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Proterozoic metasupracrustal rocks form a NNW-SSE trending basement zone along the western coast of Spitsbergen. The rocks show complex structures as a result of both Caledonian and Tertiary deformation, and most of the subordinate metaigneous rocks are not suitable for isotopic age determination. Some zircon-bearing rocks were found in the southwestern part of Spitsbergen and an attempt of U-Pb dating was performed.
U-Pb dating was carried out on zircon fractions from quartz porphyry and rhyolite clasts in a metaconglomerate unit of the Pyttholmen Formation northwest of Hornsund, southwestern Spitsbergen. The Pyttholmen Formation is considered to be a lateral equivalent of the upper part of the Gulliksenfjellet quartzite and in the same time as the upper part of the Skålfjellet metavolcanites. Therefore, the obtained ages are applicable to the age of the Skålfjellet igneous activities. Some of the dated samples are strongly schistose and their magmatic origin is difficult to confirm; the interpretation of the isotopic results is not well constrained; however, some explanations are possible which refer to the known geological conditions; an igneous age of siliceous volcanic rocks of ca. 1200 Ma, inherited zircon ages of ca. 2500 Ma and a regional metamorphic age of ca. 930 Ma. The last age belongs to the Grenvillian period and is conformable with the Rb/Sr whole rock age obtained from the garnet-biotite schists of the Isbjernhamna Group underlying the Skålfjellet metavolcanites.  相似文献   

EET 96008是一块发现于南极Elephant地区的玄武岩质角砾岩月球陨石。本文对该陨石的矿物岩石学特征进行了详细的观察和描述。EET 96008具有典型的碎屑结构,其角砾浑圆度低,角砾大小一般为0.1-2mm,它主要由角砾(50.2vol%)和基质(49.8vol%)组成,该陨石角砾类型多样:(1)晶屑:主要为辉石、橄榄石、长石以及石英;(2)岩屑:主要为变粒岩岩屑、基性岩岩屑、苏长岩质斜长岩岩屑;(3)玻屑:主要为斜长岩质。基质和角砾在颗粒上是连续过渡的,基质主要是由粒度小于0.1mm的矿物碎屑和玻屑组成。该陨石辉石类型多样,成分变化大Fs18.0-58.0Wo3.9-45.2En3.5-79.1,出溶现象普遍,出溶条纹达到1μm宽;橄榄石中Fa值主要分为两个区域,Fa50-70以及Fa80-95,铁含量较高,平均Fa71.8;长石成分以钙长石为主(An84.9-97.9),部分斜长石已熔长石化。该陨石与QUE 94281同为月球玄武岩质角砾岩,在结构及矿物组成上具有类似性,但是在岩屑类型及橄榄石矿物成分上存在着明显不同,为非成对陨石,且源区可能不同。EET 96008具有三个典型的冲击暗化区域,有大量的玻璃质以及冲击熔融囊的产生,冲击程度达到S5以上。该陨石在冲击作用下,富铁辉石分解产生钙铁辉石-铁橄榄石-石英,该现象为了解月球表面冲击历史提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

There are three areas in eastern Svalbard where Vendian tillites are exposed: eastern Ny Friesland, western Nordaustlandet (north and south of Murchisonfjorden) and further east in inner Wahlenbergfjorden, near Aldousbreen. Clasts within the massive unmetamorphosed clay-mica-carbonate matrix of the tillites include carbonates, sandstones, siltstones, metavolcanics, schists and different granitoids, the metamorphic and igneous rock types being more frequent in the upper levels of the formation. Large granite boulders, up to 1 m in diameter, are known from the easternmost outcrop at Aldousbreen. Three granitoid boulders from the Aldousbreen outcrop, differing in petrography and chemistry. have been dated by the Pb-Pb singlezircon method. They yield ages of 2830 ± 5 Ma, 1802 ± 4 Ma and 1497 ± 26 Ma. These clasts also differ in petrography, chemistry and age from all known granitic rocks on Nordaustlandet, which have recently yielded Grenvillian (950-960 Ma) and Caledonian (ca. 410 Ma) ages. The concentration of large granitic clasts in the easternmost known tillite outcrops suggests derivation from the east and/or south. Possible areas include those beneath the ice of Austfonna and below the Carboniferous strata of southeastem Nordaustlandet. The apparent lack of a significant Grenvillian overprint suggests the possibility of a more distant source.  相似文献   

