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本课题的研究目的是利用R(红)-l(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的近红外光学对应体。本文是一组文章的第二篇。在天坛天区发现了225个红外超天体,并证认出其中27个为IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

本课题的研究目的是利用R(红)—I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源(文[1])的近红外光学对应体,本文是一组文章的第三篇,在船底天区发现了89个红外超天体,并证认出其中12个是IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

本课题的研究目的是利用R(红)—I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的近红外光学对应体。  相似文献   

利用R(红)-I(近红外)两色照相测光方法,搜寻银道带天区的红外超天体,并证认IRAS点源的红外超对应体。本文是一组系列文章的第四篇。在矩尺天区发现了195个红外超天体,并证认出其中22个是IRAS点源的对应体。  相似文献   

We present new observations of seven late-type stars previously discovered in the First Byurakan Survey (FBS). These observations prove that they belong to the family of carbon (C) stars. Seventy-nine similar FBS C stars were previously known. The seven objects under analysis were presented in the FBS lists as M or C star candidates. Among the seven objects, six objects are confirmed by low-resolution spectra of the Hamburg Quasar Objective-Prism Survey. We also present for five of them moderate-resolution spectra obtained at optical wavelengths with a spectrograph equipped with a CCD detector. Three objects can be classified as N-type C stars. One object is an early CH-type C star. Most likely, the star FBS 1339+117 belongs to the group of carbon dwarfs. We estimate distances of these seven new C stars either by using their red-band magnitudes, or by using their near-infrared 2MASS J-KS color and KS-band magnitudes. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 255–265 (May 2008).  相似文献   

In Paper I we compared the surface density of QSOs in the Bright Quasar Survey (BQS) and in the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) and concluded that the completeness of the BQS is of the order of 70% rather than 30-50% as suggested by several authors. A number of new observations recently became available, allowing a reevaluation of this completeness. We now obtain a surface density of QSOs brighter than B = 16.16 in a subarea of the FBS covering 2250 deg2, equal to 0.012 deg-2 (26 QSOs), implying a completeness of 53 ± 10%.  相似文献   

Results from a study of objects with continuum spectra sampled by the Second Byurakan Sky Survey are presented. Spectra of the brightest objects were obtained with the 2.6 m telescope at the Byurakan Observatory. Cross correlations are made with catalogs of infrared, radio, and x-ray sources.  相似文献   

研究近地小天体的探测机会搜索问题.针对交会型探测任务,通过结合变分理论和状态转移矩阵推导了性能指标关于可调参数的解析偏导数,然后在搜索空间中随机生成初始点,并从这些初始点出发利用解析偏导数寻优,从而得到搜索空间内对应潜在发射机会的全部局部极小值点.此方法既在一定程度上保持了传统搜索方法全局搜索的特点,又克服了传统搜索方法的盲目性,因此计算速度获得很大提高.此外该方法可以对探测机会的搜索精度进行有效地控制.  相似文献   

研究近地小天体的探测机会搜索问题.针对交会型探测任务,通过结合变分理论和状态转移矩阵推导了性能指标关于可调参数的解析偏导数,然后在搜索空间中随机生成初始点,并从这些初始点出发利用解析偏导数寻优,从而得到搜索空间内对应潜在发射机会的全部局部极小值点.此方法既在一定程度上保持了传统搜索方法全局搜索的特点,又克服了传统搜索方法的盲目性,因此计算速度获得很大提高.此外该方法可以对探测机会的搜索精度进行有效地控制.  相似文献   

We propose a new formal definition of discovery for a Solar System object. It is based on an objective and mathematically rigorous algorithm to assess when a set of observations is enough to constitute a discovery. When this definition is satisfied, in almost all cases the orbit is defined well enough to establish the nature of the object discovered (Main Belt vs. Near Earth Asteroid, Trans-Neptunian vs. long period comet). The frequency of occurrence of exceptions is estimated by a set of numerical experiments. The availability of a non-subjective definition of discovery allows some rules to be adopted for the assignment of discovery credit with a minimum risk of dispute. Such rules should be fair, encourage good practice by the observers and acknowledge the contribution of the orbit computers providing the identifications and the orbits, as well as the one of all the contributing observers.  相似文献   

