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We use acceleration data from the Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (OVSICORI-UNA) and Laboratorio de Ingenieria Sismica, Universidad de Costa Rica (LIS-UCR) seismic network for the relocation and moment-tensor solution of the September 5, 2012, 14:42:03.35 UTC, Nicoya, Costa Rica earthquake (Mw 7.6 GCMT). Using different relocation methods we found a stable earthquake hypocenter, near the original OVSICORI-UNA location in the Nicoya Peninsula, NW Costa Rica at Lat 9.6943°N, Lon 85.5689°W, depth 15.3 km, associated with the subduction of the Cocos plate under Caribbean plate. Acceleration records at OVSICORI-UNA and LIS-UCR stations (94–171 km), at 0.03 < f < 0.06 Hz were used in the waveform inversion for a single-point centroid moment tensor (CMT). Using spatial grid search the centroid position was found at the depth of 30 km, situated at Lat 10.0559°N, Lon 85.4778°W, i.e. of about 41 km NNE from the epicenter. The centroid time is 14:42:18.89 UTC, i.e. 15.54 s later relative to the location-based origin time. The nodal plane (strike 318°, dip 27° and rake 115°) is the fault plane that agrees with the geometry of the subducted slab at Nicoya, NNW Costa Rica. Increasing the maximum studied frequency from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz, the multiple point source inversion model leads to two subevents. The first one was located near the centroid and the second subevent was situated 20 km along strike and 10 km down dip from the first subevent and 6 s later. The uncertainty of the source model was carefully examined using complementary inversion methods, viz the iterative deconvolution and non-negative least squares.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für den Nicoya- bzw. Basalkomplex, zu dem im südlichen Mittelamerika die ältesten bekannten Gesteine gehören, wird eine Einstufung in die höhere Oberkreide (Campan/Maastricht) wahrscheinlich gemacht. Damit unterscheidet sich der Nicoya-Komplex altersmäßig nicht wesentlich von den bisher bekannten oberkretazischen Serien in S-Nicaragua, Costa Rica und W-Panama. Innerhalb der Basalte des Nicoya-Komplexes kommen stellenweise sehr basische und saure magmatische Gesteine vor, bei denen es sich möglicherweise um tertiäre Intrusiva handelt. Kennzeichnend für den Nicoya-Komplex sind Strukturen, die deutlich von der jüngeren NW/SE-Richtung der tertiären Faltenachsen abweichen. Nach bisheriger Kenntnis kann der Nicoya-Komplex als ehemals ozeanische Kruste angesehen werden. Diese Auffassung wirft eine Reihe von ungelösten Problemen auf.
The Nicoya or basement complex, representing the oldest rocks in Southern Central America, seems to be restricted stratigraphically to the late Upper Cretaceous (Campanian/Maestrichtian). Its age is similar to that of the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary series in Southern Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Western Panama. Locally rather basic and acid intrusive rocks occur among the basalts of the Nicoya complex. Possibly they are of Tertiary age. Structures with trends other than those of the Tertiary folds (NW/SE direction) are significant for the Nicoya complex. All known facts lead to the conception that the Nicoya complex may be considered as former oceanic crust. This interpretation, however, implies several unsolved problems.

Résumé Le complexe de Nicoya ou complexe basal, qui représente les roches les plus anciennes de la région Sud de l'Amérique Central, est probablement limité à la fin du Crétacé supérieur (Campanien/Maastrichtien). Son âge correspond à peu près à celui des séries sédimentaires du Crétacé supérieur, qu'on connaît dans le Sud du Nicaragua, à Costa Rica et au Panama Occidental. Parmi les basaltes du complexe de Nicoya se trouvent quelques corps de roches intrusives très acides et basiques, qui sont possiblement part du cycle volcanique du Tertiaire. Le complexe de Nicoya est caractérisé par des structures qui se distinguent des structures tertiaires (avec direction de NW à SE). Les investigations actuelles permettent a interpréter le complexe de Nicoya comme écorce océanique ancienne. Sans doute cette conception soulève plusieurs problèmes à résoudre.

( ) - ( ) , , ( ). , , . , NW/SE .

