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The amplitudes and relative amplitudes of electron density wave-like disturbances (WDs) with periods of 30–120 min at altitudes of 125–500 km (100–1000 km in individual experiments) under the conditions of a quiet ionosphere during magnetic and ionospheric storms and two solar eclipses are analyzed. The observations of the WD amplitudes and their altitude variations corresponded to the data of theoretical simulation in a number of cases. On the whole, the altitude variations in the WD amplitudes are more complicated than such variations derived from a simple theoretical model presented here.  相似文献   

The observation results of the effects in the geospace plasma during a partially (magnitude ~0.42) solar eclipse are presented. The experimental data were obtained with an incoherent scatter radar of the Institute of the Ionosphere (near Kharkov). During the eclipse, the density at the F2 layer maximum decreased by 32%, the foF2 critical frequency decreased by 17.5%, and the altitude of the F2 layer maximum increased insignificantly. At altitudes of 290–680 km, the electron density decreased by ~25%. During the eclipse, the electron and ion temperature decreased by 70–180 and 0–140 K, respectively, at altitudes of 190–490 km. Near the eclipse main phase, the plasma velocity vertical component decreased by 10–45 m/s at altitudes of 200–470 km, respectively. At the time of the eclipse main phase, the hydrogen ion fractional density increased by 50% as compared to the reference day at altitudes of 450–650 km.  相似文献   

We report first results from a unique experiment performed at the HIPAS ionospheric modification facility in conjunction with the Poker Flat incoherent scatter radar in Alaska. High-power radio waves at 2.85 MHz, which corresponds to the second electron gyro-harmonic at ~245 km altitude, were transmitted into the nighttime ionosphere. Clear evidence of F-region ionospheric electron temperature enhancements were found, for the first time at this pump frequency, maximizing when the pump frequency is close to the second gyro-harmonic and double resonance. This is consistent with previous pump-enhanced artificial optical observations. We estimate the plasma heating efficiency to be approximately double that for higher pump frequencies.  相似文献   

Specific features of the variations and structure of the ionosphere above northern Europe during the known magnetospheric storm of January 10, 1997, have been analyzed using the oblique-incidence backscatter (OIB) methods. The OIB equipment installed near St. Petersburg, Gor’kovskaya (AANII), represent a BIZON small radar, the data of which were compared with the CUTLASS radar data, GPS observations of TEC, and geophysical data of the Sweden, Finnish, and Russian high-latitude observatories. A local substorm that occurred from 1451 to 1655 UT has been studied in detail, and 52 OIB ionograms have been obtained. The types of reflections from the MIT polar wall and the narrow ionization trough have been identified.  相似文献   

Based on theoretical models of the ionosphere and the plasmasphere, the ion composition variations in the plasmasphere and the plasmapause structure were studied depending on the choice of the distribution model of the magnetospheric convection electric field at low and high geomagnetic activity at the equinox and the December solstice. Based on the model calculations performed, the plasmapause shape and size during an increase and decrease in geomagnetic activity were studied. It was revealed that the size of the plasmasphere mainly depends on the magnetic local time (MLT) sector and the level of geomagnetic activity, and it greatly depends on the maximum universal time during the equinox. The Earth’s plasmasphere asymmetry is manifested in the noon-midnight and morning-evening directions. The analysis results of daily and seasonal variations in the ionic composition of the Earth’s plasmasphere at a moderate solar activity level show that there is a certain increase in the ion concentrations of H+ and He+ in the winter period probably due to an increase in the exospheric density at the summer to winter transition. The data obtained are in good agreement with satellite observations which makes it possible to use the model proposed to study the plasmasphere under different geophysical conditions.  相似文献   

The distributions of the parameters of the solar wind, IMF, and physical fields (E y component of the SW electric field, compression field DCF) and the rms errors (σ) of measurements, depending on the daily characteristic of geomagnetic disturbance (Cp), are considered. The scatter of parameters in the interplanetary medium (IM) is actually considerable even during a long interval of geomagnetic quiet. It has been indicated that an unambiguous correspondence between the IM parameters and the characteristic of geomagnetic activity on the Earth is absent, and we have only tendencies toward an increase (decrease) in the parameter of the near-Earth medium (physical quantity) with increasing geomagnetic activity. These tendencies are transformed into linear relationships only after the three-fold averaging of values (hourly, daily, annual), which corresponds to numerous equations of relation between IM parameters and different geomagnetic indices, obtained by many researchers based on statistical analyses.  相似文献   

曲靖非相干散射雷达功率剖面的初步观测与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了非相干散射雷达功率剖面与电离层电子密度剖面之间的关系,给出了曲靖非相干散射雷达功率剖面的一些观测结果,结合电离层垂直探测数据,初步介绍了曲靖非相干散射雷达在夜间电离层波状扰动、低纬电离层异常区北驼峰位置、电离层电子密度日落增强和暴时变化等观测研究中的应用.本文结果丰富了对我国曲靖地区电离层空间天气特性的认识,显示了该雷达在我国低纬电离层空间天气观测研究中的良好应用前景.  相似文献   

