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When compared with nearby unvergetated areas, seagrass meadows contain a dense and strikingly rich assemblage of vertebrates and invertebrates. Most recent literature has focused on evaluating the role of predation in structuring seagrass faunal communities; however, habitat complexity, abundance of food and sediment stability may also be important. This paper summarizes studies relating predator-prey relationships to different features of the seagrass system. This review suggests that the abundance of many species, both epifauna and infauna, is positively correlated with two distinct aspects of plant morphology: 1) the root-rhizome mat, and 2) the plant canopy. A scheme was developed that defines the conditions under which any particular species will be abundant or rare in a seagrass assemblage. This scheme is based on prey and predator characteristics (e.g., epifaunal vs. infaunal, tube-dweller vs. nontube dweller, burrowers vs. nonburrowers, and large vs. small as adult) and on characteristics of the seagrasses (e.g., leaf morphology, shoot density, shoot biomass, structural complexity of the meadow, and root-rhizome density and standing crop).  相似文献   

Seasonal ichthyoplankton surveys were made in the lower Laguna Madre, Texas, to compare the relative utilization of various nursery habitats (shoal grass,Halodule wrightii; manatee grass,Syringodium filiforme; and unvegetated sand bottom) for both estuarine and offshore-spawned larvae. The species composition and abundance of fish larvae were determined for each habitat type at six locations in the bay. Pushnet ichthyoplankton sampling resulted in 296 total collections, yielding 107,463 fishes representing 55 species in 24 families. A broad spectrum of both the biotic and physical habitat parameters were examined to link the dispersion and distribution of both pre-settlement and postsettlement larvae to the utilization of shallow seagrass habitats. Sample sites were grouped by cluster analysis (Ward’s minimum variance method) according to the similarity of their fish assemblages and subsequently examined with a multiple discriminant function analysis to identify important environmental variables. Abiotic environmental factors were most influential in defining groups for samples dominated by early larvae, whereas measures of seagrass complexity defined groups dominated by older larvae and juveniles. Juvenile-stage individuals showed clear habitat preference, with the more shallowHalodule wrightii being the habitat of choice, whereas early larvae of most species were widely distributed over all habitats. As a result of the recent shift of dominance fromHalodule wrightii toSyringodium filiforme, overall reductions in the quality of nursery habitat for fishes in the lower Laguna Madre are projected.  相似文献   

Density functional theory calculations have been used to study the pressure-induced changes of the hydrogen bond of Fe-free orthozoisite and clinozoisite and the concomitant shifts of the OH-stretching frequencies. Two independent parameter-free lattice dynamical calculations have been employed. One was based on a plane-wave basis set in conjunction with norm-conserving pseudopotentials and a density functional perturbation theory approach, while the other used a localised basis set and a finite displacement algorithm for the lattice dynamical calculations. Both models confirm the unusually large pressure-induced red-shift found experimentally (−33.89 cm−1/GPa) in orthozoisite, while the pressure-induced shifts in clinozoisite are much smaller (−5 to −9 cm−1/GPa). The atomistic model calculations show that in orthozoisite the nearly linear O–H⋯O arrangement is compressed by about 8% on a pressure increase to 10 GPa, while concomitantly the O–H distance is significantly elongated (by 2.5% at 10 GPa). In clinozoisite, the O–H⋯O arrangement is kinked at ambient conditions and remains kinked at high pressures, while the O-H distance is elongated by only 0.5% at 10 GPa. The current calculations confirm that correlations between the distances and dynamics of hydrogen bonds, which have been established at ambient conditions, cannot be used to infer hydrogen positions at high pressures.  相似文献   

