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Environmental efficiency standards are often used to evaluate the costs of oceanic economic development. A variety of statistical analyses were applied in this study to quantify the marine environmental efficiency of 11 Chinese coastal provinces and municipalities between 2000 and 2014. Results initially reveal that environmental efficiency measures that incorporate undesirable outputs are more consistent with real production conditions and thus the use of marine economic and environmental efficiencies supplement and complement one another. Second, overall marine environmental efficiency across China tends to be low and can be spatially characterized by a transformation such that the inefficiencies noted in 2000 have subsequently been transformed to comprise a three-tiered structure that encompasses northern, central, and southern cores. Third, variation in absolute and relative marine environmental efficiency differences for the coastal regions of China have been consistent over time; values initially decreased before increasing again in a fluctuating manner over the time period of this analysis. Fourth, data show that the Pearl River Delta area has experienced the highest rate of change in marine environmental efficiency over time when economic zones are used as basic research units, although values have nevertheless fluctuated significantly. Fifth, values for total factor productivity as well as technical efficiency and change across the Chinese marine economy all fluctuated over time but increased. Data show that changes in marine environmental efficiency across China can primarily be attributed to progress in marine science and technology. Finally, levels of capital investment and marine industrial pollution intensity are not significantly correlated with marine environmental efficiency. Indeed, both marine industrial structural levels and environmental protection technologies have had a positive effect on environmental efficiency while levels of investment in marine scientific research as well as the scale of economic development, the marine economy, and the degree of external openness have all exerted negative effects on this key variable.  相似文献   

Symbiotic state of Chinese land-marine economy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The simultaneous development of both the land and marine-based economy is required to achieve the economic development of coastal regions in China. Based on symbiosis theory, this study discusses land and marine-based economic symbiosis mechanisms and uses a logistic symbiotic function to construct a symbiotic evolution model of the land-marine economy. We conduct a division and feature analysis of the interactive model between the land and marine-based economies of 11 provinces (or cities) along the coast of China between 1996 and 2013, and discuss their economic development. The results show that, during the study period, the coordinated development model of the national land-marine economy is a parabiosis model. Fujian Province exhibits mutualism, Jiangsu, Hebei, Shandong, and Guangdong show commensalism, while Tianjin, Zhejiang, and Shanghai display parasitism, Guangxi and Hainan exhibit an antibiosis model, while Liaoning displays a parabiosis model. The land economic development model of Jiangsu and Fujian and the marine economic development model of Guangdong are improving the quality and efficiency of the factors of production. All other provinces’ development models improve the productivity of the production factors to expand the scale of production.  相似文献   

中部崛起战略后,中国中部六省(湖北省、湖南省、安徽省、山西省、江西省和河南省)经济快速发展,建成区面积不断扩张,不仅威胁粮食安全,更加剧资源环境约束。在此背景下,本文采用2007—2018年中部六省80个地级市面板数据,并运用Malmquist-Luerberger指数、重心模型、空间计量模型和地理探测器模型分析中部六省80个地级市土地绿色利用效率时演变、重心移动轨迹变化及其影响因素情况。结果表明:① 2007—2018年中部六省土地绿色利用效率增长是靠技术进步“单轨驱动”的。② 城市土地绿色利用效率值表现出明显的空间分异特征,且重心总体向东北方向移动。③ 中部六省各地级市之间土地绿色利用效率存在空间依赖性和空间溢出效应。④ 除城市建设用地面积外,城镇化率、产业结构高级化水平、经济发展水平、外商直接投资额均正向影响中部六省80个地级市土地绿色利用效率。其中,各个影响因素对土地绿色利用效率的影响从强到弱依次为产业结构高级化水平、外商直接投资额、建设用地面积、城镇化率、经济发展水平。  相似文献   

目前,旅游业已经成为国民经济发展中的重要产业,而旅游业的发展需要外部资金的支持,因此,能否吸引外来资金是一个关系旅游业能否可持续发展的重要问题~([1])。本文尝试构建包含经济环境、旅游业发展、区域条件和外部环境4个层面共32个指标的旅游投资环境评价指标体系,运用因子分析法对我国东部沿海十省市的旅游投资环境进行了综合测评与排序。结果显示,广东省旅游投资环境最好,河北的最差。广东省的各项指标值均高于其他省市,说明其投资吸引力最强。而其他省市各有优劣之处,建议在以后的发展中逐渐改善劣势从而达到改善旅游投资环境。  相似文献   

