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This paper deals with sulfur, chlorine and fluorine abundances in the eruptive volcanic plume of the huge October 2002-January 2003 eruption of Mount Etna, aiming at relating the relevant compositional variations observed throughout with changes in eruption dynamics and degassing mechanisms. The recurrent sampling of plume acidic volatiles by filter-pack methodology revealed that, during the study period, S/Cl and Cl/F ratios ranged from 0.1-6.8 and 0.9-5.6, respectively. Plume S/Cl ratios increased by a factor of ∼10 as volcanic activity drifted from paroxysmal lava fountaining (mid- and late November) to passive degassing and minor effusion (early January), and then decreased to the low values (S/Cl=0.1) typical of the final stages of the eruption. Parallel variations in chlorine to fluorine ratios were also observed. A theoretical model is proposed for quantitative interpretation of these changes in plume composition. The model calculates the composition of a volatile phase exsolving from an ascending Etna magma, based on knowledge of solubilities and abundances in the undegassed melt of sulfur and halogens [T.M. Gerlach, EOS 72 (1991), 249, 254-255]. According to this model, degassing of Etnean basaltic melt at high pressures and depths (>100 MPa, 3 km) is likely to release a CO2+H2O-rich vapor phase with S/Cl molar ratios ∼1. Extensive sulfur and chlorine degassing from the melt would take place at shallower depth (P<20 MPa, 0.6 km), with S/Cl ratios in the vapor phase increasing as pressure drops to 0.1 MPa. Comparisons between model compositions and volcanic plume data demonstrate that the chemical trends observed during the eruption may be explained by increased degassing due to depressurization of a basaltic magma batch ascending toward the surface.  相似文献   

2 and δ13C in soil gas were measured at three active subduction-related stratovolcanoes (Arenal and Poás, Costa Rica; Galeras, Colombia). In general, Rn, CO2 and δ13C values are higher on the lower flanks of the volcanoes, except near fumaroles in the active craters. The upper flanks of these volcanoes have low Rn concentrations and light δ13C values. These observations suggest that diffuse degassing of magmatic gas on the upper flanks of these volcanoes is negligible and that more magmatic degassing occurs on the lower flanks where major faults and greater fracturing in the older lavas can channel magmatic gases to the surface. These results are in contrast to findings for Mount Etna where a broad halo of magmatic CO2 has been postulated to exist over much of the edifice. Differences in radon levels among the three volcanoes studied here may result from differences in age, the degree of fracturing and faulting, regional structures or the level of hydrothermal activity. Volcanoes, such as those studied here, act as plugs in the continental crust, focusing magmatic degassing towards crater fumaroles, faults and the fractured lower flanks. Received: 16 December 1997 / Accepted: 27 January 2000  相似文献   

Bubble and crystal textures provide information with regard to the kinetics of the vesiculation and crystallization processes. They also provide insights into the fluid mechanical behavior of magma in a conduit. We performed textural (bubble and crystal) and compositional analyses of pyroclasts that were obtained from the Tenjo pyroclastic flow, which resulted on account of the eruption in 838 A.D. on Kozu Island, about 200 km south of Tokyo, Japan. Pyroclasts in one flow unit (300∼2,060 kg/m3; average density 1330 kg/m3) can be classified into three types on the basis of vesicle textures. Type I pyroclasts have small isolated spherical bubbles with higher vesicularities (67–77 vol.%) and number density (10.8–11.7 log m−3). Type II pyroclasts have vesicularities similar to type I (61–69 vol.%), but most bubbles exhibit evidences of bubble coalescence, and lower number densities than type I (8.9–9.5 log m−3). Type III pyroclasts contain highly deformed bubbles with lower vesicularities (16–34 vol.%) and number densities (8.2–9.0 log m−3). The microlite volume fraction (DRE converted) also changes consistently across type I, type II, and type III as 0.06, 0.08, and 0.10–0.15, respectively. However, the number density of the microlites remains nearly invariant in all the pyroclast types. These facts indicate that the variation in the microlite volume fraction is controlled not by the number density (i.e., nucleation process), but by the size (i.e., growth process); the growth history of each type of microlite was different. Water content determinations show that the three types of pumices have similar H2O contents (2.6±0.2 wt%). This fact implies that all three types were quenched at nearly the same depth (35±5 MPa, assuming that the magma was water-saturated) in the conduit. If the crystal sizes are limited only by growth time, a variation in this parameter can be related to the residence time, which is attributed to the flow heterogeneity in the conduit. By assuming a laminar Poiseuille-type flow, these textural observations can be explained by the difference in ascent velocity and shearing motion across the conduit, which in turn results in the differences in growth times of crystals, degrees of deformation, and bubble coalescence. Consequently, for crystals in the inner part of the conduit, the crystal growth time from nucleation to quenching is shorter than that near the conduit wall. The vesicle texture variation of bubbles in types I, II, and III results from the difference in the deformation history, implying that the effect of degassing occurred primarily towards the conduit wall.  相似文献   