The spatial variations of the ionospheric F2-layer vertical incidence critical frequency (foF2) and GPS-derived vertical total electron content (vTEC) under geomagnetically quiet and disturbed days are examined using measurements from the latitudinal and longitudinal chains of ionospheric stations and GPS receivers over the European area. Plots produced for January 2005 are used to discuss temporal structures in terms of the prevailing solar-terrestrial conditions. Then the line trends procedure has been applied to simultaneous data collected from a limited number of measuring stations during quiet monthly median ionospheric conditions as well as during the storm period of 16–23 January 2005. The procedure is explained involving an application of the least squares method to define latitudinal and longitudinal dependence of foF2 and vTEC at different locations. Examples of coefficients of determination thereby produced show that the linear regression equations are very helpful in predicting longitudinal and latitudinal vTEC and foF2 variations during the quiet as well as disturbed ionospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Aperiodic and quasi-periodic variations in the critical frequency of the F2 layer and Doppler frequency shift of radiowaves at vertical paths on the day of a partial (the magnitude was ~0.78) solar eclipse and on background days are analyzed. According to the experiment, the relative decrease in the electron concentration was 0.41 (0.46 according to calculations) and 0.50 (0.53 according to calculations) in the E region and in the lower part of the F region of the ionosphere. At a height of the main maximum of the electron concentration, the relative decrease in the electron concentration was 0.52 (0.51 according to calculations). It is shown that on the day of the eclipse and on the background day, the characteristics of wave disturbances within the height range 160–240 km were substantially different. Changes in the spectral composition began 30 min after the eclipse occurrence and, depending on the period, lasted from 2 to 4 h. The calculation results of the main parameters of the medium and signal correspond to the observational results.  相似文献   

Coincident multi-instrument magnetospheric and ionospheric observations have made it possible to determine the position of the ionospheric footprint of the magnetospheric cusp and to monitor its evolution over time. The data used include charged particle and magnetic field measurements from the Earth-orbiting Viking and DMSP-F7 satellites, electric field measurements from Viking, interplanetary magnetic field and plasma data from IMP-8, and Sondrestrom incoherent scatter radar observations of the ionospheric plasma density, temperature, and convection. Viking detected cusp precipitation poleward of 75.5○ invariant latitude. The ionospheric response to the observed electron precipitation was simulated using an auroral model. It predicts enhanced plasma density and elevated electron temperature in the upper E- and F-regions. Sondrestrom radar observations are in agreement with the predictions. The radar detected a cusp signature on each of five consecutive antenna elevation scans covering 1.2 h local time. The cusp appeared to be about 2○ invariant latitude wide, and its ionospheric footprint shifted equatorward by nearly 2○ during this time, possibly influenced by an overall decrease in the IMF Bz component. The radar plasma drift data and the Viking magnetic and electric field data suggest that the cusp was associated with a continuous, rather than a patchy, merging between the IMF and the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

The results from the numerical calculations of the global distribution of topside ionospheric parameters such as H+ ions and ion and electron temperatures up to 1500 km height are presented for equinoctial conditions at solar minimum. Calculations are carried out using the Global Self-consistent Model of Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Protonosphere (GSM TIP) developed in WD IZMIRAN, and using a new calculation block for electric fields due to dynamo and of magnetospheric origin. A comparison of two sets of calculations of magnetospheric convection electric field for a given potential difference is carried out, one through polar caps and other through field aligned currents of first zone. It is shown that the distribution of the electric potential obtained through field aligned currents of first zone is more self-consistent than that through polar caps. The light ion trough in H+ ions is deeper and occupies larger region for the potential difference through polar cap. For a given potential difference through field aligned current, at 1500 km, the maximum ion temperature is 150 K higher, minimum ion temperature is 200 K lower and maximum electron temperature is 100 K higher than those obtained for the same potential difference through polar caps. It is concluded that for modeling the electric field of magnetospheric origin, it is necessary to use the potential difference through field aligned current of first zone instead of through polar caps.  相似文献   

利用曲靖非相干散射雷达2017—2018年春夏季观测数据首次分析了电离层日间150~450km电子温度的地方时与高度变化特征及其与电子密度的相关性.发现hmF2及以上的电子温度在日出日落时具有两个峰值,在11∶00—16∶00LT之间变化较小,高度越高午后上升的时间越早;从150km开始迅速增加,在约220km达到最大值,然后开始降低,在约300~350km达到最小值,最后单调上升;200km以下电子温度与电子密度成正相关(主要由热传导控制),200~450km之间存在明显的反相关(光电离过程占主导),电子-离子温度差与电子密度对数之间存在近似线性关系,电子温度逐日变化与光电离因子的变化趋势相似,这种相关性在中午与午后更明显;以上结果与其他非相干散射雷达观测和电离层模型计算结果基本一致,但也存在一些差别,需要结合更多数据深入分析.  相似文献   

