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Surface carbonate and land-derived deposits in the sea off southern Chile were investigated for their mineralogical and geochemical composition. The data were related to environmental features and compared with those of similar temperate and polar carbonate deposits from Tasmania, New Zealand, Arctica, and Antarctica. The mineralogy of the siliciclastic fraction is typical of cold areas and is mainly composed of chlorite, mica, quartz, feldspars and amphibole. The CaCO3 content varies from 30 to 90%; carbonate mineralogy is made up of low-Mg calcite, high-Mg calcite and minor amounts of aragonite. The Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn contents of bulk carbonates and some selected skeletal hard parts are comparable to those of carbonates from Tasmania. The elemental composition is mainly related to carbonate mineralogy, skeletal components, and seawater conditions. The δ13C and δ18O values of carbonates are positive, and their field falls between the “seafloor diagenesis” and “upwelling water” trend lines, because the sediments are likely to be in equilibrium with waters of Antarctic origin. The mineralogical, elemental, and isotopic compositions of carbonates from southern Chile show better similarities with the “temperate” carbonates from Tasmania and New Zealand than with the “polar” carbonates from Arctica and Antarctica. Carbonate deposition is allowed by the low terrigenous input, the low SPM concentration and, probably, the upwelling of seawater from Antarctica.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have developed a numerical method which can simulate the dynamic behaviour of a seabed ground during gas production from methane hydrate‐bearing sediments. The proposed method can describe the chemo‐thermo‐mechanical‐seismic coupled behaviours, such as phase changes from hydrates to water and gas, temperature changes and ground deformation related to the flow of pore fluids during earthquakes. In the first part of the present study, the governing equations for the proposed method and its discretization are presented. Then, numerical analyses are performed for hydrate‐bearing sediments in order to investigate the dynamic behaviour during gas production. The geological conditions and the material parameters are determined using the data of the seabed ground at Daini‐Atsumi knoll, Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan, where the first offshore production test of methane hydrates was conducted. A predicted earthquake at the site is used in the analyses. Regarding the seismic response to the earthquake which occur during gas production process, the wave profiles of horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity were not extensively affected by the gas production. Hydrate dissociation behaviour is sensitive to changes in the pore pressure during earthquakes. Methane hydrate dissociation temporarily became active in some areas because of the main motion of the earthquake, then methane hydrate dissociation brought about an increase in the average pressure of the fluids during the earthquake. And, it was this increase in average pore pressure that finally caused the methane hydrate dissociation to cease during the earthquake. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the Late Tortonian, platform‐margin‐prograding clinoforms developed at the south‐western margin of the Guadix Basin. Large‐scale wedge‐shaped deposits here comprise 26 rhythms of mixed carbonate–siliciclastic bedset packages and marl beds. These sediments were deposited on a shallow‐water, temperate‐carbonate distally steepened ramp. A downslope‐migrating sandwave field developed in this ramp, with sandwaves moving progressively down the ramp to the ramp‐slope, where they destabilized, folded and occasionally collapsed. Downslope sandwave migration was induced by currents flowing basinwards. During the Late Tortonian, the Guadix Basin was open north to the Atlantic Ocean via the Dehesas de Guadix Strait and connected east to the Mediterranean Sea through the Almanzora Corridor. According to the proposed current circulation model for the Guadix Basin for this time, surface marine currents from the Atlantic entered the basin from the northern seaway. These currents moved counter‐clockwise and shifted the sediment on the ramp, forming sandwaves that migrated downslope. The development of platform‐margin prograding clinoforms by the basinward sediment‐transport mechanisms inferred here is known relatively poorly in the ancient sedimentary record. Moreover, these wedge‐shaped geometries are similar to those found in some shelves in the Western Mediterranean Sea and could represent an outcrop analogue to (sub)‐recent, platform‐margin clinoforms revealed by high‐resolution seismic studies.  相似文献   


