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李敏  刘洋 《物探与化探》2012,36(6):934-940
笔者给出了一种能够模拟弹性波在任意各向异性介质中传播的二维三分量高阶有限差分算法.相对于常规交错网格有限差分方法,旋转交错网格有限差分方法在介质具有强差异性时能更精确地模拟地震波的传播,避免常规交错网格中因对弹性系数进行插值而带来的误差.采用高阶旋转交错网格有限差分方法模拟并分析了零偏移距横波分裂现象随裂缝介质方位角和倾角变化的响应特征.结果表明:结合完全匹配层(PML)吸收边界条件的高阶旋转交错网格有限差分方法能获得高精度的地震波场模拟数据,并且在边界具有良好的吸收效果;横波分裂现象主要受裂缝走向与波的极化方向之间的夹角影响,受裂缝倾角影响较小,且快慢横波的能量也跟裂缝走向与波极化方向间的夹角有关.具有倾斜对称轴的横向各向同性(TTI)介质倾角的变化可能会导致记录中波到达时的变化,影响快慢横波的时差.利用横波分裂的能量分布和方位各向异性特征,可以帮助检测裂缝的方位角和倾角.横波在多层TTI介质中传播时会发生多次分裂的现象.  相似文献   

非均匀介质中交错网格高阶有限差分数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地震波场的数值模拟一直是地球物理学的一个重要的研究领域,而在数值正演模拟方法的研究中,计算精度和计算效率是评价该方法有效性及优越性的二个关键问题。这里从一阶速度—应力弹性波动方程出发,着重介绍如何构造离散化模型的网格,如何求解空间导数,如何选取边界条件等内容,从而更有效地提高数值计算的精度与计算效率。文中构造了不同类型的介质模型,并在交错网格中,利用高阶有限差分模拟非均匀介质的波场传播。模拟结果表明,该方法实现简单,具有很好地稳定性和较高的精度,能够直观、高效地反映出介质中波场的传播规律。  相似文献   

应用双相介质波动方程,推导了双相横向各向同性介质(TI)中波动方程的有限差分格式,对双相TI介质中弹性波有限差分数值进行了模拟.结果表明,弹性波在双相TI介质中传播时,除了存在常规的快纵波(qP1)和横波以外,还存在慢纵波( qP2).并且慢纵波的速度明显小于快纵波,而且受耗散系数的影响衰减地很快,所以在实际中很难观测到慢纵波.快纵波在固相和流相中相位相同,而慢纵波在固相和流相中的相位相反.慢纵波在流相中振幅大,而在固相中的振幅较小.  相似文献   

将真空法和旋转交错网格相结合,实现了地下空洞高阶旋转交错网格波场数值模拟,克服了旋转交错网格在模拟自由边界条件时只在空间二阶差分时稳定的不足。通过和已有普通交错网格下改进的真空法对比,验证了该方法的正确性和稳定性。为了减弱模型人工边界产生的反射,采用了吸收效果较好的完全匹配层技术。模拟了不同模型参数组合情况下的地震波传播以及地震波与地下空洞的相互作用,通过对比不同参数组合的地震记录和波场快照,以及包含空洞和不含空洞地震记录和波场快照,分析了地震波在地下存在空洞时的传播特征以及震源子波频率、地下空洞大小和埋深对地表地震记录的影响。  相似文献   

应用高阶交错网格有限差分算法,并加入吸收边界条件和衰减带,对弹性波方程进行模拟,分析了其稳定性和收敛性。通过对各向同性和各向异性介质模型的模拟表明,高阶差分波动方程模拟的网格频散较小、精度较高、效果较好,可为地震勘探及其资料解译提供技术手段。  相似文献   

用有限差分(FD)时间域数值方法,我们开发、试验和实施了二维介质中数字探地雷达(GPR)波动传播的模拟。由于现有GPR仪器的操作频率的缘故,我们考虑了TE波的一阶效应,与频率有关的衰减以说明记录响应的重要变化。交错网格技术用于使场简单化以及用四阶有限差分逼近空间导数。时间导数用二阶有限差分时间-推进系统来显示。通过结合单程波动的旁轴近似(A2)和阻尼手段(海绵滤波),我们得到了能有效吸收向内及向外  相似文献   

