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俯冲带是地球上岩浆活动、高压—超高压变质作用、中深源地震、壳幔物质交换、元素循环和铜金大规模成矿的集中发生场所。富水流体不仅调控了这些地质作用,而且也深刻影响了全球C、S等挥发分的循环。当蚀变大洋岩石圈及上覆沉积物进入俯冲带中深部(15~300 km),伴随由葡萄石- 绿纤石相至超高压榴辉岩相的递进变质作用,含水矿物在不同深度的分解造成流体释放为一连续过程。除极端高地温梯度环境之外,大多数俯冲带洋壳释放的流体为富水流体。但,俯冲带不同深度所产生的流体特征有明显差异。出露于全球造山带的高压—超高压变质地体保存了分凝体、脉体、水压致裂角砾岩等流体作用的有力证据,绿辉石、石榴子石、绿帘石等矿物中原生流体包裹体为流体的直接记录。在俯冲带中等深度(<65 km),流体是溶质含量很低的含卤化物水溶液,可含CO2-3、SO2-4、HS-等组分,其所含Si、Al、Ca、Mg、Fe、Na主量元素溶质相当于海水中固化物量的2~3倍,并具大离子亲石元素(LILE)、轻元素(B、Li)富集和高场强元素(HFSE)亏损的特点。当深度≥65 km时,流体转化为类似于超临界性质的溶液,含CH4、C2H6、H2S等挥发分,其所含主量元素溶质显著增加,微量元素除LILE等外,还负载相当量的HFSE和过渡族成矿元素。俯冲带65~100 km深度,为富水流体向超临界流体转变的区间。这种流体具有“亚超临界”性质,发生了氧化还原性质和元素溶解能力的渐变,并伴随硬柱石和角闪石的最终耗尽。高压变质岩石及相关脉体的O、Sr、Nd和金属同位素示踪研究表明俯冲带流体的源区多样,有蚀变基性洋壳、地幔橄榄岩和沉积物,并保存了海底热液蚀变作用的印迹。流体以脉冲方式沿网络状裂隙呈隧道式运移和传输,规模可达千米级,时间尺度在数月至数百年。目前通过高压—超高压变质岩的研究对俯冲带流体已经有了深入的了解,但展望未来,该领域依然有诸多争议和科学问题值得探索。  相似文献   

A symphyseal region of the fused dentaries of a caenagnathid theropod is described from the Upper Cretaceous Nemegt Formation at the Bugin Tsav locality in the Mongolian Gobi Desert. In contrast to the high diversity of Caenagnathidae in the upper Campanian to Maastrichtian in North America, only specimens of a single caenagnathid, Elmisaurus raurus, have been reported in the coeval strata in Asia. Although dentaries are commonly-found bones in the fossil record of Caenagnathidae, the present specimen is the first discovery of caenagnathid dentaries from the upper Campanian to Maastrichtian in Asia. The Nemegt Formation is unique for its diverse oviraptorosaurian fauna that includes both Caenagnathidae and Oviraptoridae as well as the non-caenagnathoid Avimimus portentosus. Hypothesized coexistence of eolian and fluvial environments in the Gobi Basin during the deposition of the Nemegt Formation might explain such co-occurrence of Caenagnathidae and Oviraptoridae.  相似文献   

Lirainosaurus astibiae was originally described by Sanz and collaborators in 1999 on the basis of a skull fragment, isolated teeth, several vertebrae (e.g. the holotypic anterior caudal vertebra) and appendicular bones from the Late Cretaceous of Laño (northern Spain). A review of all the vertebral remains, including new material (cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae, dorsal ribs, haemal arch), provides additional information about the axial skeleton of Lirainosaurus. A study of the laminae and fossae shows interesting variations in these structures in the axial series, especially concerning the prezygapophyses and diapophyses: e.g. the X-shaped morphology of the centroprezygapophyseal lamina only in the posterior dorsal vertebrae, and the division of the postzygodiapophyseal fossa into two fossae in the posterior dorsal vertebrae and the proximal caudal vertebrae. Two vertebral characters are here considered to be autapomorphic for L. astibiae: the presence of a lamina in the interzygapophyseal fossa in the most proximal caudal vertebrae (a postzygodiapophyseal lamina that separates the ventral postzygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa and the dorsal postzygapophyseal spinodiapophyseal fossa), and the spinopostzygapophyseal structure not posteriorly projected in the posterior caudal vertebrae. The combination of characters present in the axial remains of Lirainosaurus astibiae supports the idea that it is a derived lithostrotian close to Saltasaurinae.  相似文献   