Holocene sediments from southern Spencer Gulf are cool‐water carbonate‐rich gravels and sands, dominated by molluscs and Bryozoa. Five sedimentary fades are recognized: (i) molluscan gravel; (ii) branching coralline‐algal gravel, associated with shallow partially protected environments; (iii) molluscan‐biyozoan sand; (iv) mixed bioclastic sand, representative of the deeper central region of the lower gulf; and (v) bryozoan gravel, an isolated fades developed in a semi‐protected micro‐environment. The southern gulf is characterized by complex oceanographic conditions together with variations in water depth and substrate. The sediments share the characteristics of both the southern shelf and upper Spencer Gulf. Grain‐size distribution and sedimentary facies are controlled by a combination of all the above processes. Past sea level fluctuations are recognized from sea floor strand‐line deposits. The relic component of the palimpsest sediments has eroded from the Pleistocene aeolianite dunes. The sediments, therefore, reflect both the modern marine and past environments.  相似文献   

Oligo–Miocene carbonates associated with the Padthaway Ridge form the southern margin of the Murray Basin, South Australia. The carbonates are a thin, somewhat condensed succession of echinoid and bryozoan‐rich limestones that record accumulation in the complex of islands and seaways and progressive burial of the Ridge through time. The rocks are grainy to muddy bioclastic packstones, grainstones and floatstones, composed of infaunal echinoderms, bryozoans, coralline algae and benthic foraminifera, with lesser contributions from molluscs and serpulid worms. Locally as much as half of these skeletal components are Fe‐stained, relict grains that imbue the lithologies with a conspicuous yellow to orange hue. This variably lithified succession is partitioned into metre‐scale, firmground‐bounded and hardground‐bounded beds textured by extensive Thalassinoides burrows. Dominant lithologies are interpreted as temperate seagrass facies. Limestones contain attributes indicative of both seagrass‐dominated palaeoenvironments and carbonate production and accumulation on unconsolidated, barren sandflat palaeoenvironments. Together these two depositional systems are thought to have generated a single multigenerational, amalgamated facies recording sedimentation within a complex temperate seagrass environment. Limestones overlying the Padthaway Ridge reflect a gradually warming climate, increasing water temperature and decreasing nutrient content, within the framework of a ridge gradually being buried in sediment. This succession from cool–temperate to warm–temperate to subtropical through time permits recognition of the relative influence of changing oceanography on a seagrass‐dominated shallow inter‐island sea floor. Criteria are proposed herein to enable future recognition of similar temperate seagrass facies in Cenozoic limestones elsewhere.  相似文献   

The Chatham Islands, at the eastern end of the Chatham Rise in the South‐west Pacific, are the emergent part of a Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic stratovolcano complex that is variably covered with limestones and fossiliferous tuffs. Most of these deposits accumulated in relatively shallow, high‐energy, tide‐influenced palaeoenvironments with deposition punctuated by periods of deeper‐water pelagic accumulation. Carbonate components in these neritic deposits are biogenic and dominated by molluscs and bryozoans – a heterozoan assemblage. The widespread Middle to Late Eocene Matanginui Limestone contains local photozoan elements such as large benthonic foraminifera (especially Asterocyclina) and calcareous green algae, reflecting the general Palaeogene sub‐tropical oceanographic setting. More localized Late Eocene to Oligocene deposits (Te One Limestone) as well as Pliocene carbonates (Onoua Limestone) are, however, wholly heterozoan and confirm a generally cooler‐water oceanographic setting, similar to today. Early sea floor diagenesis is interpreted to have removed most aragonite components (infaunal bivalves and epifaunal gastropods). Lack of aragonite resulted in the absence of intergranular calcite cementation during subaerial exposure, such that most carbonates are friable or unlithified. Cementation is, however, present at nodular hardground–firmground caps to metre‐scale cycles. Such cements are microcrystalline or micrometre‐thick isopachous circumgranular rinds with insufficient definitive attributes to pinpoint their environment of formation. The overall palaeoenvironment of deposition is interpreted as mesotrophic, resulting in part from upwelling about the Chatham volcanic massif and in part from nutrient element delivery from the adjacent volcanic terrane and coeval volcanism. Biotic diversity in tuffs is two to three times that in limestones, supporting the notion of especially high nutrient availability during periods of volcanism. These mid‐latitude deposits are strikingly different from their low‐latitude, tropical, photozoan counterparts in the volcanic island–coral reef ecosystem. Ground water seepage and fluvial runoff attenuate coral growth and promote microbial carbonate precipitation in these warm‐water settings. In contrast, nutrients from the same sources feed the system in the Chatham Islands cool‐water setting, promoting active heterozoan carbonate sedimentation.  相似文献   

