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通过创建一个Excel电子表格,并在单元格中输入公式,然后输入已知数据,即可自动完成导线的简易平差,以此证明Excel可在工程测量计算中发挥作用。 相似文献
在地质灾害防治规划中《地质灾害现状及易发区、危险区(点)分布图》和《地质灾害防治规划图》分别是一定区域内地质灾害点(区)现状及未来防治任务的直观体现。本文论述MAPGIS二次开发软件Section和Microsoft Office Excel软件在编辑制作该类图件的交互应用和体会。 相似文献
以GIS数据与地图表达的关系为线索,结合林业规划制图过程,分析了GIS数据与地图表达的冲突,提出通过数据选择系统、分析与制图一体化策略及地图表现层次分类系统的构建来实现GIS数据与地图表达的融合,提高专题地图制图质量。 相似文献
The Potential of Maps APIs for Internet GIS Applications 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
T Edwin Chow 《Transactions in GIS》2008,12(2):179-191
Since the launching of Maps Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in 2005, many web developers, including geographers and non‐geographers, applauded the freely adaptable tools and used them to spawn numerous Internet applications. The success of the Maps APIs is largely attributable to its no‐cost policy, the availability of global data coverage, dynamic navigation, query capability, and ease of implementation. Despite its versatility in dynamic exploration of geographic data online, the existing Maps APIs lack Geographic Information System (GIS) functionalities compared to other Internet Mapping Services. The goal of this research was to review the potential of the Maps APIs for Internet GIS applications. This research employed the Google Maps API and developed a web prototype that disseminates spatial information of urban sprawl in Mundy Township, Michigan. The results revealed that both vector and raster data could be effectively represented by using the Maps API. Moreover, the Geographic Markup Language (GML) approach illustrated great potential for developing Internet GIS solutions around open specifications. This research suggested several potential solutions to expand the spectrum of GIS operations of the Maps APIs by incorporating the XML‐related technology and extending the JavaScript library. 相似文献
《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):104-114
AbstractThis paper presents a technique for creating oblique view maps of urban areas. We identify and apply cartographic and cognitive principles to develop a solution in the context of state-of-art geographic information systems. The gap in the ability of these systems to render three-dimensional buildings into maps is addressed. At the core of our solution is a building facade modelling approach that supports varying degrees of abstraction. This is achieved by introducing a concept of 'facade waveforms' and representing building facades as combinations of these waveforms. A Fourier series approximation of the waveforms is used during the rendering processes resulting in an elegant solution to anti-aliasing. The formulation retains the semantic information in the representation that enables meaningful extensions like night time facade generation. The solution is implemented as a pixel shader and therefore leads to a large reduction in texture memory requirement compared with existing building rendering techniques. Additionally, in the case of web based systems, there is significant reduction in bandwidth requirement. We highlight the features of the proposed solution by generating demonstrative maps and images. 相似文献
"界址点成果表"是测绘中经常要绘制的成果表,但是很多测绘单位没有专门的软件来绘制。介绍如何利用Microsoft Excel中的VBA进行编程实现"界址点成果表"的自动生成,并且能迅速将界址点坐标展绘到AutoCAD中连线为一个闭合的图形,该程序有利于提高效率和正确性,已在Windows XP和AutoCAD2006中运行通过。 相似文献
Population data used in GIS analyses is generally assumed to be homogeneous and planar (i.e. census tracts, townships or prefectures) due to the public unavailability of building population data. However, information on building population is required for micro-spatial analysis for improved disaster management and emergency preparedness, public facility management for urban planning, consumer and retail market analysis, environment and public health programs and other demographic studies. This article discusses a GIS approach using the Areametric and Volumetric methods for estimating building population based on census tracts and building footprint datasets. The estimated results were evaluated using actual building population data by visual, statistical and spatial means, and validated for use in micro-spatial analysis. We have also implemented a standalone GIS tool (known as 'PopShape GIS') for generating new building footprint with population attribute information based on user-defined criteria. 相似文献
Christopher Macdonald Hewitt 《The Cartographic journal》2017,54(2):106-114
