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从丹江口库区地震地质构造着手,总结公元前143年至公元2008年本底地震活动情况,分析在初期蓄水阶段水库诱发地震活动情况、强度及成因。讨论丹江口水库增容后,新增库水对库区的应力状态影响,探讨库区及周缘地区可能诱发水库地震的区域及强度。结果发现,丹江口库区中的汉库诱发地震可能性不大。而丹库可能诱发地震,其强度应在M≤5.0。主要诱发地震危险区仍在丹库宋湾—关防滩峡谷地形库段和林茂山—凉水河地区。  相似文献   

在对云南红河南沙水库库区主要诱震条件综合研究的基础上,通过对比相邻地区几个有类似条件的水库,并结合库区的有限元模拟试验和一般的统计结果,分析了该水库诱发地震的可能性、强度、时间、地点和影响。综合考虑,该水库诱发5.0级左右地震的可能性较大,危险库段主要是库首和库区中部,推测诱发最大地震的时间在蓄水之后的1~3年内。  相似文献   

统计预测模型对三峡库区诱发地震预测的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过实地考察并结合前人的研究成果,在地震地质背景研究的基础上,将长江三峡工程坝址至巫山库段划分为5个预测区共12个预测单元,选用8个诱震因素,运用统计预测模型预测了水库诱发地震的可能性及诱发地震震级。结果表明,库水蓄至最高水位,三峡工程坝址至巫山库段中多数预测单元诱发微震和不发生地震的概率值高,无震可能性较大。但九湾溪断层沿线、仙女山断层库段具备诱发3.0~4.5级或4.5~6.0级地震的可能;考虑到龙会观5.1级地震与高桥断裂的关系,预测结果显示高桥断裂沿线具有诱发强烈水库地震(≥6.0级)的可能性,其预测概率值为0.23  相似文献   

金沙江金安桥水库诱发地震危险性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈献程  杨清源 《地震地质》2004,26(4):784-794
金安桥水库区按地质构造、岩性、区域应力场、地震活动背景及水文地质条件,可分为3个库段。从坝址区到果世库段的岩性为玄武岩,主要断裂有三古断裂、楚夺洛断裂、树底断裂。在坝址到果世库段的树底和果世附近,果世至排卖当碳酸盐岩库段的瓦金坪、黄洋沟附近有发生5.0级地震的可能,震中烈度可达Ⅶ度。排卖当至库尾的碎屑岩库段不会发生水库诱发地震,其中碎屑岩中夹的碳酸盐岩段有发生3.0地震的可能性,烈度<Ⅵ度  相似文献   

从2009年3月起在长江三峡水库湖北段建立了26个地震台站组成的加密台网。2009年3—12月记录到2995次ML-0.8~2.9地震。利用双差定位软件重新确定了2837次地震的精确位置。结果显示:长江三峡水库库区小震震群分布图像呈线性分布或团块状丛集分布,团块状丛集一般在距离库水边5km范围内,地震线性分布可以延伸到距库水边16km远的地方;长江三峡水库湖北段地震主要集中分布在香溪河附近的仙女山断裂北端及九湾溪断裂、泄滩乡以西的长江两岸和巴东北岸神龙溪及附近地区,震源深度10km,平均在4km左右;库区地震活动频次与库水位升降过程正相关,说明属于水库诱发地震。巴东库区神龙溪两岸地震明显呈现出3条线性分布,通过对比该地区碳酸盐岩的分布特征,发现是由于水库蓄水后,库水从神龙溪两岸等地下暗河渗入而诱发地震的;而仙女山断裂过江段、九湾溪断裂和泄滩乡、沙镇溪镇西部地区等的地震可能与仙女山断裂带、牛口断裂或顺层解理等不连续结构面软化,导致岩体失稳而诱发了水库地震,但诱发机制仍需要进一步详细研究才能获得令人信服的结论。另外,在秭归县文化南和杨林、巴东县东壤口镇以东等地存在着煤矿开采引起的矿山诱发地震,在长江三峡库区两岸存在着一些塌陷地震。  相似文献   

通过野外地震地质调查并参考前人研究成果,分析三江口水库区的地质构造背景、地震活动性及水文地质条件等资料,对该水库诱发地震的可能性进行分析。构造类比法分析表明:蓄水后发生构造型水库诱发地震的可能性较小,但有可能发生岩溶塌陷型水库诱发地震。概率预测法分析表明:库首段(新滩子—狮狸弯)发震概率较小,仅为0.02;库中段(狮狸弯—牛鼻子)岩溶不太发育,诱震可能性较小,不发震的概率为0.96;库尾段(牛鼻子—峡马口)有可能诱发微震,发震(M3.0)概率为0.10。  相似文献   