A new analysis of all 346 published 14C dated Holocene alluvial units in Britain offers a unique insight into the regional impacts of global change and shows how surprisingly sensitive British rivers have been to relatively modest but repeated changes in climate. Fourteen major but probably brief periods of flooding are identified bracketed within the periods 400–1070, 1940–3940, 7520–8100 and at ca. 10 420 cal. yr BP. There is a strong correspondence between climatic deteriorations inferred from mire wet shifts and major periods of flooding, especially at ca. 8000 cal. yr BP and since ca. 4000 cal. yr BP. The unusually long and complete British record also demonstrates that alterations in land cover have resulted in a step change in river basin sensitivity to variations in climate. This has very important implications for assessing and mitigating the impact of increasing severe flooding. In small and medium‐sized river basins land use is likely to play a key role in either moderating or amplifying the climatic signal. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bed forms were studied in Goodwin Creek and a laboratory flume channel. The bed sediment of the field site and flume had median diameters of 8·3 (modes of 0·4, 22·6 mm) and 1·82 mm (modes of 0·5, 5·6 mm), respectively. The laboratory and field channels had similar values of bimodal parameters, ratios of flow depth to median bed material diameter, and ratios of shear stress to critical shear stress and were judged to be comparable in the transport of bed load sediment and the resulting bed forms. Three groupings of bed forms from the laboratory flume experiments (ripple-like bed forms, bed load sheets, low-relief bed waves) were identified using the height and period of the bed forms. For the range of flow depths and discharges investigated in the flume, bed forms became higher and longer with increasing bed shear stress. Bed forms from Goodwin Creek were similar to those from the flume with comparable ratios between bed form length, height, and flow depth. The bed forms in the flume provide a positive link between rate and size fluctuations measured in the field and the bed forms. The smaller bed forms identified were sediment starved and are not considered to be dunes, while the largest bed forms in which all of the bed material sizes were mobilized in the field and laboratory were judged to be dunes.  相似文献   

The study of mass movements in lake sediments provides insights into past natural hazards at historic and prehistoric timescales. Sediments from the deep basin of Lake Geneva reveal a succession of six large‐scale (volumes of 22 × 106 to 250 × 106 m3) mass‐transport deposits, associated with five mass‐movement events within 2600 years (4000 cal bp to 563 ad ). The mass‐transport deposits result from: (i) lateral slope failures (mass‐transport deposit B at 3895 ± 225 cal bp and mass‐transport deposits A and C at 3683 ± 128 cal bp ); and (ii) Rhône delta collapses (mass‐transport deposits D to G dated at 2650 ± 150 cal bp , 2185 ± 85 cal bp , 1920 ± 120 cal bp and 563 ad , respectively). Mass‐transport deposits A and C were most probably triggered by an earthquake, whereas the Rhône delta collapses were likely to be due to sediment overload with a rockfall as the external trigger (mass‐transport deposit G, the Tauredunum event in 563 ad known from historical records), an earthquake (mass‐transport deposit E) or unknown external triggers (mass‐transport deposits D and F). Independent of their origin and trigger mechanisms, numerical simulations show that all of these recorded mass‐transport deposits are large enough to have generated at least metre‐scale tsunamis during mass movement initiation. Since the Tauredunum event in 563 ad , two small‐scale (volumes of 1 to 2 × 106 m3) mass‐transport deposits (H and I) are present in the seismic record, both of which are associated with small lateral slope failures. Mass‐transport deposits H and I might be related to earthquakes in Lausanne/Geneva (possibly) 1322 ad and Aigle 1584 ad , respectively. The sedimentary record of the deep basin of Lake Geneva, in combination with the historical record, show that during the past 3695 years, at least six tsunamis were generated by mass movements, indicating that the tsunami hazard in the Lake Geneva region should not be neglected, although such events are not frequent with a recurrence time of 0·0016 yr?1.  相似文献   

