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Ulva sp. and Gracilaria sp. were found colonizing shell surfaces of an acorn barnacle, Megabalanus tintinnabulum. However, this association was not noticed in the case of Balanus amphitrite, which was a co‐inhabitant. Such a difference in intergeneric interactions with the algae was examined in laboratory experiments. For this, the influence that extracts of algae, extracts of algae‐associated bacteria and natural leachants from M. tintinnabulum exerted on cyprid metamorphosis of B. amphitrite was examined. Extracts of algae and associated bacteria showed no effect on the metamorphosis of B. amphitrite. This may be attributed to absence of cue‐specific sugars in the exopolysaccharides and culture supernatants of bacteria. On the other hand, natural leachants of M. tintinnabulum, which showed the presence of N‐acetyl‐d ‐glucosamine, a known algal spore attractant, also inhibited metamorphosis of B. amphitrite. Thus, hosting specific epibionts could have important roles in the segregation of barnacle population.  相似文献   

Although several studies have evaluated the genetic structure and phylogeographic patterns in many species of marine invertebrates, a general model that applies to all of them remains elusive. For example, some species present an admixture of populations with high gene flow, whereas others exhibit more complex patterns characterized by small‐scale unstructured genetic heterogeneity, even at a local scale. These differences are thought to be due to clear biological aspects such as direct versus indirect development, or the presence of lecithotrophic versus planktotrophic larvae, but few studies compare animals with similar distributions and life modes. Here, we explore the phylogeographic and genetic structure patterns in two chiton (Chiton olivaceus and Lepidopleurus cajetanus) and one abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) species co‐occurring in the same habitat. Samples were obtained from shallow rocky bottoms along the Iberian Peninsula (Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts), Italy, Croatia and Greece, and the mitochondrial markers COI and 16S rRNA gene were sequenced. Our data show evidence of admixture and population expansion in C. olivaceus and H. tuberculata, whereas L. cajetanus exhibited a ‘chaotic patchiness’ pattern defined by a high genetic variability with locality‐exclusive haplotypes, high genetic divergence, and a lack of geographic structure. Shared haplotypes were sampled in both coasts of Iberia (for H. tuberculata) and in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean (for C. olivaceus), potentially indicating high dispersal ability and a recent expansion. The processes underlying the fine‐scale structuring in L. cajetanus remain a mystery. These results are especially interesting because the reproductive mode of the two chitons is similar but differs from that of the abalone, with a veliger larva, while instead the genetic structure of C. olivaceus and H. tuberculata are similar, thus contrasting with predictions based on the life history of the three molluscs and showing that the genetic patterns of marine species may be shaped by many factors, including historical ones.  相似文献   

To test the effects of site and successional stage on nitrogen fixation rates in salt marshes of the Venice Lagoon, Italy, acetylene reduction assays were performed with Salicornia veneta‐ and Spartina townsendii‐vegetated sediments from three restored (6–14 years) and two natural marshes. Average nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) rates ranged from 31 to 343 μmol C2H4·m?2·h?1 among all marshes, with the greatest average rates being from one natural marsh (Tezze Fonde). These high rates are up to six times greater than those reported from Southern California Spartina marshes of similar Mediterranean climate, but substantially lower than those found in moister climates of the Atlantic US coast. Nitrogen fixation rates did not consistently vary between natural and restored marshes within a site (Fossei Est, Tezze Fonde, Cenesa) but were negatively related to assayed plant biomass within the acetylene reduction samples collected among all marshes. Highest nitrogen fixation rates were found at Tezze Fonde, the location closest to the city of Venice, in both natural and restored marshes, suggesting possible site‐specific impacts of anthropogenic stress on marsh succession.  相似文献   