Historical enclosure era property-related maps can tell us a great deal about the life and times of communities in the past. This study offers a unique approach to studying the historical landscape by applying GIS techniques to the examination of an eighteenth-century English village. Using novel GIS applications relying on historical maps, the study explores various aspects of the village’s physical and social characteristics. In doing so, the study forges effective linkages between cultural and landscape variables to reveal aspects of the historical landscape in eighteenth-century Britain previously inaccessible to researchers. This, in turn, provides a much more comprehensive and sophisticated template for future use by historical geographers in a number of contexts. 相似文献
简介GIS互操作和本体理论,以及本体建模语言DAML+OIL。讨论了本体理论在解决GIS互操作中的作用,并给出了使用DAML+OIL构建地理本体在GIS中简单应用实例。 相似文献
电子海图最短距离航线自动生成的改进方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对航路二叉树方法绕行碍航区处理不完备、效率低等缺点,提出了最短距离航线自动生成的改进方法。通过复杂碍航区路径的递归搜索和碍航区绕行规则的优化,实现了复杂情形下的航线自动生成;利用方向一致性判断、边界检测和动态包络矩形排斥等策略优化航线生成,并采用递归处理和动态判断的方式求解最短距离航线。此方法与已有的航路二叉树方法相比,在自动生成航线的质量和效率上都有明显提高。 相似文献
Time-variant GIS Databases of Changing Historical Administrative Boundaries: A European Comparison 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ian N. Gregory 《Transactions in GIS》2002,6(2):161-178
The advantages of using digital boundary data as part of the process of analysing and visualising census data are well known. In many countries census data and their associated boundaries are now published as an integrated digital product. To truly understand the present, however, we must also understand the past and the changes that have led us to the present. Several European countries and regions have, therefore, created GISes of their changing administrative boundaries as a first stage in fully understanding the spatial and temporal complexities of long-term socio-economic change. Many others have plans to do so. In June 2000 a European Science Foundation funded workshop was held in Florence organised by Drs H Southall, M Goerke, and G Thorvaldsen. The meeting's title was "Mapping Europe's historic boundaries and borders: An exploratory workshop" (Southall et al. 2000). The meeting included a session on "Constructing historic boundary GISes" in which representatives of projects from various countries and regions reported on how their project had approached the problem of creating time-variant GISes of changing socio-economic units. This paper examines the different approaches to creating temporal GISes that are described in the literature and compares this to the actual methods used by these European projects. 相似文献
AbstractThis paper describes some results of an attempt to design and to write a general purpose computer program which can be used to produce quality maps of discrete data by the person who has had no training in computer programming. In the first section, the variety of the maps this program can produce is illustrated; in the second section, some of the principles involved in such map production are discussed; in the third section, the input arrangements for using the program are described and, finally, the role of such programs in teaching and research in the years ahead is discussed. 相似文献
主要阐述用GIS的分析技术为高层建筑空间布局专项规划服务的过程,介绍GIS在管理决策及规划设计中的应用。 相似文献
Efforts within cartography on indoor maps have previously not received a lot of attention. Work that has been carried out on indoor maps often focus on map design very similar to an architectural style (Klippel et al. 2006; Ciavarella and Paternò 2004). In some cases the design has been of a more novel character where approaches with augmented and virtual realities have been carried out (Radoczky 2007; Müller et al. 2006). Common to these approaches is the depiction of one floor per map. As well, the primary user task is often solely personal navigation. In this article I present an innovative approach to indoor maps. The design is directly inspired by underground tube maps first developed by Harry Beck (Garland 1994) and today a common design for public transport maps. The main advantages of the map design are its simplicity and the possibility of including all floors in one map view. This allows the map user to easier comprehend the structure of the building without using several maps, as commonly needed with today's indoor map designs. I present several different map styles each intended to satisfy different user groups and tasks depending on the user's familiarity with the environment. In addition the article motivate for new application areas suitable for indoor maps, especially large hospitals. I hypothesize that the design proposed in this article leans very well to displaying real-time dynamic geospatial information, such as patients, staff, equipment and room availability within hospitals. Due to the early phase of the work presented here I outline the needed further work and possibilities of technological platforms as well as evaluations necessary in order for the design to gain acceptance and success. 相似文献