Recolonization dynamics from disturbance on a Philippine mixed seagrass meadow, containing species spanning more than 10-fold in rhizome elongation rates and reproductive effort, was examined by following the recovery of a 1,200 m2 gap over 2.5 yr. The objective was to assess the contribution of contrasting species to the recovery process and to evaluate the importance of sexual versus vegetative colonization. Large, slow-growing species,Thalassia hemprichii andEnhalus acoroides, that produce large, broadly-dispersed seeds dominated sexual colonization with a total of 2,643 and 210 seedlings, respectively, recruiting to the area. Despite very rapid turnover of sexual recruits, the high frequency of seedling establishment ensured successful development of new patches in areas devoid of vegetation, leading to a scattered and evenly distributed presence of vegetation inside the gap. The small seagrass speciesCymodocea rotundata andHalodule uninervis, characterized by fast rhizome elongation rates but low reproductive output and limited seed dispersal, were the major contributors to the overall 450 m2 increase in vegetation cover through fast lateral extension (144±6 cm yr−1) from meadow edge and surviving patches, forming a compact vegetation cover in one edge of the denuded area. We conclude that contrasting recruitment strategies in the mixed-species seagrass community examined have implications for colonization potential at different spatial scales. Fast clonal growth is only an efficient mechanism for colonization of disturbances within established meadows (small gaps), whereas the large species, which combined high reproductive output with high seed dispersal capacity, may act to accelerate the colonization process in large gaps or distant from established meadows.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern and dynamics of a Sahelian agro-ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spatial pattern and dynamics of a Sahelian agro-ecosystem are analyzed. Approaches and methods suitable for land use systems analysis are discussed. The importance of combining various spatial and temporal scales in a multi-disciplinary framework is stressed. An analytical framework focusing on the land use system at the village level is presented. It pays specific attention to the integration of georelated data with those describing the socio-economic decision-making units (households). It is intended as a basic component in a land use analytical model which meets the requirements of being multidisciplinary as well as hierarchical.Selected results from a case study in northern Burkina Faso, are presented. Mainly issues with a spatial dimension, taking advantage of the georelated observations, are dealt with in this context. They reveal, for instance, that field pattern dynamics appear to be much more complex than generally believed and that the commonly held notion that fields are expanding cannot be confirmed by this case. The land use dynamics constitute a complex pattern, determined by household specific parameters as well as by the natural resource base. Furthermore, the experience from the application of a differential GPS for detailed land use studies in the Sahel is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We synthesize the study of coupled natural and human systems across sites and cultures through a process of simplification and abstraction based on multiple dimensions of human-nature connectedness: satisfaction of basic needs, psycho-cultural connectedness and regulation of use of natural resources. We thus provide both a place-based and general understanding of value-driven anthropogenic environmental change and response. Two questions guide this research: what are the crucial stakeholder values that drive land use decisions and thus land cover change? And how can knowledge of these values be used to make decisions and policies that sustain both the human and natural systems in a place? To explore these questions we build simulation models of four study sites, two in the State of Texas, United States, and two in Venezuela. All include protected areas, though they differ in the specifics of vegetation and land use. In the Texas sites, relatively affluent individuals are legally converting forests to residential, commercial, and industrial uses, while in Venezuela landless settlers are extra-legally converting forests for purposes of subsistence agriculture. Contemporary modeling techniques now facilitate simulations of stakeholder and ecosystem dynamics revealing emergent patterns. Such coupled human and natural systems are currently recognized as a form of biocomplexity. Our modeling framework is flexible enough to allow adaptation to each of the study sites, capturing the essential features of the respective natural and anthropogenic land use changes and stakeholder reactions. The interactions between human stakeholders are simulated using multi-agent models that act on forest landscape models, and receive feedback of the effects of these actions on ecological habitats and hydrological response. The multi-agent models employ a formal logic-based method for the Venezuelan sites and a decision analysis approach using multi-attribute utility functions for the Texas sites, differing more in style and emphasis than in substance. Our natural-systems models are generic and can be tailored according to site-specific conditions. Similar models of tree growth and patch transitions are used for all the study sites and the differing responses to environmental variables are specified for each local species and terrain conditions.  相似文献   

