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In Southeast Asia’s green economy, conservation interventions intensify the production of resources as commodities through land sparing activities and zoning in extensively used landscapes. Such initiatives encounter problems where poor resource users diversify livelihoods in multi-functional landscapes over time. In terms of ‘livelihood bricolage’ – the mixing, matching and building of portfolios – we describe how forest users enhance security by building dynamic livelihood portfolios based on the economic and socio-cultural considerations of place. Philippine case studies show how disrupting livelihood bricolage in multi-functional landscapes with ‘intensifying interventions’ spatially constrains livelihood security and conservation objectives. We conclude that more equitable forest governance supports land sharing with diverse, extensive livelihoods in varied landscapes.  相似文献   

We report here for the first time the occurrence of a high-temperature metamorphic/plutonic complex (amphibolites, metagabbros, hornblende pyroxenites and hornblendites) in Calaton Hill, Tablas island, Romblon, Central Philippines. The mineral assemblages and relic magmatic textures in these rocks imply apparent derivation from arc-related protoliths. Major element and trace element data are also comparable to those of gabbroic rocks in arc-related setting. Subsolidus re-equilibration under granulite to amphibolite facies is documented by the triple junctions between mineral phases in the different lithologies, the recrystallization of plagioclase and the presence of coronas around olivine with mineral assemblage of orthopyroxene + amphibole ± green spinel. The formation of hornblendite and the pervasive occurrence of amphiboles in the different lithologies are being attributed to the infiltration of a younger hydrous arc magma which also caused metamorphism and hybridization on the surrounding rocks. The characteristics of the Calaton Hill samples are comparable with those of the well-studied xenoliths from Ichinomegata, NE Honshu arc, Japan. We therefore interpret the Calaton Hill metamorphic/plutonic complex as representative of the lower crust underlying the Philippine island arc.  相似文献   

The Rosario–Bunawan district is situated about 200 km north of Davao City, the capital of the Mindanao Island, Southern Philippines. Gold is produced from the Co-O mine, containing about 2,034,000 t of ore at 10.9 g/t Au, and in numerous small-scale operations by local miners. Epithermal gold mineralization in the Rosario–Bunawan district and the Co-O mine is confined to narrow (0.2–4 m) low-sulfidation quartz–chalcedony–calcite veins in volcanic and volcaniclastic wall rocks. Three major vein orientations are distinguished: (1) the NNW–SSE-trending set with a sinistral strike-slip sense of deformation (Philippine Fault trend); (2) the ENE–WSW-trending dextral strike-slip set (Palawan trend) and associated veins in the Riedel geometry; and (3) the WNW–ESE-trending conjugate set (Co-O trend). Three structural stages are defined: (1) extensional shear or shear veins formed in the Co-O, the Philippine Fault, and Palawan trends during regional NW–SE compression and near vertical vein opening (D1); (2) reactivation of veins in the Philippine Fault, veins associated with the Palawan, and, to a lesser extent, the Co-O trends during E–W compression and near horizontal N–S-oriented vein opening (D2). New D2 extensional shear or shear veins formed in the Philippine Fault, and structures associated with the Palawan and associated Riedel trends; (3) the D3-stage block faulting subsequently displaced all of the auriferous veins. The auriferous Rosario–Bunawan district is situated between two splays of the Philippine Fault, which acted as a lateral ramp system during the oblique convergence of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate. The oblique convergence resulted in a change from a compressional (D1) to a transpressional (D2) regime, which was a prerequisite for the two-stage vein opening and hydrothermal mineralization, leading to an economic gold enrichment. D1 compressional tectonics may have caused an elevated geothermal gradient in shallow crustal levels, forming the heat source for the fluid plumbing system, which is at variance to typical epithermal deposits formed in extensional zones. D2 thrusting of a limestone nappe together with syn-tectonic diorite intrusions may have further increased the geothermal gradient, maintaining the fluid plumbing system. The limestone nappe may, at the same time, have represented an aquitard forcing the hydrothermal fluids into the volcanic and volcaniclastic wall rocks, which is regarded as critical for the two-stage gold mineralization in the Rosario–Bunawan district.  相似文献   