The Jæren area in southwestern Norway has experienced great changes in sea‐levels and sedimentary environments during the Weichselian, and some of these changes are recorded at Foss‐Eikeland. Four diamictons interbedded with glaciomarine and glaciofluvial sediments are exposed in a large gravel pit situated above the post‐glacial marine limit. The interpretation of these sediments has implications for the history of both the inland ice and the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream. During a Middle Weichselian interstadial, a large glaciofluvial delta prograded into a shallow marine environment along the coast of Jæren. A minor glacial advance deposited a gravelly diamicton, and a glaciomarine diamicton was deposited during a following marine transgression. This subsequently was reworked by grounded ice, forming a well‐defined boulder pavement. The boulder pavement is followed by glaciomarine clay with a lower, laminated part and an upper part of sandy clay. The laminated clay probably was deposited under sea‐ice, whereas more open glaciomarine conditions prevailed during deposition of the upper part. The clay is intersected by clastic dykes protruding from the overlying, late Weichselian till. Preconsolidation values from the marine clay suggest an ice thickness of at least 500 m during the last glacial phase. The large variations in sea‐level probably are a combined effect of eustasy and glacio‐isostatic changes caused by an inland ice sheet and an ice stream in the Norwegian Channel. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cool‐water carbonate sedimentation has dominated Mediterranean shelves since the Early Pliocene. Skeletal sand and gravel herein consist of remains of heterozoan organisms, which are susceptible to reworking due to weak early cementation in non‐tropical waters. This study documents the Lower Pleistocene carbonate wedge of Favignana Island (Italy), which prograded from a 5   km wide passage between two palaeo‐islands into a perpendicular, 10 to 15   km wide strait between the palaeo‐islands at one side and Sicily at the other during the Emilian highstand (1·6   Ma to 1·1   Ma). The clinoformed carbonate wedge, which is 50   m thick and 6   km long, formed by east/south‐east progradation of a platform on the submarine sill by currents that were funnelled between the two palaeo‐islands. Platform‐slope clinoforms evolved from initial aggradation (thin and low‐angle) into a progradation phase (thick and high‐angle). Both clinoform types are characterized by a bimodal facies stacking pattern defined by sedimentary structures created by: (i) subaqueous dunes associated with dilute subcritical currents; and (ii) upper‐flow‐regime bedforms associated with sediment‐laden supercritical turbidity currents. Focusing of episodic currents on the platform by funnelling between the islands controlled the downstream formation of a sediment body, here named carbonate delta. The carbonate delta interfingers with subaqueous dune deposits formed in the perpendicular strait. This study uses a reconstruction of bedform dynamics to unravel the evolution of this gateway‐related carbonate accumulation.  相似文献   

We report here an optimisation of the demountable direct injection high efficiency nebuliser (d‐DIHEN) for isotopic measurements with a Neptune (ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany) multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometer (MC‐ICP‐MS) and describe a method for boron isotopic ratio determination. With direct injection nebulisation 100% of the analyte was introduced into the ICP‐MS plasma and wash times were drastically reduced for elements such as boron and thorium. Compared to the classical stable introduction system (SIS: double Scott/cyclonic spray chamber), sensitivity for boron was 2–5 times higher with d‐DIHEN and wash times up to ten times shorter. Repeatability of 11B/10B sample‐calibrator bracketing measurements reached 0.25‰ (2s) for seawater and coral samples. Method accuracy and reproducibility were tested on mixed reference solutions having δ11B values in the ranges ?90 to +40‰ and ?2 to +2.5‰, demonstrating our ability to distinguish δ11B values with differences of only 0.25‰. The international seawater reference material NRCC NASS‐5 (National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada), analysed in different sessions over a 10‐month period, yielded an average δ11B value of +39.89 ± 0.25‰, in the upper range of previously published seawater values. A comparison between δ11B determined by d‐DIHEN MC‐ICP‐MS and positive‐TIMS (P‐TIMS) for four modern corals showed an excellent agreement (with bias of less than 0.4‰).  相似文献   

Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits from Grande‐Terre (Guadeloupe archipelago, French Lesser Antilles) provide a remarkable example of an isolated carbonate system built in an active margin setting, with sedimentation controlled by both rapid sea‐level changes and tectonic movements. Based on new field, sedimentological and palaeontological analyses, these deposits have been organized into four sedimentary sequences (S1 to S4) separated by three subaerial erosion surfaces (SB0, SB1 and SB2). Sequences S1 and S2 (‘Calcaires inférieurs à rhodolithes’) deposited during the Late Zanclean to Early Gelasian (planktonic foraminiferal Zones PL2 to PL5) in low subsidence conditions, on a distally steepened ramp dipping eastward. Red algal‐rich deposits, which dominate the western part of Grande‐Terre, change to planktonic foraminifer‐rich deposits eastward. Vertical movements of tens of metres were responsible for the formation of SB0 and SB1. Sequence S3 (‘Formation volcano‐sédimentaire’, ‘Calcaires supérieurs à rhodolithes’ and ‘Calcaires à Agaricia’) was deposited during the Late Piacenzian to Early Calabrian (Zones PL5 to PT1a) on a distally steepened, red algal‐dominated ramp that changes upward into a homoclinal, coral‐dominated ramp. Deposition of Sequence S3 occurred during a eustatic cycle in quiet tectonic conditions. Its uppermost boundary, the major erosion surface SB2, is related to the Cala1 eustatic sea‐level fall. Finally, Sequence S4 (‘Calcaires à Acropora’) probably formed during the Calabrian, developing as a coral‐dominated platform during a eustatic cycle in quiet tectonic conditions. The final emergence of the island could then have occurred in Late Calabrian times.  相似文献   

西沙群岛晚新生代碳酸盐岩是南海形成演化的产物,它的矿物组成、化学成分和Sr同位素组成可以较好地反映其形成时的古海洋环境.西沙群岛西琛1井是南海最深的全取心钻井,揭示3层白云岩和4层石灰岩.其中.白云岩层具有MgO含量高、Sr总量低的特点,同时出现岩盐、赤铁矿和菱锰矿等指相矿物,反映了古海水盐度较高的氧化环境,对应着三个冰期事件;石灰岩层具有MgO含量低、Sr总量高的特点,同时出现菱铁矿和黄铁矿等指相矿物,反映了古海水盐度较低的还原环境,对应着四个间冰期事件.整体上看,西沙群岛晚新生代碳酸盐岩中Sr的总量和87Sr/86Sr自下而上表现为递增趋势,受控于欧亚和印度板块碰撞引起的青藏高原隆升大的构造背景.但又具有明显的分层性,其中,中-上中新统白云岩层Sr含量偏低,而87Sr/86Sr增加趋势明显,与最大一次冰期事件引起的海退和强烈的白云岩化作用有关;上上新统-全新统石灰岩层Sr总量骤增,87Sr/86Sr明显减小,且变化幅度大,与中新世的白云岩化作用和第四纪幔源岩浆强烈喷发有关.  相似文献   