A key target of the overall strategy implementation for regional development since the 18th Party Congress of China has involved taking measures to narrow regional disparities. This is because resource-based cities' economic development has fallen below general levels due to resource exhaustion and an unbalanced industrial structure, among other factors. Further, an economic gap has long existed between Northeast China's large number of resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities. This article comprehensively studies the economic convergence of Northeast China's resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities from 1996 to 2015 by using a dynamic panel to analyze not only the economic development of different industries and types of cities, but also the main factors that influence economic development. The empirical results demonstrate that economic convergence exists in both resource-based and non-resource-based cities, but the economic gap between them has clearly narrowed since the implementation of a strategy to revitalize the Northeast's old industrial base. Shrinking cities are the fastest to converge, as mature cities are slower and regenerating cities are the slowest; regarding industry structure, the secondary industry dominates the economy in mature and shrinking cities, and the tertiary industry in regenerating cities. The primary stimulus in resource-based cities' economic development involves upgrading the industrial structure and investing in human capital. As China faces a ‘new normal' economy, resource-based cities in Northeast China should restructure the economy and perfect their market system to avoid again widening the economic gap.  相似文献   

The rapid development of mariculture in China in recent decades has satisfied people's demand of seafood, and has made a great contribution to economic development. However, mariculture has also caused some negative impacts on the eco-environment. By statistically analyzing national data(as well as data for four main provinces) regarding the mariculture area and cultivation species in China since reform and opening up, the historical evolution of mariculture during the past 40 years was analyzed, the driving factors related to policy, market and technology innovation were discussed, and the potential impacts of mariculture on the coastal eco-environment were also illustrated. The statistical results indicated that the maricultural area increased radically during the past 40 years, from 1979(116.47 × 10~3 ha) to 2012(2205.65 × 10~3 ha), with an increase of nearly 20-fold. Shandong Province represented the fastest-growing region, with an increase of 31-fold. Moreover, the cultivated species had gradually become diversified. Initially, shellfish and algae were major species, and then it developed to various species including fish, and currently shellfish and crustaceans were the major species. The development of mariculture was driven by government policies, market economy and technology innovation. Rapid development of mariculture also caused significantly adverse impacts on the eco-environment of the coastal regions. For example, the sea reclamation for mariculture decreased the area and function of coastal wetlands and the contaminants originating from mariculture destroyed the coastal aquatic environment. Fortunately, the implementation of ‘13 th Five-Year Fisheries Planning' is expected to help both improve the seafood quality and reduce the contamination in coastal aquatic environment. This current study will provide reference for management and structure adjustment of mariculture in the future.  相似文献   

数字经济是构建现代化经济体系的重要引擎。企业投资是拉动数字经济增长的重要因素。数字经济产业的发展决策,亟需洞察相关企业投融资的结构性特征及其时空演化模式。本文以“数字中国”的思想源头和实践起点——福建省为研究案例,基于2000—2021年的数字经济企业投融资数据,采用复杂网络分析和负二项回归模型等方法,以地级市为基本研究单元,探究了福建省数字经济企业投融资的空间特征及影响因素,结果表明:① 福建省数字经济企业的投融资规模呈增长趋势,投资来源由以非数字经济企业为主转变为以数字经济企业为主;② 省外投资占比逐步提升,省外投资由2000年的8.56亿元增长至2021年的288.08亿元,占比由11.59%增长至31.06%,融资金额在福建省内“东高西低”的空间分布格局愈发明显;③福州市始终是企业投资首选的福建省内城市,而随着时间的推移,厦门、泉州等枢纽中心不断浮现,集聚形成以其为核心的福厦泉走廊;④ 投融资影响因素中,政策和信息化发展环境对数字经济企业投融资联系具有显著促进作用,地理距离对数字产业投融资联系的影响日益弱化。最后,研究结合福建省数字产业发展的时空演化特征及其影响要素,提出政策建议,以期为“数字福建”建设和福建省数字经济的持续健康发展提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

国际海洋新秩序及其对我国海洋经济的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际海洋新秩序的形成以<联合国海洋法公约>的生效为标志.<公约>不仅赋予了沿海国对200 n mile专属经济区的主权权利等海洋权益,带来国际海洋形势的新趋势,而且会对我国海洋经济产生重要影响.<公约>的生效一方面促进了我国海洋法律的建设进程,扩大了海洋管辖;另一方面又使我国海洋经济权益受到新的威胁.专属经济区制度对我国海洋渔业生产和管理也将产生重要影响.  相似文献   

The change in residents‘ perception and attitude and resort life cycle are the basic problems in the course of resort evolution. This thesis sets up the dynamic model of residents‘perception and attitude, analyzes the linkage between residents‘ perception and attitude and the influential factors of resort life cycle, and finally, with a case study of Putuo Mountain, preliminarily discusses the relationship between resort life cycle and residents‘perception and attitude. The research findings show that, although within development stage of life cycle, Putuo Mountain has already presented some signs of mature stage. The on-the-spot survey also indicates that, the local residents‘ positive perception is stronger than their negative perception. But compared with residents in some other coastal resorts such as Haikou and Sanya, negative perception of residents in Putuo Mountain is more evident, as the result of the smaller tourism carrying capacity in Putuo Mountain. There are some influential factors that have great impact on tourism carrying capacity in Putuo Mountain: tourist-resident number ratio, residents‘ benefit-cost ratio and characteristics of tourism resources. And the less influential factors are residents‘ demographic character, tourist behavioral character and cultural differences between local residents and tourists. Therefore, effective measures should be taken to adjust the structure of tourism product for the purpose of expanding tourism carrying capacity, lowering its pressure, lessening residents‘ environmental cost and enhancing their positive perception, which is the most essential prerequisite for the maturation of life cycle in Putuo Mountain.  相似文献   