A coupled hydrodynamic and sediment transport model (Delft3D) was used to simulate the water levels, waves, and currents associated with a seagrass (Zostera marina) landscape along a 4-km stretch of coast in Puget Sound, WA, USA. A hydroacoustic survey of seagrass percent cover and nearshore bathymetry was conducted, and sediment grain size was sampled at 53 locations. Wave energy is a primary factor controlling seagrass distribution at the site, accounting for 73% of the variability in seagrass minimum depth and 86% of the variability in percent cover along the shallow, sandy portions of the coast. A combination of numerical simulations and a conceptual model of the effect of sea-level rise on the cross-shore distribution of seagrass indicates that the area of seagrass habitat may initially increase and that wave dynamics are an important factor to consider in predicting the effect of sea-level rise on seagrass distributions in wave-exposed areas.  相似文献   

The transition from the Soviet to the post-Soviet period in and near Moscow manifested itself in increasing production of segregated space both in the urban core and suburban areas outside of the beltway to accommodate the preferences of the new Russian business and governmental elite. This paper focuses on the residential single-family housing inside old and new settlements, which are frequently gated. Approximately 260 of such suburban communities have been developed within 30 km of the beltway during the past few years, of which a majority have some form of exclusion mechanism in place, typically tall solid fences, gates, closed-circuit video surveillance and guarded entry checkpoints. The difference in exclusivity varies from the most exclusive older communities inside Moscow Serebryany Bor enclave and Rublevskoe highway mansions to less exclusive new developments along Novorizkhskoe and Dmitrovskoe highways. Despite high rates of construction, based on sociological surveys in 2003, only about 11% of Russia’s upper class claimed to live in such new “cottages,” with the rest owning condos and luxury apartments in the inner city or older detached homes in villages and small towns. Therefore, not all the needs have been accommodated and more development is certain to take place. The environmental impact of such developments is profound. Based on preliminary LANDSAT image analysis, almost 22% of suburban “green belt” forested land within 30 km zone has been converted to new construction from 1991 to 2001. New construction is now focusing on the remaining fragments of natural vegetation, which will likely lower air quality and water quality available for the city. Ironically, the new developments advertise themselves as “clean and green” with massive investments in unnatural landscaping (seeded lawns, exotic shrubs, river and lake shore “improvements”). This investment highlights the well-known paradox of development in which people move out of town to live near nature, while destroying the wild nature they come to enjoy. “We left city for the weekend It was raining, saw no stars There were fences everywhere Our chiefs behind the bars.” Gennady Shpalikov  相似文献   

徐宿弧形构造对袁庄矿矿井构造的影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以徐宿弧形构造西部外缘带中段闸河复式向斜北部的袁庄矿地质构造为主要研究对象,探讨了徐宿弧形构造对闸河向斜和袁庄矿矿井构造形成的影响机制,并分析了各级构造对煤层、瓦斯及岩浆岩的控制作用。研究表明:在徐宿弧形构造背景下,闸河向斜构造虽处于应力集中区,但因石炭-二叠纪地层软弱,故闸河向斜褶皱发育,逆冲断裂却很少,这与向斜两侧的逆冲断裂系形成鲜明对比;袁庄矿矿井构造秉承了闸河向斜构造特征,以褶皱为主要构造形式;煤层赋存、瓦斯含量及岩浆岩等开采地质条件的特征明显受各级构造形式的影响。研究认为,不同尺度下的各级构造有一定的相似性,但又有各自独有的特征,因此在多级次构造研究中,在考虑区域构造背景的同时还应重视次级构造自身条件的研究。  相似文献   