For the last sixty years, two institutions have shaped the destiny of the town of O?wi?cim in southern Poland. One of these institutions is globally recognised, its history and development widely researched; the other is well known only amongst Polish industrialists, perhaps Polish economic geographers, and amongst the people of O?wi?cim. These two institutions are the Auschwitz State Museum and the chemical firm Dwory SA. Both institutions have their roots in the German Occupation of Poland 1939-1945. This paper presents the tale of these two institutions in order not only to highlight the need to embed memorial sites in their wider contexts, but also to indicate the impact of such sites as political-economic institutions, with the influence to shape social and economic landscapes. In laying out the geographies of the town and its two major institutions, we draw attention to the ways in which Holocaust memorialisation and post-socialist transformation are articulated with each other, not only here in O?wi?cim, and also with wider processes of social, economic, political and cultural change.  相似文献   

Several former and existing gold and copper mines of the Benguet Province in northern Philippines are situated in the Baloy catchment. Rivers and tributaries drain an area of approximately 89 square kilometers before joining the main Agno River which drai…  相似文献   

An unusual amount of precipitation fell in Panay island during the passage of Typhoon Fengshen (local name: Typhoon Frank) in June 2008. The voluminous amount of rain is attributed to the interaction of the tropical cyclone and southwest monsoon as the latter was enhanced by the former during its passage across central Philippines. Ground and aerial surveys were conducted to document the extensive flooding and landslides that occurred in the island. Artificial damming of rivers followed by breaching resulted to flooding, whereas steep slopes, fractured lithologies and intense precipitation were recognized to have led to the occurrence of landslides. These natural hazards and their causes are presented to contribute to our understanding of how weather systems evolve and what the corresponding effects are on the ground. This, hopefully, can provide significant inputs in improving disaster risk reduction and preparedness programs.  相似文献   

I. A. Tararin 《Petrology》2008,16(2):193-209
Geological, mineralogical, and geothermobarometric data testify that the regional metamorphism of the terrigenous protolith of the Kolpakovskaya Series, which composes the stratigraphic basement of the Kamchatka Median Crystalline Massif, corresponded to the kyanite mineral subfacies of the amphibolite facies at temperatures of 560–660°C and pressures of 5.9–6.9 kbar. This metamorphism predetermined wide kyanite development in high-Al garnet-biotite plagiogneisses. The younger granitization and migmatization of the plagiogneisses took place at a decrease in the pressure (depth), as follows from the textures of kyanite reaction replacement by andalusite in both the metamorphic rocks and the vein synmetamorphic granitoids and pegmatites. The temperature of the granitization and migmatization processes in the plagiogneisses was estimated at 620–650°C, and the pressure was evaluated at 1.9–3.0 kbar. Acid leaching that accompanied the granitization and migmatization processes resulted in the intense replacement of biotite by sillimanite (fibrolite) and, to a lesser degree, muscovite in the metamorphic and vein magmatic rocks. The highest temperature orthopyroxene-cordierite-biotite-orthoclase-plagioclase-quartz mineral assemblages were determined to have been formed in the Kolpakovskaya Series at a temperature of 830–840°C not by the regional metamorphism but in contact aureoles around gabbro-granitoid intrusions of the Lavkinskii intrusive complex of Oligocene-Miocene age in garnet-biotite and kyanite-garnet-biotite plagiogneisses of the amphibolite facies and cannot thus be regarded as evidence of an early granulite stage in the metamorphism of these rocks.  相似文献   

