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The rotation of sunspots in the solar active region NOAA 10930 was investigated on the basis of the data on the longitudinal magnetic field and the Doppler velocities using magnetograms and dopplergrams taken with the Solar Optical Telescope installed aboard the HINODE mission. Under the assumption of axial symmetry, areally-mean vertical, radial, and azimuthal components of the magnetic field and velocity vectors were calculated in both sunspots. The plasma in the sunspots rotated in opposite directions: in the leading sunspot, clockwise, and in the following sunspot, counterclockwise. The magnetic flux tubes that formed sunspots of the active region on the solar surface were twisted in one direction, clockwise. Electric currents generated as a result of the rotation and twisting of magnetic flux tubes were also flowing in one direction. Azimuthal components of magnetic and velocity fields of both sunspot umbrae reached their maximum on December 11, 2006. By the start of the X3.4 flare (December 13, 2006), their values became practically equal to zero.  相似文献   

Yan  Yihua  Aschwanden  Markus J.  Wang  Shujuan  Deng  Yuanyong 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):27-40
The finite energy force-free magnetic fields of the active region NOAA 9077 on 14 July 2000 above the photosphere were reconstructed. We study the evolution of the 3D magnetic field structures in AR 9077 and compare the reconstructed field lines with TRACE EUV 171 Å flare loops during the flare maximum, which confirms the process that flaring loops extended from lower sheared level to higher arcades. We also demonstrate the 3D magnetic field evolution before the 3B/X5.7 flare on 14 July and the magnetic structure after the flare on 15 July. This shows that the helical magnetic structures were significantly changed, suggesting that the flux rope was indeed erupted during the energetic flare at 10:24 UT on 14 July.  相似文献   

We present results of the study of chromospheric and photospheric line-of-sight velocity fields in the young active region NOAA 11024. Multi-layer, multi-wavelength observational data were used for the analysis of the emerging flux in this active region. Spectropolarimetric observations were carried out with the telescope THEMIS on Tenerife (Canary Islands) on 4 July 2009. In addition, space-borne data from SOHO/MDI, STEREO and GOES were also considered. The combination of data from ground- and space-based telescopes allowed us to study the dynamics of the lower atmosphere of the active region with high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. THEMIS spectra show strong temporal variations of the velocity in the chromosphere and photosphere for various activity features: two pores, active and quiet plage regions, and two surges. The range of variations of the chromospheric line-of-sight velocity at the heights of the formation of the Hα core was extremely large. Both upward and downward motions were observed in these layers. In particular, a surge with upward velocities up to ?73 km?s?1 was detected. In the photosphere, predominantly upward motions were found, varying from ?3.1 km?s?1 upflows to 1.4 km?s?1 downflows in different structures. The velocity variations at different levels in the lower atmosphere are compatible with the emergence of magnetic flux.  相似文献   

The NOAA active region (AR) 11029 was a small but highly active sunspot region which produced 73 GOES soft X-ray flares during its transit of the disk in late October 2009. The flares appear to show a departure from the well-known power law frequency-size distribution. Specifically, too few GOES C-class and no M-class flares were observed by comparison with a power law distribution (Wheatland, Astrophys. J. 710, 1324, 2010). This was conjectured to be due to the region having insufficient magnetic energy to power the missing large events. We construct nonlinear force-free extrapolations of the coronal magnetic field of AR 11029 using data taken on 24 October by the SOLIS Vector SpectroMagnetograph (SOLIS/VSM) and data taken on 27 October by the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope SpectroPolarimeter (Hinode/SP). Force-free modeling with photospheric magnetogram data encounters problems, because the magnetogram data are inconsistent with a force-free model. We employ a recently developed “self-consistency” procedure which addresses this problem and accommodates uncertainties in the boundary data (Wheatland and Régnier, Astrophys. J. 700, L88, 2009). We calculate the total energy and free energy of the self-consistent solution, which provides a model for the coronal magnetic field of the active region. The free energy of the region was found to be ≈?4×1029?erg on 24 October and ≈?7×1031?erg on 27 October. An order of magnitude scaling between RHESSI non-thermal energy and GOES peak X-ray flux is established from a sample of flares from the literature and is used to estimate flare energies from the observed GOES peak X-ray flux. Based on the scaling, we conclude that the estimated free energy of AR 11029 on 27 October when the flaring rate peaked was sufficient to power M-class or X-class flares; hence, the modeling does not appear to support the hypothesis that the absence of large flares is due to the region having limited energy.  相似文献   