 Lava drainback has been observed during many eruptions at Kilauea Volcano: magma erupts, degasses in lava fountains, collects in surface ponds, and then drains back beneath the surface. Time series data for melt inclusions from the 1959 Kilauea Iki picrite provide important evidence concerning the effects of drainback on the H2O contents of basaltic magmas at Kilauea. Melt inclusions in olivine from the first eruptive episode, before any drainback occurred, have an average H2O content of 0.7±0.2 wt.%. In contrast, many inclusions from the later episodes, erupted after substantial amounts of surface degassed lava had drained back down the vent, have H2O contents that are much lower (≥0.24 wt.% H2O). Water contents in melt inclusions from magmas erupted at Pu'u 'O'o on the east rift zone vary from 0.39–0.51 wt.% H2O in tephra from high fountains to 0.10–0.28 wt.% H2O in spatter from low fountains. The low H2O contents of many melt inclusions from Pu'u 'O'o and post-drainback episodes of Kilauea Iki reveal that prior to crystallization of the enclosing olivine host, the melts must have exsolved H2O at pressures substantially less than those in Kilauea's summit magma reservoir. Such low-pressure H2O exsolution probably occurred as surface degassed magma was recycled by drainback and mixing with less degassed magma at depth. Recognition of the effects of low-pressure degassing and drainback leads to an estimate of 0.7 wt.% H2O for differentiated tholeiitic magma in Kilauea's summit magma storage reservoir. Data for MgO-rich submarine glasses (Clague et al. 1995) and melt inclusions from Kilauea Iki demonstrate that primary Kilauean tholeiitic magma has an H2O/K2O mass ratio of ∼1.3. At transition zone and upper mantle depths in the Hawaiian plume source, H2O probably resides partly in a small amount of hydrous silicate melt. Received: 31 March 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   

 The Kupaianaha vent, the source of the 48th episode of the 1983-to-present Pu'u 'O'o–Kupaianaha eruption, erupted nearly continuously from July 1986 until February 1992. This investigation documents the geophysical and geologic monitoring of the final 10 months of activity at the Kupaianaha vent. Detailed very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic profiles across the single lava tube transporting lava from the vent were used to determine the cross-sectional area of the molten lava within the tube. Combined with measurements of lava velocity, these data provide an estimate of the lava output of Kupaianaha. In addition, lava temperatures (calculated from analysis of quenched glass) and bulk-rock chemistry were obtained for samples taken from the tube at the same site. The combined data set shows the lava flux from Kupaianaha vent declining linearly from 250 000 m3/day in April 1991 to 54 000 m3/day by November 1991. During that time surface breakouts of lava from weak points along the tube occurred progressively closer to the vent, consistent with declining efficiency in lava transport. There were no significant changes in lava temperature or in bulk MgO content during this period. Another eruptive episode (the 49th) began uprift of Kupaianaha on 8 November 1991 and erupted lava concurrently with Kupaianaha for 18 days. Lava flux from Kupaianaha decreased in response to this new episode, but the response was delayed by approximately 1 day. After 14 November 1991, lava velocities were no longer measurable in the tube because the lava stream beneath the skylight had crusted over; however, the VLF-derived electrical conductances documented the decreasing flux of molten lava through the tube. Kupaianaha remained active, but output continued to decrease until early February 1992 when the last active surface flows were seen. In November 1991 we used the linearly decreasing effusion rate to accurately predict the date for the death of the Kupaianaha vent. The linear nature of the decline in lava tube conductance and the delayed and slow response of the Waha'ula tube conductances to the 49th eruptive episode led us to speculate that (a) the Kupaianaha vent shut down because of a decrease in driving pressure and not because of a freeze-up of the vent, and (b) that Pu'u 'O'o, episode 49, and Kupaianaha were fed nearly vertically from a source deep within the rift zone. Received: 29 September 1995 / Accepted: 21 November 1995  相似文献   