The calcarean sponge Paraleucilla magna is classified as being an invasive species on the Mediterranean Sea, where it causes economic damages to mollusc farms. On the Brazilian coast, this species is considered to be cryptogenic, and information on its ecology is scarce. The same is true for Sycettusa hastifera, another calcarean sponge with a worldwide distribution. Data on the ecology of these species could help in elucidating their potential to become a threat if they are found to be exotic species in Brazil. In the present work, we studied habitat selection, growth and mortality of early juveniles of P. magna and habitat selection of S. hastifera in a Marine Reserve from Southeastern Brazil, where these species are abundant in the benthic community. Granite plates were used for habitat selection analysis, varying in substrate inclination (vertical and horizontal) and exposure to light and hydrodynamism (exposed and sheltered). To analyse the growth and mortality rates, sponges were mapped and then measured once a week for 10 weeks. If a monitored sponge was not found in the following week, it was considered to be dead. Our results showed that, although P. magna and S. hastifera are capable of inhabiting substrates exposed to different environmental conditions, they showed habitat preferences. Growth of the juveniles of P. magna seemed not to have damaged any neighbouring invertebrates. The mortality of juveniles of this species was higher during the first 2 weeks of life but its causes could not be elucidated.  相似文献   

The introduction of exotic marine species has caused considerable economic and ecological damage around the world. Some of these species possess adaptations such as secondary metabolites which facilitate their successful invasion into new areas. In this study we tested two hypotheses: (i) crude extracts produced by two invasive hard corals Tubastraea coccinea and Tubastraea tagusensis, introduced to the southwest Atlantic, inhibit predation by generalist fish; (ii) substances found in the crude extracts of both species reduce or enhance the settlement of other organisms. In an in situ palatability bioassay the extract of T. tagusensis reduced predation by generalist fish. The extracts of both species of coral showed species‐specific effects on fouling organisms in in situ gel plate bioassays. Control and extract plates had similar total cover, although plates with extracts had significantly fewer Cladophora sp., and Lithophyllum sp. was only detected on control gels. In contrast, a hydrozoan was only found on plates with extracts and overall community ordination demonstrated clear differences in the fouling communities between treatments. These results demonstrate that both coral species have chemical substances which can bring about a negative interaction with potential fish predators and competitors such as algal and invertebrate foulers and the advantage gained could explain their success in invading new regions to the detriment of local fauna and flora.  相似文献   

We studied the genetic structure of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Roweothuria) polii (Delle Chiaje 1823) by analysing the mitochondrial DNA variation in two fragments of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S genes. Individuals were collected in seven locations along the Mediterranean Sea, which cover a wide range of the species distribution. We found high haplotype diversity for COI and moderate diversity for 16S, and low nucleotide diversity for both genes. Our results for the COI gene showed many recent and exclusive haplotypes with few mutational changes, suggesting recent or ongoing population expansion. The Western and Eastern Mediterranean populations exhibited slight but significant genetic differentiation (COI gene) with higher genetic diversity in the East. The most ancient haplotype was not present in the westernmost sampling location (SE Spain). The oldest expansion time was observed in Turkey, corresponding to mid‐Pleistocene. Turkey had also the highest genetic diversity (number of total and exclusive haplotypes, polymorphisms, haplotype and nucleotide diversity). This suggests that this region could be the origin of the subsequent colonizations through the Mediterranean Sea, a hypothesis that should be assessed with nuclear markers in future research.  相似文献   

It has recently been realized that sponges take up much of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) available in the water of reefs. The energy derived from this DOM is suggested to be invested in renewing the sponge filter cells (choanocytes) every few hours, generating an outflow of detrital particulate organic matter (POM) that is rapidly ingested by other invertebrates. By this DOM‐to‐POM recycling, sponges are proposed to fuel the food web of oligotrophic marine communities, including reefs, caves and deep‐sea environments. In four species studied herein by electron microscopy, the POM found in the outgoing aquiferous canals had a complex composition, with large between‐species differences. It may include choanocytes (0–52%), and also mesohyl cells, such as archeocytes (9–20%) and spherulous, and granular cells with inclusions (27–90%). Exocytosed vesicles also occurred. Surprisingly, to end up into the outgoing canals, the internal mesohyl cells squeezed between the epithelial cells (endopinacocytes) of the canal wall. Mesohyl cells were also able to transfer their inclusions to the endopinacocytes, which in turn extruded their acquired vesicle loads into the canal lumen. The unanticipated abundant participation of mesohyl cells and endopinacocytes in the production of POM appears to be an ordinary process that occurs continuously in the sponges, mostly related to elimination of digestion leftovers and excretion by‐products. Therefore, POM is generated by sponges irrespective of whether the primary food source is particulate (evidence from this study) or DOM (previous literature). Altogether, these results indicate that the cellular mechanisms behind the relevant organic‐matter recycling carried out by sponges are more diverse than initially anticipated. The varying ratios of choanocytes/mesohyl cells in the POM across species suggest that different sponge species may impact differently the energetics of food webs of the respective oligotrophic habitats where they dominate.  相似文献   

