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云天地表总辐射和净辐射瞬时值的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为减少计算机时,满足实时预报要求,全球数值预报模式中的辐射计算频率通常设定为三小时。这样处理会大大减少计算量,但也同时导致较大辐射日变化偏差,并影响模式对地面能量平衡,对流及降水的模拟。为改进这一缺陷,我们开发了一种辐射快速计算方案,可用于计算瞬时地面太阳总辐射和净辐射,使到达地面的太阳辐射计算可与模式积分同步进行,从而改善地面太阳辐射日变化模拟。本文介绍云天的计算方法。该方案所用的输入变量均为预报模式或卫星观测所能提供的量。结果表明:该方案既可用于数值预报模式也可利用观测资料独立计算地面太阳辐射。经与美国能源部大气辐射观测资料检验,该方案的精度很高,地面总辐射瞬时值的平均计算误差小于7%。  相似文献   

以较为精确的大气辐射传输模式为基础,研制出晴天地表总辐射和净辐射瞬时值的计算方案。与以往的经验计算方法不同,该方案将辐射传输带模式的思路引入地面太阳辐射计算,并尽可能将大气中吸收和散射物质对太阳辐射的影响考虑进去,从而使该方法具有较好的精确性和普适性。在此基础上采用了Kokhanovsky等人提出的大气气溶胶反射率和透过率参数化方案,使得气溶胶对地面总辐射和净辐射的影响得到较好的处理。采用的自变量都是数值预报模式或卫星观测能提供的气象要素,因此该方案即可用于数值预报模式或陆面过程模式计算地表辐射平衡,又可以利用卫星观测或再分析资料估算地面太阳能资源分布。利用美国能源部三个大气辐射观测站点2005年全年的观测资料及欧洲宇航局提供的卫星反演气溶胶资料对计算方案进行了检验。结果表明,该方法十分精确,所有点的平均相对误差都小于6%,误差的均方差都小于0.3 W•m-2。  相似文献   

王庚辰  许黎  吕位秀 《大气科学》1979,3(4):343-351
本文对高山地区的大气光谱消光系数、大气浑浊因子等光学特征量进行了观测分析。指出,即使在三千米以上的高山大气中,水汽和气溶胶仍然是主要的消光因子。和其他有关资料比较表明,大气光谱透明度随海拔高度的增大主要发生在低层大气。  相似文献   