New major element and trace element data of Lower Tertiary volcanics and of rocks of the Aguacate volcanic series permit a better understanding of the petrochemical evolution in the Costa Rica area. This evolution of the magmatic and tectonic processes shows clearly the transformation of oceanic crust with basic magmatism into a continental crust with intermediate to acidic magmatic activity. The main trend since the upper Cretaceous is characterized by a continual increase of the silica level of the magmatic products which build up the present tectonitic crust of Costa Rica.Only the Aguacate volcanic series is contrasting from all other magmatic series by predominance of alkaline rocks which are petrochemically quite similar to the volcanics of the East-Pacific Islands. It is considered, therefore, that the Aguacate volcanics represent remnants of Upper Tertiary island volcanoes.
Zusammenfassung Neue chemische Gesteinsanalysen und Spurenelement-Daten von tertiären Vulkaniten Costa Ricas erlauben eine bessere Interpretation der petrochemischen Entwicklung im südlichen Mittelamerika. Sie ist gekennzeichnet durch einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg des SiO2-Gehaltes der magmatischen Förderprodukte von der Oberkreide bis zur Gegenwart. Hierin kommt die Umwandlung ozeanischer in kontinentale (tectonitic) Kruste zum Ausdruck.Abweichend von allen anderen magmatischen Serien Costa Ricas weist die Aguacate-Serie eine Vorherrschaft von alkalinen Gesteinen auf, die petrochemisch denen der ost-pazifischen Inselvulkane ähnlich sind. Es wird daher die Möglichkeit erörtert, da\ die Aguacate-Serie stark abgetragene Reste tertiärer Inselvulkane darstellt.

Resumen Nuevos análisis químicos y datos de elementos trazas en los volcanitos terciarios de Costa Rica permiten una mejor interpretación de la evolución quimica del magmatismo en la zona de América Central. Dicha evolución está caracterizada por un continuo aumento en el contenido de SiO2 de las rocas volcánicas desde el Cretácico superior hasta el Reciente. El aumento de silice manifesta la transformación de la corteza oceánica en una corteza continental (tectonítica).La Serie Aguacate se diferencia de todas las otras series magmáticas de Costa Rica, mostrando una predominación de las rocas alcalinas, que químicamente se parecen a las de las islas volcánicas en el Pacífico oriental. Por esta razón se discute la posibilidad de que la Serie Aguacate representa los restos fuertemente erosionados de islas volcánicas terciarias.

- () . SiO2 . («»). - Aguacate , . , .

Costa Rica forms part of an intra-oceanic arc between the Pacific and Caribbean oceans; the Nicoya Ophiolite Complex is located along its Pacific border. In this study, evidence is given that the Nicoya Complex is composed of ridge-formed oceanic crust that suffered a strong compressional stress during Late Santonian times. As a result of this, isoclinal folding and large-scale nappe emplacement occurred at a shallow crustal depth. The principal component of this compressional stress was E-W-directed. It is also demonstrated that, from this time, the complex was situated between a subducting plate and a volcanic arc. From that Campanian until the Middle Eocene the zone was undulated, and generally at a great depth below sea level. During the Eocene—Oligocene epoch a new tectonic stress affected the area. It produced open folding with upthrusting in the ophiolite complex and overthrust folding of the overlying rock series. As a result of crustal thickening during this tectonic phase, the area was uplifted. From Miocene times, the zone was shaped into a dome and a synform. These undulations are attributed to compression of the subducting Coco Plate, west of the area.The Upper Santonian tectonic phase demonstrates how compressional stress produced the break-up of the Caribo-Pacific plate west of the study area, as a result of which, a Caribbean plate without an associated oceanic ridge and a Pacific plate originated. The compressional stress in question was presumably generated by the opposed spreading directions of the new Mid-Atlantic Ridge and an older ridge to the west of the study area.Furthermore, it is argued that the Cretaceous obduction of the ophiolite belt along the Pacific coast of the American continents, was produced by the directional change of these continents during the birth of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This created intra-plate compressional stress and converted originally passive continental margins into active zones, where thrusting of oceanic crust on to a continental margin (obduction) could occur. When the Mid-Atlantic Ridge started spreading, the obduction phase ended due to subduction of the oceanic plate below the leading edge of the continent.  相似文献   