We evaluate if the distribution and abundance ofThalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, andHalodule wrightii within Biscayne Bay, Florida, are influenced by salinity regimes using, a combination of field surveys, salinity exposure experiments, and a seagrass simulation model. Surveys conducted in June 2001 revealed that whileT. testudinum is found throughout Biscayne Bay (84% of sites surveyed),S. filiforme andH wrightii have distributions limited mainly to the Key Biscayne area.H. wrightii can also be found in areas influenced by canal discharge. The exposure of seagrasses to short-term salinity pulses (14 d, 5–45‰) within microcosms showed species-specific susceptibility to the salinity treatments. Maximum growth rates forT testudinum were observed near oceanic salinity values (30–40‰) and lowest growth rates at extreme values (5‰ and 45‰).S. filiforme was the most susceptible seagrass species; maximum growth rates for this species were observed at 25‰ and dropped dramatically at higher and lower salinity.H. wrightii was the most tolerant, growing well at all salinity levels. Establishing the relationship between seagrass abundance and distribution and salinity is especially relevant in South Florida where freshwater deliveries into coastal bays are influenced by water management practices. The seagrass model developed by Fong and Harwell (1994) and modified here to include a shortterm salinity response function suggests that freshwater inputs and associated decreases in salinity in nearshore areas influence the distribution and growth of single species as well as modify competitive interactions so that species replacements may occur. Our simulations indicate that although growth rates ofT. testudinum decrease when salinity is lowered, this species can still be a dominant component of nearshore communities as confirmed by our surveys. Only when mean salinity values are drastically lowered in a hypothetical restoration scenario isH. wrightii able to outcompeteT. testudinum.  相似文献   

Syngnathus abaster andSyngnathus typhle (Pisces: Syngnathidae) from a dense Cymodocea nodesa meadow in the western Mediterranean Stagnone di Marsala (Italy) were studied using δ13N and δ15N analysis. Because of the presence of these two species in the same habitat and the specialized parental care by the male, the effect of species and sex on the isotopic composition was also studied to investigate the different feeding strategies between and within species.S. abaster andS. typhle exhibited enriched13C and15N values throughout the sampling period (mean ±SE, δ13C =−10.5±1.8‰ and−10.8±2.0‰, δ15N=11.9±0.7‰ and 10.6±1.0%., respectively), suggesting that these species receive their energy mainly from mixed sources, particularly from sedimentary and particulate organic matter and the seagrassC. nodosa as ultimate organic matter sources. ANOVA results demonstrated that the interaction between season, species, and sex significantly affected the isotopic composition of the pipefish (p<0.001 for both δ13C and δ15N). Differences between species and sex, although significant, were smaller than the values generally reported for trophic level differences (≈1‰ and ≈3.5‰ for δ15N, respectively) and change in foraging habitat, Slight isotopic differences may mirror small differences in resource exploitation and resource partitioning. Evidence from stomach content analysis from the literature coupled with stable isotope measurements, while disagreeing somewhat, provide additional knowledge of pipefish feeding strategies.  相似文献   