Oshewolo  Segun 《GeoJournal》2021,86(3):1503-1510

One of the principles guiding the conduct of Nigeria’s foreign policy is Afrocentrism. The concept of Nigeria’s Afrocentric policy embodies two intertwined ideas. First, it is designed to advance the interest and wellbeing of African countries through different intra and extra-African diplomatic channels. Second, the reason for embracing a representative function on behalf of Africa in global forums and the enormous sacrifices undertaken in the process is to enhance Nigeria’s status as Africa’s undisputed leader. The exploits and sacrifices in the pursuit of the policy notwithstanding, Nigeria has had to endure some disappointments and inconveniences. Going forward, this article contends that the philosophies underlying the policy must be reconsidered. In the uncertain world of diplomacy where empathy and benevolence are not always rewarded, Nigeria must embrace an ‘imperialistic’ agenda in its foreign policy calculations towards Africa.


R.L.M. Vissers  P.Th. Meijer 《Earth》2012,110(1-4):93-110
Following on paleomagnetic studies in the sixties showing ~ 35° counterclockwise rotation of Iberia during the Mesozoic, two classes of scenarios have been proposed for the motion history of Iberia which are currently competing. One class infers convergence in the Pyrenees in response to a scissor-type opening of the Bay of Biscay, described by a pole of rotation for Iberia with respect to Europe located within the Bay. The other class of scenarios assumes extensional or transtensional motions in the Pyrenees, compatible with opening of the Bay of Biscay described by a pole of rotation located in northern France. Although plate-kinematic studies over the last decade increasingly support the scissor-type model, geological studies in the Pyrenees have accumulated arguments in favour of an extensional or transtensional regime in the Pyrenean realm.We perform a detailed plate-kinematic analysis of the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous motion history of Iberia and surrounding plates with respect to Europe. A total of six sea-floor reconstructions in combination with paleomagnetic studies onland allow to recognize four distinct stages. (1) Early rifting and ultraslow spreading since the Kimmeridgean led to the development of an oceanic Neotethys domain north of Iberia. (2) This was followed by ~ 35° CCW rotation of Iberia during the Aptian, kinematically linked to progressive opening of the Bay of Biscay. (3) Motions in the Bay became stagnant during the Albian till Santonian, followed by the latest stages of spreading in the Bay, and (4) onset of largely Tertiary continental collision between Iberia and Europe eventually leading to the present day structure of the belt.Our analysis confirms the results of previous studies indicating that extensional or transtensional motions in the Pyrenean realm during opening of the Bay of Biscay and concurrent rotation of Iberia are incompatible with plate-kinematic reconstructions based on sea-floor anomalies. This invites a reappraisal of the geological data. Convergence in the Pyrenean realm during opening of the Bay and rotation of Iberia was accommodated by up to 300 km of subduction of mantle-dominated ocean floor exhumed during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. The stagnant stage in the progressive opening of the Bay indicates that convergence in the Pyrenean realm virtually came to a halt during the Albian. We hypothesize that the lithosphere previously subducted during Aptian convergence became gravitationally unstable, leading to asthenospheric upwelling and consequent magmatism and high temperature metamorphism in the overlying European margin now exposed in the North Pyrenean Zone. Aside from these magmatic and thermal effects, an enhanced gravitational potential energy of the remaining lithosphere column underlain by shallow asthenosphere may have led to a stress state allowing belt-parallel extensional deformation. Such a detachment scenario, inspired by plate-kinematic results, may provide an alternative to explain many of the geological data commonly quoted to infer a transtensional or extensional tectonic regime in the Pyrenees during the rotation of Iberia.  相似文献   