The 1909 Benavente (Portugal) earthquake: search for the source   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Lower Tagus River Valley has been affected by severe earthquakes comprising distant events, as in 1755, and local earthquakes, as in 1344, 1531, and 1909. The 1909 earthquake was located NE of Lisbon, near Benavente, causing serious damage and many losses. Mw 6.0 has been assessed for this earthquake and a reverse faulting focal mechanism solution has been calculated. Poor epicenter location, possible directivity and site effects, low fault slip rates, and the thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover make difficult correlation with regional structures. The focal mechanism indicates an ENE reverse fault as source, though it does not match any outcropping active structure suggesting that the event could have been produced by a blind thrust beneath the Cenozoic sedimentary fill. Hidden sources, inferred from seismic reflection data, are a possible NE structure linking the Vila Franca de Xira and the Azambuja faults, or the southern extension of the later. Evidence of surface rupturing is inhibited by the thick Holocene alluvial cover and the high fluvial sedimentation rate, though a slightly depressed area was identified in the Tagus alluvial plain W of Benavente which was investigated as possible geomorphic evidence of co-seismic surface deformation. A high-resolution seismic reflection profile was acquired across a 0.5 m high scarp at this site, and two trenches were opened across the scarp for paleoseismic research. Some deformation of dubious tectonic origin was found, requiring further studies.  相似文献   

Ernst A. Brugger 《Geoforum》1982,13(2):177-192
In most Third World countries regional planning and regional policy is formally well-developed, but in practice is not implemented. In spite of increasing regional disparities, narrow sectoral and centrally decided programmes and projects dominate over territorial and decentralized ones. This article examines theoretically and empirically why, in the case of Costa Rica, the implementation problem is so difficult and which strategic approaches would best suit an effective regional policy.  相似文献   

The Santa Elena peninsula in the northwest of Costa Rica protrudes about 30 km westwards into the Pacific Ocean, and measures about 8–16 km in a north–south direction. Several geological studies have been carried out since 1953, showing that much of the peninsula is made up of peridotite, cut by mafic dykes. Only one previous brief examination appears to have been made of the vegetation in relation to the composition of the soils. We present here the results of a survey of some soils and plants of the eastern part of the peridotite massif, in which 73 plant specimens representing 51 identified species were collected and analyzed. The soils sampled all showed extreme ultramafic characteristics: Fe 10–16%, Mg 4–16%, Ca 0.5–1.4%; Ni 3000–7500 mg/kg, Cr 1400–3650 mg/kg, Co 150–325 mg/kg. The plants collected include several from genera such as Arrabidaea, Chamaesyce, Helicteres, Hyptis, Lippia, Oxalis, Polygala, Turnera and Waltheria that are also represented on ultramafics elsewhere in the Americas (e.g. Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil). Few of the species appear to be endemic to Costa Rica or to the ultramafics of Santa Elena. None of the specimens collected exhibited hyperaccumulation of nickel, the highest Ni concentration being 275 mg/kg in Buchnera pusilla.  相似文献   

Two pollen records from La Chonta bog (2310 m altitude) and one pollen record of a soil profile (2430 m altitude) at a short distance from the bog permit the reconstruction of the vegetational history and climatic sequence of probably the last ca. 80 000 yr of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. The three pollen records can be correlated on the basis of three radiocarbon-dated horizons (> 39 900 yr BP, 34 850 yr BP and 1390 yr BP) and palynostratigraphy. Pollen concentration data provide indirect time control between radiocarbon-dated horizons of the La Chonta 2 core. During the Early Glacial successive fluctuations of the upper forest line occurred between ca. 2300 m and 2800 m altitude and the bog is alternately situated close to the subalpine rainforest belt and in the uppermontane rainforest belt. During the Pleniglacial (ca. 50 000-13 000 yr BP) the forest line fell to ca. 2000 m altitude and paramo vegetation surrounded the La Chonta site. During the Late Glacial the forest line shifted rapidly in ca. 270 yr to 2700–2800 m altitude and the lake became surrounded by Quercus-dominated upper montane rainforest during a period of ca. 1655 yr. A distinct climate cooling (by 2–2.5°C) followed during ca. 580 yr and the upper forest line dropped to ca. 2400 m altitude. This temperature rebound is probably equivalent to the Younger Dryas event. In the depression extensive Alnus carr and swamp vegetation developed. Finally, during the Holocene, the forest line shifted to 3300–3500 m elevation and the lower montane rainforest reached close to ca. 2300 m altitude. In the later part of the Holocene subparamo scrub with Hypericum, Puya, Compositae, Escallonia and Ericaceae largely replaced Alnus carr and the regional and local vegetation closely resembles the presentday composition. During the Last Glacial to Holocene transition a shift of the upper forest line of ca. 1400 m is inferred, corresponding to a glacial temperature depression at 2300 m altitude of ca. 8°C.  相似文献   