运用灰色系统理论,采用灰色关联分析方法和模型,以2001-2013年间福建沿海主要港口货物吞吐量和内陆省内生产总值的数据为基础,选取数列进行数据处理,通过关联性分布和排序,得到福建沿海港口经济最有影响力的腹地范围和空间分布,实证得出福建沿海港口应重点发展以江西作为主要腹地、兼考虑湖南为次要腹地、湖北和安徽其次考量的结论,最后提出立足腹地实情、结合资源优势互补的经济策略建议,为福建扩展港口经济腹地措施提供理论依据和支持。  相似文献   

I.INTROIjUCTIONSincethereformandopening-up,FOreignDirectinvestments(FDIs)havebeenemployedinChineseeconomicdevelopment.SomeresearchresultsshowthatFDIsinChineseeconomicdevelOPmenthavechangedaseriesofeconomicstructure,suchas,investmentstructure,propertystructtire,tradestructure,technologystructureetc.whichsuggeststhatrolesofaflsinChineseeconomicdevelopmentshouldbeseriouslytakenintoconsiderationinstudyingtheregionaldevelopmentissues.Evidently,theregionaldifferenceofrolesofFDIsisdetendn…  相似文献   

湛江区域经济发展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较分析了湛江与广东部分地区和全国沿海开放城市的经济发展状况,认为湛江区域经济发展面临着发挥相对优势的机遇,外部竞合的压力,以及改善投资环境和争取充足的资金等提升内部经济的挑战。  相似文献   

Adaptability theory is an important tool to analyze the degree, mechanism and process of interaction between human and environment, which provides a new perspective for the research of sustainability assessment. Based on the entropy weight-TOPSIS method and the panel Tobit model from the perspective of adaptability, spatio-temporal difference and influencing factors of environmental adaptability assessment of human-sea economic system in Liaoning coastal area was measured by using the city panel data from 2000 to 2014. The results indicate that: 1) The environmental adaptability of human-sea economic system in Liaoning coastal area rose slowly from 2000 to 2014, the developing trend of each city was linearly related, and Dalian was in a leading position. 2) The different adaptability elements and adaptability subsystem show polarization phenomenon and completely different regional evolution characteristics. The adaptability of human-sea environment system and human-sea economic system rose slowly and had the characteristics of linear relationship, and the adaptability of human-sea environment system is the main reason for the difference of environmental adaptability of human-sea economic system. 3) Science and technology, environmental management, marine economic development level, port construction are the driving factors of the healthy development of environmental adaptability of urban human-sea economic system.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investments (or FDIs) have been employed since the early 1980s and they have become more and more important in Chinese economic development. However, the roles of FDIs are very different between regions, partly due to the different locational preference of various source countries. Some facts show that FDIs from Hongkong - Macao indicate a strong locational preference. Therefore, this paper attempts to make an empirical research on the locational preference of Hongkong - Macao’s FDIs and their spatial diffusion under the support of statistical data with regression analysis. In this paper, three statistical models, including the special location model, the general location model and the spatial diffusion model, are created. The results show that this kind of analysis is successful. The major conclusions are as follows. (1) The optimum location for FDIs from Hongkong - Macao lies in the coastal area, especially Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Fujian provinces. Besides, Hubei Province is also an important region. (2) The FDIs from Hongkong - Macao in China have diffused gradually from the coastal provinces to the inland regions, the northern and the metropolis and from the locations that had attracted a large number of investments to their vicinities since the 1990s. (3) The special location factors, such as the border effect, the unique social and kinship ties are the key factors determining the special locational distribution. (4) The general location and spatial diffusion of Hongkong - Macao’s FDIs are the results of interplay of several economic factors. They are the economic scale and advantage, the growth rate, the labor force and economic extrovert etc.  相似文献   

GIS technology has been mostly concerned with handling physical data and modeling physical environment. However, the requirements of GIS for handling socio-economic information in many cases are different from those concerning phenomena in the physical environment. Analysis of capital flow among regions requires the transitions both from economic values to physical landscape and from physical surface to economic explanation. Rapid growth of Chinese economy conies mainly from investment. There are two main ways for obtaining high growth of investment. One is government expenditure which usually invests in regional facility and amenity block, which is regarded as stimulus for attracting investment. The other is the creation of investing center and corresponding capital source areas, both of which need the central city with the highest growth rate of investment among regions. This paper presents the cluster areas of both government revenue and total investment, the potential situation of capital flow betwe  相似文献   