MIL 090070陨石是2009年美国南极陨石搜寻项目(ANSMET)在南极横断山脉米勒山区(Miller Range)发现的一块月球陨石,属于斜长岩质月表角砾岩。它具有典型的碎屑结构,主要由岩屑、晶屑、玻屑和细粒基质组成。岩屑以复合斜长岩质岩屑和斜长岩岩屑为主,其次为辉长岩质斜长岩岩屑、辉长岩岩屑、辉长苏长岩岩屑、辉长岩质橄长岩岩屑和橄榄辉长岩岩屑等。晶屑有普通辉石、易变辉石、斜长石、尖晶石、石英和钛铁矿等矿物。玻屑主要为斜长石质的玻屑,呈细长或弯曲条状,多具裂纹。MIL 090070陨石的矿物组成主要为斜长石(86 vol%,An92—99)、橄榄石(6 vol%,Fo53—89)、辉石(7 vol%,En25—83Fs7—43Wo2—45),以及少量的尖晶石、钛铁矿和石英等;其中,辉石有单斜辉石和斜方辉石二种。MIL 090070陨石中橄榄石和辉石的Fe-Mn值分布明显不同于地球、火星、金星和小行星的样品,基本落在月球岩石范围。MIL 090070陨石在多期次冲击和胶结作用下,岩屑的矿物成分和粒度不断变化,岩屑类型更多样,更复杂。基于MIL 090070陨石的岩石矿物学特征、碎屑类型及结构的特征等研究,可以进一步丰富我们对月球物质的形成及月岩—月壤演化过程的认识。  相似文献   

Thellier palaeointensity analyses were carried out on samples from three quartz porphyry intrusions located within the western part of the Bohemian Massif close to the German-Czech Republic border. These intrusives have been dated at 280-275 Ma. which places them in the main part of the Permo-Carboniferous (Kiaman) Reversed Superchron (P-CRS). This age is consistent with the mean characteristic remanence direction calculated at D/ I = 204/- 1, giving a VGP at 36N, 341E. Palaeointensity values range from 6.6 μT to 22.1 μT, with a mean value of 12.0 ± 1.3 μT, which has a corresponding VDM value of (3.0 ± 1.2) × 1022 A m2. This suggests that the geomagnetic field strength recorded by the quartz porphyries is only 37 per cent of the current value, supporting recent studies that report a field strength of between 25 and 40 per cent of the present-day value during the P-CRS.  相似文献   

A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conglomerate test is widely used in palaeomagnetism to date components of natural remanent magnetization with respect to deposition of conglomerates. It has been demonstrated, however, that this test may be positive even if the data are strongly contaminated by a secondary remanence, especially for the commonly used small number of clasts Starkey & Palmer 1970). Here we show with the aid of numerical simulations that different statistical procedures employed in this test have similar low sensitivities to remagnetization. We suggest a new conglomerate test which incorporates additional information on the direction of a secondary palaeomagnetic component which is isolated from either clasts themselves or their host rocks. Numerical simulations show that this new test is about twice as sensitive to remagnetization as the previous procedures and is robust with respect to small errors in the direction of a secondary component.  相似文献   

