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利用差分算子和时间序列分析工具导出了地图曲线数字化误差估计公式。通过计算分析说明了根据曲线数字化数据估计数字化误差的具体方法。  相似文献   

地图编绘的布尔代数运算原理及制图综合算子数学模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据基本集合X的幂集T(X)为布尔代数的数学原理,指出从基础底图X1向编绘原图X2实现的编绘过程实质上是布尔代数的运算过程。对选取、舍弃、派生、增补等制图综合算子分别给出了数学模型。  相似文献   

回顾了陈述彭先生对地图学的贡献,并对陈述彭先生的地图学思维与地图学思想进行了分析与总结,提出了先生对地图学的主要贡献为:①建立了基于地理学系统思维与综合方法的地图认知与综合制图理论体系;②构建了基于新技术的地图学技术方法体系;③动态地提出并建立了不同阶段地图学的学科发展重点与未来学科发展方向。  相似文献   

地图在地理教学中有突出的地位,地图的配备是地理教材编写中非常重要的环节,配备合适的地图能增加地理教材的科学性和趣味性。主要分析了编制地理教材中地图的原则与要求。  相似文献   

本文对国土资源数据组织、云存储、海量空间数据管理等方面进行理论研究和技术分析,探索适合“国土资源云”环境下国土资源数据存储管理的结构模型、组织规范和存储环境,借助云计算新技术、新理念为国土资源一张图云存储提供技术参考.  相似文献   

This research examines how quality of life (QOL) may be studied empirically for Austin, Texas by using social, economic, and environmental variables at the census tract level. In addition to common factors examined by previous researchers, this paper examined the inclusion of crime rate and commute time in modeling QOL. The results from factor analysis evaluated six factors related to QOL for the study area, including education and commute time (factor 1), housing and population density (factor 2), property crimes (factor 3), environmental quality (factor 4), some college education (factor 5), and violent crimes (factor 6). Using the percentage of variance for each variable as a weight, a synthesized index was developed to assess QOL in Austin, Texas.  相似文献   

冯连好;史经 《东北测绘》2013,(2):181-182,186
1∶5 000地形图缩编是在MGE的Microstation平台上利用MicroStation Basic工具二次开发地形图综合缩编软件实现的,利用现有1∶2 000地形图数据特点,按照建库和制图数据一体化生产的技术路线,通过批处理综合程序结合机助交互式数据判断以及数据预处理转换等技术实现综合缩编。  相似文献   

This article deals with the cartometric analysis of various seventeenth-century urban maps of the city of Cadiz (Spain), from among which the so-called Vista Arámburu and the map belonging to the atlas of the Marquis of Heliche, discovered in the Krigsarkivet (Military Archive) of Stockholm, stand out for their uniqueness. These hitherto relatively unknown documents present evidence of an evolution of cartographic style towards greater topographic accuracy and hence cannot just be considered as simple drawings. In this seventeenth-century period of transition, the cartography of the city evolved from sixteenth-century aerial-view perspectives to the exhaustive planimetric maps of the eighteenth century, made by Spanish and French Military Corps of Engineers. These documents hold great historical value, not only due to the importance of Cadiz during the Modern Age but also because these maps constitute a graphic testimony of the fortification and growth of the city in this period.  相似文献   

控制性质量和描述性质量是数据质量的两种表达方式,以公开版地图数据库建设与更新为例,结合数据质量评价体系实施的质量过程性控制是提高产品质量的有效方法。  相似文献   

结合"基于Oracle Spatial 11g的基础地形数据库建库、更新与管理关键技术研究"项目,介绍了地形数据新旧标准的区别,分析了基础地形数据在不同数据标准之间转换的难点,针对转换中的难点问题利用FME转换软件并结合人机互动的方式提出了解决方法。  相似文献   

地图上等高线信息度量的层次方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘慧敏  樊子德  邓敏  徐震 《测绘学报》2012,41(5):777-783
地图信息定量度量是地图学研究一个基础问题,亦是评价地图设计、地图综合、制图质量的一个重要依据。本文以等高线地图为例,提出了一种基于空间认知的等高线信息的层次度量方法。首先,分析了现有基于Shannon 信息论的地图信息度量方法。然后解析了地图等高线信息的产生原理,并将等高线信息划分为三个层次,分别为单条等高线信息度量层次(即元素层次)、基本地貌单元邻接等高线信息度量层次(即邻域层次)、全局地图等高线信息度量层次(即整体层次)。在此基础上,依据空间信息多样性和差异性特征,分别建立了各层次信息定量度量方法。最后,通过实验初步验证了本文所提的等高线信息定量度量方法的合理性和正确性。  相似文献   

测绘资料所反映的地形、地貌、交通、水系、资源分布等基础地理信息是城镇规划建设管理中空间和功能布局十分重要的依据.因此,测绘是规划的基础和依据,充分整合利用现有测绘资源,统一基础地理信息平台,保持空间位置的统一性和精确性,实现测绘资源的共建共享,将极大地减少重复劳动,降低规划建设管理的成本.  相似文献   


Map legends are key elements of thematic maps and cartographic communication. The question of how to style map legends is a topic which has often been addressed by cartographic academics and practitioners. Nevertheless, the question of where to position a map legend has only hardly been discussed. Principles of cognitive sciences allow the assumption that a legend positioned to the right of a map field can be read and decoded faster than a legend on the left side. This study investigates the impact of legend positioning on legend decoding. It involves an experiment based on a recognition memory paradigm and the registration of eye-movements. The results show that, in less time, a legend positioned to the right of the map field (compared to a left legend) can be decoded faster. The same accuracy of a cognitive representation of geographic space can be achieved in spatial memory.  相似文献   