基于云和地球辐射能量系统观测数据集(CERES),对比分析了耦合模式比较计划第五(CMIP5)和第六阶段(CMIP6)模拟的历史大气层顶和地表辐射收支的年际变化和空间分布,明确了多模式间不确定性大的关键区域。结果表明:在年际尺度上,除地表向上长波辐射外,CMIP6的辐射分量的集合均值较CMIP5更接近于CERES观测值,全球地表向下短波辐射的高估和大气逆辐射的低估在CMIP6中分别降低了1.9 W/m2和3.3 W/m2。除大气逆辐射外,CMIP6的辐射分量在多模式间的一致性较CMIP5提高。在北极,CMIP6对大气层顶反射短波、大气层顶出射长波和地表向下短波辐射的模拟偏差较CMIP5大。在南北纬60°,CMIP6对大气逆辐射的模拟偏差较CMIP5大。其他区域CMIP6的辐射分量更接近CERES观测值。CMIP6模拟的地表向下短波辐射和大气逆辐射的不确定性较大区域面积较CMIP5减小,但不确定性极大区域面积无变化。地表净辐射的不确定性空间分布在两代CMIP间变化甚小。青藏高原、赤道太平洋、热带雨林、阿拉伯半岛和南极洲沿海依然是地球系统模式模拟辐射收支不确定性极大的关键区域。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional mesoscale soil-atmosphere model is used to simulate the triggering of atmospheric convection by horizontally varying soil water content. The variation is periodic with a wavelength between 4 and 40 km, which is considered a realistic scale for the variation of land surface characteristics. Three stages of convection can be clearly discerned: a short initial stage when convection sets in and where the size of the conective cells is determined by , a mature stage with well developed cells whose size is still determined by , and a decay/transformation stage, characterized by the formation of narrow regions of strong updrafts and wide regions of moderate downdrafts, independent of . Parameters relevant for the transition are given, and the importance of the feedback between soil and atmosphere is demonstrated. The dependence of convective parameters, e.g., height of the convective layer, vertical velocity and fluxes of heat and moisture on is investigated. The calculations of the mature stage are compared with the predictions of a linear model.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of clouds on longwave radiation budget at the top and base of the atmosphere is studied by using the HIRS2/MSU-retrieved temperature and humidity fields, and cloud fields and the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project-produced fields. Detailed studies are carried out at four selected sites: one at Equatorial Eastern Pacific (ITCZ) area, one at Libyan Desert (Libya), one at Ottawa, Montreal (Ottawa), and one at central Europe (Europe). The monthly mean differences in outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) (the ISCCP-based OLR minus the HIRS2-based OLR), ranging from –2.8 Wm–2 at ITCZ to –15.4 Wm–2 at Ottawa, are less than the monthly mean differences in surface downward flux, ranging from –2.7 Wm–2 at Libya to 40.6 Wm–2 at the ITCZ. The large differences in surface downward flux are mainly due to large differences in cloud amount and moisture in the low levels of the atmosphere.Monthly mean OLR and surface downward flux can be derived either (1) from instantaneous temperature, humidity, and cloud fields over a month period or (2) from monthly mean temperature, humidity, and cloud fields. The monthly mean OLR and surface downward flux derived from the first approach is compared with the second. The differences in OLR are small, ranging from –0.05 Wm–2 to 6.2 Wm–2, and the differences in surface downward flux is also small, ranging from 0.4 Wm–2 to 6.4 Wm–2.List of Acronyms AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution radiometer - ERB Earth Radiation Budget - ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment - FGGE First Global GARP Experiment - GARP Global Atmospheric Research Program - GCM General Circulation Model - GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies - GLA Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres - GMS Geostationary Meteorological Satellite - GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - HIRS2 High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder/2 - ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project - IR Infrared - MSU Microwave Sounding Unit - NFOV Narrow Field of View - NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NESDIS National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service - TOVS TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Although the sea breeze at Venice and on her hinterland is influenced by orography - mainly the Alps — to the north and the Po Valley to the west, the search for a correlation between the frequency of development of the sea breeze and the daily global solar radiation seems to be desirable, and may be useful for the management of emissions from the industrial area near Venice. Three different cases are examined: (i) the sea breeze occuring in the absence of any appreciable gradient wind; (ii) the sea breeze superimposed on a prevailing wind; (iii) the sea breeze not developing at all. The frequency distributions of these cases related to the global solar radiation at Venice are discussed.  相似文献   

Active layer plays a key role in regulating the dynamics of hydrothermal processes and ecosystems that are sensitive to the changing climate in permafrost regions. However, little is known about the hydrothermal dynamics during freeze-thaw processes in permafrost regions with different vegetation types on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In the present study, the freezing and thawing processes at four sites (QT01, 03, 04, and 05) with different vegetation types on the QTP was analyzed. The results indicated that the impact on the soil water and heat during the summer thawing process was markedly greater than that during the autumn freezing process. Furthermore, the thermal-orbit regression slopes for all sites exhibited a homologous variation as the depth increased, with the slowest attenuation for the meadow sites (QT01 and QT03) and a slightly faster attenuation for the desert steppe site (QT05). The air and ground surface temperatures were similar in winter, but the ground surface temperature was significantly higher than the air temperature in summer in the radiation-rich environment at all sites on the QTP. The results also indicated that the n-factors were between 0.36 and 0.55 during the thawing season, and the annual mean temperature near the permafrost table was between − 1.26 and − 1.84 °C. In the alpine desert steppe region, the thermal conditions exhibited to show a warming trend, with a current permafrost table temperature of − 0.22 °C. The annual changing amplitude of the ground temperature at the permafrost table was different for different vegetation types.  相似文献   