Recent remapping and new age determinations has shed light on the understanding of Precambrian rocks northwest of Hornsund, southwest Spitsbergen. The Skålfjellet Subgroup has been regarded as the eastern equivalent of the Vimsodden Subgroup, and both of these occur within the Precambrian Eimfjellet Group of southwest Spitsbergen. Although the Eimfjellet Group is considered to be older than the oldest unconformity in the area, the age of the rocks has not been known. The granitic-gabbroic rocks in the Skålfjellet Subgroup have been considered to be the products of granitisation for many years, but recent observations show that they are exotic blocks incorporated into the basic eruptive rocks which are the main constituents of the subgroup. These plutonic rocks have a wide range of compositions, from syenite via granite to gabbroic cumulates, which suggests the existence of a well-differentiated plutonic body at depth.
U-Pb zircon and Pb evaporation datings yielded magmatic ages of ca. 1,100 to 1,200 Ma, and a conformable age has been obtained by Rb-Sr whole rock dating. Detrital zircons from the micaceous schists of the Isbjørnhamna Group, which underlies the Skålfjellet Subgroup, show a poorly defined discordia with an upper intercept age of ca. 2,200 Ma and a lower intercept age of ca. 360 Ma. These dating results define the magmatic age of the granitic-gabbroic rocks as late Mesoproterozoic, early Grenvillian. This age is in broad agreement with that of the metavolcanic rock clasts of the Pyttholmen meta-pyroclastic-conglomeratic unit at Vimsodden, which is considered to be the westernmost occurrence of the Skålfjellet Subgroup.
A Rb-Sr whole rock age determination of the shaly phyllites from the Deilegga Group was performed in order to place constraints on the age of younger Precambrian event; however, no good isochron was obtained.  相似文献   

Proterozoic igneous rocks occur in three areas in Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, and are found in the upper part of the Lower Hecla Hoek succession, the Botniahalvøya Supergroup. The rocks have been called porphyrites in Botniahalvøya, metadiabases in Prins Oscars Land and quartz porphyries in both areas as well as in the Sabinebukta area. All rocks have been metamorphosed under the greenschist facies conditions. The porphyrites are calc-alkaline acid andesites and dacites of medium to high K2O type, possibly showing a transition to tholeiitic series. The quartz porphyries are calc-alkaline rhyolites of high K20 type. The metadiabases are subdivided into two: the basic dykes of low K20 type and relatively high Fe tholeiite series, while the main bodies are acid andesites of medium to high K20 and low Fe tholeiite series. The basic dykes fall in the oceanic rock field of the Tiø2-K20-P20s diagram, and are most likely belonging to the island arc type volcanism. The metadiabases of main bodies and the porphyrites, and possibly the quartz porphyries, are chemically continuous. The medium to high K20 contents, and their Tiø2-K20-P2O5 ratios suggest that these three rock groups are non-oceanic and resemble the rock associations of the areas having thick continental crust. This conclusion agrees with the reported high initial Sr87/86 ratios and the existence of a distinct unconformity at the base of this volcanogenic succession.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic development of an Upper Jurassic syn‐rift succession exposed at outcrop in the Inner Moray Firth Basin has been investigated using high‐resolution biostratigraphy and sedimentology. A continuous 970 m thick section, exposed in the hangingwall of the Helmsdale Fault was logged in detail. The succession spans 8 Ma and contains eight lithofacies types, which indicate deposition in a deep marine setting. Boulder beds contain large, angular clasts, with bed thicknesses typically >2 m and poor sorting suggesting deposition by debris flows. An inverse clast stratigraphy is observed; the oldest boulder beds contain sandstone clasts of Upper Old Red Sandstone (ORS) with younger debris flows containing clasts of Middle ORS calcareous siltstone. A marked change from siliciclastic to carbonate dominated sedimentation occurred during the Early Tithonian, interpreted primarily as a result of change in lithologies in the footwall catchment from sandstone to calcareous siltstone, which reduced supply of siliciclastic sediment. Secondary factors are identified as increased aridity in the Early Tithonian, which reduced sand supply from the hinterland and a third‐order Early Tithonian eustatic sea‐level rise, which trapped coarser clastic sediment within the hinterland. Biostratigraphy allows calculation of variations in sedimentation rates with recognition of: (1) an early rift phase characterised by sandy turbidite deposition, when sedimentation rates averaged 0.08 m/ky, (2) a rift climax phase from the Early Kimmeridgian where sedimentation rates increased steadily to a maximum of 0.64 m/ky in the Early Tithonian, with strata dominated by boulder scale clast‐supported debris flows and (3) a late stage of rifting from the mid Tithonian, where sedimentation rates decreased to 0.07 m/ky. Overall sedimentation rates are comparable to those of other deep marine rift basins. Unroofing a resistant lithology on the footwall of a rift has important implications for siliciclastic sediment supply in rift basins.  相似文献   