目前,地下工程围岩尤其是大型岩石地下工程围岩的粘弹塑性分析研究少见报道。针对这种情况,本文根据西原粘弹塑性流变模型相关理论开发了hhu-vp流变计算软件,以用于大型岩石地下工程围岩粘弹塑性流变数值模拟分析;并以一简单算例与软件FLAC-3D比较,结果偏差在容许范围内。将其应用于水布垭大型地下洞室围岩流变研究中,对该地下洞室的施工开挖及支护处理过程进行了模拟,提出了支护处理意见,并对其运营期的长期稳定性作出了评价。  相似文献   

济南某商业广场超过50000 m^2的基坑采用一种改进的斜支撑支护体系进行支护,与普通斜支撑支护型式不同,该支护体系包括支护桩、斜撑、立柱与支撑桩。本文采用FLAC^3D显式有限差分数值计算分析方法,并结合支护桩水平位移测斜数据,对该支护体系的变形特性进行分析研究,从中论证各支护单元在3个开挖阶段的运动学效应。研究结果表明,该斜支撑支护体系可以把各支护单元以及它们之间的土体充分调动起来,相互之间积极协调,以抵挡基坑开挖带来的土压力,从而减小基坑周围土体位移,保障周围道路、地下设施及周边建筑的正常运行。  相似文献   

The flow division at an open channel junction is affected by the inflow discharge and the downstream water depths of the junction. The growth of vegetation in a channel system is environmental friendly, but its effect on the flow in an open channel junction can be significant. In this work a 3D RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equation) model has been implemented to investigate the flow phenomena in channel junctions with or without vegetation. The model is first validated by two cases: flow in an open channel T-junction without vegetation, and flow in a single open channel with vegetation. The model is then applied to simulate flow in an open channel T-junction with varying width ratio and vegetation density of the branch channel. The results quantitatively predict the trend of increasing flow in the branch channel with the increase in branch channel width and/or the decrease in vegetation density. The overall energy loss coefficient of the system, however, decreases with the amount of flow in the branch channel.  相似文献   

High-resolution rockfall inventories captured at a regional scale are scarce. This is partly owing to difficulties in measuring the range of possible rockfall volumes with sufficient accuracy and completeness, and at a scale exceeding the influence of localized controls. This paucity of data restricts our ability to abstract patterns of erosion, identify long-term changes in behaviour and assess how rockfalls respond to changes in rock mass structural and environmental conditions. We have addressed this by developing a workflow that is tailored to monitoring rockfalls and the resulting cliff retreat continuously (in space), in three-dimensional (3D) and over large spatial scales (>104 m). We tested our approach by analysing rockfall activity along 20.5 km of coastal cliffs in North Yorkshire (UK), in what we understand to be the first multi-temporal detection of rockfalls at a regional scale. We show that rockfall magnitude–frequency relationships, which often underpin predictive models of erosion, are highly sensitive to the spatial extent of monitoring. Variations in rockfall shape with volume also imply a systemic shift in the underlying mechanisms of detachment with scale, leading us to question the validity of applying a single probabilistic model to the full range of rockfalls observed here. Finally, our data emphasize the importance of cliff retreat as an episodic process. Going forwards, there will a pressing need to understand and model the erosional response of such coastlines to rising global sea levels as well as projected changes to winds, tides, wave climates, precipitation and storm events. The methodologies and data presented here are fundamental to achieving this, marking a step-change in our ability to understand the competing effects of different processes in determining the magnitude and frequency of rockfall activity and ultimately meaning that we are better placed to investigate relationships between process and form/erosion at critical, regional scales. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

研究九瑞矿集区成矿地层和岩体的三维分布特征可为区域成矿背景和成矿规律研究提供新的信息,实现研究区深部及外围找矿突破.本文首先综合分析研究区区域地质及地层和岩石密度和磁化率特征,然后将区域地质和12条地质剖面信息利用自行开发的GIF2UBCmodel程序构建剩余密度和磁化率参考模型和上下边界约束模型,实现了带约束重磁数据三维反演.反演结果揭示九瑞矿集区剩余密度和磁化率三维分布特征,解译了矿集区主要地层和岩体分布特征.该区存在邓家山—东雷湾以及武山—丁家山两个大型岩体;盖层褶皱与结晶基底隆起方向一致,是深部基地隆起的继承.通过与矿集区已知矿床对比发现,高磁性岩体边缘和基底隆起(高密度体)两翼为成矿有利区.  相似文献   