The Ballachulish igneous complex in the Scottish Highlands, part of a widespread group of late Caledonian calcalkaline intrusions, was emplaced at a depth of 10 km into Dalradian metasediments resulting in melting of the country rocks near the intrusive contact. The greatest extent of melting occurred in the Leven schist in the 400 m wide so-called Chaotic Zone which experienced infiltration of aqueous fluids from the pluton. In contrast, adjacent to the Chaotic Zone, the feldspar-bearing Appin quartzite underwent significant melting only within a few metres of the intrusion, despite both being in contact with the same fluid source as the Leven schist and having a similar (wet) melting point. The permeability of the Appin quartzite and quartz horizons in the Leven schist to pervasive grain-edge infiltration of aqueous fluids was determined by measuring the equilibrium quartz-H2O dihedral angle for the P-T conditions of contact metamorphism. Addition of powdered samples of both rock types to the pure quartz-H2O system results in a linear decrease of the quartz-H2O dihedral angle with increasing temperature. The rate of this decrease for the Leven schist is greater than that for the Appin quartzite, and the angle decreases below 60° some 30 °C below the wet solidus (670 °C at 0.3 GPa). Charges bearing Appin quartzite had dihedral angles greater than 60° at all temperatures below the wet solidus (690 °C at 0.3 GPa). These results demonstrate that quartz-rich horizons in the Leven schist would have been permeable to infiltration of aqueous fluids close to the solidus, permitting extensive H2O-fluxed melting to occur. The Appin quartzite would have remained impermeable to grain-edge flow, consistent with the observed differences in the extent of partial melting of the two lithologies. Received: 25 November 1996 / Accepted: 29 October 1997  相似文献   

A large number of changes affect the professional environment of the earth scientist. These changes are quite rapid when seen within the human life span. They are brought about by improved communication networks, continuously developing instrumentation, the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the sciences and the changing demands of society. If taken seriously, then these changes must lead to a revision of the earth science curriculum, in which the fundamentals of the earth sciences should be studied in an integrated manner and in which skills, rather than just knowledge, are valued. Practical suggestions on how to revise the curriculum are made.  相似文献   

Detailed hydrothermal alteration investigations, including petrography, infrared reflectance spectroscopy (IRS) and XRD of the low sulfidation epithermal Co–O mine, located in Eastern Mindanao (Philippines) revealed that both distal and intermediate hydrothermal alteration zones contain dominantly illite and chlorite, whereas the proximal alteration zone comprises mainly illite, chalcopyrite and pyrite. The gold-bearing veins and the proximal hydrothermal alteration zone display a distinct absence of K-rich hydrothermal alteration minerals such as K-feldspar (adularia).Gold mineralization in the Co–O mine is controlled by an extensive quartz-breccia vein system, which is characterized by three distinct stages of vein (incl. breccias) formation. Gold is mainly observed in stages 2 and 3 veins. Stage 1 veins appear as fragments in stage 2 veins and display boiling textures such as quartz pseudomophs after bladed calcite. These veins further display colloform to crustiform banding and contain pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor gold located in the colloform bands and between bladed quartz pseudomorphs. Stage 2 veins comprise mostly banded to massive quartz and contains sulfides parallel to bands or disseminated. These veins are fine-grained with mosaic/jigsaw quartz and contain calcite blebs and/or fragments of stage 1 veins. Gold is in textural equilibrium with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and locally pyrite. Stage 3 veins consist of quartz and carbonate (locally Mn-rich), and display irregular banded and comb textures. In auriferous veins of this stage gold is in textural equilibrium with chalcopyrite and pyrite (with local abundance of sphalerite). Other sulfide minerals observed with gold in stages 2 and 3 are galena, acanthite and locally jalpaite.The XRD and IRS provide inconsistent results regarding the abundance of K-rich clays (e.g., illite) associated with auriferous veins. Illite, with possibly interlayered swelling clays, such as Al-smectite, was identified in auriferous vein stages 2 and 3 using IRS, but could not be confirmed by XRD. Comparative analysis of the results of these techniques with respect to the ordering of micaceous minerals, suggest less ordered white mica proximal to the veins.Vein textures such as banded quartz, the absence of K-feldspar and the abundance of illite (interlayered Al-smectite) suggest relatively low temperatures of formation of the hydrothermal alteration system and point to a potential boiling horizon located deeper or marginal to the currently exploited levels of the Co–O mine. The absence of K-feldspar may also be related to relatively low temperatures of the hydrothermal fluid, the medium potassium-rich magma series of the host rocks, and/or a relatively low oxidation state of the hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the provision of water and sanitation services and the related urban impacts in Buenos Aires circa 2005. The first part of the paper focuses on the metropolitan region (BAMR) which is larger than the area served by the Aguas Argentinas S.A. (AASA) concession (i.e. the capital and its conurbano). It highlights a form of institutional fragmentation that is reflected in the diverse management practices of the numerous service providers and results in differentiated levels of and access to services. The paper discusses the technical, economic and regulatory factors that have historically resulted in this institutional fragmentation. The second part of the article focuses on AASA’s water concession agreement. It demonstrates that, although the agreement had an in-built splintering logic, its implementation led to a more “integrated approach” based on the “reality on the ground”. On the whole, the conclusion regarding the application of the splintering urbanism concept to Buenos Aires is a mixed one and depends on the scale of observation. Although at regional level (BAMR), a form of “institutional fragmentation” would appear to be obvious, it is the result of a long and complex historical process and, while recent neo-liberal reforms in service provisions have “cemented” this fragmentation, they did not actually cause it. If we take the AASA service area in isolation, the trend in the decade following the contracting out of the service has been one of improved service provision and access—although this was not achieved through increased integration of the supply system. Finally, in the case of the Buenos Aires metropolitan region, the splintering urbanism thesis defended by Marvin and Graham needs to be nuanced in several significant ways.  相似文献   