Population abundance, distribution and habitat preference of the Mediterranean sympatric seahorses Hippocampus guttulatus and Hippocampus hippocampus were investigated in a semi‐enclosed sea system (Apulian coast, Ionian Sea). A total of 242 individuals of seahorses were sighted in the 11 transects surveyed in summer 2011. Hippocampus guttulatus (n = 225) were 14 times more abundant than H. hippocampus (17). The mean abundance of H. guttulatus for all the pooled sites was 0.018 m?2 (SE ± 0.003) ranging from a maximum of 0.035 (SE ± 0.007) to a minimum of 0.008 (SE ± 0.002). The size structure of long‐snouted seahorse shows a population ranging from 7 to 14 cm (SL) with a peak at 10 cm (TL). Juveniles (96.0 ± 8.0 mm) represent a significant fraction of the population, accounting more than 21% of the sighted individuals. In Mar Piccolo, H. guttulatus is able to shelter both in monotonous habitats, including the algal beds, and diversified ones, such as the rich filter‐feeder communities that colonize hard substrates. By contrast, H. hippocampus is mainly associated with habitats of low complexity. Today, the Mar Piccolo di Taranto is among the most heavily polluted water bodies in South Italy, with trace metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides and organic wastes affecting both biotic and abiotic matrices. However, despite the high level of degradation, the presence of a large mussel farm has avoided the impact of towed fishing gears, and eutrophication of water bodies has ensured a high trophic level that supports large crustacean populations, potential prey for seahorses.  相似文献   

Commercially harvested since ancient times, the highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) is an octocoral endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent Eastern Atlantic Ocean, where it occurs on rocky bottoms over a wide bathymetric range. Current knowledge is restricted to its shallow populations (15–50 m depth), with comparably little attention given to the deeper populations (50–200 m) that are nowadays the main target of exploitation. In this study, red coral distribution and population structure were assessed in three historically exploited areas (Amalfi, Ischia Island and Elba Island) in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea) between 50 and 130 m depth by means of ROV during a cruise carried out in the summer of 2010. Red coral populations showed a maximum patch frequency of 0.20 ± 0.04 SD patches·m?1 and a density ranging between 28 and 204 colonies·m?2, with a fairly continuous bathymetric distribution. The highest red coral densities in the investigated areas were found on cliffs and boulders mainly exposed to the east, at the greatest depth, and characterized by medium percentage sediment cover. The study populations contained a high percentage (46% on average) of harvestable colonies (>7 mm basal diameter). Moreover, some colonies with fifth‐order branches were also observed, highlighting the probable older age of some components of these populations. The Ischia population showed the highest colony occupancy, density and size, suggesting a better conservation status than the populations at the other study locations. These results indicate that deep dwelling red coral populations in non‐stressed or less‐harvested areas may diverge from the inverse size‐density relationship previously observed in red coral populations with increasing depth.  相似文献   