We compare the contrast of faculae, in visible light and in the near infrared (NIR), that were associated with the active region NOAA 8518 which crossed the solar disk from April 19 to 27, 1999. We obtained NIR continuum images at 1.6 μm at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) with an Indium Gallium Arsenide (In Ga As) NIR digital camera. We also obtained high-resolution longitudinal magnetograms and visible light filtergrams at 610.3 nm with the newly developed Digital Vector Magnetograph (DVMG). Our data show that the contrast of faculae has the same sign in both the visible and the NIR. We did not find any so-called “dark faculae”, faculae that are bright in the visible and simultaneously dark in the NIR.We determined a threshold magnetic flux density that separates pores from faculae.  相似文献   

During the lifetime of AR 12673,its magnetic field evolved drastically and produced numerous large flares.In this study,using full maps of the Sun observed by t...  相似文献   

We present the investigation of 11 recurring solar jets that originated from two different sites (site 1 and site 2) close to each other (\({\approx}\,11~\text{Mm}\)) in NOAA active region (AR) 12035 during 15?–?16 April 2014. The jets were observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) telescope on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. Two jets were observed by the telescope of the Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital, India, in H\(\upalpha\). On 15 April, flux emergence is strong in site 1, while on 16 April, flux emergence and cancellation mechanisms are involved in both sites. The jets of both sites have parallel trajectories and move to the south with a speed between 100 and 360 km?s?1. The jets of site 2 occurred during the second day have a tendency to move toward the jets of site 1 and merge with them. We conjecture that the slippage of the jets could be explained by the complex topology of the region, which included a few low-altitude null points and many quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs), which could intersect with one another.  相似文献   

Flows in the photosphere of solar active regions are turbulent in nature. Because magnetic fields are frozen into the plasma on the solar surface, magnetograms can be used to investigate the processes responsible for structuring active regions. Here, a continuous wavelet technique is developed, analyzed, and used to investigate the multiscale structure of an evolving active region using magnetograms obtained by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The multiscale structure was measured using a 2D continuous wavelet technique to extract the energy spectrum of the region over the time scale of 13 days. Preliminary evidence of an inverse cascade in active region NOAA 10488 is presented as well as a potential relationship between energy scaling and flare productivity.  相似文献   

Donahue  R. A.  Dobson  A. K.  Baliunas  S. L. 《Solar physics》1997,171(1):191-209
The lifetimes of chromospheric active regions and active region complexes ('active longitudes') for 35 lower-Main-Sequence stars observed at Mount Wilson Observatory are estimated from the relative distribution of pooled variance at different time scales. The time scale of active region evolution (i.e., the lifetime of large active regions) is approximately 50 days, while the lifetime of active region complexes is on the order of 1 year. These estimates can be used to clarify the contribution of active regions to variance in short-term (i.e., <1 yr) time series data. Previously unpublished mean rotation periods are documented for several stars.  相似文献   

We present a comparison of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) analysis of NOAA Active Region (AR) 11158 and numerical simulations of flux-tube emergence, aiming to investigate the formation process of this flare-productive AR. First, we use SDO/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetograms to investigate the photospheric evolution and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) data to analyze the relevant coronal structures. Key features of this quadrupolar region are a long sheared polarity inversion line (PIL) in the central δ-sunspots and a coronal arcade above the PIL. We find that these features are responsible for the production of intense flares, including an X2.2-class event. Based on the observations, we then propose two possible models for the creation of AR 11158 and conduct flux-emergence simulations of the two cases to reproduce this AR. Case 1 is the emergence of a single flux tube, which is split into two in the convection zone and emerges at two locations, while Case 2 is the emergence of two isolated but neighboring tubes. We find that, in Case 1, a sheared PIL and a coronal arcade are created in the middle of the region, which agrees with the AR 11158 observation. However, Case 2 never builds a clear PIL, which deviates from the observation. Therefore, we conclude that the flare-productive AR 11158 is, between the two cases, more likely to be created from a single split emerging flux than from two independent flux bundles.  相似文献   