The fossil record of small-sized theropods in south-western Europe is scarce and fragmentary. In absence of more direct evidence, the oological record arises as an alternative source of information to infer biodiversity. In this regard, the controversial dinosaur eggshells from the Les Labadous locality in southern France are herein re-evaluated in the light of new material and current parataxonomic information. New data and analyses reveal a new eggshell type, Montanoolithus labadousensis oosp. nov., characterized by a unique combination of characters. Additionally, the phylogenetic analysis reinforces the placement of the new oospecies as the sister taxon of the North American Montanoolithus strongorum, refusing the previous attribution of the Les Labadous remains to Elongatoolithidae. The combination of microstructural and phylogenetic results suggests that Montanoolithus labadousensis was likely produced by a dromaeosaurine dromaeosaurid, a taxonomic attribution that is consistent with the biodiversity of small-sized theropods at the latest Cretaceous of south-western Europe.  相似文献   

An updated, annotated list of all tetrapods from the Adamantina, Uberaba and Marília formations (Bauru Group), which constitute some of the best studied Upper Cretaceous units in Brazil, is presented. Tetrapod diversity in the Bauru Group is remarkable, including an admixture of typically austral Gondwanan taxa (e.g., abelisaurids, notosuchians) and boreal Gondwanan forms (e.g., carcharodontosaurids). Of note is the absence of Laurasian taxa in the upper portion of the Bauru Group. With the exception of some turtles, an anuran, mesoeucrocodylians and one titanosaur, most taxa from the Bauru Group are based on fragmentary and isolated bones, and as such many specimens can be identified only to a higher taxonomic level. Fishes, turtles, anurans, mesoeucrocodylians, dinosaurs, birds and mammals from the Adamantina and Marília formations resemble the latest Late Cretaceous vertebrate faunas from southern South America, except for the absence of ornithischian dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous vertebrate accumulations from the Adamantina Formation are known due to their high taxonomic diversity. On the other hand, taphonomic analyses still are rare, limiting the understanding of processes related to the biostratinomic and fossildiagenetic histories of this lithostratigraphic unit. In 2005, fossils were collected from an outcrop located at Jales municipality, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. From this outcrop, a well-preserved Baurusuchus was recovered, which displays a peculiar set of taphonomic signatures. This paper identifies and interprets taphonomic features of a specimen of Baurusuchus (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae; UFRJ DG 418-R) from the Adamantina Formation (Upper Cretaceous of the Bauru Basin), in Jales municipality, state of São Paulo. Brief taphonomic comparisons with other specimens previously studied (crocodiles and dinosaurs) and a lithofaciological analysis of the outcrop were undertaken in order to enhance the knowledge of the stratigraphy and paleoenvironment and improve the time resolution for the Adamantina Formation in the region of Jales. Furthermore, paleoecological data were interpreted based on the taphonomic analysis.The fossil is composed of an articulated segment of vertebral column, ribs, part of the pelvic girdle and gastralia. There is no hydraulic equivalence between both the specimen of Baurusuchus and the size of quartz grain predominant in the fossiliferous layer, suggesting death in situ or short transport as a “water carcass”. Teeth marks identified on the pubes were assigned to a small/juvenile baurusuchid crocodyliform or a theropod dinosaur. The repositioning of some elements (ribs and dorsal osteoderms) is suggestive of mummification. Desiccation marks were observed and attributed to the stage 1 of weathering. These features suggest subaerial exposure of the carcass prior to burial, however, probably after the mummification. On the other hand, the subaerial exposure was short, because the individual was not fully disarticulated. Furthermore, the degrees of articulation and preservation of the specimen nullify the hypothesis of reworking.Lithofaciological and taphonomic analyses suggest a well-drained floodplain as the burial environment and an arid or semi-arid climate in the region of Jales outcrop. In addition, the taphonomic signatures seem to indicate a time resolution about 100–104 years for the layer where the crocodyliforms were collected, but it seems to have, within this time limit, temporal-mixing among terrestrial crocodiles and dinosaurs collected from the same layer, suggesting time-averaging in this outcrop.  相似文献   

