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Samples of topsoil together with reference samples of subsurface soil from a depth of 80–90 cm were collected in the central-northern part of the Zambian Copperbelt to distinguish lithogenic sources of metals from anthropogenic contamination of soils caused by fallout of dust from mining operations, flotation ore treatment plants, tailings dams, smelters and slag dumping grounds. The total sulphur, Cu and Co contents were found to be significantly higher in topsoil relative to subsurface soil over a large part of the surveyed area, and Zn, Pb, As and Hg contents showed a definite increase in the close neighbourhood of smelters and in the direction of prevailing winds. This indicates that the increase of these elements in the topsoil is due to anthropogenic activities. The areal extent and degree of anthropogenic contamination of topsoil can be expressed by an enrichment index (EI) based on the average ratio of the actual and median concentrations of the given contaminants. Although the contamination of soil by dust fallout decreases progressively with depth in the soil profile, in areas strongly affected by mining and mineral processing the anthropogenic contamination by sulphur and copper can be traced to a depth of 80–90 cm. In contrast, the concentration of elements such as Cr, Ni, and V, that show a direct correlation with the content of iron in the soils, increases in the subsurface soil relative to the topsoil. This is particularly evident in areas underlain by rocks of the Katanga Supergroup.  相似文献   

中非(赞比亚―刚果(金))沉积型铜矿以其拥有高品位的大型超大型铜、钴矿床和众多的世界级铜矿山而闻名于世。铜矿类型可分为沉积型铜矿、热液脉型铜矿、变质热液型铜矿三类。沉积型铜矿床形成后,受到深部含矿岩浆热液的侵入形成脉状铜矿,可能还有斑岩型铜钼矿的成矿作用,叠加富集原有的沉积型铜矿床。硫同位素结果显示,硫源主要为成岩硫化物和海水硫酸盐的混合硫,受到深源岩浆或岩浆热液叠加改造。沉积型铜矿成矿年龄880~735Ma,后期岩浆热液型铜钼矿成矿年龄为514~502Ma。这些发现对进一步认识总结中非铜矿带上的矿床成因及成矿规律具有重要意义。  相似文献   

桑巴铜矿床位于赞比亚铜带省,卡富埃背斜的西翼,接近加丹加地层和不整合接触带的基底中。矿床中主要有价矿物为黄铜矿和斑铜矿,TCu平均品位1.67%,呈脉状,赋矿于基底莫瓦亚群的石英-绢云母/黑云母片岩中,矿化受片理控制明显,具有Cu-Mo矿化组合,其矿化控矿地质因素、矿化蚀变特征、与该区砂页岩型铜钴矿有明显的差异,为该区找矿开拓了新的找矿方向,也为在赞比亚铜矿带寻找新类型矿床提供了有力的依据。  相似文献   

In Zambia’s Copperbelt as in most of the developing world, the water sector is undergoing reforms targeted at promoting an active participation of the private sector. Conventional wisdom suggests that the private sector will be better able to achieve universal access as opposed to the public sector which hitherto has failed to deliver. Using archival materials from the Copperbelt Province, this paper however argues that in countries like Zambia where economic enterprise was driven by private capital, access to water has always been tied to an active involvement of the private sector. The full story of failure to provide universal access to potable water cannot be told without examining this historical role of the private sector and its relationship with the public sector. At the same time, contemporary policy debates can benefit from the resonance of historical debates around economic efficiency, demand management, health and access in the production and consumption of water.  相似文献   

谦比希铜钴矿床是中非赞比亚成矿带重要的超大型铜钴矿床之一,由主矿体、西矿体和东南矿体3部分组成,赋矿层位主要为下罗安亚群敏多拉组和基特韦组,岩性包括泥质板岩、泥质石英岩、板岩、石英砂岩等.现有资料对于矿床中钴的赋存状态和含钴矿物成因的研究较为薄弱,这也直接制约了对钴矿的成因认识及今后找矿方向.本次研究聚焦谦比希矿床中的...  相似文献   

