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渭河断裂古水断层剖面   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
冯希杰 《地震地质》2000,22(2):209-209

将军山—白水断裂是渭河盆地北缘断裂东段的一分支,位于将军山、东太白山山前,向北东延伸至白水县境内,已有资料及研究成果认为其为晚更新世活动断裂。通过地貌地质调查、音频大地电磁法勘探、浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面探测、第四纪沉积物年代测试等方法,对将军山—白水断裂的展布与活动性进行研究。结果表明该断裂总体走向为NE向,倾向S,为一山前隐伏断裂,最新活动时代为中更新世晚期,未发现晚更新世以来活动的证据,判断其为中更新世活动断层。  相似文献   

渭河断裂咸阳段活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田勤虎  段蕊  李晓妮  卞菊梅  魏青珂 《地震研究》2015,38(2):250-256,333
通过地貌追踪、浅层地震、钻孔联合剖面勘探及探槽开挖等,查明了渭河断裂咸阳段(杨家村—窑店)的展布和最新活动时代。结果表明,渭河断裂咸阳段从咸阳市北侧渭河阶地前缘陡坎通过,考虑到断裂在金家庄、东耳村一带存在一个左阶斜裂区,阶区宽约1 km,可将断裂分为东、西两段,即:杨家村—金家庄段和东耳村—窑店段。断裂总体走向NE,倾向S,倾角65°~75°,为同生正断层。程家村探槽显示断裂错断全新统黑垆土底界15 cm,该层底界14C测年结果为2 255 BP,顶界光释光(OSL)年龄测年结果为(3.7±0.41)ka,说明断裂在全新世有活动。渭河断裂咸阳段自晚更新世以来活动性逐渐减弱,全新世平均活动速率为0.04~0.12mm/a。  相似文献   

汤东断裂是汤阴地堑的东界断裂,也是太行山山前一条重要的隐伏活动断裂。为了查明汤东断裂的产状、性质及其浅部构造特征,跨断裂开展了高分辨率浅层地震剖面探测,获得了高信噪比的浅层地震反射波叠加剖面。本文根据浅层地震剖面结果并结合研究区地质资料和已有深地震探测成果,对汤东断裂的浅部构造特征进行了分析和讨论。结果表明:汤东断裂为1条走向NNE、倾向NWW的铲型正断层,其浅部表现为由2—3条断层组成的Y字形构造,并错断了埋深约30—50m第四纪地层,断裂向下延伸至上地壳底部,属晚第四纪以来的隐伏活动断裂。汤东断裂两侧新生代沉积差异明显,断裂上升盘内黄隆起一侧,新生代沉积层较薄,其底界埋深约480m,下降盘汤阴地堑一侧,沉积了巨厚的新生代地层。研究结果为确定汤东断裂位置、评价断裂的活动性提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

渭河断裂是分割鄂尔多斯地台与秦岭褶皱系的主要边界断裂,是穿过西安市区的发震活动断层,存在发生强烈地震的可能性.经踏勘选线,三维地震剖面定于渭河北岸同仁村.探测范围1000 m(垂直断层方向)×600m(平行断层方向),三维勘探测线布设检波距10m,线距40 m,仪器接收点为40×10的网格状,每道采用3个SN4-60检波器单点组合接受,检波器单点组合接收的目的在于不压制地震记录高频信号的基础上,提高检波器接收的灵敏度.  相似文献   

渭河盆地西部宝鸡凸起位于鄂尔多斯西南缘、祁连褶皱系东南缘与秦岭褶皱系北缘之间,在其附近发生过多次7级以上强震,是我国大陆东西和南北巨型构造单元的交接地带,有多条断裂构造带在此通过.  相似文献   

从陕西省扶风县古水路堑剖面剖析渭河断裂第四纪活动   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
渭河断裂又称宝鸡 -咸阳 -渭南断裂 (宋立胜等 ,1 989)或宝鸡 -兴平 -咸阳断层 (陕西省地质矿产局 ,1 989) ,是渭河盆地内的一条主要断裂 ,横贯盆地中部 (国家地震局《鄂尔多斯周缘活动断裂系》课题组 ,1 988)。由于该断裂的最初确定主要是依据重力、航磁、人工地震反射等资料① ,故在已有的文献中很难找到有关渭河断裂的露头照片或实测剖面。由于没有证据充足的露头剖面资料 ,以致于对渭河断裂西段 (宝鸡—西安草滩镇 )晚第四纪期间是否活动存在认识上的分歧。古水断层剖面位于渭河断裂的西段 (冯希杰 ,2 0 0 0 ) ,是在通往扶风县法门寺专…  相似文献   