《Geofísica Internacional》2014,53(3):309-319
Wadi Natash area is located in the southern part of the Eastern desert of Egypt. It has a great importance for containing accumulations from the radioactive minerals of Uranium, Thorium and Potassium. An integrated potential study was carried out on the study area with the aim of locating depths to causative bodies with sufficient magnetic susceptibility that may represent magmatic intrusions with relation to the radioactivity location and delineate the subsurface structures affecting the area. Both magnetic and Bouguer data as well as radiometric data were interpreted rapidly for source positions and depths using Euler deconvolution, Werner deconvolution and 3D modeling techniques. The results deduced from the trend analyses show that the major fault trend affecting the area have NNW-SSE (Red Sea–Gulf of Suez trend) direction intersected by the less predominant NNE-SSW(The Gulf of Aqaba–Dead Sea trend) and WNW-ESE (Najd Fault System) fault trends. The causative bodies were imaged at depths ranging from 0.3 km to about 1.5 km. The depths along the interpreted profiles display discontinuities in potential field markers due to presence of the NNW-SSE fault trends act as pass channels for the hydrothermal solutions.It can be stated that the radioactive mineral accumulations were caused by the hydrothermal solutions rich with radioactive minerals as a result of intruding Natash volcanic to the granitic rocks. The Qouseir clastics and the Nudian sand stone were affected by these solutions and show a positive response for the radioactive minerals.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of column collapse and pyroclastic density current (PDC) scenarios at Vesuvius were carried out using a transient 3D flow model based on multiphase transport laws. The model describes the dynamics of the collapse as well as the effects of the 3D topography of the volcano on PDC propagation. Source conditions refer to a medium-scale sub-Plinian event and consider a pressure-balanced jet. Simulation results provide new insights into the complex dynamics of these phenomena. In particular: 1) column collapse can be characterized by different regimes, from incipient collapse to partial or nearly total collapse, thus confirming the possibility of a transitional field of behaviour of the column characterized by the contemporaneous and/or intermittent occurrence of ash fallout and PDCs; 2) the collapse regime can be characterized by its fraction of eruptive mass reaching the ground and generating PDCs; 3) within the range of the investigated source conditions, the propagation and hazard potential of PDCs appear to be directly correlated with the flow-rate of the mass collapsing to the ground, rather than to the collapse height of the column (this finding is in contrast with predictions based on the energy-line concept, which simply correlates the PDC runout and kinetic energy with the collapse height of the column); 4) first-order values of hazard variables associated with PDCs (i.e., dynamic pressure, temperature, airborne ash concentration) can be derived from simulation results, thereby providing initial estimates for the quantification of damage scenarios; 5) for scenarios assuming a location of the central vent coinciding with that of the present Gran Cono, Mount Somma significantly influences the propagation of PDCs, largely reducing their propagation in the northern sector, and diverting mass toward the west and southeast, accentuating runouts and hazard variables for these sectors; 6) the 2D modelling approximation can force an artificial radial propagation of the PDCs since it ignores azimuthal flows produced by real topographies that therefore need to be simulated in fully 3D conditions.  相似文献   

The Bulle effect is a phenomenon in which a disproportionately higher amount of near‐bed sediment load at a fluvial diversion moves into the diverted channel, even for cases in which the proportion of water (with respect to the main flow) entering the diversion channel is relatively small. This phenomenon has wide‐ranging implications for both engineered and natural systems: from efficient design of channels to redirect water and sediment for reclaiming sinking deltas, designing navigational channels that do not need frequent dredging, to morphological evolution of river bifurcations. The first ever, and one of the most extensive set of experiments conducted to explore this phenomenon, were conducted by Bulle in 1926 . In the current study the experiments conducted by Bulle have been simulated using an open‐source, free‐surface finite‐element‐based hydrodynamic solver. The main objectives were to explore to what extent the complex phenomenon of the Bulle effect at the scale of a laboratory experiment can be simulated accurately using Reynolds‐averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)‐based hydrodynamic solver, and to understand the details of the hydrodynamics that Bulle could not analyze through his experiments. The hydrodynamics captured by the simulations were found to match the observations made by Bulle through his experiments, and the distributions of sediment at the diversion predicted by the numerical simulations were found to match the general trend observed in the laboratory experiments. The results from the numerical simulations were also compared with existing one‐dimensional models for sediment distribution at bifurcations, and the three‐dimensional numerical model was found to perform appreciably better. This is expected due to the complex flow features at the diversion, which can only be captured satisfactorily using a three‐dimensional hydrodynamic model. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