In arid mountain areas, the dating and correlation of alluvial depositional surfaces is often uncertain. Especially in regions where the geomorphology is not well known, surface modification by the development of soil and desert pavement may allow the correlation of geomorphic surfaces and estimation of at least their relative ages. Pleistocene wadi terraces and associated alluvial fans occur in Wadi Al-Bih, U.A.E. and Oman, for which correlations and age relationships are not known. Three age-related groups of fans and terraces have been identified and mapped on the basis of their morphostratigraphic relationships. Deposition of the oldest terrace sediments and associated fans followed a long period of sustained incision after Miocene uplift of the region. The younger two groups of terraces and fans are inset within the older group. To identify the gross effects of pavement development, comparisons have been made between terrace surface and subsurface particle-size distributions. The older terraces have finer surface sediments and a greater contrast between finer surface and subsurface sediments than the younger terraces. This reflects the degree of pavement development. Particle size on the fan surfaces is comparable with that on the equivalent terrace surfaces. Criteria for the classification of pavements were developed based on clast fracturing and angularity, size, sorting, packing, and surface texture, from which a simple index of pavement development has been derived. Other properties, rock varnish and weathering characteristics, were also recorded; but these proved to be less discriminatory than pavement characteristics. The pavement data have been augmented by observations on soils. Detailed studies of pavements on terraces (8 sites, 12 samples covering the three age groups) and fans (5 sites, 10 samples covering the three age groups) allow differentiation between age-groups. The three terraces show three different age-related pavement types, expressed by differences in the pavement development index. Weakly-developed pavements (little fracturing, sub-rounded clasts, some modification of the depositional fabric, incipient soil development, stage I CaCO3 accumulation) occur on the youngest terrace and fan surfaces. Moderately-developed pavements (clast fracturing, sub-angular clasts, moderate sorting and packing, deeper soil development, stage II CaCO3 accumulation) occur on the middle terrace and fan surfaces. Well-developed pavements (complete clast fracturing into small angular fragments, mature sorting and packing of the pavement surface, deep soil development with strong horizonation, stage III CaCO3 accumulation) occur on the highest terrace and oldest fan surfaces. There are minor differences between the youngest pavements on terraces and fans, which reflect initial sedimentological differences. These differences become less as the pavements develop. On the basis of comparative studies, the oldest terrace is estimated to date from sometime prior to ca. 100 ka BP, the second terrace and the most extensive fan surface from the Late Pleistocene, and the youngest terrace and fan phase from the Latest Pleistocene or Early Holocene.  相似文献   

To provide guides for exploration of porphyry copper mineralization at a district scale, we examine the spatial association between known porphyry copper deposits and geologic features in Benguet, Philippines. The spatial associations between the porphyry copper deposits and strike-slip fault discontinuities, batholithic pluton margins and porphyry plutons are quantified using weights of evidence modeling. In the training and testing district, the porphyry copper occurrences are associated spatially with strike-slip fault discontinuities, batholithic pluton margins and contacts of porphyry plutons within distances of 3 km, 2.25 km, and 1 km, respectively. In addition, the porphyry plutons are associated spatially with strike-slip fault discontinuities and contacts of batholithic plutons within a distance of 2.25 km and 3 km, respectively. Based on these significant spatial associations, predictive maps are generated to delineate zones favorable for porphyry copper mineralization and zones favorable for emplacement of porphyry plutons in Benguet province, Philippines. Validations of the predictive models demonstrate their efficacy in pointing to zones for subsequent follow-up exploration work.  相似文献   