Pleistocene glaciations were among the important historic events that shaped the population structures of marine organisms. Genetic studies of different marine fauna and flora have demonstrated the effect of Pleistocene glaciations on taxa that reside in marginal seas. However, how marine island species responded to Pleistocene glaciations remains relatively unstudied, especially in Asia. Genetic analyses based on the island‐associated barnacle Chthamalus moro collected from 14 sites in Asia reveal that C. moro comprises three distinct lineages, with COI divergence ranging from 3.9 to 8.3%. Population genetic analyses on respective lineages reveal signs of demographic expansion within the Pleistocene epoch at different times. The Ogasawara lineage, which has a more oceanic distribution, expanded the earliest, followed by the population expansion of the Ryukyu and Southern lineages that inhabit islands closer to the continent. The data suggest that the inhabitants of outer islands may have been less affected by Pleistocene glaciations than those that reside closer to the continent, as the former were able to maintain a large, stable, effective population size throughout the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Leaf growth, biomass and production of Cymodocea nodosa were measured from October 2006 to September 2007 in Monastir Bay (Tunisia). Shoot density showed a clear seasonal pattern, increasing during spring and summer and decreasing during fall and winter. Monthly mean shoot density ranged between 633 ± 48 and 704 ± 48 shoots?m?2. The monthly average total biomass ranged between 560 ± 37 and 646 ± 32 g dry weight (DW)?m?2. Total biomass varied significantly among stations and sampling times but did not show seasonal variation. Leaf plastochrone intervals varied seasonally, with an annual average of 28–30 days. Leaf productivity was highest in August (2.61 g DW?m?2?day?1) and lowest in February (0.35 g DW?m?2?day?1). Annual belowground primary production varied from 263 to 311 g DW?m?2?year?1. Annual leaf production was approximately equal for all the stations (from 264 to 289 g DW?m?2?year?1). Variability in water temperature, air temperature and salinity explained the annual variability in biological characteristics. Changes in belowground and total biomass were not correlated with seasonal variability in the environmental parameters monitored. Additionally, a literature review was conducted of C. nodosa features at other Mediterranean sites, encompassing 30 studies from 1985 to 2014.  相似文献   

The geographic and bathymetric distribution of “ostur”, that is mass occurrences of large-sized astrophorid demosponges, first recognized at the Faroe Islands during the internordic BIOFAR programme (Marine Benthic Fauna of the Faroe Islands), are mapped for the northeast Atlantic. This is done on the basis of information obtained during the sampling of the BIOICE programme (Benthic Invertebrates in Icelandic Waters) as well as during cruises at Karmoy (southwest Norway), the Trondheim Fjord (middle Norway), the Koster area (southwest Sweden) and the Denmark Strait (southeast Greenland). In addition, information has been acquired from Nordic and German biologists and fishermen regarding the occurrence of “ostur”. These data together with the sparse information in the literature show that the geographic distribution of the “ostur” areas follows two band-shaped arcs, defined by the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the Irminger Current. The local occurrence of “ostur” is, however, to a great extent dependent on areas of variable topography where a hard bottom is present.The results show that two main types of “ostur” can be recognized in the northeast Atlantic. Firstly a boreal “ostur” which is dominated by Geodia barretti, Geodia macandrewi, Geodia atlantica, Isops phlegraei, Stryphnus ponderosus and Stelletta normani, and occurs around the Faroe Islands, Norway, Sweden, parts of the western Barents Sea and south of Iceland. Secondly a cold water “ostur” characterized by the same genera but represented by different species, viz. Geodia mesotriaena, Isops phlegraei pyriformis and Stelletta rhaphidiophora, which is found north of Iceland, in most of the Denmark Strait, off East Greenland and north of Spitzbergen. A number of hexactinellid species are also represented in the cold water “ostur”, the most frequently occurring being Schaudinnia rosea.Suggestions are given regarding the possible causes for observed changes in the distribution of “ostur” as well as to the biological importance of these areas.  相似文献   