根据2008年9月至2013年10月金沙江下游水库地震台网监测资料,分析了蓄水期间水库地震影响区的地震活动和震源机制。向家坝水库蓄水1年多,蓄水后库首区A、B段的地震活动频次和强度都维持在较低水平。蓄水期间地震活动显著增加,集中分布在库区C段,并不是蓄水初期地震活动就增加,与库区2013年6月启动第二阶段蓄水有一定相关性,强度在3级地震活动水平。增加的地震活动位于近南北走向的翼子坝、玛瑙断裂的中段。这些局部地段蓄水后发生的地震,其震源的力学机制多为倾滑或正断型,分析认为部分地震为水库诱发岩溶或塌陷型地震,多数仍属构造地震。本文结果为水库诱发地震的研究提供了资料和震例。  相似文献   

水诱发地震应力场初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国内外21个水诱发地震事例的震级—断层破裂长度关系进行回归分析,然后利用断裂力学方法,研究理论震级—断层破裂长度的关系,发现在水库地震的情形里,区域剪应力场的强度水平可以大大小于构造地震的区域剪应力场的强度水平,同时,发现在因库水位下降而触发水库地震的情形里,库水水位的减小量可以小于库水位上升触发地震情形里库水水位的增加量.最后,对注水地震的注水压力进行了讨论。  相似文献   

福建街面水库地震活动背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林松建 《华南地震》2006,26(4):41-47
福建街面水库2006年10月下闸蓄水,分析了街面水库库区历史地震和现今地震震中分布、震源深度、震源机制解等地震活动特点,并结合水库诱发地震的特点认为街面水库存在诱发地震的可能。  相似文献   

在对铜街子水电站蓄水后库坝区及附近出现的地震活动特点进行分析的基础上,对另外一个舟坝水电站库坝区的地质结构和历史地震活动情况进行探讨,认为舟坝水电站蓄水产生诱发地震的可能性较大,五渡—利店断裂附近的马边、沐川、沙湾等地的诱发地震可能为5级以上,犍为县城附近可能出现的地震为4级左右。针对这些问题提出了减轻诱发地震造成损失的相应对策。  相似文献   

从最新地面活断层的不连续性,断层滑动速率以及古地震研究的角度讨论安宁河断裂带北段的地震潜在能力,认为不连续的活断层可能成为各自独立的地震破裂单元,从而决定了地震的潜在能力,其中,野鸡洞破裂段的潜在地震能力最强,可达7级。上次地震至今的平静时间已接近古地震的平均重现间隔,因而具有高度的地震危险性  相似文献   

广西防城-灵山断裂带活动性分段与潜在震源区划分研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文通过对广西防城-灵山断裂带的地质地貌调查,结合地震活动资料,将该断裂带划分为活动性不同的4个段落,自南向北依次为防城段、平吉盆地段、灵山段和石南段。并在此基础上,划分了相应的潜在震源区,潜在震源区边界与分段边界一致,震级上限依次为6级、6.5级、7级和6级。  相似文献   

利用区域台网地震资料, 分析了川西安宁河-则木河断裂带不同段落的现今活动习性,进而鉴别潜在大地震危险的断裂段. 文中由异常低b值的分布圈绘出凹凸体,发展和应用了由多个地震活动参数值的组合判定断裂分段活动习性的方法,尝试了利用凹凸体段的震级频度关系参数估计特征地震的平均复发间隔. 结果表明,该研究断裂带存在5个不同现今活动习性的段落. 其中,安宁河断裂的冕宁-西昌段属于高应力下的闭锁段,其核心部分为一较大尺度的凹凸体;则木河断裂的西昌-普格段则表现为低应力下的微弱活动状态. 重新定位的震源深度分布,显示出上述闭锁段和微弱活动段的断层面轮廓. 冕宁-西昌段是未来大地震的潜在危险段. 该段从最晚的1952年6.7级地震起算,至未来特征地震的平均复发间隔估值为55~67年, 未来地震的震级估值为7.0~7.5. 本研究也初步表明,同-断裂段的活动习性可随时间动态演变.   相似文献   

陈献程 《华南地震》2000,20(2):68-76
根据野外实地考察,对硗碛、中岗水电工程水库诱发地震的条件进行了综合分析,并与其它水库的发震条件进行对比,对该两水库诱发地震的可能性作出了初步评价,并对可能发震的地段,最高震级和烈度以及对工程的影响进行了估计。  相似文献   