The Buchan Formation sandstone reservoirs from the Ardmore Field in the UK Central North Sea are fluvial-aeolian deposits and provide examples of porosity preservation in deeply-buried reservoirs (2.7–3.2?km) caused by grain-coating illite/smectite (I/S). Here, high reservoir quality commonly correlates with the occurrence of grain-coating I/S and consequent inhibition of quartz cementation in the aeolian dune and interdune sandstones. Porosity is lower in fluvial sandstones lacking grain coating I/S but with intense quartz overgrowths. We propose that the presence of I/S reflects concentration of the smectitic-rich clay bearing water which would have been the deposits of the interdune and/or distal sector of fluvial distributary system, and were introduced into aeolian deposits by mechanical infiltration. Petrographic relationships indicate that these coatings grew mainly before the mechanical compaction as the clays occur at grain contacts. The use of empirical model suggested that about 6–7% porosity have been preserved. The burial-thermal history of the Ardmore area contributed to the high quality reservoir because throughout much of the time since deposition, the Devonian sandstones have been little buried. Only from the Palaeogene the reservoir temperatures exceeded about 70?°C and rapidly buried to today’s maximum depth, which have minimized the negative effect generally ascribed to smectitic clays on reservoir quality. The circumstances of porosity preservation shown in this study may be unusual, but nonetheless have profound consequences for exploration. It is possible to identify new Buchan Formation prospects in areas hitherto dismissed because they were generally assumed to be poor reservoir.  相似文献   

通过数值模拟方法,研究了降水对区域尺度、积云对流参数化等的敏感性.结果表明:由于较小区域尺度的模式内部场和大尺度分析场激发的外强迫之间有更强的束缚,这种束缚使得内外强迫更容易达到一致.小区域尺度模拟的降水型比大的区域尺度的模拟更好,但同时,大的区域尺度消弱了由于模式侧边界效应产生的虚假动力效应,模拟的降水在量值上更加接近于观测值.因此,进行区域气候模拟时,须根据需要对模式区域进行仔细的选择.结果同时表明,由于Grell方案倾向于模拟更多的对流降水,因此Kuo-Anthes方案对西北地区降水型和量值的模拟比Grell方案更接近于实际.由于地形对于降水的重要意义,在复杂地形下进行区域气候模拟时有必要在模式中仔细描述地形.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope compositions of olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts and pyroxene and amphibole megacrysts from Neogene alkali basalts of the Pannonian basin (0.5–11 Ma) have been determined by laser fluorination. Measured δ18O values in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts show rather restricted variations from 5.00 to 5.20‰ and from 5.07 to 5.34%., respectively, with cpx-ol fractionations Δ18O(cpx-ol) ranging from + 0.04 to + 0.29‰. These δ18O values are significantly lower than those of the corresponding whole rocks, suggesting that low temperature alteration has increased the 18O/16O ratios of the groundmass of host rocks, even in fresh looking samples, whereas their phenocrysts have retained original oxygen isotope compositions. The uniform oxygen isotope ratio in the phenocrysts suggests that the mantle source of the alkali basalts was also homogeneous with respect to its oxygen isotope composition, which is in contrast to the relatively wide variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios in the source. Variations in radiogenic isotope compositions in the basalts have been explained by the interaction of subduction-related fluids with the mantle source of the basalts. If this is the case, then the fluids which caused significant changes in the Sr and Pb isotope ratios of the mantle source clearly did not noticeably modify its oxygen isotope composition. These data support the opinion that the upper mantle is more homogeneous with respect to its oxygen isotope composition than it was previously considered.  相似文献   