利用地震剖面研究夏垫断裂西南段的活动性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
地震方法是针对厚覆盖区城市直下型活动断裂的一种不可替代的探测技术,对于不同的探测深度需采用不同的排列长度。为研究夏垫断裂在远离三河-平谷8.0级地震震源区的活动性,我们在该震源区SW方向约30km处开展了中浅层反射地震探测试验,并跨过中浅层地震探测到的夏垫断裂进行了浅层反射地震探测试验。浅层和中浅层地震探测的试验结果表明,在5m道间距的地震剖面上,在200m深度以下夏垫断裂得到了较好的反映,在该深度以上,该断裂反映不明显;在2m道间距的地震剖面上,夏垫断裂错断明显,但剖面上的最浅一组反射波(深度约30m)却没有发生明显错断。由此得出:距1679年三河-平谷8.0级地震震源位置SW方向约30km处,夏垫断裂的活动性减弱  相似文献   

开封断裂是郑州-开封断裂带的重要组成部分,也是黄河中下游平原的一条重要控制性断裂。利用浅层地震勘探发现,开封断裂为总体走向EW,倾向N的正断层;断裂分为东、西2支,断裂活动性具有明显的分段特征,东支活动性较西支强。钻孔联合剖面揭示开封断裂东支断裂上断点埋深27~35 m,根据地层年代学结果,其最新活动时间为晚更新世。研究成果为开封市城乡规划、重大工程选址和地震区划工作提供了重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

在地质调查与盆地区浅层人工地震初步勘探基础上,在西秦岭北缘断裂带漳县盆地隐伏段的盆地内布设了3条浅层人工地震详勘测线,用于精确定位该断层的空间展布,判定其浅地表活动特征。在此基础上,用钻孔联合剖面方法对人工地震探测结果进行验证,同时确定了各地震测线处断层上断点的位置和埋深,通过钻孔揭露断层错断地层的特点,认为西秦岭北缘断裂漳县盆地隐伏段错断全新统,指示该断层全新世以来活动性较强。  相似文献   

The Daxing Fault is an important buried fault in the Beijing sub-plain, which is also the boundary fault of the structural unit between Langgu sub-sag and Daxing sub-uplift. So far, there is a lack of data on the shallow tectonic features of the Daxing Fault, especially for the key structural part of its northern section where it joins with the Xiadian Fault. In this paper, the fine stratigraphic classifications and shallow tectonic features of the northern section in the main Daxing Fault are explored by using three NW-trending shallow seismic reflection profiles. These profiles pass through the Daxing earthquake(M6¾)area in 1057AD and the northern section of the main Daxing Fault. The results show that seven strong reflection layers(T01—T03, TQ and T11—T13)are recognized in the strata of Neogene and Quaternary beneath the investigated area. The largest depth of strong reflection layer(T13)is about 550~850ms, which is interpreted as an important surface of unconformity between Neogene and Paleogene or basement rock. The remaining reflection layers, such as T01 and TQ, are interpreted as internal interfaces in Neogene to Quaternary strata. There are different rupture surfaces and slip as well as obviously different structural features of the Daxing Fault revealed in three shallow seismic reflection profiles. The two profiles(2-7 and 2-8)show obvious rupture surfaces, which are the expression of Daxing Fault in shallow strata. Along the profile(2-6), which is located at the end of the Daxing fault structure, a triangle deformation zone or bending fracture can be identified, implying that the Daxing Fault is manifested as bending deformation instead of rupture surfaces at its end section. This unique structural feature can be explained by a shearing motion at the end of extensional normal fault. Therefore, the Daxing Fault exhibits obviously different tectonic features of deformation or displacement at different structural locations. The attitude and displacement of the fault at the shallow part are also different to some extent. From the southwest section to the northeast section of the fault, the dip angle gradually becomes gentler(80°~60°), the upper breakpoint becomes deeper(160~600m), and the fault displacement in Neogene to Quaternary strata decreases(80~0m). Three shallow seismic reflection profiles also reveal that the Daxing Fault is a normal fault during Neogene to early Quaternary, and the deformation or displacement caused by the activity of the fault reaches the reflection layer T02. This depth is equivalent to the sedimentary strata of late Early-Pleistocene. Therefore, the geometry and morphology of the Daxing Fault also reveal that the early normal fault activity has continued into the Early Pleistocene, but the evidence of activity is not obvious since the late Pleistocene. The earthquakes occurring along the Daxing Fault, such as Daxing earthquake(M6¾)in 1057AD, may not have much relation with this extensional normal fault, but with another new strike-slip fault. A series of focal mechanism solutions of modern earthquakes reveal that the seismic activity is closely related to the strike-slip fault. The Daxing Fault extends also downwards into the lower crust, and may be cut by the steeply dipping new Xiadian Fault on deep seismic reflection profile. The northern section of the Daxing Fault strikes NNE, with a length of about 23km, arranged in a right step pattern with the Xiadian Fault. Transrotational basins have been developed in the junction between the northern Daxing Fault and the southern Xiadian Fault. Such combined tectonic features of the Daxing Fault and Xiadian Fault evolute independently under the extensional structure background and control the development of the Langgu sub-sag and Dachang sub-sag, respectively.  相似文献   

