 3–2  maps of high-velocity molecular outflows. We detect and label 85 H2 features and associate these with 26 molecular outflows. Three are parsec-scale flows, with a mean flow lobe length exceeding 11.5 arcmin. 37 (44 per cent) of the detected H2 features are associated with a known Herbig–Haro object, while 72 (46 per cent) of catalogued HH objects are detected in H2 emission. Embedded Spitzer sources are identified for all but two of the 26 molecular outflows. These candidate outflow sources all have high near-to-mid-IR spectral indices (mean value of  α∼ 1.4  ) as well as red IRAC 3.6–4.5 μm and IRAC/MIPS 4.5–24.0 μm colours: 80 per cent have [3.6]–[4.5] > 1.0 and [4.5]–[24] > 1.5. These criteria – high α and red [4.5]–[24] and [3.6]–[4.5] colours – are powerful discriminants when searching for molecular outflow sources. However, we find no correlation between α and flow length or opening angle, and the outflows appear randomly orientated in each region. The more massive clouds are associated with a greater number of outflows, which suggests that the star formation efficiency is roughly the same in each region.  相似文献   

We present C18O observations of the pre-stellar core L1689B, in the J =3→2 and 2→1 rotational transitions, taken at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii. We use a λ -iteration radiative transfer code to model the data. We adopt a similar form of radial density profile to that which we have found in all pre-stellar cores, with a 'flat' inner profile, steepening towards the edge, but we make the gradient of the 'flat' region a free parameter. We find that the core is close to virial equilibrium, but there is tentative evidence for core contraction. We allow the temperature to vary with a power-law form and find that we can consistently fit all of the CO data with an inverse temperature gradient that is warmer at the edge than at the centre. However, when we combine the CO data with the previously published millimetre data we fail to find a simultaneous fit to both data sets without additionally allowing the CO abundance to decrease towards the centre. This effect has been observed qualitatively many times before, as the CO freezes out on to the dust grains at high densities, but we quantify the effect. Hence we show that the combination of millimetre/submillimetre continuum and spectral line data is a very powerful method of constraining the physical parameters of cores on the verge of forming stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of modelling of the H2 emission from molecular outflow sources, induced by shock waves propagating in the gas. We emphasize the importance of proper allowance for departures from equilibrium owing to the finite flow velocity of the hot, compressed gas, with special reference to the excitation, dissociation and reformation of H2. The salient features of our computer code are described. The code is applied to interpreting the spectra of the outflow sources Cepheus A West and HH43. Particular attention is paid to determining the cooling times in shocks whose speeds are sufficient for collisional dissociation of H2 to take place; the possible observational consequences of the subsequent reformation of H2 are also examined. Because molecular outflow sources are intrinsically young objects, J-type shocks may be present in conjunction with magnetic precursors, which have a C-type structure. We note that very different physical and dynamical conditions are implied by models of C- and J-type shocks which may appear to fit the same H2 excitation diagram.  相似文献   

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