井间地震正演模拟技术是研究地震波在井间传播规律的重要手段之一,可以帮助认识井间地震的复杂波场.从二维井间地震波传播波动方程出发,结合初始、边界条件,推导出了交错网格任意偶阶精度差分格式,阐述了非均匀差分网格的实现方法.在此基础上,编制了跨孔波场交错网格有限差分正演程序,并应用该程序对半空间粘弹性跨孔模型进行了正演计算,得到了震源在不同位置时的波场快照及地震记录图.这对于跨孔模型波传播规律的研究,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

双相介质瑞雷面波有限差分正演模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究双相介质瑞雷面波的形成机制及传播规律,促进瑞雷面波资料处理方法的发展。文章根据弹性波动方程,采用交错网格有限差分算法,对二维各向同性弹性介质做解析解与数值解的对比,在此基础上,将PML吸收边界条件,改进的镜像法应用于双相介质波动方程中,并作了稳定性分析,对双相介质水平层状、起伏分界面等典型模型瑞雷面波及体波在内的全波场进行研究。结果表明:基于弹性介质解析解与数值解的对比,在误差接受范围内,研究双相介质是可行的;把稍作改进的镜像法应用于双相介质中,能够有效地处理瑞雷面波自由边界问题;通过详细分析双相介质瑞雷面波及体波在内的全波场的信息,对以双相介质为基础的地震波勘探有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

交错网格波场数值模拟是目前地震正演中广泛使用的方法,为对比分析不同阶数的差分格式下产生的计算效率和精度差异,重新推导了弹性波方程的4种时间4阶、空间2N阶的差分公式及系数,并计算了他们的稳定性条件。利用这4种差分格式进行弹性波场数值模拟,对比分析了波场快照、合成地震记录及CPU时间。结果表明:时间4阶、空间6+6阶精度的交错网格有限差分方法在进行地震波场数值模拟时具有较高的计算精度和计算效率。  相似文献   

李红星  刘财  陶春辉 《世界地质》2007,26(4):501-508
从BISQ模型弹性波的本构方程和运动方程出发,推导出了基于BISQ模型的各向同性孔隙介质弹性波三维高阶交错网格有限差分算法,进行了数值模拟,在低频下能看到明显的快纵波、快横波和微弱慢纵波,在高频情况下可以看到明显的快纵波、快横波、慢纵波和慢横波。在三维情况下对比了xoz、xoy、yoz平面内的波场切片,并对平行xoz平面,不同y值处的波场切片进行了对比,结果证明三维数值模拟可以从不同角度更好地反映波场的传播特性。  相似文献   

为了得到 TTI 介质中传播的纯纵波和纯横波波场,采用旋转交错网格高阶有限差分法对 TTI 介质中传播的地震波场进行了数值模拟,并利用 qP 波、qSV 波、SH 波的极化方向相互垂直的特性,来实现 qP 波、qSV 波、SH 波的分解。通过对均匀介质模型和复杂层状介质模型分解前后波场快照和地震记录的对比,验证了本文方法的正确性。  相似文献   

The representer method is applied to a one-dimensional two-phase flow model in porous media; capillary pressure and gravity are neglected. The Euler–Lagrange equations must be linearized, and one such linearization is presented here. The representer method is applied to the linear system iteratively until convergence, though a rigorous proof of convergence is out of reach. The linearization chosen is easy to calculate but does not converge for certain weights; however, a simple damping restores convergence at the cost of extra iterations. Numerical experiments are performed that illustrate the method, and quick comparison to the ensemble Kalman smoother is made. This research was supported by NSF grant EIA-0121523.  相似文献   

