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The statistical structure of hurricane winds is studied using the data of observation at 50 meteorological stations in Georgia for the period of 1961–2008. Determined are the number of days and the duration of hurricane winds in different regions of the country. Studied are the empirical functions of their distribution and the areal limits.  相似文献   

Created are the grid datasets of monthly mean and annual mean temperature as well of monthly, seasonal, and annual values of the total precipitation with the resolution of 25 km for the period of 1936–2011. The obtained datasets characterize the real picture of the spatial distribution of temperature and precipitation on the territory of Georgia; therefore, they are used for working out geoinformative maps of temperature and precipitation variations. Revealed are the areas and centers with different intensity of warming and cooling. It is found that the annual temperature and total annual precipitation averaged for the territory do not vary considerably under conditions of the global warming.  相似文献   

二维平流辐射雾的数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
本文采用二维非定常数值模式,模拟了大气边界层内辐射雾、平流辐射雾和在海陆交界处的平流辐射雾的形成、演变规律。研究了雾发展过程中湍流-辐射作用及风场、水汽平流和海陆风环流对雾发展影响的特点。模拟计算结果得出湍流-辐射作用是雾发展变化的主要物理因子。大气边界层风场及风场环流和水汽的平流输送对在不同地点,时刻雾的发展和强度变化也有重要的影响。  相似文献   

采用舟山海域1962—2015年的4个气象观测站资料、2014—2015年2 a的逐时自动气象数据和浮标站数据,统计分析了舟山海雾特征,结果表明:海雾总是在大尺度背景条件和一定的气象水文条件下发生;海雾春季最多,秋季最少,一天中多发生在夜间和早晨,又以下半夜到早晨最多,雾散一般在11∶00以后;海雾按天气形势可分4型,不同类型其季节变化和日变化存在差异;浓雾发生的要素特征为,气温5~27℃,海温9~27℃,气温露点差0~4℃,90%的浓雾发生在2 m相对湿度≥95%、气海温差-3.7~3.2℃时,浓雾风向主要落在东南风和偏南风之间,平均风力一般在1~5级;利用要素阈值对WRF能见度模式进行订正检验,发现对提高浓雾的定性预报准确率有较明显的作用。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model of radiation fog with detailed microphysics is presented. Aerosols and cloud droplets are treated in a joint two-dimensional size distribution. Radiative fluxes are calculated as functions of the radiative properties of the time-dependent particle spectra. The droplet growth equation is solved by considering radiative effects. Turbulence is treated by means of a higher order closure model. The interaction between the atmosphere and the earth's surface is explicitly simulated.Three numerical sensitivity studies are performed to investigate the impact of the different physico-chemical properties of urban, rural and maritime aerosols on fog formation. Numerical results elucidate that depending on the aerosol type used, the resulting fog events are completely different. This is particularly true for the times of fog formation and dissipation as well as for the liquid water content and supersaturations within the fogs. In the activated part of the particle spectra, the aerosol mass is very inhomogeneously distributed. The maxima of the curves do not coincide with the maxima of the corresponding liquid water distributions.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the chemical compositions of fogs and intercepted clouds have been investigated at more than a dozen locations across the United States. Sampling sites have been located in the northeast, southeast, Rocky Mountain, and west coast regions of the US. They include both pristine and heavily polluted locations. Frontal/orographic clouds (warm and supercooled), intercepted coastal stratiform clouds, and radiation fogs have all been examined. Sample pH values range from below 3 to above 7. Major ions also exhibit a wide concentration range, with clouds at some locations exhibiting high sea salt concentrations, while composition at other locations is dominated by ammonium and sulfate or nitrate.  相似文献   