We reappraised the Rukwa earthquake of 1910 in the East African Rift System. With a magnitude of 7.4, no earthquake in East Africa is known to be larger and it is rivalled only by the recent earthquake in southern Sudan on 20 May 1990. More than 80 per cent of the moment release in the Rift during the last 110 years is due to the Rukwa earthquake and its aftershocks that occurred between the Tanganyka and Nyasa systems. In spite of its large magnitude, the Rukwa earthquake caused very little damage to local types of dwellings and no loss of life. With increasing development of urban areas with modern types of houses, there is now increasing risk in East Africa from major earthquakes.  相似文献   

Active fluid and gas transport were measured and observed along more than 200 km of the convergent margin of Costa Rica during cruise SO144-2 aboard RV Sonne . Ten profiles were run with the TV-sled OFOS, eight of which detected the dense occurrence of cold vent sites. This discovery shows that seafloor fluid expulsion is widely spread along the Pacific margin of Costa Rica. Surficial evidence of fluid expulsion is indicated by the appearance of chemosynthetic vent organisms such as bacterial mats, vesicomyid, solemyid and mytilid bivalves and tubeworms. Numerous active vents were indicated by elevated methane concentrations (≤ 200 nmol L) in the bottom water. Although fluid-venting activity was known previously from a small area south of Nicoya Peninsula, the present study documents active seepage at landslides, headwall scarps related to seamount subduction, morphological intersections of faults and mid-slope mud volcanoes.  相似文献   

A multi-act scale for measuring the earthquake preparedness of individuals and small businesses was developed and used to assess the earthquake preparedness and the perceived difficulty of becoming prepared for earthquakes of 291 University of Southern California undergraduate students approximately 3 weeks prior to the 5.9 magnitude Whittier Narrows earthquake on 1 October 1987. These data were then compared with similar information collected over a 2 1/2 month period following the earthquake from randomly selected samples of subjects that had participated in the original survey. In one case, levels of preparedness of a single group were measured at approximately 2 week intervals (the repeated measures study). In a second case, this information was collected at different points in time following the earthquake from different groups of subjects (the between groups study). Results indicated an initial increase in earthquake preparedness which was significant for subjects in the repeated measures group and which approached significance for subjects in the between groups. This increase in preparedness was maintained for subjects in the repeated measure study but gradually declined to pre-earthquake levels for subjects in the between subjects study. Subjects in the repeated measures study also perceived earthquake preparedness as a significantly less difficult task following the earthquake. Level of perceived difficulty continued to decline over the 2 1/2 month study period. Declines in perceived difficulty for the between subjects study were more erratic, and were only approximately 1/3 of that for the repeated measures group at the end of 2 1/2 months.  相似文献   

The Spanish Central Pyrenees have been the scenario of at least two damaging earthquakes in the last 800 years. Analysis of macroseismic data of the most recent one, the Vielha earthquake (19 November 1923), has led to the identification of the North Maladeta Fault (NMF) as the seismic source of the event. This E–W trending fault defines the northern boundary of the Maladeta Batholith and corresponds to a segment of the Alpine Gavarnie thrust fault. Our study shows that the NMF offsets a reference Neogene peneplain. The maximum observed vertical displacement is  730 m, with the northern downthrown sector slightly tilting towards the South. This offset provides evidence of normal faulting and together with the presence of tectonic faceted spurs allowed us to geomorphically identify a fault trace of 17.5 km. This length suggests that a maximum earthquake of Mw = 6.5 ± 0.66 could occur in the area. The geomorphological study was improved with a resistivity model obtained at Prüedo, where a unique detritic Late Miocene sequence crops out adjacent to the NMF. The section is made up of 13 audiomagnetotelluric soundings along a 1.5 km transect perpendicular to the fault trace at Prüedo and reveals the structure in depth, allowing us to interpret the Late Miocene deposits as tectonically trapped basin deposits associated with normal faulting of the NMF. The indirect age of these deposits has been constrained between 11.1 and 8.7 Ma, which represents a minimum age for the elevated Pyrenean peneplain in this part of the Pyrenees. Therefore, we propose the maximum vertical dip-slip rate for the NMF to be between 0.06 and 0.08 mm/a. Normal faulting in this area is attributed to the vertical lithospheric stress associated with the thickened Pyrenean crust.  相似文献   