蔡明刚  姚陈  王海宁 《地球物理学报》2012,55(07):2432-2440
在PS转换波资料处理过程中,往往需要联合P波资料提供相应的模型.在实际应用中存在P波和PS转换波层位对比困难.本文仅利用PS转换波数据,通过三维倾斜界面PS转换波CMP道集精确时距关系推导了近似时距解析表达式;分析了PS波的精确与近似时距关系随测线方位、界面倾角与倾向的变化规律及其拟合误差;并讨论了近似时距关系的三个时距参数随方位的变化特征;理论上给出描述时距的三维倾斜界面倾角、倾向、深度、纵波速度和横波速度这5个独立参数的估计方法,并通过理论模拟数据证明了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

在PS转换波资料处理过程中,往往需要联合P波资料提供相应的模型.在实际应用中存在P波和PS转换波层位对比困难.本文仅利用PS转换波数据,通过三维倾斜界面PS转换波CMP道集精确时距关系推导了近似时距解析表达式;分析了PS波的精确与近似时距关系随测线方位、界面倾角与倾向的变化规律及其拟合误差;并讨论了近似时距关系的三个时距参数随方位的变化特征;理论上给出描述时距的三维倾斜界面倾角、倾向、深度、纵波速度和横波速度这5个独立参数的估计方法,并通过理论模拟数据证明了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   

Strong ground motion observed at an instrumented hill site is first analysed through the standard (SSR) and the horizontal-to-vertical (HVSR) spectral ratio techniques. A reasonable agreement is found between these approaches. The observations are then compared with 3D numerical simulations, performed with a highly efficient numerical code based on a spectral method, that allowed for reasonable computer times also on a PC. The observed amplification is significantly higher than that computed with a 3D homogeneous model of the mountain, suggesting that local response is governed by large-scale and small-scale soil heterogeneities rather than by topographic site effects. The introduction of a local near-surface inclusion of nonhomogeneous soil material under one of the recording stations has not significantly improved the numerical results. The observed data are also compared with the results of simplified simulations, either using 2D homogeneous models or coupling the 3D response with a 1D local soil profile. The results of such simplified approaches are discussed and their usefulness is emphasised.  相似文献   

为了探究不同地下水位的场地条件下对吹砂填海场地动力响应的影响,以广西北部湾吹砂填海场地为研究对象,基于FLAC3D软件结合前期室内试验结果建立了场地模型,进行了数值模拟分析。在此研究中着重分析地下水位的变化对场地加速度放大系数、加速度反应谱和地震液化效应的影响,为减轻吹砂填海建设场地的震害程度提供参考依据。结果表明:随着地下水位埋深的增加,地表加速度放大系数呈现出逐渐减小的趋势,地震放大作用主要集中在短周期,卓越周期也在短周期处取得;随着地下水位埋深的减小,地震波高频成分被过滤,低频成分被放大,场地特征周期与卓越周期均有增大趋势;地下水位变化对吹填沙土层液化的产生和发展具有显著的影响,随着地下水位的上升,砂土表现出更强的液化效应,并且液化现象随着地震峰值加速度的增大逐渐沿土层深部发展。  相似文献   

Hillslopes turn precipitation into runoff and thus exert important controls on various Earth system processes. It remains difficult to collect reliable data necessary for understanding and modeling these Earth system processes in real catchments. To overcome this problem, controlled experiments are being conducted at the Landscape Evolution Observatory at Biosphere 2, The University of Arizona. Previous experiments have revealed differences in hydrological response between 2 landscapes within Landscape Evolution Observatory, even though both landscapes were designed to be identical. In an attempt to discover where the observed differences stem from, we use a fully 3‐dimensional hydrological model (CATchment HYdrology) to show the effect of soil water retention characteristics and saturated hydraulic conductivity on the hydrological response of these 2 hillslopes. We also show that soil water retention characteristics can be derived at hillslope scale from experimental observations of soil moisture and matric potential. It is found that differences in soil packing between the 2 landscapes may be responsible for the observed differences in hydrological response. This modeling study also suggests that soil water retention characteristics and saturated hydraulic conductivity have a profound effect on rainfall–runoff processes at hillslope scale and that parametrization of a single hillslope may be a promising step in modeling rainfall–runoff response in real catchments.  相似文献   

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