Processing of atmospheric organic matter by California radiation fogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considerable effort has been put into characterizing the ionic composition of fogs and clouds over the past twenty-five years. Recently it has become evident that clouds and fogs often contain large concentrations of organic material as well. Here we report findings from a series of studies examining the organic composition of radiation fogs in central California. Organic compounds in these fogs comprise a major fraction of total solute mass, with total organic carbon sometimes reaching levels of several tens of mg/L. This organic matter is comprised of a wide variety of compounds, ranging from low molecular weight organic acids to high molecular weight compounds with molecular masses approaching several hundred to a thousand g/mole. The most abundant individual compounds are typically formic acid, acetic acid, and formaldehyde. High concentrations are also observed of some dicarboxylic acids (e.g., oxalate) and dicarbonyls (e.g., glyoxal and methylglyoxal) and of levoglucosan, an anhydrosugar characteristically emitted by biomass combustion. Many other compounds have been identified in fog water by GC/MS, including long chain n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanes, PAH, and others, although these compounds typically comprise a total of only a few percent of fog TOC. Measurements of fog scavenging of organic and elemental carbon reveal preferential scavenging of organic carbon. Tracking of individual organic compounds utilized as source type markers suggests the fogs differentially scavenge carbonaceous particles from different source types, with more active processing of wood smoke than vehicle exhaust. Observations of high deposition velocities of fog-borne organic carbon, in excess of 1 cm/s, indicate that fogs in the region represent an important mechanism for cleansing the atmosphere of pollution.  相似文献   

黄海海雾的卫星云图特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
郑新江 《气象》1988,14(6):7-9
本文用NOAA-10卫星上,由AVHRR获得的卫星云图,分析黄海海雾特征。用GMS卫星云图分析海雾的演变过程。  相似文献   

南京市冬季雾的物理化学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究南京冬季浓雾的宏微观物理结构和物理化学过程,揭示空气污染物与雾水化学结构的关系,2006—2007年冬季,在南京信息工程大学院内进行了雾的综合观测试验。观测项目包括雾的宏微观结构、雾水化学、大气气溶胶粒子谱及化学成分、辐射和热量平衡各分量、湍流以及常规气象和环境监测。在雾的生消过程中,各项目的观测是连续进行的。两年共观测到27次雾过程,并采集到37个雾水样本。按其形成,将南京冬季雾分为辐射雾、平流辐射雾和蒸发雾三类。该文详细分析了各类雾的宏微观结构,研究了强浓雾(能见度小于50m)发展的物理过程。结果指出,南京冬季雾多属暖雾,雾顶高度以平流辐射雾最高,平均顶高851m,辐射雾次之,平均顶高486m,蒸发雾偏低,平均顶高428m;各微物理参数均以平流辐射雾最大,辐射雾次之,蒸发雾最小,平流辐射雾含水量最大时可达1g/m3。通过对微物理参量连续变化分析发现,平流辐射雾和辐射雾进入强盛阶段时,都具有明显的爆发性增强特征。雾水化学分析结果表明,南京雾水离子浓度比较高,酸雾约占43%,属于硫酸型,均与空气污染物SO2、NO2和颗粒物有关。  相似文献   

肖安  许爱华  陈翔翔 《暴雨灾害》2017,31(2):147-155

利用2000—2012年常规高空和地面资料以及NCEP/NCAR逐6 h再分析资料(水平分辨率1°×1°),筛选出发生在我国江南地区(23°—32°N、110°—122°E)的54例区域性平流雾过程,分析该地区产生区域性平流雾时的逆温、变温、低层湿度和垂直速度等物理量,得到区域性平流雾的统计特征(值)。结果表明:(1)江南平流雾低层存在明显暖平流,925 hPa暖平流要强于850 hPa;(2)平流雾过程一般具有单层逆温、等温层和多层逆温结构,925 hPa存在一正变温大值区自广西向东延伸至浙闽一带,有利于江南逆温结构建立;平流雾雾顶高度要低于辐射雾雾顶高度;(3)平流雾低层925—850 hPa相对湿度从夜晚到次日08时呈增大趋势,500 hPa相对湿度则呈减小趋势,地面相对湿度超过90%的可能性很大;(4)区域性平流雾发生时,边界层大气既有上升运动,也有下沉运动,925 hPa垂直速度为-0.1~0.2 Pa·s-1


A brief characterization of observed climatic changes in surface temperature is presented for the globe and the Russian Federation. In accordance with this characteristic, observed changes are indicative of global warming, most pronounced after the 1970s. The skill in simulating a global climate in the 20th century by modern climate models is analyzed. It is shown that climate models satisfactorily reproduce the fields of long–term means, the seasonal cycle, and tendencies of changes in some meteorological objects, whereas their interannual variability (after removal of the trend) is not virtually simulated by the models. An approach to constructing a strategic forecast of forthcoming climatic changes in the Russian Federation for the next decades is discussed, and recommendations on its using are formulated. A variant of a probabilistic strategic forecast of air temperature for the 30-year period of 2008–2037 over Russia is proposed.  相似文献   