A new species of eurypterid, Paraeurypterus anatoliensis gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) ?ort Tepe Formation of southeast Turkey. The single specimen, preserving the carapace, mesosoma and fragments of appendages, appears morphologically intermediate between the eurypteroid families Dolichopteridae and Eurypteridae. P. anatoliensis retains the plesiomorphic conditions of crescentic eyes with enlarged palpebral lobes and a quadrate carapace with ornamentation consisting of small pustules but also displaying the derived characteristics of genal facets and a row of large acicular scales across the posterior of each tergite. Phylogenetic analysis incorporating each of the major eurypterine clades and all Eurypterina having a three-segmented genital operculum (the triploperculate condition) resolves eurypteroids to be an unnatural group, with Dolichopteridae and Eurypteridae forming part of a grade leading to diploperculate Eurypterina. P. anatoliensis is intermediate between the two eurypteroid families, as is ‘Eurypterusminor from the Pentland Hills of Scotland, which is shown to be a distinct genus and assigned to Pentlandopterus gen. nov. Using the phylogenetic topology to infer ghost ranges for each of the major eurypterid clades reveals that the majority of eurypterid superfamilies must have originated by the Katian, indicating a largely unsampled record of Ordovician eurypterids. The occurrence of poor dispersers such as Paraeurypterus in the Ordovician of Gondwana is puzzling, and it has been suggested that they dispersed to the continent during periods of sea level lowstand in the Sandbian and Hirnantian, however this does not explain the lack of Ordovician species in North America and Europe, given the well-sampled nature of these continents, and an alternative is proposed whereby eurypterids originated in Gondwana and radiated out to Laurentia and Baltica in the late Ordovician and early Silurian, thus explaining their sudden appearance in the European and North American rock record.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, transboundary water management has come to play a key role both in global environmental politics debates and in the shaping of international development policies, specifically in the Global South. As a consequence, a growing body of literature in the framework of critical hydropolitics has emerged reflecting on the role that power, discourses, and strategies play in shaping transboundary water policies and in influencing riparian relations. The focus on a state-centric perspective, however, often has led to neglect of the role of international development actors in shaping these policies. Through a critical application of the Circle of Hydro-Hegemony (CHH) and ethnographic qualitative field research in borderlands, this contribution aims to analyse how the establishment of a development initiative known as the Chu-Talas Commission, supported by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and other donors, has influenced and shaped transboundary water politics in the Talas waterscape, which is shared by Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. The evidence shows that despite the international narration of the Chu-Talas Commission as a success story for water cooperation in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, through the deployment of both material and bargaining power strategies, has been able to shape UNECE development policies in its favour, impose its agenda on Kyrgyzstan, and emerge as the basin hydro-hegemon.  相似文献   


始新世暖期和始新世-渐新世降温阶段(EOT)在地球气候系统演化中具有代表性,对认识现代全球变暖过程和机制有参考价值。渭河盆地堆积了始新世以来连续的河湖相沉积序列,对其进行沉积物源示踪研究有助于重建渭河流域地貌演化、沉积过程和气候环境变化。本研究对渭河盆地新生代沉积中心固市凹陷荔参1井(钻探井深6535 m)下部的始新世红河组(6527~5529 m)和渐新世白鹿塬组(5315~4759 m)样品进行了Sr和Nd同位素分析,探索古近纪渭河盆地的物源变化过程。结果显示,红河组样品Sr和Nd同位素平均值分别是87Sr/86Sr=0.716127和εNd=-13.5,白鹿塬组Sr和Nd同位素平均值分别是87Sr/86Sr=0.720461和εNd=-12.4。分粒级(< 2 μm,2~64 μm和>64 μm)Sr和Nd同位素测试结果表明,粒度效应对渭河盆地始新世-渐新世沉积物硅酸盐矿物的Sr同位素值影响较大,而对Nd同位素影响较小,表明硅酸盐矿物Nd同位素值可作为渭河盆地沉积物物源的指示。结合潜在源区Sr和Nd同位素分布特征,发现渭河盆地始新世和渐新世沉积物主要来自于秦岭造山带和鄂尔多斯地块的贡献,其物源变化与构造抬升和气候演变密切相关。渭河盆地始新世和渐新世沉积物传输和堆积过程与晚新生代相似,具有相对稳定的两端元物源,为利用红河组和白鹿塬组沉积序列重建古气候古环境奠定了良好的基础。


The Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) deep borehole, which reached a depth of 5158 m in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, provides a new window into the deep root of a continent-continent collision belt, and the tectonic processes by which supracrustal material is recycled into the mantle by subduction and then uplifted to the surface. Major research themes of the CCSD project were to: (1) determine the three-dimensional composition, structure and geophysical character of the deep root of this orogenic belt; (2) investigate the nature and timing of the UHP metamorphism; (3) investigate the processes of crust-mantle interaction involved in the formation and exhumation of the UHP rocks; (4) study the process of fluid circulation and mineralization during subduction and exhumation; (5) study the rheological properties of the various rocks during subduction and exhumation; (6) develop and refine dynamic models for deep subduction and exhumation of crustal rocks, and (7) establish a long-term, natural laboratory for the study of present-day crustal dynamics (e.g., stress, strain, fluid activity). The CCSD has developed precise oriented profiles of the main borehole in terms of lithology, geochemistry, oxygen isotopes, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages, 40Ar-39Ar ages, deformation, rheology, mineralization, physical properties of the rocks, petrophysical logs, seismic reflections and underground fluids. The present paper summarizes the integrated research results of this project, especially the new findings concerning the deep root of a continent-continent collision.  相似文献   

The postcranial skeleton of a new specimen of the long-tailed lizard Dalinghosaurus longidigitus was excavated from the Yixian Formation in Lingyuan, western Liaoning. The new specimen provides more anatomical information about this species, especially about the anterior dorsal vertebrae, shoulder girdle and forelimbs. This lizard can be included within the clade Scleroglossa by its 27 or more presacrals, moderately long pubis, and gently notched distal end of tibia. But the detailed systematic position for this taxon remains undetermined. The features of the much longer hind limbs and pes compared with forelimbs and manus, metatarsal Ⅳ longer than Ⅲ, pedal phalanges robust, and penultimate phalanx not longer than other phalanges etc. suggest that this lizard was a running and ground swelling animal.  相似文献   

Four shallow boreholes were drilled in the Hils syncline, northern Germany, in order to determine quantitatively the amount of hydrocarbons generated and expelled during maturation of a typical kerogen-type-II-bearing source rock. The holes penetrated the carbonceous Lias shales (Posidonia shale, Lower Toarcian) and part of the adjacent Dogger α and Lias δ mudstones. The maturity of the organic matter in the cores recovered ranges from immature (0.48% R̄0) to overmature 1.45% R̄0) due to location of the Hils syncline in the vicinity of the Vlotho Massif, which is deep-seated intrusive body. Facies variations of the Lias within the short geographical distances in the study area are negligible.Organic matter mass balance calculations were based on detailed organic geochemical analyses of residual material in the Lias shales (kerogen, bitumen etc.) and on the evidence of a uniform initial composition of these sediments in the study area. Dead carbon determinations supported this latter criterion but were not used as a parameter in the calculations.About 50% of the initial kerogen was transformed into oil, gas and inorganic compounds during the vitrinite reflectance increase from 0.48 to 0.88% R̄o and only marginally more during the maturity increase from 0.88 to 1.45% R̄o. Only a small portion of the generated material remained in the source rock even at a relatively early stage of generation (0.68% R̄o). Expulsion efficiency of oil plus gas reached a value of 86% at the end of the main generation stage (0.88% R̄o).  相似文献   

