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Regional gravity field modeling with high-precision and high-resolution is one of the most important scientific objectives in geodesy,and can provide fundamental information for geophysics,geodynamics,seismology,and mineral exploration.Rectangular harmonic analysis(RHA)is proposed for regional gravity field modeling in this paper.By solving the Laplace’s equation of gravitational potential in local Cartesian coordinate system,the rectangular harmonic expansions of disturbing potential,gravity anomaly,gravity disturbance,geoid undulation and deflection of the vertical are derived,and so are the formula for signal degree variance and error degree variance of the rectangular harmonic coefficients(RHC).We also present the mathematical model and detailed algorithm for the solution of RHC using RHA from gravity observations.In order to reduce the edge effects caused by periodic continuation in RHA,we propose the strategy of extending the size of computation domain.The RHA-based modeling method is validated by conducting numerical experiments based on simulated ground and airborne gravity data that are generated from geopotential model EGM2008 and contaminated by Gauss white noise with standard deviation of 2 mGal.The accuracy of the 2.5′×2.5′geoid undulations computed from ground and airborne gravity data is 1 and 1.4cm,respectively.The standard error of the gravity disturbances that downward continued from the flight height of 4 km to the geoid is only 3.1 mGal.Numerical results confirm that RHA is able to provide a reliable and accurate regional gravity field model,which may be a new option for the representation of the fine structure of regional gravity field.  相似文献   

融合多源数据的高精度、高分辨率的局部重力场建模是物理大地测量学的前沿和热点问题.本文研究了基于径向基函数融合多源数据的局部重力场建模方法,利用Monte-Carlo方差分量估计实现了不同类型的观测数据的合理定权,引入了最小标准差法确定基函数的适宜网络,分析了地形因素对于基函数网络确定及局部重力场建模精度的影响.以泊松小波基函数为构造基函数,结合残差地形模型,融合实测的陆地重力异常、船载重力异常及航空重力扰动数据构建了局部区域陆海统一的似大地水准面模型.研究结果表明:引入残差地形模型平滑了地形质量引入的高频扰动信号,简化了基函数的网络设计;并提高了重力似大地水准面的精度,平原地区其精度提高了4 mm,地形起伏较大的山区其精度提高了约5 cm.总体而言,基于"三步法"构建的局部重力似大地水准面在荷兰、比利时及德国相关区域,其精度分别达到1.12 cm、2.80 cm以及2.92 cm.  相似文献   

基于非均匀分布的陆地重力观测数据,重构局部重力场模型是区域重力资料处理与解释的重要环节。本文对比了多种局部重力场建模方法,并以EGM2008模型提供的自由空气重力异常模型重采样数据进行测试,综合比较了不同噪声条件下不同建模方法的实际效果。结果表明:在不同噪声水平下,优选出适合重力位场问题的协方差函数后,最小二乘配置法的建模效果优于其它方法。   相似文献   

利用CHAMP卫星几何法轨道恢复地球重力场模型   总被引:23,自引:11,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了利用CHAMP几何法轨道恢复地球重力场模型的基本原理和算法,提出了基于牛顿数值微分公式并辅助移去-恢复方法计算卫星速度的算法.利用现有重力场模型标定CHAMP加速度计数据的差分算法,采用Technical University of Munich(TUM)提供的CHAMP几何法轨道,计算出了三组50×50地球重力场模型.与GRIM5_C1、EIGEN_1S和EIGEN_2模型的比较表明,无论位系数差值阶方差或大地水准面差值,恢复出的模型与EIGEN_2模型都最接近.利用北极实测重力数据对上述模型进行了检验,结果显示,本文得到的三组模型均优于GRIM5_C1模型,且与EIGEN_1S、EIGEN_2模型精度相当.  相似文献   

基于GRACE卫星重力数据确定地球重力场模型WHU-GM-05   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
基于卫星轨道运动的能量积分方程,可导出利用卫星跟踪卫星数据求解地球重力场的实用公式.本文在Jekeli给出的公式基础上导出了基于能量守恒方程利用两颗低-低卫星跟踪的扰动位差求解重力位系数的严密关系式.基于两颗GRACE卫星的观测数据,采用本文导出的严密能量积分方法求解得到120阶的GRACE地球重力场模型,命名为WHU-GM-05;将WHU-GM-05模型与国际上同类重力场模型EIGEN-GRACE系列和GGM02S分别在阶方差和大地水准面高等方面作了比较,并与美国和中国的部分地区GPS水准观测值进行了精度分析.结果表明基于本文推导的严密双星能量守恒方程得到的WHU-GM-05重力场模型精度与国际上同类重力场模型的精度相当.  相似文献   