Five years of turbidity data at Cape Grim have been analysed. The turbidity at 500 nm in clean maritime airmasses from the South to the West shows a seasonal variation, with a minimum in winter. There is also a variation in turbidity with wind speed. The winter minimum can be explained partially by a minimum in wind strength in that season. On the assumption, based on observations at Cape Grim and at other locations, that the boundary layer turbidity is caused by seasalt haze, an attempt is made to interpret the observed turbidity values and their seasonal changes. Optical extinction coefficients at the surface deduced from the measured values of optical depth are compared with extinction coefficients calculated from Mie theory using particle size distributions measured at Cape Grim. Reasonable agreement is obtained when the growth of salt particles in the high maritime humidity is considered, using both theoretical models and previous experimental results together with the rapid increase in salt concentration with wind speed.  相似文献   

Summary  In the first part of this research two models for the luminous efficacy of global solar radiation on horizontal surfaces and overcast skies have been developed. The first of these models is developed using a method similar to that proposed by Littlefair (1988). The second model has been obtained from the corresponding illuminance and irradiance models in an, apparently, new approach to the subject. In the second part of this research, a model for the luminous efficacy of global solar radiation for intermediate skies and horizontal surfaces is developed from the corresponding illuminance and irradiance models. The model for intermediate skies is given by the same mathematical function as that of the analogous model for overcast skies, and only the empirical constants change. In all the cases the only independent variables used are the solar altitude and the brightness index. The models proposed in the present paper have been statistically tested, and their prediction accuracy compared with other models available in the scientific literature. Received June 26, 2000 Revised December 9, 2000  相似文献   

Summary Using the HITRAN database from 2003, the absorption of solar and thermal radiation by the atmosphere is calculated. The results are presented in the form of spectral densities of absorption yield of the atmosphere and its components, and fractions of absorbed energy of the solar radiation and thermal radiation in the atmosphere by each of its components separately and together. Finally, the obtained results are discussed in the context of the lately published model of Earth’s radiation budget-MAP 85(4), 275–281 (2004). The shares of atmospheric components in the greenhouse effect and in the absorption of solar radiation are calculated. The percentage contributions of the more important atmospheric components in the greenhouse effect are as follows: clouds 66, water vapor 25, CO2 6.7, N2O 0.7, CH4 0.7.  相似文献   

Summary The modifications of the solar spectral diffuse and direct-beam irradiances as well as the diffuse-to-direct-beam ratio, E/E, as a function of the aerosol optical depth, AOD, and solar zenith angle, SZA, is investigated. The E/E ratios decrease rapidly with wavelength and exponential curves in the form E/E = aλ−b can be fitted with a great accuracy. These curves are strongly modified by the solar spectrum distribution, which is affected by the aerosol loading, aerosol optical properties and SZA. The spectral dependence of the above E/E ratios in logarithmic coordinates does not yield a straight line, while a significant departure from the linearity is revealed. The reasons for this departure are investigated in detail and it is established that the aerosol physical properties such as single scattering albedo and size distribution along with the effect of SZA are responsible. These parameters strongly affect the scattering processes in the atmosphere and as a consequence the diffuse spectral distribution. The E/E ratio, which is an indicator of the atmospheric transmittance (King, 1979), exhibits a strong wavelength and aerosol-loading dependence. The observed differences between turbid and clear atmospheres constitute a manifestation of contrasting air properties and influence solar irradiance spectra. The present work aims at investigating the effect of atmospheric turbidity and SZA on the E/E ratio. For this reason, two distinct cases are examined: one having different atmospheric turbidity conditions but same SZA and a second having different SZAs and same atmospheric turbidity levels.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of the global radiation on the CCGS St. Catharines during the period January 1959 to August 1961 are related to average daytime cloudiness by regression techniques. The regression equations are presented and evidence for increased depletion by clouds at low sun-heights is discussed. The effects of visibility and precipitation are indicated.
Zusammenfassung Messungen der Globalsstrahlung auf dem Ozean-Wetterschiff P während der Periode von Januar 1959 bis August 1961 werden mittels Regressionsformeln in Beziehung zur mittleren Tagesbewölkung gesetzt. Die Regressionsgleichungen werden aufgestellt und die Beweise für eine gesteigerte Streuung durch Wolken und tiefen Sonnenstand diskutiert. Auf die Wirkungen der Sichtweite und des Niederschlags wird hingewiesen.