A geomorphological and sedimentological case study is made of the Sprongdøla, a medium-sized river flowing in a predominantly bedrock channel in the mountains of southern Norway. Particular attention is given to bed material characteristics and potential sediment sources. Downstream patterns in clast size and shape, including sphericity and roundness, are poorly developed in the Sprongdøla. There is an apparent absence of down-stream fining and a large proportion of bedload in the lower channel remains in very angular and angular roundness categories. Covariance analysis of clast shape and roundness allows this to be attributed to the widespread input of coarse, angular rock particles derived from snow-avalanche activity on the valley sides and especially from frost-shattering of bedrock in the channel, which produces characteristically slabby clasts. The latter process is important in channel widening and in steepening the channel walls. Strictly fluvial processes, avalanche activity and frost-shattering are controlled in different ways by related annual environmental cycles. Their interaction in the context of the periglacial river channel produces a unique process-sediment-landform association that distinguishes alpine periglacio-fluvial systems from those associated with glacio-fluvial rivers and fluvial landscapes in the temperate zone.  相似文献   

Gravel clast size dimensions have been determined in the Rakaia, Ashburton, and Rangitata rivers by measuring 100 clasts at representative sample locations along each river. In all rivers, gravel size decreases and sorting improves downstream for mean, D50, and D90 fractions of the bed material. Clast size entering the sea is similar in all rivers (30–40 mm b‐axis dimension), despite large variations in transport distance, input size of clasts at their gorges, and discharge. The greatest size reduction occurs in the Rangitata River which has the shortest transport distance and steepest gradient. Rates of downstream clast size reduction are greater than would be assumed from Sternberg's Law, suggesting that additional factors, other than physical abrasion, such as sorting and selective entrainment operate.  相似文献   

Previous studies of clast macrofabrics in glacigenic deposits have concentrated on A‐axis orientations and dips, and a variety of control samples are available based upon such measurements. Like clast A‐axes, A/B planes will also tend to rotate to parallelism with the direction of shear and therefore should also provide meaningful data on the direction and cumulative impact of shear by the depositing/deforming medium (i.e. glacier ice). The measurement of A/B plane dip and orientation avoids the potential problem of the transverse orientations observed for clast A‐axes and provides poles‐to‐plane data, thereby strengthening the modality of samples and providing clear visual impressions of stress directions. Such data also enable more significant inter‐sample comparisons of fabric strength and clast dip angles, which are significant when assessing the impact of shearing in sediment genesis. We present data on clast A/B plane dip directions and angles from subglacial tills, glacitectonite continuums, subglacially lodged clasts and glacimarine/glacilacustrine deposits using traditional methods of statistical and graphical macrofabric analysis. These sample sets will serve as control data for future macrofabric analyses that utilize A/B planes. The separation of the unequivocally lodged clast component from subglacial till samples allows us to demonstrate the influence of deformation and ploughing in the relative weakening of till fabrics as proposed by some researchers. High angles of A/B plane dip in glacigenic subaqueous deposits appear to be well developed in the glacilacustrine setting investigated here, confirming previous studies based on A‐axis dips, but less convincing in the glacimarine sediments of the Canadian Arctic, thereby widening the range of fabric strengths in subaqueous glacigenic deposits. Significant overlaps of A/B plane fabric shape envelopes reflect the strain history of subglacial and subaqueous depositional environments, which is unsurprising given the hybrid nature of glacigenic deposits, but the statistical isolation of the lodgement component from subglacial traction tills strongly suggests that the continuum of sample plots on modality/isotropy graphs reflects the range of strain histories in glacitectonites and subglacial traction till.  相似文献   