相对渗透率和饱和度定量关系是多孔介质多相流动系统中重要的动力学参数关系。使用设计的试验装置及试验方法测定了一维砂柱中油水两相动态流动系统的相对渗透率及饱和度数据,由试验结果分析表明:所测得的相对渗透率与实际情况吻合较好;细砂的强亲水性对不同先湿条件下的油、水相相对渗透率及饱和度有较大影响,并造成了不同先湿条件下流体间驱替机制的差异;相饱和度是影响相对渗透率的主要因素,孔隙空间中两种流体的分布方式和流体的饱和历史也影响各相相对渗透率。对试验结果用VGM模型(Parker-Lenhard模型)进行拟合所得结果较好;在水先湿条件下,将van公式拟合毛细压力-饱和度数据所得拟合参数用于VGM模型预测相对渗透率-饱和度曲线,所得结果与VGM模型直接拟合所得结果有差异,但两者所得结果均较好。  相似文献   

Reservoir simulation models are frequently used to make decisions on well locations, recovery optimization strategies, etc. The success of these applications is, among other aspects, determined by the controllability and observability properties of the reservoir model. In this paper, it is shown how the controllability and observability of two-phase flow reservoir models can be analyzed and quantified with aid of generalized empirical Gramians. The empirical controllability Gramian can be interpreted as a spatial covariance of the states (pressures or saturations) in the reservoir resulting from input perturbations in the wells. The empirical observability Gramian can be interpreted as a spatial covariance of the measured bottom-hole pressures or well bore flow rates resulting from state perturbations. Based on examples in the form of simple homogeneous and heterogeneous reservoir models, we conclude that the position of the wells and of the front between reservoir fluids, and to a lesser extent the position and shape of permeability heterogeneities that impact the front, are the most important factors that determine the local controllability and observability properties of the reservoir.  相似文献   

多孔介质两相系统毛细压力与饱和度关系试验研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
两相系统毛细压力-饱和度(h~S)关系曲线的确定是多孔介质多相流动研究的基础。采用简易试验装置对理想和实际介质中水-气和油-水两相系统中的h~S关系曲线进行了测定。试验结果表明,对于相同两相系统,多孔介质孔隙度愈小,同一毛细压力对应的饱和度相应愈大;对于不同两相系统,理想介质的关系曲线在一定毛细压力以下平缓,较大毛细压力时陡直,实际介质关系曲线走势相对较陡。分析结果表明,水-气和油-水两相系统的实测数据符合Parker等提出的基于van Genuchten(1980)关系式的折算理论;应用折算理论,可以在同一多孔介质某一两相系统h~S关系已知的情况下较好地估计同一孔隙度条件下其它两相系统的h~S关系曲线。  相似文献   

Advances in pore-scale imaging (e.g., μ-CT scanning), increasing availability of computational resources, and recent developments in numerical algorithms have started rendering direct pore-scale numerical simulations of multi-phase flow on pore structures feasible. Quasi-static methods, where the viscous and the capillary limit are iterated sequentially, fall short in rigorously capturing crucial flow phenomena at the pore scale. Direct simulation techniques are needed that account for the full coupling between capillary and viscous flow phenomena. Consequently, there is a strong demand for robust and effective numerical methods that can deliver high-accuracy, high-resolution solutions of pore-scale flow in a computationally efficient manner. Direct simulations of pore-scale flow on imaged volumes can yield important insights about physical phenomena taking place during multi-phase, multi-component displacements. Such simulations can be utilized for optimizing various enhanced oil recovery (EOR) schemes and permit the computation of effective properties for Darcy-scale multi-phase flows.We implement a phase-field model for the direct pore-scale simulation of incompressible flow of two immiscible fluids. The model naturally lends itself to the transport of fluids with large density and viscosity ratios. In the phase-field approach, the fluid-phase interfaces are expressed in terms of thin transition regions, the so-called diffuse interfaces, for increased computational efficiency. The conservation law of mass for binary mixtures leads to the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation and the condition that the velocity field is divergence free. Momentum balance, on the other hand, leads to the Navier–Stokes equations for Newtonian fluids modified for two-phase flow and coupled to the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation. Unlike the volume of fluid (VoF) and level-set methods, which rely on regularization techniques to describe the phase interfaces, the phase-field method facilitates a thermodynamic treatment of the phase interfaces, rendering it more physically consistent for the direct simulations of two-phase pore-scale flow. A novel geometric wetting (wall) boundary condition is implemented as part of the phase-field method for the simulation of two-fluid flows with moving contact lines. The geometric boundary condition accurately replicates the prescribed equilibrium contact angle and is extended to account for dynamic (non-equilibrium) effects. The coupled advective Cahn–Hilliard and modified Navier–Stokes (phase-field) system is solved by using a robust and accurate semi-implicit finite volume method. An extension of the momentum balance equations is also implemented for Herschel–Bulkley (non-Newtonian) fluids. Non-equilibrium-induced two-phase flow problems and dynamic two-phase flows in simple two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) geometries are investigated to validate the model and its numerical implementation. Quantitative comparisons are made for cases with analytical solutions. Two-phase flow in an idealized 2-D pore-scale conduit is simulated to demonstrate the viability of the proposed direct numerical simulation approach.  相似文献   