From the application of information theory capacity limits of maps are derived and some cartographic rules are formulated—based on theoretical models and perception studies. The perception study shows that for a relief map with coloured height intervals the channel capacity, as defined in information theory, is reached at seven~eight height classes. Generally, the length of a visual variable may be characterized by the channel capacity of the map. This theoretical study shows how increased attention should be paid to perceptual separation as the number of categories increases. The requirement becomes more and more crucial as the number of categories exceeds five. The principle of group visibility is formulated and demonstrated. Group visibility considers the visibility of groups of map features and may be utilized in a visual search for geographical patterns. The quantitative measures presented offers computational methods to control group visibility for example in an interactive visualization system.  相似文献   

刘慧敏  邓敏  樊子德  卢启栋 《测绘学报》2014,43(10):1092-1098
地图的基本功能之一是载负和传输空间信息。地图空间信息量是衡量地图上空间要素及其关系与要素空间分布状况复杂程度的定量描述指标,可为制图综合和质量评价提供依据。本文以地图上居民地空间信息度量为研究对象,从地图空间信息的本质特征出发,结合空间信息认知的层次性特点,将居民地空间特征划分为三个层次,并相应地将其空间信息构成划分为:元素层次居民地面要素的几何形态信息、邻域层次相邻居民地的空间关系信息、整体层次居民地的聚群结构信息。进而,分别建立三个层次空间特征的定量描述指标,在此基础上建立基于空间特征的几何形态信息、分布关系信息和聚群结构信息度量方法。最后,通过试验分析验证了所提方法的合理性和优越性。  相似文献   

三维空间中的制图物体要投影到地球椭球面S上,故存在三维空间X到地球椭球面S的映射f:X→S;x及其投影f(x)的属性、尺寸、形状等特征,被制图者认识和了解是对x进行地图表示的前提,故存在椭球面S到主体认识结构Y的映射g:S→Y。x的观念模型gf(x)可以表示在二维平面Z上,故Y与Z间必然存在映射q:Y→Z。根据非退化区间为等势集合的定理,知f、g、q为双一一函数,从而使x、f(x)、gf(x)与qgf(x)一一对应。而f(x)与qgf(x)是否与地图比例尺1∶M相关、无关或半相关,决定着地图符号qgf(x)为依比例符号、不依比例符号或半依比例符号的归属。这三类地图符号相互转化及条件,证明了事物由量变到质变的辩证规律。  相似文献   

地图符号数学定义的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
根据拓扑学和图论的有关定义及符号构形的知觉阈值,提出符号清晰描绘和表示的下极限--极限圆概念,通过地物在平面上投影的图上面积与极限圆的比较,推导了依比例符号、不依比例符号和半依比例符号的数学定义,从而使这三类地图符号的基本概念获得了精密的数学形式和定量描述。探讨了这三类地图符号的依存关系和相互转化的条件,使不依比例符号和半依比例符号随地图比例尺的缩小而数量倍增的规律得到了理论解释。  相似文献   

现阶段中国投入大量资源用于基层医疗卫生服务能力建设,以15 min医疗圈为目标建设了卫生室、医保点等多种基层医疗保障设施,评价其可达性有助于设施的合理规划和优化调整。充分利用在线地图、人口热力图、路径规划服务、等时圈范围服务等泛地图资源,在基于胡弗模型的两步移动搜索法(Huff-based two-step floating catchment area method, Huff 2SFCA)的基础上,从出行能力差异、人口昼夜分布的角度进行改进,形成15 min核酸采样圈评价框架。以中国上海市为例分析15 min生活圈医疗设施可达性,结果显示: (1)研究区域内除宝山和浦东外的各行政区,15 min核酸采样圈的面积覆盖率和人口覆盖率均在90%以上,其中虹口、静安的可达性最高。(2)受通勤人群职住分离的影响,常住人口较多的地区在白天容易出现可达性过高的情况,且可达性在夜间降低,相反,产业聚集的地区夜间可达性明显升高。(3)外围的浦东、宝山等开发区呈现出可达性两极分化的特点,发展完善的居住板块可达性偏高,发展中的新产业园区可达性偏低;老城区的可达性分布相对更加均衡,且更能满足老年人群和职场人群的采样需求。分析结果反映出目前的采样点空间布局考虑了人群的出行行为,能满足大部分居民在居住地和工作地就近采样的需求。对于可达性过高和过低的区域,可根据人口分布的昼夜变化优化采样点资源配置。  相似文献   

In the last third of the sixteenth century, the Spanish Crown launched a project to create a map of the New World. Regional maps would be obtained, which, referenced through a system of meridians and parallel arcs, would comprise a complete map of the continent. The mechanism devised for this purpose was that of surveys, known as the Relaciones Geográficas (Geographic Relations). Each town would be sent a questionnaire with more than 50 questions that should also be completed with a map of the region. The majority of these maps, known as pinturas, lacked field measurements, and therefore also lacked both scale and geographical coordinates. Only a few cases were created following the standards of European cartography. Among these are the maps made by Francisco Gali. In this paper, we study the map of Tlacotalpa, one of the first examples of local nautical charting in Latin America.  相似文献   

"一村一镇一地图"项目的开展,对农村的村镇规划建设、信息化建设、环境卫生、产业发展、文化建设、公共服务、社会管理等重大决策部署提供了强有力的地理信息支持,本文对其生产流技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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