The current and dominant theory about the origin of modern humans is the out-of-Africa hypothesis, which asserts that populations of Homo sapiens left Africa 100,000 years ago and replaced indigenous populations of humans in Eurasia. Many scholars equated the out-of-Africa dispersal of humans with paleoenvironmental changes. However, until now, few have paid special attention to the faunal data and whether or not faunal patterns are supportive of the popular theory. Recent comparative study of the Chinese fauna shows that the communication of faunas between Africa and East Asia could have occurred during the Neogene, but it was very limited during the Pleistocene. In the Chinese Quaternary fauna, only 16% of the genera are also present in the sub-Saharan African fauna. There is also no element among the dominant taxa of the Chinese Quaternary fauna which can be related to the African fauna. There is no reliable proof for the existence of Hippopotamus and Giraffa, as well as Panthera leo, during the Quaternary in China. Two controversial taxa are Acinonyx and Crocuta, about which there is still argument concerning their species identification in Eurasia. It is possible that both of the genera have co-specific taxa in Africa and Eurasia. Although the two genera are confined to Africa today, they did have a long evolutionary history in China. For the Out of Africa hypothesis for Homo sapiens, the implications of the limited faunal interchanges between China and Africa are not completely clear yet.  相似文献   

Agricultural land use in much of Brong-Ahafo region, Ghana has been shifting from the production of food crops towards increased cashew nut cultivation in recent years. This article explores everyday, less visible, gendered and generational struggles over family farms in West Africa, based on qualitative, participatory research in a rural community that is becoming increasingly integrated into the global capitalist system. As a tree crop, cashew was regarded as an individual man’s property to be passed on to his wife and children rather than to extended family members, which differed from the communal land tenure arrangements governing food crop cultivation. The tendency for land, cash crops and income to be controlled by men, despite women’s and young people’s significant labour contributions to family farms, and for women to rely on food crop production for their main source of income and for household food security, means that women and girls are more likely to lose out when cashew plantations are expanded to the detriment of land for food crops. Intergenerational tensions emerged when young people felt that their parents and elders were neglecting their views and concerns. The research provides important insights into gendered and generational power relations regarding land access, property rights and intra-household decision-making processes. Greater dialogue between genders and generations may help to tackle unequal power relations and lead to shared decision-making processes that build the resilience of rural communities.  相似文献   

This article discusses the involvement of older women and men in voluntary work in rural communities in the Netherlands. Gender, ageing and civil society form the core concepts in the article. Politicians and policy makers in the Netherlands are worried about the perceived decline of civil society and about the consequences of this decline for specific categories of older women in terms of well-being and social exclusion. The paper presents the results of two surveys of involvement of older women and men in civic organisations, voluntary work and local actions. The surveys indicate high levels of involvement of both women and men. No gender differences are found in activity level. However, the data demonstrate the gendered nature of civil society. Women are more engaged in informal voluntary work and informal local actions, while men are more active in formal organisations and functions. This gender segmentation is not absolute, however. Many older women and men transgress the traditional feminine–masculine boundaries. The surveys highlight the involvement of women and men in rural communities, but indicate lower activity levels in urban areas.  相似文献   

文章依据地质构造单元、主要矿种和主要成矿类型,将赞比亚划分为古元古代班韦乌卢金-铁-锰多金属成矿带、中元古代基巴拉锡-钽-钨成矿带、中元古代伊鲁米德金-铜-铁成矿带、新元古代中非铜-钴成矿带、新元古代谦比西金-铜-钴成矿带、古生代-新生代卡鲁金刚石成矿带以及卡拉哈里沙漠等7个Ⅲ级成矿区带,并阐述了其中赞比亚主要的中元古代伊鲁米德金-铜-铁成矿带和新元古代中非铜钴成矿带的地质特征。  相似文献   

张万河 《探矿工程》2010,37(4):40-43,47
西非的马里共和国是一个严重缺水的国家。结合在该国实施的147个大小井配套工程,从小井施工、大井施工、大小井贯通、消毒及抽水实验几个环节进行了阐述,并对施工中可能遇到的问题进行了分析,给出了解决方法。大小井配套工程在解决非洲缺水地区人畜饮水问题上不失为一种比较好的方法,值得推广。  相似文献   