1 Data ,andMethodofAnalysis1 1 FlaresAR 6 891wasaδconfiguration ,belongstoaclasscalled‘islandδ’spotbyZirin&Liggett( 1 987) ,withalargepositivepreceding ( p)sunspotgroup ,surroundedbya‘crow’ofsmallfol lowing (f)negativefluxesspotsornetwork .Itwaslocatedat 1 2Swithitscen…  相似文献   

Lara  A.  Gopalswamy  N.  Kundu  M. R.  Pérez-EnrÍquez  R.  Koshiishi  H.  Enome  S. 《Solar physics》1998,178(2):353-378
We have studied the properties and evolution of several active regions observed at multiple wavelengths over a period of about 10 days. We have used simultaneous microwave (1.5 and 17 GHz) and soft X-ray measurements made with the Very Large Array (VLA), the Nobeyama Radio Heliograph (NRH) and the Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on board the Yohkoh spacecraft, as well as photospheric magnetograms from KPNO. This is the first detailed comparison between observations at radio wavelengths differing by one order of magnitude. We have performed morphological and quantitative studies of active region properties by making inter-comparison between observations at different wavelengths and tracking the day-to-day variations. We have found good general agreement between the 1.5 and 17 GHz radio maps and the soft X-rays images. The 17 GHz emission is consistent with thermal bremsstrahlung (free-free) emission from electrons at coronal temperatures plus a small component coming from plasma at lower temperatures. We did not find any systematic limb darkening of the microwave emission from active regions. We discuss the difference between the observed microwave brightness temperature and the one expected from X-ray data and in terms of emission of a low temperature plasma at the transition region level. We found a coronal optical thickness of 10-3 and 1 for radiation at 17 and 1.5 GHz, respectively. We have also estimated the typical coronal values of emission measure ( 5 × 1028 cm-5), electron temperature ( 4.5 × 1066 K) and density ( 1.2 × 109 cm3). Assuming that the emission mechanism at 17 GHz is due to thermal free-free emission, we calculated the magnetic field in the source region using the observed degree of polarization. From the degree of polarization, we infer that the 17 GHz radiation is confined to the low-lying inner loop system of the active region. We also extrapolated the photospheric magnetic field distribution to the coronal level and found it to be in good agreement with the coronal magnetic field distribution obtained from microwave observations.  相似文献   

AR8 2 1 0活动区的黑子磁场结构是反极性排列 ,开始是负极性的主黑子上半部被正极性所包围 ,随后又在主黑子下方浮现正极磁场 ,引起主黑子作顺时针方向旋转约 90°,当正极性磁场强度减弱后 ,主黑子又呈弱的逆时针方向旋转。该区域产生的高能耀斑爆发与黑子磁场变化密切联系。  相似文献   