Investigation of sediment samples from Sites 1039 and 1040 (ODP Leg 170) drilled off the Nicoya peninsula (Costa Rica) by organic geochemical and organic petrological methods has revealed that subduction has only little influence on the composition of the sedimentary organic matter. Organic carbon contents reached 1.5% in the Pleistocene samples but Miocene and Pliocene sediments had an average organic carbon content of less than 0.5%. Organic carbon/sulfur ratios are generally below 2.8, reflecting an intense sulfate reduction in the uppermost sediments which was enhanced by sulfate supply both from sea water and deeper strata. Microscopical examinations indicate that the organic matter is mainly derived from marine sources. A small amount of terrigenous organic matter is, however, present as well according to n-alkane and fatty acid distributions. The alkenone unsaturation index U37k′ shows only a slight decrease during the Miocene and Pliocene, and stronger variations in the Pleistocene, probably indicating more stable sea surface temperatures during the Miocene and Pliocene. Variations in the Pleistocene can possibly be related to glacial/interglacial changes.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous (late Cenomanian-Campanian) Loma Chumico Formation consists of laminated to massive bedded siliceous shales, cherts, ash fall tuffs/volcanic glass beds and volcaniclastic sandstones. The Loma Chumico Formation is at least 630 m thick (core data) in the Tempisque Basin, and can be subdivided in the subsurface into organic-rich and organic-lean (total organic carbon <1%) facies. Rock-Eval total organic carbon (TOC) data show that TOC in the organic-rich facies averages 15·5%, with values as high as 33%. Inorganic geochemical, petrological and sedimentological analyses indicate that all the lithologies of the Loma Chumico Formation were deposited in middle shelf to outer slope environments adjacent to an active subaerial island arc. The organic geochemistry and palaeontology of the Loma Chumico Formation help constrain the factors that controlled biological productivity in the region during the Late Cretaceous. Biomarkers, identified in organic-rich facies by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), show a high abundance of total steranes relative to hopanes in the Morote-1 core, indicating algal-dominated organic input. The hopane-to-sterane ratio of the extract from the Manzanillo-1 core indicates a relatively high bacterial component to the organic matter. Upwelling and extrusive volcanism were the most important factors that controlled nutrient supply (including silica flux) and biological productivity within the Loma Chumico Formation depositional system. Episodic radiolarian, dinoflagellate or diatom ‘blooms’, instigated by rapid infusions of volcanogenic silica, may have resulted in expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), enhancing the preservation of organic matter. Productivity appears to have been uniform, even during deposition of the organic-lean facies. The findings of this study suggest that ocean-wide anoxia in the eastern Pacific was unlikely during the Late Cretaceous. High TOC contents of organic-rich radiolarites from central Caribbean Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites may be related to upwelling produced in the eastern Pacific by convergence of the easterly Trade Winds (Eastern Pacific Equatorial Upwelling Zone), or may be part of a more complex Pacific-Atlantic Ocean interaction. The end of deposition of organic-rich rocks began near the end of the latest Santonian-earliest Campanian in the central Caribbean and Costa Rica. Palaeoceanographic models suggest that improved circulation and ventilation of bottom waters due to early opening of the North Atlantic-South Atlantic seaway may explain this observation. This may represent the influx of a previously unrecognized source of colder, oxygenated intermediate/bottom water (proto-Antarctic Intermediate Water) into the Late Cretaceous central Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans.  相似文献   