The Ouémé River estuary is located on the seasonally humid tropical coast of Benin, west Africa. A striking feature of this microtidal estuary is the presence of a large sand barrier bounding a 120 km2 circular central basin, Lake Nokoué, that is being infilled by heterogeneous fluvial deposits supplied by a relatively large catchment (50 000 km2). Borehole cores from the lower estuary show basal Pleistocene lowstand alluvial sediments overlain by Holocene transgressive–highstand lagoonal mud and by transgressive to probably early highstand tidal inlet and flood‐tidal delta sand deposited in association with non‐preserved transgressive sand barriers. The change in estuary‐mouth sedimentation from a transgressive barrier‐inlet system to a regressive highstand barrier reflects regional modifications in marine sand supply and in the cross‐barrier tidal flux associated with barrier‐inlet systems. As barrier formation west of the Ouémé River led to an increasingly rectilinear shoreline, the longshore drift cell matured, ensuring voluminous eastward transport of sand from the Volta Delta in Ghana, the major purveyor of sand, to the Ouémé embayment, 200 km east. Concomitantly, the number of tidal inlets, and the tidal flux associated with a hitherto interlinked lagoonal system on this coast, diminished. Complete sealing of Lake Nokoué has produced a large, permanently closed estuary, where tidal intrusion is assured through the interconnected coastal lagoon via an inlet located 60 km east. Since 1885, tides have entered the estuary directly through an artificial outlet cut across the sand barrier. Although precluding the seaward loss of fluvial sediments, permanent estuary‐mouth closure has especially deprived the highstand estuary of marine sand, a potentially important component in estuarine infill on wave‐dominated coasts. In spite of a significant fluvial sediment supply, estuarine infill has been moderate, because of the size of the central basin. Estuarine closure has resulted in two co‐existing highstand sediment suites, with limited admixture, the marine‐derived, estuary‐mouth barrier and upland‐derived back‐barrier sediments. This situation differs from that of mature barrier estuaries characterized by active fluvial‐marine sediment mixing and facies interfingering.  相似文献   

南非布什维尔德岩浆型Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿床成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
南非布什维尔德杂岩体(BIC)是世界上最大的镁铁质层状侵入体(东西长450km,南北宽250km),也是世界上单个蕴藏铂族金属( PGE)、铬铁矿和钒钛磁铁矿的最重要矿床,其中PGE储量为65 473 t,含有全球75%的PGE,是全球最大的PGE矿床.沿着Rustenburg镁铁质-超镁铁质层状岩套(RLS,厚度7~...  相似文献   

非洲Muglad盆地经历多旋回陆内被动裂谷发育与叠合演化历史,具有不同于主动裂谷盆地、单旋回被动裂谷盆地以及跨越多个变革期的叠合盆地的演化特征。本文采用叠合盆地研究思路与方法,通过盆地演化过程中关键构造事件识别、盆地演化阶段划分,恢复和重建了各阶段原型盆地;基于不同期次裂谷作用发育程度、叠加过程及叠加方式的时空差异性,划分了不同凹陷的叠合类型,建立了不同叠合类型凹陷油气成藏模式。研究结果表明,受冈瓦纳大陆裂解、非洲大陆周缘大西洋、印度洋、红海张裂等构造事件的影响,该盆地经历了早白垩世Abu Gabra组(简称AG组,下同)沉积期、晚白垩世Darfur群沉积期以及新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积期三大同裂谷作用阶段。早白垩世盆地原型为多个地堑及半地堑分隔式分布,为与大西洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;晚白垩世Darfur群沉积时期盆地原型为地堑及半地堑继承发育,但沉积中心东移,为与印度洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积时期原型盆地主要为发育在Kaikang坳陷的地堑、半地堑,为与红海张开有关的伸展应力场作用所致。依据三期裂谷作用在各凹陷的发育程度差异及构造沉降和沉积充填过程的不同,将各凹陷裂谷叠合方式划分为早断型、继承型与活动型三种类型。其中,早断型以Sufyan凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-弱-更弱"特征;继承型以Fula凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-较强-弱"特征,而活动型以Kaikang坳陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-强-较强"的特征。三期裂谷作用在各凹陷内时空叠合差异控制了各凹陷油气成藏条件及富集规律的不同,早断型凹陷成藏组合以下部成藏组合为主,继承型则以中部成藏组合为主,而活动型凹陷则以上部成藏组合为主。这些多期叠加型被动裂谷盆地研究成果丰富了全球裂谷盆地构造特征与演化及其控油气作用的认识,深化了该类裂谷盆地油气分布规律研究,对于指导下一步勘探部署有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The synsedimentary tectonic activity evidenced in central and northern Tunisia points out the fact that the Campanian–Maastrichtian deposits are associated with several NW–SE and east–west normal faults. These results suggest that the east–west transform fault of North African Margin is still active during this stage. These data allow us to discuss a new geodynamic model for the North African Margin. To cite this article: M. Dlala, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 135–140.  相似文献   

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