The South Qilian belt mainly comprises an early Paleozoic arc-ophiolite complex, accretionary prism, microcontinental block, and foreland basin. These elements represent accretion-collision during Cambrian to Silurian time in response to closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean in the NE of the present-day Tibet Plateau. Closure of the Proto-Tethyan Ocean between the Central Qilian block and the Oulongbuluke block and the associated collision took place from NE to SW in a zipper-like style. Sediment w...  相似文献   

A synthesis of crustal thickness estimates was made recently utilizing available field, geochemical, seismicity, shear wave velocity and gravity data in the Philippines. The results show that a significant portion of the Philippine archipelago is generally characterized by crust with a thickness of around 25 to 30 kilometers. However, two zones, which are made up of a thicker crust (from 30 to 65 km) have also been delineated. The Luzon Central Cordillera region is characterized by thick crust. Another belt of thickened crust is observed in the Bicol-Negros-Panay-Central Mindanao region. This paper examines the interplay of tectonic and magmatic processes and their role in modifying Philippine arc crust. The processes, which could account for the observed crustal thicknesses, are presented. The contributions of magmatic arcs as compared to the contribution of the emplacement and accretion of ophiolite complexes to crustal thickness are also discussed.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether slip during an earthquake on the 26th September 1997 propagated to the surface, structural data have been collected along a bedrock fault scarp in Umbria, Italy. These collected data are used to investigate the relationship between the throw associated with a debated surface rupture (observed as a pale unweathered stripe at the base of the bedrock fault scarp) and the strike, dip and slip-vector. Previous studies have suggested that the surface rupture was produced either by primary surface slip or secondary compaction of hangingwall sediments. Some authors favour the latter because sparse surface fault dip measurements do not match nodal plane dips at depth. It is demonstrated herein that the strike, dip and height of the surface rupture, represented by a pale unweathered stripe at the base of the bedrock scarp, shows a systematic relationship with respect to the geometry and kinematics of faulting in the bedrock. The strike and dip co-vary and the throw is greatest where the strike is oblique to the slip-vector azimuth where the highest dip values are recorded. This implies that the throw values vary to accommodate spatial variation in the strike and dip of the fault across fault plane corrugations, a feature that is predicted by theory describing conservation of strain along faults, but not by compaction. Furthermore, published earthquake locations and reported fault dips are consistent with the analysed surface scarps when natural variation for surface dips and uncertainty for nodal plane dips at depth are taken into account. This implies that the fresh stripe is indeed a primary coseismic surface rupture whose slip is connected to the seismogenic fault at depth. We discuss how this knowledge of the locations and geometry of the active faults can be used as an input for seismic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