Two suites of plagiogranitic rocks within the oceanic crust of the Jurassic-Cretaceous ophiolitic Nicoya complex are distinguished. High level plagiogranites (HLP) crop out at the top of the cumulate sequence in the northwestern part of the Nicoya peninsula. They are associated with iron-rich dolerites and noncumulus gabbros. Based on field relationships and geochemical characteristics (e.g. enrichment in REE and HFS elements) the origin of these rocks is explained in terms of a two stage model of fractional crystallization and filter pressing. The first stage comprises the formation of tholeiitic Fe-rich melt and a highly differentiated crystal-melt mush. The second stage is characterized by filter pressing of plagiogranitic interstitial magma. Fe-dolerites form the residual rocks. Crystal fractionation of this plagiogranitic magma is due to the formation of a rather complete series of siliceous rocks.The geochemically different low level plagiogranites (LLP) are restricted to the lowest part of the cumulate ophiolitic sequence of the Lower Nicoya complex. These rocks occur as small dikes or isolated veins within cumulus gabbros. There is some evidence of strong depletion in REE and HFS elements, high silica, and low total iron in these rocks.The samples analysed probably represent a further fractionation series of acid igneous rocks in the Lower Nicoya Complex. The geochemical features and especially the association of LLP with cumulus gabbros and amphibolites may be consistent with a genetic model of partial melting of the surrounding gabbros in the hornblende stability field during a secondary thermal event, which possibly represents the formation of an intraoceanic primitive island arc between the Caribbean and the Pacific in the Upper Cretaceous. Thus the LLP and the possibly residual amphibolites are not necessarily comagmatic with regard to the remaining oceanic igneous rocks of the Lower Nicoya Complex.
Zusammenfassung Im Unteren Nicoya-Komplex, einer als jurassisch-kretazische Ozeankruste gedeuteten Ophiolith-Sequenz, treten in zwei Stockwerken intermediäre und saure Magmatite auf: Im obersten Bereich der kumulaten Sequenz kommen High Level-Plagiogranite (HLP) vor, die eng mit Fe-reichen Doleriten vergesellschaftet sind. Diese Vorkommen sind immer an Intrusionen von Gabbros gebunden. Low Level-Plagiogranite (LLP) treten an der Basis dieser Sequenz innerhalb kumulater Gabbros zusammen mit Amphiboliten auf, ohne jedoch mit Fe-Doleriten assoziiert sein.Die Genese dieser Gesteine wird an verschiedenen Modellen diskutiert, wobei die High Level-Plagiogranite auf Grund von Geländebefunden und geochemischen Merkmalen (z. B. hohe SE- und HFS-Elementkonzentrationen) durch ein zweistufiges Modell aus fraktionierter Kristallisationsdifferentiation und Filterpressung erklärt werden. Die erste Stufe beinhaltet die Entwicklung von differenzierten Fe-reichen Schmelzen in einem tholeiitischen Fraktionierungstrend. In einem späten Stadium bildet sich ein Gemisch aus Festphasen und intermediärer, plagiogranitischer Restschmelze. Die zweite Stufe beschreibt im Zusammenhang mit dem mechanischen Auspressen dieser Schmelzen in unterschiedlichen Differentiationsstadien die Entstehung separater Plagiogranitschmelzen und die Deutung der Fe-Dolerite als Residualgesteine. Durch weitere Fraktionierungsprozesse in der Plagiogranitschmelze entwickeln sich danach in einer kontinuierlichen Differentiationsreihe zunehmend saure Plagiogranite.Die Low Level-Plagiogranite weisen demgegenüber grundsätzlich verschiedene Haupt- und Spurenelementcharakteristiken auf. Sie tendieren zu höheren SiO2- und geringeren Fe-Konzentrationen. Soweit aus den wenigen bisher vorliegenden Daten hervorgeht, sind sie verglichen mit den HLP deutlich an HFS-Elementen und Seltenen Erden verarmt. Die chemische Variabilität der LLP kennzeichnet wahrscheinlich eine weitere Fraktionierungsreihe saurer Magmatite im Unteren Nicoya-Komplex mit im Laufe der Differentiation steigenden HFS- und SEE-Konzentrationen. Wenig differenzierte LLP sind im Gegensatz zu der Differentiationsreihe der HLP nicht in den analysierten Proben repräsentiert, so da\ die Interpretation ihrer Genese teilweise spekulativ bleibt. Dennoch passen der Chemismus und insbesondere das geologische Umfeld zum genetischen Modell einer Bildung saurer plagiogranitischer Schmelzen durch einen sekundären, partiellen Aufschmelzungsproze\ der umgebenden Gabbros innerhalb des Hornblende-Stabilitätsfeldes im Zuge eines weiteren Wärmeereignisses, wobei Gabbros und Amphibolite als Edukte bzw. Residualgesteine interpretiert werden könnten.Ein mögliches sekundäres Wärmeereignis kann mit der Intrusion von basischen Schmelzen in den Unteren Nicoya-Komplex bei der Bildung eines primitiven, oberkretazischen Inselbogens zwischen Pazifik und Karibik verbunden sein. Bei einer solchen Genese würden die LLP und die restitischen Amphibolite im Gegensatz zu den HLP nicht notwendigerweise als komagmatisch und damit zeitgleich zu den übrigen Magmatiten des Unteren NicoyaKomplexes gelten.