The problem of search of opportunity for the exploration of near-earth minor objects is investigated. For rendezvous missions, the analytical gradients of the performance index with respect to the free parameters are derived using the variational calculus and the theory of state-transition matrix. After generating randomly some initial guesses in the search space, the performance index is optimized, guided by the analytical gradients, leading to the local minimum points representing the potential launch opportunities. This method not only keeps the global-search property of the traditional method, but also avoids the blindness in the latter, thereby increasing greatly the computing speed. Furthermore, with this method, the searching precision could be controlled effectively.  相似文献   

A sample of ultraviolet excess objects in a 12.56 square degree field near α = 9h40m, δ = +50° (5C1-radio survey) is presented. In addition to starlike or and nearly starlike objects a sample of more diffuse ones is listed, presumably containing many Markarjan-type galaxies. UBV-photometry and first spectroscopic results are communicated; the number magnitude relation and the projected number-density of the objects are shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Spectral observations of 10 FBS blue stellar objects (BSO) with the OHP 1.93-m and BAO 2.6.m telescopes are reported, and overall progress in all the spectral observations and classifications of FBS BSO over 1987–2000 and in the classification of these objects based on all the accessible sources-- in all, 753 out of 1103 objects-- is discussed. Representative slit spectra for the major types of objects are presented and compared with digitized low dispersion spectra from the DFBS. The nature of the FBS objects is examined in terms of advances in the spectral studies. Two-color diagrams are constructed from the SDSS data and are used to find the regions occupied by the various types for further identification of objects of unknown type. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 85–97 (February 2009).  相似文献   

Slitless spectroscopy is used to discover 22 emission stars in the central and northwest regions of the cluster located in the NGC 7129 nebula. 16 of them are found for the first time. This sample is essentially complete up to V 20.0. The emission stars are distributed nonuniformly over the field of the cluster and are concentrated toward its center. Photometry in the V, R, and I bands is conducted on more than a hundred stars in the cluster. This yields an average absorption coefficient A V=1.7±0.27 for this region. Based on their positions in color diagrams for the optical and near IR ranges, most of the emission stars can be regarded as T Tau objects.  相似文献   

为了满足地球同步轨道(Geosynchronous Orbit,GEO)空间目标的探测要求,克服长时间曝光CCD像元出现饱和溢出的情况,提出使用多帧连续曝光图像叠加的方法,增加图像的存储范围,同时提升目标的信噪比,保证系统的探测能力.实验结果表明,利用10帧连续图像叠加的方法,可以有效消除像元饱和的情况,提升目标信噪比约3.2倍,提升探测能力近似2.5星等,且序列图像的底片常数精度可靠,用底片常数的均值计算目标位置,精度符合要求.结果验证了使用图像叠加方法探测GEO目标的可行性.  相似文献   

The spectral subtypes and luminosity classes are given for 15 comparatively faint M stars found on plates of the First Byurakan Spectroscopic Survey. Two of them are classified as M dwarfs. Most of the new M stars are probably Mirids.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 73–82, January–February, 1994.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study of PN towards the galactic centre we present the discovery of 24 new planetary nebulae found on the objective-prism spectra in three ESO fields (Table 1 - parameters of the survey, Tables 3 and 4 - new objects). The observations of those objects are listed in Table 5. Besides, we give the classification and the positions of known objects in this area (Table 2).  相似文献   

Preliminary data are presented on seven “special” objects found in low-dispersion spectral plates of the FBS survey. The first object, FBS 0250+167, is found to be a class M7 dwarf with a high proper motion (∼5.130 arcsec/year) lying about 3 pc from the sun. Three of the objects, with spectra of classes M8–M9, are suspected of being long-period Mirids with large mass losses and surrounded by dense clouds. The three remaining objects have very short low-dispersion spectra on the FBS survey plates (clearly they are non stellar objects) and are of interest for later detailed study. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 73–85 (February 2007).  相似文献   

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