本文利用太阳活动区光球横向磁场观测资料推算纵向电流密度分布,论述了具体的计算方法和取得的结果,并简要讨论了太阳活动区电流计算在太阳物理研究中的应用。  相似文献   

We analyze the evolution of coronal plasma upflows from the edges of AR 10978, which has the best limb-to-limb data coverage with Hinode’s EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). We find that the observed evolution is largely due to the solar rotation progressively changing the viewpoint of nearly stationary flows. From the systematic changes in the upflow regions as a function of distance from disc center, we deduce their 3D geometrical properties as inclination and angular spread in three coronal lines (Si vii, Fe xii, and Fe xv). In agreement with magnetic extrapolations, we find that the flows are thin, fan-like structures rooted in quasi separatrix layers (QSLs). The fans are tilted away from the AR center. The highest plasma velocities in these three spectral lines have similar magnitudes and their heights increase with temperature. The spatial location and extent of the upflow regions in the Si vii, Fe xii, and Fe xv lines are different owing to i) temperature stratification and ii) line of sight integration of the spectral profiles with significantly different backgrounds. We conclude that we sample the same flows at different temperatures. Further, we find that the evolution of line widths during the disc passage is compatible with a broad range of velocities in the flows. Everything considered, our results are compatible with the AR upflows originating from reconnections along QSLs between over-pressure AR loops and neighboring under-pressure loops. The flows are driven along magnetic field lines by a pressure gradient in a stratified atmosphere. Our interpretation of the above results is that, at any given time, we observe the superposition of flows created by successive reconnections, leading to a broad velocity distribution.  相似文献   

Deng  Yuanyong  Wang  Jingxiu  Yan  Yihua  Zhang  Jun 《Solar physics》2001,204(1-2):11-26
Based on photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at Huairou Solar Observing Station, we have studied the evolution of magnetic nonpotentiality in NOAA AR 9077 from 11 to 15 July 2000. We focus our analysis on the daily change of nonpotential characteristics in the photospheric magnetic field preceding the `Bastille Day' flare. We have identified the following evolving patterns: (1) The shear-angle distribution underwent dramatic change in the filament channel. At a key site of the filament environment, the magnetic shear changed sign from positive to negative. (2) The old current systems disrupted, and new but weaker systems formed before this major event. Similar changes are identified for the longitudinal current helicity. (3) The source field weakened before the flare, and the density of free magnetic energy decreased at the photospheric level. These obvious changes lasted at least nine hours before the `Bastille Day' flare, and they took place where a large amount of magnetic flux disappeared in magnetic flux cancellation. The site of dramatic changes is also found to coincide with the base of helical magnetic ropes which were seen in a 3-D force-free reconstruction. We suggest that the observed evolution of the magnetic nonpotentiality represents a continuous transportation of magnetic energy and complexity from the lower atmosphere to the corona. This transportation seems to be responsible for the energy build-up for the major flare. Moreover, the slow magnetic reconnection in the lower atmosphere, observed as magnetic flux cancellation, appears to play a key role in this energy build-up process. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1014258426134  相似文献   

We present a straightforward comparison of model calculations for the α-effect, helicities, and magnetic field line twist in the solar convection zone with magnetic field observations at atmospheric levels. The model calculations are carried out in a mixing-length approximation for the turbulence with a profile of the solar internal rotation rate obtained from helioseismic inversions. The magnetic field data consist of photospheric vector magnetograms of 422 active regions for which spatially-averaged values of the force-free twist parameter and of the current helicity density are calculated, which are then used to determine latitudinal profiles of these quantities. The comparison of the model calculations with the observations suggests that the observed twist and helicity are generated in the bulk of the convection zone, rather than in a layer close to the bottom. This supports two-layer dynamo models where the large-scale toroidal field is generated by differential rotation in a thin layer at the bottom while the α-effect is operating in the bulk of the convection zone. Our previous observational finding was that the moduli of the twist factor and of the current helicity density increase rather steeply from zero at the equator towards higher latitudes and attain a certain saturation at about 12 – 15. In our dynamo model with algebraic nonlinearity, the increase continues, however, to higher latitudes and is more gradual. This could be due to the neglect of the coupling between small-scale and large-scale current and magnetic helicities and of the latitudinal drift of the activity belts in the model.  相似文献   

Donahue  R. A.  Dobson  A. K.  Baliunas  S. L. 《Solar physics》1997,171(1):211-220
The relative distribution of pooled variance computed at various time scales for records of chromospheric activity has been calculated for approximately 100 stars observed at Mount Wilson Observatory. As shown in Paper I, analysis of the pooled variance provides a technique for estimating the lifetimes of stellar active regions and their influence on chromospheric time series used for determining rotation and activity cycle periods. Pooled variance diagrams may be divided into three morphological types which depend to a large extent on a star's mean level of chromospheric activity (i.e., age) and B-V color (i.e., mass), and possibly depend on star's evolutionary state.  相似文献   

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