Gravel deposits on fluvial terraces contain a wealth of information about the paleofluvial system. In this study, flow direction and provenance were determined by systematic counts of more than 2000 clasts of imbricated gravel deposits in the Xining Region, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. These gravel deposits range in age from the modern Huangshui riverbed to Miocene-aged deposits overlain by eolian sediments. Our major objectives were not only to collect first-hand field data on the fluvial gravel sediments of the Xining Region, but also to the reconstruct the evolution of the fluvial system. These data may offer valuable information about uplift of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the late Cenozoic era. Reconstructed flow directions of the higher and lower gravel deposits imply that the river underwent a flow reversal of approximately 130–180°. In addition, the lithological compositions in the higher gravel deposits differ significantly from the lower terraces, suggesting that the source areas changed at the same time. Eolian stratigraphy overlying the gravel deposits and paleomagnetic age determination indicate that this change occurred sometime between 1.55 Ma and 1.2 Ma. We suggest that tectonic activity could explain the dramatic changes in flow direction and lithological composition during this time period. Therefore, this study provides a new scenario of fluvial response to tectonic uplift: a reversal of flow direction. In addition, field observation and statistical analyses reveal a strong relationship between rock type, size and roundness of clasts.  相似文献   

Located on the southern margin of the Lhasa terrane in southern Tibet, the Xigaze forearc basin records Cretaceous to lower Eocene sedimentation along the southern margin of Asia, prior to and during the initial stages of continental collision with the Tethyan Himalaya in the Early Eocene. We present new measured stratigraphic sections, totalling 4.5 km stratigraphic thickness, from a 60 km E–W segment of the western portion of the Xigaze forearc basin, northeast of the Lopu Kangri Range (29.8007° N, 84.91827° E). In addition, we apply U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology to constrain the provenance and maximum depositional ages of investigated strata. Stratigraphic ages range between ca. 88 and ca. 54 Ma and sedimentary facies indicate a shoaling‐upward trend from deep‐marine turbidites to fluvial deposits. Depositional environments of coeval Cretaceous strata along strike include deep‐marine distal turbidites, slope‐apron debris‐flow deposits and marginal marine carbonates. This along‐strike variability in facies suggests an irregular paleogeography of the Asian margin prior to collision. Paleocene–Eocene strata are composed of shallow marine carbonates with abundant foraminifera such as Nummulites‐Discocyclina and Miscellanea‐Daviesina and transition into fluvial deposits dated at ca. 54 Ma. Sandstone modal analyses, conglomerate clast compositions and detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology indicate that forearc detritus in this region was derived solely from the Gangdese magmatic arc to the north. In addition, U–Pb detrital zircon age spectra within the upper Xigaze forearc stratigraphy are similar to those from Eocene foreland basin strata south of the Indus‐Yarlung suture near Sangdanlin, suggesting that the Xigaze forearc was a possible source of Sangdanlin detritus by ca. 55 Ma. We propose a model in which the Xigaze forearc prograded south over the accretionary prism and onto the advancing Tethyan Himalayan passive margin between 58 and 54 Ma, during late stage evolution of the forearc basin and the beginning of collision with the Tethyan Himalaya. The lack of documented forearc strata younger than ca. 51 Ma suggests that sedimentation in the forearc basin ceased at this time owing to uplift resulting from continued continental collision.  相似文献   

The details of how narrow, orogen‐parallel ocean basins are filled with sediment by large axial submarine channels is important to understand because these depositional systems commonly form in through‐like basins in various tectonic settings. The Magallanes foreland basin is an excellent location to study an orogen‐parallel deep‐marine system. Conglomerate lenses of the Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation have been previously interpreted to represent the fill of a single submarine channel (4–8 km wide, >100 km long) that funneled coarse detritus southward along the basin axis. This interpretation was based on lithologic correlations. New U/Pb dating of zircons from volcanic ashes and sandstones, coupled with strontium isotope stratigraphy, refine the controls on depositional ages and provenance. Results demonstrate that north‐south oriented conglomerate lenses are contemporaneous within error limits (ca. 84–82 Ma) supporting that they represent parts of an axial channel belt. Channel deposits 20 km west of the axial location are 87–82 Ma in age. These channels are partly contemporaneous with the ones within the axial channel belt, making it likely that they represent feeders to the axial channel system. The northern Cerro Toro Formation spans a Turonian to Campanian interval (ca. 90–82 Ma) whereas the formation top, 70 km to the south, is as young as ca. 76 Ma. Kolmogorov–Smirnoff statistical analysis on detrital zircon age distributions shows that the northern uppermost Cerro Toro Formation yields a statistically different age distribution than other samples from the same formation but shows no difference relative to the overlying Tres Pasos Formation. These results suggest the partly coeval deposition of both formations. Integration of previously acquired geochronologic and stratigraphic data with new data show a pronounced southward younging pattern in all four marine formations in the Magallanes Basin. Highly diachronous infilling may be an important depositional pattern for narrow, orogen‐parallel ocean basins.  相似文献   