Understanding processes that contribute to a better comprehension of the population dynamics of long‐lived species is critical for the maintenance and potential recovery of such species. Despite the abundance of soft corals in Mediterranean rocky reefs, little information exists on their life histories and reproductive patterns. In this study, we assessed the main reproductive characteristics and early life‐history traits of the long‐lived soft coral Alcyonium acaule. The sex ratio was 1:1; the smallest fertile colonies were one finger in size (2.1 ± 0.6 cm in height), and both colony and polyp fertility increased with colony size. Likewise, the number of eggs and spermary sacs per polyp increased significantly with colony size, whereas the diameter of the female and male sexual products did not. Over 6 years of observations (2007–2012), spawning occurred primarily in July, after the seawater reached 20 °C, in a single spawning episode per year. Approximately 80% of female colonies released eggs, which were retained on the surface of the mother colony by mucous strings for up to a few days. High fertilization rates were observed during spawning in 2008 and 2009 (94.9% and 87.0%, respectively). The timing of development was ~24 h for the blastulae, ~48–72 h for the planulae and 8–22 days for metamorphosis into primary polyps. Survivorship of planulae was relatively high (~50% at 45 days after release), but only 24% of larvae metamorphosed into primary polyps, and their survivorship was moderate after 2 months (65% in 2008 and 74% in 2009). Asexual reproduction was negligible, indicating that sexual reproduction is the main mechanism supporting the maintenance and recovery of populations.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and life cycle of Idotea balthica basteri (Pallas, 1772) were studied at the Menzel Jemil (lagoon of Bizerte, Tunisia) based on monthly samples taken from October 2009 to September 2011. The presence of juveniles and gravid females throughout the sampling period showed that this species exhibits continuous reproduction. Sexual differentiation occurs in approximately 43–59 days. Females took 88–160 days (3–5.5 months) to reach sexual maturation, and males took 102 days (3.5 months). The fecundity and fertility values exhibited a great variation in the number of eggs and embryos or mancae inside the marsupium which was correlated with the length of the gravid females. The sex ratio underwent fluctuations throughout the sampling period but was always in favour of females. Size frequency distributions were analysed recognizing 24 cohorts during the sampling period. Six cohorts were identified in October 2009 and 18 cohorts in November 2009–September 2011. Among these latter cohorts, nine were tracked till they disappeared. The minimum average size of new cohorts ranged from 1.92 ± 0.31 to 2.97 ± 0.26 mm and the maximum values ranged from 12.83 ± 0.96 to 19.23 ± 0.56 mm. Life span was estimated at 10–14 months. I. balthica basteri, in the lagoon of Bizerte, is a semi‐annual species with iteroparous females, and a bivoltine life cycle that produces two generations per year.  相似文献   

To elucidate which environmental factors affect lagoonal‐scale sea cucumber distributions in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, intertidal and subtidal areas of three coral reef lagoons were classified into several ground divisions by bottom characteristics, and sea cucumber densities therein were compared with the composition of sediment cover, grain size and organic content, and coverage of macroalgae, seagrass, and massive corals. Holothuria atra, Holothuria leucospilota, Stichopus chloronotus, and Synapta maculata had highest densities in the nearshore areas but were rare in reef flats, probably because of wave disturbance and low areal cover of sand sediment as potential feeding environments. No relationship was observed between sea cucumber densities and sediment organic content or grain size. Thus, even if these sea cucumbers have selectivity for habitats with a high sediment organic content, the effect of such selectivity on the distribution seems to be limited to relatively small areas. The sea cucumber distributions can be classified by bottom sediment/biota composition into bedrock (H. leucospilota), sand (H. atra), and lagoonal types (St. chloronotus and Sy. maculata). These habitat selections were possibly related to various aspects of sea cucumber ecology such as refuge from predators or turbulence, or settlement and nursery place, which have implications for importance of the complexity of lagoonal‐scale topography and sediment/biota conditions for the coexistence of various holothurian species.  相似文献   

This study examined the phylogeography of the barnacle Fistulobalanus albicostatus, which inhabits mangroves and estuarine shores in the West Pacific. Differentiation in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 12S ribosomal RNA (12S) genes of 401 specimens of F. albicostatus was examined in samples from 16 locations in the West Pacific, ranging from Honshu to Southern China. Our results revealed that F. albicostatus comprises two major clades exhibiting a COI divergence ranging from 1.25% to 2.8%. Clade A demonstrated the widest distribution, ranging from Japan to China, and was divided into three subclades occurring in the South China Sea (A1), Okinawa (A2), and Honshu, Korea and Qingdao (A3). Clade B was determined to be endemic to Okinawa; i.e. two endemic lineages occur in this island. Thus, F. albicostatus resembles several inter‐tidal species in having clades that are endemic to Okinawan waters. Nevertheless, in contrast to the rocky inter‐tidal barnacles Tetraclita spp. and Chthamalus malayensis, F. albicostatus was not found to be separated into continental and oceanic populations, but instead is divided into northern and southern clades, probably because of the Yangtze River discharge, which limits gene flow between the northern and southern populations.  相似文献   