Résumé On recherche au moyen des formules de régression la relation existant entre la nébulosité journalière moyenne et la radiation globale. On se base pour cela sur des mesures effectuées de janvier 1959 à août 1961 à bord du bateau météorologique P. On établit tout d'abord les formules de régression, puis on discute les preuves apportées au fait que la dispersion de cette relation augmente par forte nébulosité ou par un soleil bas sur l'horizon. On mentionne également l'influence de la visibilité et des précipitations sur le dit rapport.

With 6 Figures

Published by permission of the Director, Meteorological Branch, department of Transport, Toronto, Canada.  相似文献   

In this study, two universal turbidity parameters, the Angstrom turbidity coefficient and Linke turbidity factor, are applied to study the atmospheric turbidity characteristics of Taichung Harbor. Meteorological parameter values were measured during 2004 and 2005 at the Wuchi weather station of the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau, near the Taiwan Strait. Results based on the Angstrom turbidity models (βLou, βPin, and βVis) indicated that annual mean values of the Angstrom turbidity coefficients were 0.174, 0.21 and 0.201, respectively. Four sets of Linke turbidity factors (TLin, TLou, TPin and TVis) were calculated using the original Linke method and the Dogniaux method, incorporating the computed Angstrom turbidity coefficients (βLou, βPin and βVis); the resultant values were 4.30, 6.40, 7.10 and 6.95, respectively. The monthly average values, frequency of occurrence, and cumulative frequency distributions were calculated using different models to describe the clear-sky atmospheric conditions at Taichung Harbor. The frequency results show that for over 50% of the dataset, three sets of Angstrom turbidity coefficients fell between 0.15 and 0.18, and four sets of Linke turbidity factors (TLin, TLou, TPin and TVis) fell between 4.0 and 6.5. Thus, for 50% of cloudless days, the sky can be between turbid and clear over Taichung Harbor. Furthermore, the results reveal that for 30% of the dataset, three Angstrom sets of turbidity coefficients (βLou, βPin, and βVis) exceed 0.2 and four sets of Linke turbidity factors (TLin, TLou, TPin and TVis) exceed 5.0. This indicates that 30% of cloudless sky conditions can be considered turbid to very turbid.  相似文献   

Summary Solar radiation incident on the Earth’s surface is a determining factor of climate on Earth, hence having a proper solar radiation database is crucial in understanding climate processes in the Earth’s atmosphere. Solar radiation data may be used in the development of insolation maps, analysis of crop growth and in the simulation of solar systems. Unfortunately, measured solar radiation data may not be available in locations where it is most needed. An alternative to obtaining observed data is to estimate it using an appropriate solar radiation model. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of thirteen global solar radiation empirical formulations, in Kampala, Uganda, located in an African Equatorial region. The best performing formulations were determined using the ranking method. The mean bias error, root mean square error and t-statistic value were calculated and utilized in the ranking process. Results have shown that the formulation: is ranked the highest and therefore is the recommended empirical equation for the estimation of the monthly mean global solar irradiation in Kampala, Uganda and in other African Equatorial locations with similar climate and terrain.  相似文献   

Integrated observations were made of solar irradiance (including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), visible radiation (VIS), global radiation (G), etc.), and meteorological parameters at 4 stations in North China between September, 2004 and October, 2006. The ratios of hourly sum of PAR to G (H PAR/H), VIS to G (H VIS/H), and PAR to VIS (H PAR/H VIS) varied smoothly but exhibited significant diurnal, daily, seasonal variations, and were influenced by several factors, such as water vapor, cloud, haze, etc. The objective of this paper is to develop empirical formulas for estimation of hourly and daily sums of PAR and VIS and their relationship under all sky conditions in North China. The calculated PAR and VIS were in agreement with measured values, the relative biases were 13.0?% and 12.4?% for hourly sums, 9.9?% and 9.0?% for daily values, respectively.  相似文献   

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