The choice of the optimal spherical radial basis function (SRBF) in local gravity field modelling from terrestrial gravity data is investigated. Various types of SRBFs are considered: the point-mass kernel, radial multipoles, Poisson wavelets, and the Poisson kernel. The analytical expressions for the Poisson kernel, the point-mass kernel and the radial multipoles are well known, while for the Poisson wavelet new closed analytical expressions are derived for arbitrary orders using recursions. The performance of each SRBF in local gravity field modelling is analyzed using real data. A penalized least-squares technique is applied to estimate the gravity field parameters. As follows from the analysis, almost the same accuracy of gravity field modelling can be achieved for different types of the SRBFs, provided that the depth of the SRBFs is chosen properly. Generalized cross validation is shown to be a suitable technique for the choice of the depth. As a good alternative to generalized cross validation, we propose the minimization of the RMS differences between predicted and observed values at a set of control points. The optimal regularization parameter is determined using variance component estimation techniques. The relation between the depth and the correlation length of the SRBFs is established. It is shown that the optimal depth depends on the type of the SRBF. However, the gravity field solution does not change significantly if the depth is changed by several km. The size of the data area (which is always larger than the target area) depends on the type of the SRBF. The point-mass kernel requires the largest data area.  相似文献   

Different GRACE data analysis centers provide temporal variations of the Earth's gravity field as monthly, 10-daily or weekly solutions. These temporal mean fields cannot model the variations occurring during the respective time span. The aim of our approach is to extract as much temporal information as possible out of the given GRACE data. Therefore the temporal resolution shall be increased with the goal to derive daily snapshots. Yet, such an increase in temporal resolution is accompanied by a loss of redundancy and therefore in a reduced accuracy if the daily solutions are calculated individually. The approach presented here therefore introduces spatial and temporal correlations of the expected gravity field signal derived from geophysical models in addition to the daily observations, thus effectively constraining the spatial and temporal evolution of the GRACE solution. The GRACE data processing is then performed within the framework of a Kalman filter and smoother estimation procedure.The approach is at first investigated in a closed-loop simulation scenario and then applied to the original GRACE observations (level-1B data) to calculate daily solutions as part of the gravity field model ITG-Grace2010. Finally, the daily models are compared to vertical GPS station displacements and ocean bottom pressure observations.From these comparisons it can be concluded that particular in higher latitudes the daily solutions contain high-frequent temporal gravity field information and represent an improvement to existing geophysical models.  相似文献   

Regional bivariate modeling of droughts using L-comoments and copulas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The regional bivariate modeling of drought characteristics using the copulas provides valuable information for water resources management and drought risk assessment. The regional frequency analysis (RFA) can specify the similar sites within a region using L-comoments approach. One of the important steps in the RFA is estimating regional parameters of the copula function. In the present study, an optimization-based method along with the adjusted charged system search are introduced and applied to estimate the regional parameters of the copula models. The capability of the proposed methodology is illustrated by copula functions on drought events. Three commonly used copulas containing Clayton, Frank and Gumbel are employed to derive the joint distribution of drought severity and duration. The result of the new method are compared to the method of moments and after applying several goodness-of-fit tests, the results indicate that the new method provides higher accuracy than the classic one. Furthermore, the results of the upper tail dependence coefficient indicate that the Gumbel copula is the best-fitted copula among the other ones for modeling drought characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for the elimination of the regional effect from gravity data are discussed in this paper. A historical review of the average gradient method used in torsion balance data is given. The connection between the averaging, or grid method, used on the gravity meter data and the average gradient method is pointed out and a criticism of these methods is given. Due to the ambiguity of the interpretation of gravity data no unique determination of the regional effect is possible and no mechanical method for its removal can be found. The determination of a regional gravity effect is an interpretation problem and for this reason it is unavoidably the subject of geological consideration and of the personal judgement of the interpreter. The method of smoothing the isogams and gravity curves is also discussed. A few suggestions are made for breaking the gravity data into two components (regional and residual) by the analysis of the gravity data. Finally the application of the second derivative methods for the elimination of the regional effect is discussed.  相似文献   

The Earth's gravity field can be determined from gravity measurements made on the surface of the Earth, and through the analysis of the motion of Earth satellites. Gravity data can be used to solve the boundary value problem of gravimetric geodesy in various ways, from the classical formulation using a geoid to the concept of a reference surface interior to the masses of the Earth to a statistical method. We now have gravity information for 10 data blocks over 46% of the Earth's surface and more than several million point measurements available.Satellite observations such as range, range-rate, and optical data have been analyzed to determine potential coefficients used to describe the Earth's gravitational potential field. Coefficients, in a spherical harmonic expansion to degree 12, can be determined from satellite data alone, and to at least degree 20 when the satellite data is combined with surface gravity material. Recent solutions for potential coefficients agree well to degree 4, but with increasing disagreement at higher degrees.  相似文献   







