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Geologic mapping and the design of geologic (thematic) maps are nowadays supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In order to gain a high degree of efficiency and to allow exchange of a common structured framework for mapping, map data models have been designed by agencies and individuals in order to support their mapping process. Only a limited number of such models are freely available and most of them are on a conceptual level. They support mappers in their work to define spatial geologic map units by integrating field and remote-sensing information and relate them to non-spatial information, in particular genetic surface types, rock composition, age and age relationships, attitude data, and other surface characteristics. All of these attributes are interrelated and require data models that depict these complex relationships without becoming too complicated for the mapper. Solutions on the basis of database management systems and server-client communication are highly efficient but they cannot be easily employed and require dedicated administration. A well-established alternative are file-based geodatabase concepts which are much more accessible but which also suffer from a number of limitations when it comes to administration and querying data. The scope of this work is to find an accessible solution for working on and with geologic maps for planetary surfaces. We here present a planetary map data model (PMDM) design that has been implemented within Environmental Systems Research Institute's (ESRI) ArcGIS environment for systematic geologic and geomorphologic mapping of different planetary surfaces. The model copes with different genetic surface types, planetary stratigraphic systems, surface chronologies, specific naming conventions, and different body references. Additional and innovative assets are integrated solutions for semi-automated symbol assignments based on published standards (FGDC) and the possibility to perform topology checks on surface type features and units. 相似文献
Insufficient research has been done on integrating artificial-neural-network-based cellular automata (CA) models and constrained CA models, even though both types have been studied for several years. In this paper, a constrained CA model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) was developed to simulate and forecast urban growth. Neural networks can learn from available urban land-use geospatial data and thus deal with redundancy, inaccuracy, and noise during the CA parameter calibration. In the ANN-Urban-CA model we used, a two-layer Back-Propagation (BP) neural network has been integrated into a CA model to seek suitable parameter values that match the historical data. Each cell's probability of urban transformation is determined by the neural network during simulation. A macro-scale socio-economic model was run together with the CA model to estimate demand for urban space in each period in the future. The total number of new urban cells generated by the CA model was constrained, taking such exogenous demands as population forecasts into account. Beijing urban growth between 1980 and 2000 was simulated using this model, and long-term (2001–2015) growth was forecast based on multiple socio-economic scenarios. The ANN-Urban-CA model was found capable of simulating and forecasting the complex and non-linear spatial-temporal process of urban growth in a reasonably short time, with less subjective uncertainty. 相似文献
Maps and Mapping Technologies of the Persian Gulf War 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Assessing the recent Persian Gulf War from a cartographic standpoint is now possible. Unlike in previous wars, which established new technologies for postwar cartographic exploitation, the gulf war is unique in having presented a proving ground for electronic cartographic technology. An analysis is given of map coverage of the war by the media, especially magazines and newspapers, and from a military perspective. From a cartographic standpoint, the winners in the war include hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, geographic information systems (GIS), workstation-based image processing and cartographic map-production systems, and radar imaging from aircraft. More fully exploiting and building on the success of these technologies in peacetime seems to be a clear mandate for academic and professional cartography. 相似文献