A 38 m long sediment core (MD992201) retrieved from a water depth of 290 m from the leeward margin of the Great Bahama Bank (GBB; 25°53·49′N, 79°16·34′W) has been investigated for changes in aragonite content. The core covers the Mid to Late Holocene (the past 7230 yr). Sediment lightness (L*-values) was used as a proxy for aragonite content, based on a high linear correlation (R = 0·93) between the X-ray diffraction derived aragonite content and L*-values. The resulting time resolution of the L*-values derived aragonite content ranges from 1 yr at the base of the core to 4 yr at the top. Detailed time series analysis using Monte Carlo Singular Spectrum Analysis and spectral analysis (Lomb–Scargle Fourier transform) identifies the presence of seven signals with varying amplitudes and wavelengths that could be traced throughout the past 5500 yr. During the first ∼1600 yr of sedimentation the aragonite record is dominated by the initial flooding of the flat-topped GBB. Superimposed on a multimillennial signal, related to Holocene sea-level changes, a millennial-scale fluctuation and five quasi-periodic oscillations were detected (∼1·3–2 kyr, ∼500–600 yr, ∼380 yr, ∼260 yr, ∼200 yr and ∼100 yr period). Comparisons with other proxies (e.g. tree ring-Δ14C, 10Be and δ18O in ice cores) provides information on the origin and dynamics of the individual signals. The analysis shows that the ∼200 yr and ∼100 yr signals can be attributed to solar forcing. The ∼260 yr, ∼380 yr and the ∼500–600 yr quasi-periodic signals are found to be of climatic origin, whereas the millennial scale fluctuations remain enigmatic, although solar forcing mechanisms seem likely. The data show that variability of solar output as well as past oceanographic and atmospheric changes have modulated the Mid to Late Holocene climate, which in turn controlled sediment input variations found in the Holocene wedge leeward of the GBB. Although these periplatform sediments have a rather uniform appearance, they still contain a large variety of subtle sedimentary variations.  相似文献   

Based on a study of Neoproterozoic carbonates in the Jilin-Liaoning-Xuzhou-Huaiyang area, especially its cyclic sequence stratigraphy and Sr isotopes, two maximum sea flooding events (at 820 Ma and 835 Ma) have been identified. The resulting isochronous stratigraphic correlation proves that these Precambrian strata were connected between the Qingbaikou and the Nanhuan systems with a time range from 750 Ma to 850 Ma. The disappearance of microsparite carbonate and coming of a glacial stage offer important evidence for worldwide stratigraphic correlation and open a window for further correlation of the stratigraphic successions across the Sino-Korean and Yangtze Plates. A new correlation scheme is therefore provided based on our work.  相似文献   

Heterozoan temperate‐water carbonates mixed with varying amounts of terrigenous grains and muddy matrix (Azagador limestone) accumulated on and at the toe of an inherited escarpment during the late Tortonian–early Messinian (late Miocene) at the western margin of the Almería–Níjar Basin in south‐east Spain. The escarpment was the eastern end of an uplifting antiform created by compressive folding of Triassic rocks of the Betic basement. Channelized coralline‐algal/bryozoan rudstone to coarse‐grained packstone, together with matrix‐supported conglomerate, are the dominant lithofacies in the higher outcrops, comprising the deposits on the slope. These sediments mainly fill small canyon‐shaped, half‐graben depressions formed by normal faults active before, during and after carbonate sedimentation. Roughly bedded and roughly laminated coralline‐algal/bryozoan rudstone to coarse‐grained packstone are the main lithofacies forming an apron of four small (kilometre‐scale) lobes at the toe of the south‐eastern side of the escarpment (Almería area). Channelized and roughly bedded coralline‐algal/bryozoan rudstone to coarse‐grained packstone, conglomerates, packstone and sandy silt accumulated in a small channel‐lobe system at the toe of the north‐eastern side of the escarpment (Las Balsas area). Carbonate particles and terrigenous grains were sourced from shallow‐water settings and displaced downslope by sediment density flows that preferentially followed the canyon‐shaped depressions. Roughly laminated rudstone to packstone formed by grain flows on the initially very steep slope, whereas the rest of the carbonate lithofacies were deposited by high‐density turbidite currents. The steep escarpment and related break‐in‐slope at the toe favoured hydraulic jumps and the subsequent deposition of coarse‐grained, low‐transport efficiency skeletal‐dominated sediment in the apron lobes. Accelerated uplift of the basement caused a relative sea‐level fall resulting in the formation of outer‐ramp carbonates on the apron lobes, which were in turn overlain by lower Messinian coral reefs. The Almería example is the first known ‘base of slope’ apron within temperate‐water carbonate systems.  相似文献   