The decapod assemblage associated with a Posidonia oceanica meadow located near its western limit of biogeographic distribution was studied over an annual cycle. Fauna samples were taken seasonally over a year (five replicates per season) in two sites located 7 km apart, using a non‐destructive sampling method (airlift sampler) for the seagrass. The dominant species of the assemblage, Pisidia longimana, Pilumnus hirtellus and Athanas nitescens, were associated with the protective rhizome stratum, which is mainly used as a nursery. The correlations between decapod assemblage structure and some phenological parameters of the seagrass shoots and wave height were negative or null, which reflects that species associated with the rhizome had a higher importance than those associated with the leaf stratum. The abundance and composition of the decapod assemblage as well as the ecological indexes displayed a seasonality trend with maximum values in summer‐autumn and minimum in winter‐spring, which were related to the seawater temperature and the recruitment periods of the dominant species. The spatial differences found in the structure and dynamics of the assemblages may be due to variations in the recruitment of the dominant species, probably as a result of the influence of local factors (e.g. temperature, currents) and the high dispersal ability of decapods, together with the patchy configuration and the surrounding habitats. The studied meadows are fragmented and are integrated within a mosaic of habitats (Cymodocea nodosa patches, algal meadows, rocky and sandy bottoms), which promotes the movement of individuals and species among them, maintaining a high species richness and evenness.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and gametogenesis of the non‐indigenous polychaete species Branchiomma luctuosum Grube, 1869 (Annelida, Sabellidae) has been investigated at three sites in the Taranto Seas (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). The species, probably introduced from the Red Sea, has been reported in the Mediterranean Sea since 1983. The species is hermaphrodite, and the reproductive season is between June and October when the largest mean size of oocytes was recorded together with the presence of mature spermatozoa. Small oocytes are present in specimens reaching about 20–25 mm in length. Therefore oogenesis seems to begin early during the first year of life, but the first reproduction can occur when the worms attain a larger size and are at least 6 months of age. Although most of the individuals reproduce seasonally within a discrete period, some individuals can reproduce in different periods during the year, the oogenesis of individuals not being synchronous. A life span of at least 2 years is highlighted, with a faster growth rate during the first months (about 20 mm per month) decreasing to about 10 mm from the 3rd to the 8th months and slowing down again after the worm reaches 100 mm in size. Some differences in growth performance are discussed, enhanced by comparing the sites located at greater depth (5–7 m) and those located at 0.5 m depth, together with the possible interactions of this alien species with the autochthonous sabellid Sabella spallanzanii.  相似文献   

A mass mortality episode involving three marine dyctioceratid sponges, Ircina variabilis, Sarcotragus spinosulus and Spongia officinalis, was observed on ‘Scoglio del Trave’ (Conero Promontory, North Adriatic Sea) in late summer 2009. In this area, calm sea and high temperatures throughout summer created unfavorable environmental conditions, leading to the outbreak of the disease. Affected specimens showed evident necrotic areas and portions with bare skeleton, and many specimens of S. spinosulus were covered with a white mat of cyanobacteria. In September 2009, about 22% of these demosponges suffered from this disease. The mortality event ceased when sea temperature dropped below 20 °C. Small specimens turned out to be more sensitive to the diseases, whereas the damaged tissues of large specimens were able to recover. In October, the damaged specimens were detached by the rough sea and more than 900 beached sponges were found along the 1‐km‐long beach, showing the seriousness of the phenomenon, which probably involved not only the area studied but also areas adjacent to it.  相似文献   

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