Quasi-periodic variations in the power of incoherent scattered signals, caused by wave disturbances of the electron concentration in the ionosphere, are analyzed for the day of a partial solar eclipse and for a background day. The windowed and adaptive Fourier transforms and the wavelet transform are used for spectral analysis. The spectral parameters of the wave disturbances at altitudes of 100–500 km in the 10–120 min period range differed significantly on the day of the solar eclipse and on the background day. Variations in the spectrum began near the onset of the phase of maximum disk occultation and continued no less than 2 h. The amplitude of time variations N was 2 × 109–4 × 1010 m?3, and the relative amplitude was 0.10–0.15. Wave disturbances have been compared for five solar eclipses; the comparison shows a noticeable variation in the spectrum of the wave disturbances during these events.  相似文献   

High-time resolution CUTLASS observations and ground-based magnetometers have been employed to study the occurrence of vortical flow structures propagating through the high-latitude ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms. Fast-moving flow vortices (800 m s–1) associated with Hall currents flowing around upward directed field-aligned currents are frequently observed propagating at high speed (1 km s–1) azimuthally away from the region of the ionosphere associated with the location of the substorm expansion phase onset. Furthermore, a statistical analysis drawn from over 1000 h of high-time resolution, nightside radar data has enabled the characterisation of the bulk properties of these vortical flow systems. Their occurrence with respect to substorm phase has been investigated and a possible generation mechanism has been suggested.  相似文献   

Since the auroral ionosphere provides an important energy sink for the magnetosphere, ionosphere-thermosphere coupling must be investigated when considering the energy budget of the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. We present the first Scandinavian ground-based study of high-latitude F-region ion-neutral frictional heating where ion velocity and temperature are measured by the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar as well as neutral wind and temperature being measured simultaneously by a Fabry-Perot interferometer. A geomagnetically active period (Kp = 7- - 5-) and quiet period (Kp = 0+ - 0) were studied. Neglecting the neutral wind can result in errors of frictonal heating estimates of 60% or more in the F-layer. About 96% of the local ion temperature enhancement over the neutral temperature is accounted for by ion-neutral frictional heating.  相似文献   

This paper presents a qualitative analysis of the properties and particular examples of strong (10% < |δfoF2| < 30%) and very strong (|δfoF2| > 30%) fluctuations in the critical frequency of the F2 layer (foF2) of the quiet ionosphere at midlatitudes under low solar activity according to the Irkutsk station data for 2007–2008. It is found that strong day-to-day fluctuations in foF2 are mainly related to changes in thermospheric parameters, which have a nature of planetary waves and tides. Evidently, very strong day-to-day fluctuations in foF2 are caused by superposition of the effects in the ionosphere caused by changes in the thermospheric parameters and those related to a complex of processes of solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere, including the effects caused by the reversal of the vertical component of the solar wind magnetic field southwards. The increase in foF2 during nighttime hours in winter up to values typical for the daytime maximum in foF2 is the brightest example of very strong changes in foF2 in the quiet ionosphere.  相似文献   

The distribution of plasma pressure over the equatorial plane is compared with the plasma pressure and the position of the electron precipitation boundaries at low altitudes under the conditions of low geomagnetic activity. The pressure at the equatorial plane is determined using data of the THEMIS international five-satellite mission; the pressure at low altitudes, using data of the DMSP satellites. Plasma pressure isotropy and the validity of the condition of the magnetostatic equilibrium at a low level of geomagnetic activity are taken into account. Plasma pressure in such a case is constant along the magnetic field line and can be considered a “natural tracer” of the field line. It is shown that the plasma ring surrounding the Earth at geocentric distances of ~6 to ~10–12R E is the main source of the precipitations in the auroral oval.  相似文献   

The Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar (42.6°N, 71.5°W) and the nearby Durham meteor wind radar (43.1°N, 70.9°W) have been used to study the structure of the winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere and to investigate the propagation of tidal components from the mesosphere into the lower thermosphere. In general, good agreement is found between the tidal wind amplitudes and phases determined by the two radars, but occasionally, some discontinuities have been observed in the vertical structure of the tidal components in the 90–110 km region. In order to validate the accuracy of the two techniques and the methodologies used in determining neutral winds, two common-volume experiments were conducted in 1996 and 1997 in which the two radar beams were overlayed at an altitude of 100 km. The horizontal components of the measured radar line-of-sight velocities during day-time periods were then compared at the overlapping altitudes of 95–100 km. Night-time measurements were also made using a Fabry–Perot Interferometer co-located with the radar at Millstone Hill which observed the Doppler shift of the atomic oxygen green line emission in the mesosphere. Good overall agreement is found between the instruments within the statistical uncertainties of the measurement techniques, although some differences have been found that are explained by consideration of the data statistics, the exact overlap of common volume within the different beam sizes, and the presence of altitude gradients and small scale irregularities in the sampled volumes of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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