When neglecting capillarity, two-phase incompressible flow in porous media is modelled as a scalar nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law. A change in the rock type results in a change of the flux function. Discretising in one dimension with a finite volume method, we investigate two numerical fluxes, an extension of the Godunov flux and the upstream mobility flux, the latter being widely used in hydrogeology and petroleum engineering. Then, in the case of a changing rock type, one can give examples when the upstream mobility flux does not give the right answer.  相似文献   

Modelling and numerical simulation of two-phase debris flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gravity-driven geophysical mass flows often consist of fluid–sediment mixtures. The contemporary presence of a fluid and a granular phase determines a complicated fluid-like and solid-like behaviour. The present paper adopts the mixture theory to incorporate the two phases and describe their respective movements. For the granular phase, a Mohr–Coulomb plasticity is employed to describe the relationship between normal and shear stresses, while for the fluid phase, the viscous Newtonian fluid is taken into account. At the basal topography, a Coulomb sliding condition for the solid phase and a Navier’s sliding condition for the fluid phase are satisfied, while the top free surface is traction-free for both the phases. For the interactive forces between the phases, the buoyancy force and viscous drag force are included. The established governing equations are expressed in a curvilinear coordinate system embedded in a curvilinear reference basal surface, above which an arbitrary shallow basal topography is permitted. Taking into account the typical length characteristics of such geophysical mass flows, the “thin-layer” approximation is assumed, so that a depth integration can be performed to simplify the governing equations. The resulting strongly nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) are first simplified and then analysed for a steady state in a travelling coordinate system. We find the current model can reproduce the characteristic shape of some flow fronts. Additionally, a stability analysis for steady uniform flows is performed to demonstrate the development of roll waves that means instabilities grow up and become clearly distinguishable waves. Furthermore, we numerically solve the resulting PDEs to investigate general unsteady flows down a curved surface by means of a high-resolution non-oscillatory central difference scheme with the total variation diminishing property. The dynamic behaviours of the granular and fluid phases, especially, the effects of the drag force and the fluid bed friction are discussed. These investigations can enhance the understanding of physics behind natural debris flows.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in conceptualized fractures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two-phase flow in fractured rock is an important phenomenon related to a range of practical problems, including non-aqueous phase liquid contamination of groundwater. Although fractured rocks consist of fracture networks, the study of two-phase flow in a single fracture is a pre-requisite. This paper presents a conceptual and numerical model of two-phase flow in a variable fracture. The void space of the fracture is conceptualized as a system of independent channels with position-dependent apertures. Fundamental equations, governing two-phase displacement in each channel, are derived to represent the interface positions and fractional flows in the fracture. For lognormal aperture distributions, simple approximations to fractional flows are obtained in analytical form by assuming void occupancy based on a local capillary allowability criterion. The model is verified by analytical solutions including two-phase flow in a parallel-plate fracture, and used to study the impacts of aperture variation, mobility ratio and fracture orientation on properties of two-phase flow. Illustrative examples indicate that aperture variation may control the distribution of wetting and non-wetting fluids within the fracture plane and hence the ability of the fracture to transmit these fluids. The presence of wetting fluid does little to hinder non-wetting fluid flow in fractures with large aperture variations, whereas a small volume of non-wetting fluid present in the fracture can significantly reduce wetting fluid flow. Large mobility ratios and high fracture slope angles facilitates the migration of non-wetting fluid through fractures.  相似文献   

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