Social assistance is the last safety net in the social security system and plays a vital role in poverty alleviation in countries around the world. Promoting the equal financial assistance is meaningful to achieve equalization of social assistance. Based on the provincial panel data from 2002 to 2017, this paper analyzes the dynamic characteristics and main influencing factors of the equity of social assistance in China, using the Theil index and geographically weighted regression(GWR) model. Th...  相似文献   

韩燕  张苑 《地球信息科学学报》2019,21(11):1735-1744
不同因子对区域经济差异的影响一直是国内外学者关注的重点及热点问题,探究县域经济时间过程演变和空间格局分异的主导影响因子,科学揭示各因子的作用机制,将为区域经济发展战略的制定提供重要指导依据。本文以甘肃省县域为研究单元,利用空间化表达、标准差椭圆分析县域经济空间分异现象,借助多元线性逐步回归和地理探测器对县域经济时空分异影响因素进行探讨。研究结果表明:① 甘肃省县域经济之间的总体差异明显,随时间波动较大;② 县域经济空间分布重心不稳定,变动较大;③ 财政收入、城镇化率和工业产业比重是主导的时间影响因子;④ 铁路密度、公路密度、河流密度是甘肃省县域经济空间分异的主要地理因子,且因子之间的交互作用强于单因子对经济空间分异的作用。在协调县域经济发展过程中,应根据主要影响因素精准实施发展策略,合理利用因子之间的交互作用,加快经济协调发展。  相似文献   

Under the special background of China, the cooperative innovation between different government-industry-university-research institutes plays an increasingly important role in the agricultural field. However, the existing literature has paid little attention to it. Considering the cooperation patents, published in the agriculture field stemming from the Full-text Database of China Patents as the study object, the spatial and institutional attribute of the authors as the data source, and by combining the social network and spatial econometrics analysis, this paper analyzes the structure evolution characteristics of cooperative innovation networks of agricultural government-industry-university-research institute in the city level of China in 1985–2014, based on the triple helix theory, with the influence factors discussed. This shows that, 1) since 1985, China's agricultural innovation level has been substantially increased, but the development degree of the cooperative innovation network is low, and the patent cooperation mainly relies on authors in the same unit; 2) enterprises play a leading role in the agricultural cooperative innovation. The effect of the government and hybrid organizations driven by the government is not obvious; 3) the cooperative innovation in the province and city dominates, and a multi-pole pattern has been formed. The cooperative innovation network structure evolves from a single helix empty core and double helix multi core to a double helix hierarchical network; 4) the city's science, education funding and personnel investment are key factors determining the agricultural cooperative innovation, while the agricultural development of the city presents slight negative impacts on it. The spatial mismatch of supply and demand is present in the technical cooperative innovation of China's agriculture. Therefore, the science enhancement and education investment to big agricultural provinces should be promptly implemented.  相似文献   

基于多源数据的中国海岸带地区人口空间化模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带人口聚集、经济增长迅速、生态环境脆弱,容易受到自然灾害的影响,细致的人口空间分布信息对解决海岸带地区资源配置、灾害风险管理等有重要意义。本文以中国沿海城市为研究区,基于NPP-VIIRS和NDVI数据构建人居指数HSI,并加入居住地面积比例系数反映人口内部差异,利用样本动态分区及建模方法,得到2015年中国海岸带1000 m格网人口分布数据(POP),并将其与已公布的相同年份的中国公里格网人口数据(TPOP)和100 m全球人口数据(WorldPOP)进行对比分析。研究表明,3种数据均能反映中国海岸带地区人口的宏观分布特征,但是对于人口分布城乡差异特征以及城市内部人口分布细节特征的刻画,则是以POP数据最为理想。由县域统计值和POP数据可知,主要受沿海地貌、国家及区域经济发展战略等的影响,中国海岸带地区人口分布具有明显的空间差异,具体来说:① 地形差异,山地和滩涂区域的人口密度普遍较低(小于5 人/hm 2),而平原和河口三角洲区域的人口密度则普遍较高(大于10 人/hm 2);② 宏观区域差异,环渤海、长江三角洲和珠江三角洲是人口分布最密集的区域(大于25 人/hm 2);长江以北地区人口分布多层级重心离散分布的特征较为显著,尤其以山东和江苏最为明显,长江以南地区人口分布相对比较集中,主要集中在沿海低地和平原,如浙江—福建—广东一带;③ 城乡差异,由各级城镇向乡村区域递减的趋势非常明显,城市等级越高,人口分布的梯度特征越显著,中心城区、城市近郊、城市远郊之间相比人口密度差异巨大。  相似文献   


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