利用动力学方法解算GRACE时变重力场研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用动力学方法建立GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) K波段距离变率 (KBRR)观测、轨道观测与重力场系数的观测方程, 通过GRACE Level 1B观测数据,成功解算出全球月时变重力场模型——IGG时变重力场模型,并将2008—2009年的解算结果与GRACE三大数据处理机构美国德克萨斯大学空间中心CSR (Center for Space Research)、美国宇航局喷气推进实验室JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)和德国地学研究中心GFZ (GeoForschungs Zentrum) 发布的最新全球时变重力场模型进行详细对比分析.结果表明:IGG结果在全球质量异常、中国及周边地区质量异常的趋势变化、全球质量异常均方差、2~60每阶位系数差值以及亚马逊流域和撒哈拉沙漠等典型区域平均质量异常等方面与CSR、JPL和GFZ解算的RL05结果较为一致.其中,IGG解算结果在2~20阶与CSR、GFZ和JPL最新解算结果基本一致,20~40阶IGG解算结果与GFZ、JPL单位最新解算结果较为接近,大于40阶IGG结果介于CSR与GFZ、JPL之间;亚马逊流域平均质量异常周年振幅IGG、CSR、GFZ和JPL获取到的结果分别为17.6±1.1 cm、18.9±1.2 cm、17.8±0.9 cm和18.9±1.0 cm等效水柱高.利用撒哈拉沙漠地区的平均质量异常做反演精度评定,IGG、CSR、GFZ和JPL的时变重力场获取到的平均质量异常均方差分别为1.1 cm、0.9 cm、0.8 cm和1.2 cm,表明IGG解算结果与CSR、GFZ和JPL最新发布的RL05结果在同一精度水平.  相似文献   

The gravity field of the earth is a natural element of the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS). Gravity field quantities are like spatial geodetic observations of potential very high accuracy, with measurements, currently at part-per-billion (ppb) accuracy, but gravity field quantities are also unique as they can be globally represented by harmonic functions (long-wavelength geopotential model primarily from satellite gravity field missions), or based on point sampling (airborne and in situ absolute and superconducting gravimetry). From a GGOS global perspective, one of the main challenges is to ensure the consistency of the global and regional geopotential and geoid models, and the temporal changes of the gravity field at large spatial scales. The International Gravity Field Service, an umbrella “level-2” IAG service (incorporating the International Gravity Bureau, International Geoid Service, International Center for Earth Tides, International Center for Global Earth models, and other future new services for, e.g., digital terrain models), would be a natural key element contributing to GGOS. Major parts of the work of the services would, however, remain complementary to the GGOS contributions, which focus on the long-wavelength components of the geopotential and its temporal variations, the consistent procedures for regional data processing in a unified vertical datum and Terrestrial Reference Frame, and the ensuring validations of long-wavelength gravity field data products.  相似文献   

海域流动点外部扰动引力无奇异计算模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文



重力辅助惯性导航是真正的无源导航,它已成为21世纪无源导航定位技术的主要研究方向之一.本文在进行了一般性的尺度概念及多尺度系统理论概述之后,结合重力场的固有特性,分别从重力场的模型尺度特性、空间尺度特性以及时间尺度特性详细介绍了地球重力场固有的多尺度特性.另外,根据重力辅助惯性导航系统中重力场数据的作用,从利用重力场实...  相似文献   

重力聚点的概念是基于匀质椭球、水准椭球以及参数椭球各自表面重力随纬度的变化曲线在同一个纬度出现相聚的现象于2000年提出,并且当时给出了地球整体密度变化与重力聚点的关系,但是对于三种椭球表面重力曲线为什么在同一纬度相聚的原因、实际地球是否存在重力聚点以及重力聚点的地球动力学性质的阐述等方面都存在不完备性,使得重力聚点这一概念从提出至今仅停留在几何意义或数学性质上.本文将地球动力形状因子J2项作为变量,研究了地球表面重力随J2的变化规律.研究表明:该规律与“重力聚点定理”所述内容一致,从而将重力聚点与J2联系起来.由于J2的增加或减小,会导致地球表面重力在全球范围内以重力聚点(地心纬度φ=±35.264°)为分界线从北极向南极呈现出“负-正-负”或“正-负-正”的变化规律,全球地震的总体分布以及某些大地震的发生可能与此现象有关.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper the gravity field of the earth in the neighbourhood of the local disturbing masses is studied. The object of the method presented consists of the approximation of the disturbing potentialT h , which fulfils Laplace's equation outside disturbing masses, on the earth's surface the fundamental boundary value condition of gravity and in infinity it is to be regular by the approximation of the disturbing potential (or by the discrete disturbing potential)T h , which fulfils the respective finite difference approximation of Laplace's equation and the boundary value conditions in infinity and on the earth's surface. It is also shown that the approximation of the disturbing potentialT h has the same properties as the disturbing potentialT. The method under consideration will be derived quite generally without any hypothesis about the distribution of the mass between the earth's surface and the geoid. It commences from the gravity data related to the earth's surface only-from the given geodetic measurements.  相似文献   

The ESA Gravity and steady state Ocean and Circulation Explorer, GOCE, mission will utilise the principle of satellite gravity gradiometry to measure the long to medium wavelengths in the static gravity field. Previous studies have demonstrated the low sensitivity of GOCE to ocean tides and to temporal gravity field variations at the seasonal scale. In this study we investigate the sensitivity of satellite gradiometry missions such as GOCE to secular signals due to ice-mass change observed in Greenland and Antarctica. We show that unaccounted ice-mass change signal is likely to increase GOCE-related noise but that the expected present-day polar ice-mass change is below the GOCE sensitivity for an 18-month mission. Furthermore, 2–3 orders of magnitude improvement in the gradiometry in future gradiometer missions is necessary to detect ice-mass change with sufficient accuracy at the spatial resolution of interest.  相似文献   

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