Anthropogenic damage of geoheritage is documented widely, but natural processes can also lead to geoheritage loss. For instance, sand dune migration causes submergence of unique geological and palaeontological sites in desert environments of the Sahara. The Siwa Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt boasts rich geoheritage, which is represented in many localities. Three of them in the southern part of the oasis are outcrops of highly-fossiliferous limestones. Palaeontological, sedimentary, palaeogeographical, and geomorphological types of geoheritage are recognized there. Sand dune activity on the study area is registered both visually and with remote sensing techniques. Denudation and destruction of naturally-exposed rocks is documented. Evidence of outcrop submergence with sand is found in all cases. The localities are situated in the pathway of rapid (up to ?10 m/yr) dune migration. One locality may disappear within one–two years. Sand dune migration has to be considered as a factor of geoheritage loss in the Siwa Oasis, and the relevant protection of the studied localities is necessary. Geopark creation and improvement of water use in the oasis can also help significantly, as well as the reference to archaeological experience of excavation and protection of heritage sites submerged by sands. More generally, geoheritage conservation should be integrated with a program for sustainable oasis development.  相似文献   

The contact between the Silurian black phyllite and the Cambro–Ordovician underlying rocks has been investigated over different tectonic units, affected by green-schist facies metamorphism, in the inner nappe zone of the Sardinia Variscides. In spite of strain and metamorphism, the field work highlighted the occurrence of diamictic sediments. In the Canaglia Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of dark, massive metamorphic claystone bearing chamositic ooliths, chamositic nodules and millimetre to centimetre sized clasts, dispersed, or gathered in clusters, within the muddy matrix. In the Argentiera Tectonic Unit the diamictite consists of angular clasts, ranging in size from few millimetres to several decimetres, scattered within a finely laminated black sericitic meta-argillite. Field data, textural and compositional analyses suggest a glacio-marine environment for the formation of the diamictites.

The Canaglia diamictite deposited in a protected, glacial-influenced, shore. Compositionally it can be defined as ironstone; in the Upper part it hosts a horizon of clast-supported conglomeratic hard ironstone, mostly made of magnetite, which testifies for sub-aerial reworking. The source of the iron is to be related to local, glacio-eustatic driven, emergence of Upper Ordovician alkaline mafic volcanics. These are widespread in the uppermost Ordovician of the Canaglia Unit, possibly linked to the rifting stage that invested the north Gondwana margin, before the uppermost Ordovician–early Silurian sea level rise.

The Argentiera diamictite deposited beyond the iron-rich diamictite in the outer euxinic shelf that was reached by rain out of rafted debris.  相似文献   

The paleomagnetic results obtained in 23 sites from red beds of the northern border of the inverted Cameros Basin (northern Iberian Peninsula) prove a Cretaceous widespread remagnetization. Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic analyses indicate that the Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is dominated by a stable and always normal polarity component carried by haematite. Two conglomerate test and five-fold test indicate that this component is a syn-tectonic overprint dated between Albian and Santonian times, most probably Albian, contemporary with a low-grade metamorphism. Remagnetization was acquired before compressional deformation and post-dates the main extensional stage of basin formation (Berriasian–Albian). Incremental fold tests provide best clustering solutions showing dispersed results and far from the expected direction. An alternative procedure to obtain fold test solution was applied considering asymmetric limb rotation. Mean directions obtained from these “asymmetric solutions” are consistent with the expected direction and yield a statistical value for significant grouping at the 95% confidence level in all fold tests performed. This reconstruction allows to determine the tilting of beds at the moment of acquisition of magnetization. These original dips were used to reconstruct the original geometry of the northern basin border, later modified during the Tertiary inversion stage. This extensional geometry can be characterised as a large-scale syn-sedimentary normal fault drag, with a minor roll-over anticline. The procedure developed in this paper should be tested in other inverted basins that also have undergone burial remagnetizations.  相似文献   

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