地面辐射雾和低层云对夜间边界层影响的数值研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文通过模式计算,讨论了夜间地面辐射雾和低层层积云的演变过程及其对边界层结构的影响.模式综合考虑了液态水和水汽对长波辐射通量的贡献.模式主要由两部分组成:(1)用湍流能量方程闭合的一维边界层模式;(2)长波辐射通量的计算.模式的计算结果与观测事实基本一致.  相似文献   

毛冬艳 《气象》2008,34(3):118-123
2007年12月,全国平均气温为-2.3℃,较常年同期偏高1.6℃,为1951年以来历史同期第一高,其中,四川、海南、广东、云南12月平均气温均为1951年以来历史同期次高值;全国平均降水量为10.6mm,较常年同期略偏多。月内,江南、华南等地出现的严重秋旱连初冬旱在下旬得到一定程度的缓解;我国中东部地区出现了大范围大雾天气;下旬后期全国出现大范围大风强降温天气,东北部分地区出现大到暴雪。  相似文献   

2006年12月南京连续4天浓雾的微物理结构及演变特征   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
2006年12月24-27日南京地区出现了连续4天的浓雾天气,其中能见度小于50 m的强浓雾持续了40多个小时.利用FM-100型雾滴谱仪,连续观测了雾滴谱、数密度和含水量等微物理参量.结合自动气象站及能见度仪观测资料,分析了这次浓雾过程的微物理特征,并与1996年观测结果进行对比:雾滴的平均含水量和平均直径与1996年观测结果相当,含水量最大值比1996年观测结果大4倍,数密度比10年前小.认为前2个子过程的雾滴数密度、含水量很高,造成了南京奉次大雾能见度长时间低于50 m的恶劣天气.结合边界层探空资料,认为形成这种强浓雾的主要原因足近地层持续存在强盛的水汽平流,具有平流雾的特征.根据雾微物理参量的起伏变化,将浓雾过程分成4个子过稃,分析并比较了4个子过程的雾滴谱分布,总过程的谱分布及4个子过程的谱分布都服从Dcirmendjian分布,谱型都基本呈指数下降,雾滴主要集中存小滴段.最后,对第一个子过程微物理参量的变化特征进行了细致分析.发现这次浓雾是在夜间晴空辐射降温后形成的,午夜最强,日出后随着气温的升高逐渐减弱,反映了辐射雾的口变化特征.另外,还发现雾形成以后,开始变化不大,但随着进一步辐射降温,地面雾团不断产牛,雾爆发性发展.  相似文献   

Variation of the number of days with thunderstorms on the territory of Belarus and peculiarities of their formation are considered. This number is of great spatial and temporal variability. The spatial variability of this thunderstorm characteristic in Belarus was estimated with the use of mapping. The temporal series of the number of days with thunderstorms were studied with the aid of standard statistical methods.  相似文献   

The number of days with blizzard, the intensity, duration, periods of occurrence, and dynamics of blizzards in the mountain regions of Georgia are investigated using observational data from 20 weather stations. The features of wind and temperature regimes of blizzards are revealed.  相似文献   

The review is compiled based on the results of the operation of the Total Ozone (TO) Monitoring System in the CIS and Baltic countries, functioning in the operational regime at the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO). The monitoring system used the data from the national network of filter ozonometers, type M-124, operating under the methodological control of the Main Geophysical Observatory (MGO). The quality control of the entire system is performed based on the observations with the satellite OMI (NASA) equipment. The basic results of TO observations for each month of the fourth quarter of 2006 and for a year as a whole are generalized. Results of regular surface ozone observations in the Moscow region are considered as well.  相似文献   

On the observation data of 30 meteorological stations in Georgia during 1961–2008, occurrence frequency and dynamics are studied of the most hazardous light frosts registered during the freeze-free period. Occurrence frequency of minimum temperature during light frosts is studied along with the light frost areas. Dynamics of light frost occurrence frequency in the 20th century is considered.  相似文献   

Developed are the axiomatics and criteria for estimating the critical levels of climate change influence on the natural terrestrial ecosystems based on the revelation of key climate-dependent environmental elements and model analysis of their variations. Developed is an empirical statistical vegetation model for the territory of Russia considering 15 vegetation zones including five ones in the permafrost zone. The model was used to estimate the proximity of the climate impact on the natural terrestrial ecosystems to the critical level for several climate projections.  相似文献   

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