Climatic and environmental changes during the Younger Dryas stadial (GS‐1) and preceding and following transitions are inferred from stable carbon and oxygen isotope records obtained from the sediments of ancient Lake Torreberga, southern Sweden. Event GS‐1 is represented in the sediment sequence by 3.5 m of clay containing lacustrine carbonates of various origins. Comparison of isotopic records obtained on mollusc shells, ostracod valves, and Chara encrustations precipitated during specific seasons of the year supports estimates of relative changes in both lake water and mean annual air temperatures. Variations in soil erosion rates can also be estimated from a simple isotope–mass‐balance model to separate allochthonous and autochthonous carbonate contributions to the bulk carbonate content of the sediments. The well‐known, rapid climatic shifts characterising the Last Termination in the North Atlantic region are clearly reflected in the isotopic data, as well as longer‐term changes within GS‐1. Following maximum cooling shortly after the Allerød–Younger Dryas (GI‐1–GS‐1) transition, a progressive warming and a slight increase in aquatic productivity is indicated. At the Younger Dryas–Preboreal (GS‐1–PB) transition mean annual air temperature rapidly increased by more than 5°C and summer lake‐water temperature increased by ca. 12°C. The subsequent Preboreal oscillation is characterised by an increase in soil erosion and a slight decrease in mean annual air temperature. These results are in harmony with recent findings about large‐scale climate dynamics during the Last Termination. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Samples of chert nodules, diagenetic carbonates and evaporites (gypsum/anhydrite) collected from the gypsiferous limestones of the Kef Eddour Member (Ypressian‐Priabonian) near Metlaoui and Sehib (Tunisia) show selective silicification with great variety in the silicified by‐products. Based on δ13C values, which support an organic origin for the carbon, carbonates replaced evaporites microbially through bacterial sulphate reduction. Observations and results suggest two scenarios for chert formation that are related to the rate and timing of diagenetic carbonate replacement of the evaporites (anhydrite/gypsum). In the absence of early diagenetic carbonate phases, silica with δ18O values from +25 to +28·6‰ [standard mean ocean water (SMOW)] replaced the outer parts of anhydrite nodules at pH < 9. In contrast, pore‐fluid pH values > 9 in the innermost parts of the anhydrite nodules prevented silica precipitation. The record of this chemical barrier is preserved in the microquartz rims and geode features that formed in the inner parts of the nodules after dissolution of the anhydrite nucleus. The microbial diagenetic replacement of evaporites (bacterial sulphate reduction) by carbonates (calcite, aragonite and dolomite) favoured silica replacement of carbonates rather than evaporites. Silica, with δ18O signature of +21 to +26‰ (SMOW), replaced carbonates on a volume‐for‐volume basis, yielding a more siliceous groundmass, and accounting for 90–95% of the nodules. The relatively higher δ18O values of quartz replacing anhydrite can be explained by a diagenetic fluid in equilibrium with mixed (meteoric/marine) to marine water. The lower δ18O values of the quartz that replaced the diagenetic carbonates are ascribed to flushing by meteoric water in a later diagenetic stage. The silica supply for chert formation could be derived from the reworked bio‐siliceous deposits (diatomites) to the west of the basin [vestiges of an opal‐CT precursor undetectable by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) were revealed by δ29Si magic‐angle‐spinning nuclear magnetic resonance investigations], diagenesis of the extraformational and overlying clay‐rich beds (the host limestones are clay‐poor as shown by XRD measurements), and minor volcanogenic and hydrothermal contributions during early diagenetic stages.  相似文献   

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