Geologists consider field mapping skills necessary for the development of expertise in geology. We discuss the results of a day-long geology mapping exercise in the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, USA. Sixty-seven volunteer geologists, chosen specifically to represent a continuum from novice to expert, were asked to create a map of bedrock geology for approximately 70 square hectares. In order to identify and assess field mapping strategies, GPS tracks of each participant's field activities were analyzed using GIS and sequence alignment techniques. Results indicate differences in routes used during the field task by participants with varying levels of mapping expertise. To investigate this result, the field area was divided into thirty-three sub-regions based on topography, vegetation, rock outcrops, and participant traffic. Using these sub-regions, multiple variables such as amount of time spent in each sub-region and the order in which these sub-regions were visited were determined for each participant. Geologic mapping experts and others who are able to produce highly accurate maps recorded similar spatio-temporal sequences during the task, likely related to development of a reasonable structural hypothesis early in the task. These results have implications for field education and emphasize the role of working hypotheses in informing the movement of experts in the field. 相似文献
At the beginning of the twentieth century, little of the world outside of Europe, India, and parts of North America had been covered by topographic mapping. By the end of the century there were few areas that were not covered by topographic mapping, if only at small scales. Most of the technological changes that made this extension of map coverage possible were pioneered dunng the period 1900-1939. This paper reviews the technological deveiopments in land and air survey that took place during that period and relates them to the drive to produce cost-effective mapping for civil and military purposes. 相似文献
数字测图技术及其课程教学探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文对数字测图技术作为GIS前端数据采集方法中存在的一些认识及技术问题进行了探讨,并对测绘工程专业与GIS专业如何进行数字测图技术课程的教学,提出了自己的观点。 相似文献
简要介绍了Windows CE及嵌入式开发技术,对基于掌上电脑的多功能测图系统进行设计,并具体分析了其实现过程中地图显示、GPS数据接收、模块通信等各个环节及其实现方法,使用eMbeded Visual C++开发出了适用于电力巡检、管线复查、野外草图测绘等多种业务的数字测图系统EmSurvey,实现了电子地图、项目管理、数字测图等基本功能,对系统实际应用中存在的问题进行了分析并提出了相应的解决方案. 相似文献
分析了测绘生产计划制定与管理中所涉及的各类信息的特点及相互关系,提出了一种简单实用的空间数据与属性数据一体化管理的解决方案.通过建立空间数据表和编制空间数据引擎模块,解决了测绘计划存储、下达、上报和管理过程中相关数据的安全性问题;在SQL Anywhere关系数据库中实现了空间数据与属性数据一体化管理.该方案成功应用于测绘生产计划管理系统中. 相似文献
数字制图中的CAD与GIS 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从数据本质与制图方法两个方面对CAD制图与GIS制图进行了详细的比较分析,并在此基础上对CAD与GIS联合制图方法进行了深入探讨和实践。 相似文献
GIS软件是一种用于数据采集、存储、管理、运算、分析、显示和描述的技术系统,本文着重介绍其在地图制图中的应用技术。总结出利用GIS软件制作专题地图的流程与方法以及存在的问题,进而对运用GIS软件编制专题地图的应用前景与未来做了展望与设想。 相似文献
整个测绘GIS系统的开发是一项复杂的工程,不可能一步到位,应遵循循序渐进、先易后难的原则,以大地测量数据为基础,先进行重点区域的建设。整个过程中,各部门的协调和支持也是十分重要的。测绘产品多样化,社会服务多元化是必然的发展趋势。当前,全站议、GPS以及遥感等技术都极大促进了测绘行业的发展,建设测绘GIS系统,实现测绘数据的有效管理,必能进一步促进GIS系统的发展,为社会提供更好的服务。 相似文献
Mobile mapping and geographic information systems may represent a new paradigm for cartography and GIScience. This short foreword to the special issue introduces the three papers that follow, briefly surveys the growing literature of field and mobile GIS, and discusses the emerging literature surrounding wearable GIS and their augmented reality display systems. The UCGIS research agenda for mobile and distributed computing is presented, as are the calls for additional research in the papers of the special issue. Calls for a comprehensive review article of the field from a cartography/GIScience perspective, and for involvement in the research agenda of mobile systems, are made. 相似文献
测绘科技档案图形查询系统的设计 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
介绍了基于MapGuide的测绘科技档案图形查询系统的整体结构设计,其基本的功能,并阐述了数据组织,提出了系统软件设计的方案和系统设计时需要注意的问题。 相似文献
GIS地理信息系统是一类建立在多种应用平台基础上,以集成地理空间信息的数据库系统为主要基础,充分利用地理模型建构、数据定量分析等方法进行相关空间地理数据信息的收集与处理,从而具有极高的准确性和灵活性的计算机应用系统。本文将就GIS地理信息系统的基本定义、系统构成和实践应用等几个方面进行系统的阐述,以期能够对目前的科学研究和社会实践具有一定的启发作用。 相似文献
任玉伟 《测绘与空间地理信息》2012,35(3):53-55,59
测绘资料档案客户服务系统是测绘档案部门最直接服务于客户的操作平台。本文阐述了测绘资料档案客户服务系统的总体框架设计、功能模块设计、数据结构设计以及系统的实现,为各省的档案客户服务系统的开发提供了参考和对比。 相似文献
城市的测绘工作随着时间的推移,都会积累大量的数据成果。如何对这些成果进行有效的组织,在城市测绘管理工作中可以快速地检索、定位历史数据成果,是城市测绘业务管理与应用中经常面临的问题,本文在介绍如何有效组织历史数据资源、开发简单易用的软件系统的基础上,较为全面地介绍了如何建设测绘成果检索地理信息系统。 相似文献