Investigations into processes of valley formation on the Colorado Plateau have confirmed the important role of sapping in the Navajo Sandstone. The sapping process produces drainage systems that differ uniquely from fluvially eroded networks in their valley morphology, network pattern, spatial evolution, and degree of structural, lithologic, and stratigraphic control. The Navajo Sandstone is a highly transmissive aquifer. Sapping results from groundwater emergence above a permeability boundary formed by the underlying Kayenta Formation. This discharge undercuts cliff faces, and causes massive slab failures and vertical cliff recession. The principal agent for the physical weakening of the Navajo Sandstone at a site of seepage appears to be the mechanical separation of sand grains by the deposition of calcite from saturated waters.

The control of porosity and permeability by textural and mineralogical features in the Navajo Sandstone and Kayenta Formation was studied using reflected light and cathodoluminescence examination of epoxy-impregnated, polished sections, and a scanning electron microscope study of unimpregnated, unpolished rock chips. The most significant diagenetic factor in porosity reduction in the Kayenta Formation is the abundance of clay filling the pores. Other factors incude the development of quartz overgrowths and extensive carbonate deposition.  相似文献   

陡坡钼矿床是一新发现的中型钼矿床,该矿床赋存于早白垩世灵山超单元岩体与围岩的接触带内侧,矿化类型主要为细脉浸染状。矿床中金属矿物主要为黄铜矿、辉钼矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、黄铁矿、磁铁矿、赤铁矿,次为磁黄铁矿、斑铜矿等。灵山超单元花岗岩岩石类型属高硅富碱钙碱性(偏碱性)系列,SiO2含量72~77%,K2O+Na2O总量大于7.9%,K2O/Na2O大于1。矿床的围岩蚀变叠加组合主要为硅化——钾长石化——黄铁矿化组合、硅化——绿泥石化——黄铁矿化组合。该矿床属中高温热液斑岩型钼矿床,结合岩浆岩特征,成矿作用于与岩体关系密切,并可能受幔源岩浆混合作用的影响。  相似文献   

龙虎山地处江西省东北部鹰潭市境内,据鹰潭市区10 km,是以丹霞地貌景观为特色的世界地质公园.龙虎山丹霞地貌主要以砂岩、砾岩、泥岩等岩层组成,岩壁陡峭,节理错综,发育众多外形奇特,有突出的旅游观光及美学欣赏价值的不稳定岩体,即危岩景观.龙虎山危岩景观经历了漫长的地质演变过程,是多因素耦合作用的结果,其主要影响因素有地形地貌、地层岩性、构造应力及水文地质条件以及雕蚀作用(包括流水侵蚀溶蚀、温度差异风化、微观化学风化等),其中雕蚀作用是危岩景观形成的核心要素.危岩景观保护须符合不破坏性、相近性、可逆性、无干扰性及如旧性五大原则.在分析现有危岩防治技术及危岩景观特殊性的基础上,提出吊索法保护危岩景观,即由绳索、钢索等能提供一定向上拉力,使危岩体达到要求的稳定系数的一种方法.吊索法具有适用范围广,理论计算简单,能较好提高稳定系数,施工方便,后续维修方便和易监测等诸多优点,适用于各类岩质景观的保护.  相似文献   

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