Tourism in Spain has developed dramatically in recent decades but the growth of the tourist industry has not been experienced evenly throughout the country. Tourism is largely concentrated in a small number of essentially coastal and insular provinces. Analysis by principal components shows that significant regional variations occur in the demand for hotels from different national groups but, with the exception of the French, the spatial preferences of each nationality have remained remarkably constant in the period 1965–1980. However, as growth rates have differed from market to market, so the demand for hotels has developed at different rates from one province to another. Regional variations in the seasonality of demand also occur. These findings highlight the need for further geographical studies such as this to provide more spatial detail than is to be found in most national studies and at the same time to supply the synthesis which unrelated regional or local case studies lack.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of mantle flow relative to the lithosphere on subduction dynamics. We use 2D thermo‐mechanical models assuming incompressible non‐Newtonian fluid rheology. Different mantle flow velocities consistent with absolute plate motion models are tested, as well as both directions of flow, either sustaining or opposing slab dip. The effects of different inflow/outflow velocity profiles, slab strengths and upper–lower mantle viscosity contrasts are also evaluated. Slab dip deviations between models with opposite mantle flow directions range from 37° for relatively strong slabs (ηmax = 1025 Pa s) to 50° for weaker slabs (ηmax = 1024 Pa s), accounting for a significant amount of natural slab dip variability. For imposed mantle flow supporting the slab, the initial stage of slab steepening is followed by a stage of continuous slab dip decrease. This slab shallowing eventually leads to mantle wedge closure, subduction cessation and slab break‐off, possibly driving subduction flips.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics computer simulations of the molecular structure, diffusive dynamics and hydration energetics of water adsorbed on (0 0 1) surfaces of brucite Mg(OH)2, gibbsite Al(OH)3, hydrotalcite Mg2Al(OH)6Cl · 2H2O, muscovite KAl2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2, and talc Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 provide new insight into the relationships between the substrate structure and composition and the molecular-scale structure and properties of the interfacial water. For the three hydroxide phases studied here, the differences in the structural charge on the octahedral sheet, cation occupancies and distributions, and the orientations of OH groups all affect the surface water structure. The density profiles of water molecules perpendicular to the surface are very similar, due to the prevalent importance of H-bonding between the surface and the water and to their similar layered crystal structures. However, the predominant orientations of the surface water molecules and the detailed two-dimensional near-surface structure are quite different. The atomic density profiles and other structural characteristics of water at the two sheet silicate surfaces are very different, because the talc (0 0 1) surface is hydrophobic whereas the muscovite (0 0 1) surface is hydrophilic. At the hydrophilic and electrostatically neutral brucite and gibbsite (0 0 1) surfaces, both donating and accepting H-bonds from the H2O molecules are important for the development of a continuous hydrogen bonding network across the interfacial region. For the hydrophilic but charged hydrotalcite and muscovite (0 0 1) surfaces, only accepting or donating H-bonds from the water molecules contribute to the formation of the H-bonding network at the negatively and positively charged interfaces, respectively. For the hydrophobic talc (0 0 1) surface, H-bonds between water molecules and the surface sites are very weak, and the H-bonds among H2O molecules dominate the interfacial H-bonding network. For all the systems studied, the orientation of the interfacial water molecules in the first few layers is influenced by both the substrate surface charge and the ability by the surfaces to facilitate H-bond formation. The first layer of water molecules at all surfaces is well ordered in the xy plane (parallel to the surface) and the atomic density distributions reflect the substrate crystal structure. The enhanced ordering of water molecules at the interfaces indicates reduced orientational and translational entropy. In thin films, water molecules are more mobile parallel to the surface than perpendicular to it due to spatial constraints. At neutral, hydrophilic substrates, single-monolayer surface coverage stabilizes the adsorbed water molecules and results in a minimum of the surface hydration energy. In contrast, at the charged and hydrophilic muscovite surface, the hydration energy increases monotonically with increasing water coverage over the range of coverages studied. At the neutral and hydrophobic talc surface, the adsorption of H2O is unfavorable at all surface coverages, and the hydration energy decreases monotonically with increasing coverage.  相似文献   

Large-scale molecular simulation of proton accumulations were carried out on (i) (110) and (021) slabs immersed in aqueous solution and (ii) a series of model goethite nanoparticles of dimension 2 to 8 nm with systematically varying acicularity and (110)/(021) surface areas. In the slab systems, the (021) surface exhibits 15% more proton charge per unit area than the (110) surface. In the particulate systems, the acicular particles having the highest (110)/(021) ratio accumulate the most charge, opposite to the trend expected from the slab simulations, indicating that, at length scales on the order of 10 nm, the slab results are not a good indicator of the overall charging behavior of the particles. The primary reason for the discrepancy between the particulate systems and slab systems is the preferential accumulation of protons at acute (110)-(110) intersections. Charge accumulates preferentially in this region because excess proton charge at an asperity is more effectively solvated than at a flat interface.  相似文献   