采用高精度的浅层地震勘控方法和先进的数据处理技术,查明了玛纳斯地震区玛纳斯背斜的浅部地壳结构特征,它主要由一个逆掩推覆构造和两个局部背斜组成,存在一条盲断层和两知地表出露断层,结合附近地质资料和钻井资料,确定了每条断层的活动年代,为进一步研究该区的深浅部构造之间的关系和玛纳斯地震的发震机制提供了可靠的浅层资料  相似文献   

利用浅层人工地震方法对沈阳市城区的隐伏断裂构造进行了探测,经时间剖面,地质剖面的分析,并结合这一地区第四系地层的发育特征,确定F1、F2、F5、F9的最新活动时代为更新世,F6、F7的最新活动时代为中更新世,F10在第四纪期间没有活动。  相似文献   

渭河断裂深、中、浅和近地表显示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渭河断裂是渭河盆地一条重要的隐伏断裂,对渭河盆地的形成和发展乃至盆地内的地震活动都具有一定的控制作用。文中基于横跨渭河断裂的深地震反射、浅层地震反射、钻孔勘探和槽探等勘探方法取得的探测结果,从深部、中部、浅部以及近地表4个深度,给出了渭河断裂的呈现特点,即最深切割层位、不同深度的产状变化、错距大小、断裂的最新活动时代和活动期次等  相似文献   

玛纳斯地震区地壳浅部构造特征探测研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
采用高精度的浅层地震勘控方法和先进的数据处理技术,查明了玛纳斯地震区玛纳斯背斜的浅部地壳结构特征,它主要由一个逆掩推覆构造和两个局部背斜组成,存在一条盲断层和两知地表出露断层,结合附近地质资料和钻井资料,确定了每条断层的活动年代,为进一步研究该区的深浅部构造之间的关系和玛纳斯地震的发震机制提供了可靠的浅层资料  相似文献   

The Tan-Lu fault zone is the largest active tectonic zone in eastern China, with a complex history of formation and evolution, and it has a very important control effect on the regional structure, magmatic activity, the formation and distribution of mineral resources and modern seismic activity in eastern China. Xinyi City has a very important position as a segmental node in the Shandong and Suwan sections of the Tan-Lu fault zone. Predecessors have conducted research on the spatial distribution, occurrence and activity characteristics of the shallow crustal faults in the Suqian section of the Tan-Lu belt, and have obtained some new scientific understandings and results. However, due to different research objectives or limitations of research methods, previous researches have either focused on the deep crustal structure, or targeted on the Suqian section or other regions. However, the structural style and deep-shallow structural association characteristics of Xinyi section of Tan-Lu belt have not been well illustrated, nor its activity and spatial distribution have been systematically studied. In order to investigate the shallow crustal structure features, the fault activities, the spatial distribution and the relationship between deep and shallow structures of the Xinyi section of the Tan-Lu Fault, we used a method combining mid-deep/shallow seismic reflection exploration and first-break wave imaging. Firstly, a mid-deep seismic reflection profile with a length of 33km and a coverage number greater than 30 was completed in the south of Xinyi City. At the same time, using the first arrival wave on the common shot record, the tomographic study of the shallow crust structure was carried out. Secondly, three shallow seismic reflection profiles and one refraction tomography profile with high resolution across faults were presented. The results show that the Xinyi section of Tan-Lu fault zone is a fault zone composed of five concealed main faults, with a structural pattern of “two grabens sandwiched by a barrier”. The five main faults reveal more clearly the structural style of “one base between two cuts” of the Tan-Lu fault zone. From west to east, the distribution is as follows: on the west side, there are two high-angle faults, F4 and F3, with a slot-shaped fault block falling in the middle, forming the western graben. In the middle, F3 and F2, two normal faults with opposite dip directions, are bounded and the middle discontinuity disk rises relatively to form a barrier. On the east side, F2 and F1, two conjugate high-angle faults, constitute the eastern graben. The mid-deep and shallow seismic reflection profiles indicate that the main faults of the Xinyi section of Tan-Lu fault zone have a consistent upper-lower relationship and obvious Quaternary activities, which play a significant role in controlling the characteristics of graben-barrier structure and thickness of Cenozoic strata. The shape of the reflective interface of the stratum and the characteristics of the shallow part of the fault revealed by shallow seismic reflection profiles are clear. The Mohe-Lingcheng Fault, Xinyi-Xindian Fault, Malingshan-Chonggangshan Fault and Shanzuokou-Sihong Fault not only broke the top surface of the bedrock, but also are hidden active faults since Quaternary, especially the Malingshan-Chonggangshan Fault which shows strong activity characteristics of Holocene. The results of this paper provide a seismological basis for an in-depth understanding of the deep dynamics process of Xinyi City and its surrounding areas, and for studying the deep-shallow tectonic association and its activity in the the Xinyi section of the Tan-Lu Fault.  相似文献   