Resumen Dos series de plagiogranitos existen en el Complejo de Nicoya Inferior. Este complejo ofiolítico representa una litosfera oceánica de edad Jurásico hasta Cretácico Inferior. Plagiogranitos del nivel alto (high level plagiogranites, HLP) afloran en la parte superior de la secuencia acumulada en la peninsula de Nicoya. Están asociadas con doleritas ricas en hierro dentro de gabros intrusivos. Con respeto a la composición geoquímica y las relaciones con rocas básicas en el campo, el origen de los plagiogranitos está explicado por un modelo, que consiste de cristalización fraccionada y de filtración a presión.Plagiogranitos del nivel bajo (low level plagiogranites, LLP) aloran en la parte inferior de la secuencia acumulada en la peninsula de Santa Elena. La composición geoquímica y la asociación de estas rocas ácidas con gabros de textura acumulada y con anfibolitas coinciden con un modelo, que describe la formación de los LLP por una fusión parcial de las rocas básicas asociadas. Un evento termal, que posiblemente da lugar a una fusión parcial está representado por el origen del Complejo de Nicoya Superior, el cual se formó como arco insular primitivo en el límite intraoceánico de las placas del Caribe y del Pacífico.

— - — , . (HLP) . . , (LLP), , . , , ( .: REE HFS, ), - , , , . , . , . , , ; , . . LLP : SiO2 . , , , — HLP — HFS. HLP , LLP , . , , , . , . LLP — HLP — , - .

描述了产于黔东南剑河县中寒武统凯里组中上部的19块中寒武统底部标志化石--印度掘头虫Oryctocephalus indicus(Reed,1910)蜕壳标本,其中大部分缺失头盖,其余外壳保存完好.对其蜕壳过程进行了探讨,认为蜕壳程序如下:头甲以小于90°角下弯,导致背壳沿头、胸接合处裂开;面线张开,自由颊与头盖裂开;虫体恢复平伸状态,头盖旋转;三叶虫携老壳向前爬行,并将已与自由颊和胸甲裂开的头盖顶翻于头甲前方;虫体继续向前爬行,并将头盖扒向两侧;虫体向前爬行并不断颤动,最终脱掉老壳.被脱掉的老壳胸尾相连,腹边缘-唇瓣板与自由颊基本位于原位,与"Phacopid式蜕壳"或"Salter式埋藏"明显不同.  相似文献   

Horizons of several types of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous manganese nodules occur locally in sequences of radiolarian cherts within the Nicoya Ophiolite Complex (NW Costa Rica). Field studies, X-ray diffraction analysis, petrographic, chemical and experimental studies give evidence of a sedimentary, early diagenetic origin of the nodules, in contrast to earlier suggestions. Smooth, discoidal, compact and very dense nodules with diameters of some mm to 9 cm dominate. They are characterized by braunite, hollandite, pyrolusite and quartz as well as 39–61% Mn, 0.9–1.6% Fe, 5–26% SiO2, 1.3–1.9% A12O3, 1.5–3.0% Ba, 460–5400 ppm Cu, 85–340 ppm Ni and 40–130 ppm Co, among others. It is suggested that the original mineralogy (todorokite?) was altered during thermometamorphic (braunite) and hydrothermal (hollandite, pyrolusite) events. Petrographic similarities between the fossil nodules and modern deep-sea nodules are striking. Using standard hydrothermal techniques in an experimental study it is shown that under special conditions, braunite can be produced from modern nodule material.  相似文献   

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