Our field investigation obtains new evidence of the later Quaternary activity and recent large earthquake ruptures of the Garzê-Yushu fault. The average left-lateral slip-rate along the fault is determined to be (12 ± 2) mm/a for the last 50000 years from both offset landforms and ages of the correlative sediments. This result is very close to the estimated average left-lateral slip-rate for the Xianshuihe fault, suggesting that the horizontal movement along the northern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan active tectonic block and the northeastern boundary of the Qiangtang active tectonic block has been basically harmonious during the later Quaternary period. Remains of ground ruptures of recent large earthquakes have been discovered along all 3 segments of the fault, of which, the 1896 rupture on the northwestern segment is at least 70 km long, and its corresponding earthquake could be of moment magnitude 7.3. The latest rupture on the middle segment of the fault has a length of about 180 km, and was produced by an unknown-age large earthquake that could have a moment magnitude of about 7.7. Along the southeastern segment of the fault, the latest unknown-age rupture is about 65 km long and has a maximum left-lateral coseismic displacement of 5.3 m, and its corresponding earthquake is estimated to be as large as about 7.3 of moment magnitude. Based on relevant investigation, an inference has been drawn that the later two large earthquakes probably occurred in 1854 and 1866, respectively. These demonstrate that the individual segments of the studied Garzê-Yushu fault are all able to produce large earthquakes.  相似文献   


Our field investigation obtains new evidence of the later Quaternary activity and recent large earthquake ruptures of the Garzê-Yushu fault. The average left-lateral slip-rate along the fault is determined to be (12±2) mm/a for the last 50000 years from both offset landforms and ages of the correlative sediments. This result is very close to the estimated average left-lateral slip-rate for the Xianshuihe fault, suggesting that the horizontal movement along the northern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan active tectonic block and the northeastern boundary of the Qiangtang active tectonic block has been basically harmonious during the later Quaternary period. Remains of ground ruptures of recent large earthquakes have been discovered along all 3 segments of the fault, of which, the 1896 rupture on the northwestern segment is at least 70 km long, and its corresponding earthquake could be of moment magnitude 7.3. The latest rupture on the middle segment of the fault has a length of about 180 km, and was produced by an unknown-age large earthquake that could have a moment magnitude of about 7.7. Along the southeastern segment of the fault, the latest unknown-age rupture is about 65 km long and has a maximum left-lateral coseismic displacement of 5.3 m, and its corresponding earthquake is estimated to be as large as about 7.3 of moment magnitude. Based on relevant investigation, an inference has been drawn that the later two large earthquakes probably occurred in 1854 and 1866, respectively. These demonstrate that the individual segments of the studied Garzê-Yushu fault are all able to produce large earthquakes.


Through the statistical analysis of earthquake distribution along 51 strike-slip active fault segments on the Chinese continent, we found that strong earthquake distribution along the seismogenic fault segments is inhomogeneons and the distribution probability density p (K) canbe stated as p(K)=1.1206e^3.947k^2 in which K = S/(L/2), S refers to the distance from earthquake epicenter to the center of a fault segment, L is the length of the fault segment. The above model can be utilized to modify the probability density of earthquake occurrence of the maximum magnitude interval in apotential earth quake source. Nevertheless, it is only suitable for thosepotential earthquake sources delineated along a single seismogenic fault. This inhomogeneons model has certain effects on seismic risk assessment, especially for those potential earthquake sources with higher earthquakerates of the maximum magnitude interval. In general, higher reoccurrence rate of the maximum magnitude interval and lower exceeding probability level may bring larger difference of the results in seismic risk analysis by adopting the inhomogeneons model, the PGA values increase inner the potential earthquake source, but reduce near the vicinity and out of the potential earthquake source. Taking the Tangyin potential earthquake source as an example, with exceeding probability of 10% and 2% in 50 years, the difference of the PGA values between inhomogeneons model and homogenous models can reach 12 %.  相似文献   

Introduction In AD 1303, the great Hongtong, Shanxi, earthquake of magnitude 8 caused a very serious disaster, which killed over one hundred thousands people at least (Department of Earthquake Dis- *aster Prevention, State Seismological Bureau, 1995). On the occasion of commemorating this ca-tastrophe having occurred for 700 years, we have important problems that need to be answered: How long the average recurrence interval of the grea…  相似文献   

Introduction Strong and large earthquakes are prepared and generated on specific segments of active fault zones, especially on the asperity parts of the zones (Aki, 1984; Wiemer, Wyss, 1997; Wyss, et al, 2000). Therefore, both the faulting-behavior identification and the rupture segmentation mainly based on the method of active tectonics are always important aspects in active fault research (DING, et al, 1993). The purposes of the two aspects of research focus on determining fault units tha…  相似文献   

基岩地震反应谱随震级、距离的变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从基岩地震反应谱衰减规律出发,研究了基岩反应谱随震级、距离的变化特征,包括基岩反应谱的第二特征周期、反应谱下降段的斜率等随震级、距离的变化规律。研究表明,震级大小对基岩反应谱的第二特征周期起着决定的作用,距离主要影响反应谱下降段的斜率,所得结论在工程抗震设计中具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

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