渭河盆地断层活动的横向迁移   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
冯希杰  戴王强 《地震学报》2004,26(2):174-182
断裂活动的横向迁移是断裂发展演化过程中的一种普遍现象. 在渭河盆地这种现象也较为常见,特征比较典型. 本文以蓝田南侧王顺山山前断裂活动向其北侧的骊山山前断裂和渭南塬前断裂的迁移,骊山凸起西北侧临潼¾长安断裂带内大鲍陂¾牛角尖次级断层的强烈活动向神峪寺¾肖家寨次级断层的迁移,以及渭河盆地中西部宝鸡与泾阳间一系列北西向断裂活动的横向迁移为例,分析和讨论了它们各自的迁移时段及迁移过程,为充分认识这些地区的构造发展和地貌演化历史,深刻把握渭河盆地内最新的控制性活动断裂,更加切近实际地估计每一条断裂的地震危险性提供了帮助.  相似文献   

The Yangjia Village-Yaodian segment of Weihe Fault, starting from Yangjia Village in the west, passing through Weijiaquan, Jinjiazhuang, Donger Village, Chenjiatai to Yaodian, occurs as a NE-striking fault dipping south with a total length of 33 kilometers. As a syn-depositional normal fault, it extends along the leading and trail edge of T1, T2 and T3 terrace at the northern bank of Weihe River. Results of remote sensing interpretation, shallow seismic exploration, exploratory trench, and drilling show that the Yangjia Village-Yaodian section of Weihe Fault manifests as fault scarps, overlapping with the NE-extending terrace scarp at the northern bank of Weihe River. Weihe Fault broke the T1 that can be distinguished on the shallow seismic profile and multiple profiles with broken signs from T1 to the ground, which is the same with the cracks through the Han Tomb at the top of the exploratory trench in Yangjia Village. It shows that the fault may still be active from the late Pleistocene to Holocene. Through composite drilling section and the analysis of exploratory trench, there is no significant difference in activity between the Yangjia Village-Jinjiazhuang and Donger Village-Yaodian section. This segment has experienced a large displacement event since (46.0±3.3)ka BP, approximately 11.0~16.5m, with a vertical slip rate of 0.34~0.45mm/a. The most recent activity occurred approximately around 2.0ka BP. The left-step en echelon fracture zone at Jingjiazhuang separates this section into two minor ones, Yangjia Village-Jinjiazhuang section and Donger Villag-Yaodian section. Yangjia Village-Yaodian section in Weihe Fault and Yaodian-Zhangjiawan section which was found out in the Xi'an active fault detection and seismic risk assessment project can be combined into the Yangjia Village-Zhangjiawan section.  相似文献   

渭河断裂带的构造演化与地震活动   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
彭建兵 《地震地质》1992,14(2):113-120
渭河断裂带在前新生代为一条分割基底的古超壳断裂,新生代转为铲式伸展断裂,其伸展拉伸掀斜作用形成了渭河盆地的雏形,现代以引张倾滑兼枢纽运动为特征。该断裂带为渭河盆地一条最显著的地震活动带,自公元前280年以来有20次5级以上地震与该断裂带有关  相似文献   

渭河盆地断层活动反映的第四纪构造事件初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
研究了渭河盆地南缘和北缘几条断裂第四纪活动性的迁移变化。利用横跨断裂的构造地层剖面 ,结合断裂上覆黄土地层的年代学研究结果 ,对断裂活动强度迁移变化的演化阶段进行了研究。结果表明 ,在大约 80~ 90万年前 ,渭河盆地南缘的临潼 -长安断裂带的活动性发生了显著变化 ,骊山山前断裂也有活动性迁移现象 ,渭南塬前断裂开始强烈活动 ,渭南塬全面抬升 ;12万年前左右 ,渭河盆地北缘的口镇 -关山断裂活动性明显减弱。该区断层活动的这些变化是对第四纪中晚期的 2次重要构造事件的反映  相似文献   

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