Compared to the prokaryote-dominated lower Proterozoic there are few environments now left on Earth where prokaryotes are dominant. By about 2.5 Ga chemical conditions affecting the solution and precipitation of minerals were much influenced by microbial communities. Results of recent experiments show that modern living prokaryotes are capable of actively precipitating or flocculating gold. This process goes far towards explaining the phenomenal extent to which gold is enriched in kerogenous marker seams on the Witwatersrand.Neutron activation analyses confirm that gold is likewise anomalously enriched in kerogenous material present in the Lower Huronian metasediments of Ontario. Long known as thucholite, it appears from pyrolysis and X-ray studies of a sample from a stratiform occurrence that it is a kerogen remarkably similar to kerogen from the Vaal Reef, South Africa. A prokaryote precursor has been postulated for the Vaal Reef kerogen, and the same may well be true of at least some of the stratiform occurrences of kerogen in the Huronian.Simplifying solutions to the metallogeny of Witwatersrand-type gold that do not take into account the diverse types of gold in the deposits, are unrealistic. Precipitated gold associated with kerogen is only one of four main types of Witwatesrand gold, but it may be the major one. Our proposed model to account for this gold involves the weathering of gold from Archean source rock under anaerobic conditions, and probably in the presence of S-cycling microbial communities. Transported as a solution or colloid the gold was stabilized by humic acids, or S-cycle intermediates, and was deposited onto braided alluvial plains. There, in the presence of extensive prokaryote microbial mats (now preserved as kerogen), gold was precipitated in forms characteristic of biologically induced biomineralization.  相似文献   

The results of studies of the dynamics and structure of plasma inhomogeneities in the Crab Nebula carried out during 2002–2015 at 111 MHz on the Large Phased Array of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory are presented. Giant pulses of the pulsar PSR B0531+21 were observed and analyzed using specialized software designed to enable characterization of the scattering of a pulse via modeling of its passage through the scattering medium. The results of this analysis for the scattering of giant pulses are compared to variations in the dispersion measure, derived using data from Jodrell Bank Observatory (United Kingdom). Numerous non-stationary events associated with enhanced scattering are identified during the indicated period. The strongest scattering was observed during 2012–2014. The corresponding data are interpreted as eclipses of the pulsar by filaments in the Crab Nebula. A correlation between the variations in the scattering and dispersion measure is observed.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of 2-dimensional fluids in swelling clays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The interlayer pores of swelling 2:1 clays provide an ideal 2-dimensional environment in which to study confined fluids. In this paper we discuss our understanding of the structure and dynamics of interlayer fluid species in expanded clays, based primarily on the outcome of recent molecular modelling and neutron scattering studies. Counterion solvation is compared with that measured in bulk solutions, and at a local level the cation-oxygen coordination is found to be remarkably similar in these two environments. However, for the monovalent ions the contribution to the first coordination shell from the clay surfaces increases with counterion radius. This gives rise to inner-sphere (surface) complexes in the case of potassium and caesium. In this context, the location of the negative clay surface charge (i.e. arising from octahedral or tetrahedral substitution) is also found to be of major importance. Divalent cations, such as calcium, eagerly solvate to form outer-sphere complexes. These complexes are able to pin adjacent clay layers together, and thereby prevent colloidal swelling. Confined water molecules form hydrogen bonds to each other and to the clays' surfaces. In this way their local environment relaxes to close to the bulk water structure within two molecular layers of the clay surface. Finally, we discuss the way in which the simple organic molecules methane, methanol and ethylene glycol behave in the interlayer region of hydrated clays. Quasi-elastic neutron scattering of isotopically labelled interlayer CH3OD and (CH2OD)2 in deuterated clay allows us to measure the diffusion of the CH3- and CH2-groups in both clay and liquid environments. We find that in both the one-layer methanol solvates and the two-layer glycol solvates the diffusion of the most mobile organic molecules is close to that in the bulk solution.  相似文献   

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