Crowdsourced knowledge websites such as Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap are increasingly attracting a critical literature which has highlighted the fact that the contributor bases of these sites are often geodemographically biased: drawn from more affluent and better educated segments of the population. However, while bias in contributors is well known, we know less about whether this also results in a bias in outcomes on these websites: or whether the partial portion of the population which does make contributions also works to “fill in the blanks”, by adding knowledge about other less well-off neighbouring areas which have not attracted a contributor base. This article addresses the question of whether such “neighbourhood effects” exist in practice. It makes use of a novel dataset of alcohol license data in the UK to assess variation in the completeness of the volunteer geographic information site OpenStreetMap. The results support existing literature in showing that completeness is related to demographics: areas with higher levels of wealth and education typically exhibit higher levels of completeness. The article then makes a novel contribution by showing evidence of the existence of neighbourhood effects: poorer regions with more affluent neighbours typically having higher levels of completeness than poorer regions which are also surrounded by poorer neighbours. The results suggest that crowdsourced knowledge websites can aspire to a kind of completeness even whilst user bases remain partial and biased.  相似文献   

The total number of synthetic organic chemicals introduced to the environment by humans has never been quantified, but it is not lower than thousands. A fraction of these chemicals have toxic effects to coastal organisms and presumably affect ecosystems structure and function. During the last decades, some of the processes affecting the transport, degradation, and fate of a limited number of chemicals have been studied, and the rising concern for environmental risk of organic chemical has lead to the regulation of a few of them by national and international organisms. However, the environmental inventory of organic pollutants is far from being quantified, and current methodologies used in most toxicological tests only allow to determine effects of individual chemicals to organisms. There are major limitations on appropriate methodologies to assess the effects of organic pollutants at population and ecosystem levels and the effects induced by complex mixtures of organic pollutants present in natural environments. The modification of the composition of the biosphere by a myriad of organic pollutants at ultra-trace levels is not yet regarded as another vector of environmental change which is irreversible due to the persistent character of many of these chemicals and due to its global coverage. Here, we claim that the modification of the atmosphere, water, sediments, and biota composition is a factor to be taken into account in coastal ecosystems, and that its pressure on the environment has been exponentially increasing during the last six decades of the anthropocene.  相似文献   

Recent studies on Neoproterozoic climate change have prompted renewed interest in Neoproterozoic glacial deposits and renewed debate over the criteria used to identify the nature of glacial influence on sedimentation. Analyses of soft sediment deformation structures have provided important clues to distinguish between competing palaeoenvironmental interpretations of Quaternary glacial deposits; a similar approach is presented here in the analysis of Neoproterozoic glacial deposits of the Smalfjord Formation, northern Norway. A detailed sedimentological and structural analysis at several sites in the Varangerfjorden area reveals complex soft sediment deformation at various scales in conglomerate, sandstone and diamictite. Deformation is predominantly ductile and includes anticlinal and synclinal folding, flow noses, flame structures, recumbent folding and shear structures. The deformed sediments are associated predominantly with conglomerate and sandstone, which record glaciofluvial and deltaic depositional conditions. Some deformations can be attributed to rapid deposition and slumping, whereas others appear to record shear stress associated with overriding ice. The scale, style and range of deformation, together with the coarse-grained nature of the deformed sediments and facies associations, suggest that these were unfrozen outwash sediments that were overridden by ice and resedimented in a dynamic ice-proximal setting. Whereas recent studies of diamictite-bearing strata of the Smalfjord Formation had revealed no clear evidence of glacial influence on deposition, deformation structures documented here suggest that glacial conditions prevailed on the basin margin during deposition of Smalfjord Formation sediments, with sedimentary facies and deformation structures typical of temperate ice-proximal settings.  相似文献   

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