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《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(4):324-331

Considerable attention has been paid in the literature to the changing style of Ordnance Survey mapping in the twentieth century. However, little has been written about the origins of the characteristic appearance of the first multi-colour editions, other that the Ordnance Survey used a military edition that was already in production. The distinctive style grew out of the work of a committee established in 1892 by the War Office to consider future army requirements for a map of the UK. This paper explores the work of the committee and its long-term implications for the look of mapping in the twentieth century.  相似文献   


The first BCS President of the twenty-first century reflects on the cartography of the twentieth century and identifies those 'maps' that he believes have had significant influence on the development of the discipline during that century.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of Ordnance Survey International as a division within Ordnance Survey and outlines the work currently being carried out world-wide. It identifies the commercial structure of the business and justifies the reasons for participation in overseas markets. The key business activities of Adviser to the United Kingdom Department for International Development, international relations, library services, training and consultancy are all described. In addition, three case studies are included to support the main text.  相似文献   

In the period after the First World War the Ordnance Survey was relatively slow to recognise the contribution that air survey could make to its work. In part, this was due to external constraints on budgets, which helped to stifle innovation. However, the views of the four Directors General, Close, Jack, Winterbotham and MacLeod, were to play large roles in determining the energy with which innovations were adopted. Both Close and Winterbotham were generally sceptical about the value of air survey, while Jack was well disposed, but constrained by budget limitations. In MacLeod, however, air survey was to find a convinced champion. This paper explores the roles played by the key players and how, in the late 1930s, significant advances were made.  相似文献   

This author worked with E. H. Thompson in several different contexts in the course of his military and civilian career, notably in developing Thompson's ideas about analytical aerial triangulation into a production system at the Ordnance Survey and later as a lecturer under Thompson at University College London and as Secretary of ISP Commission III when Thompson was Commission President. This essay thus stands as a separate contribution from a close colleague.  相似文献   

Over recent months the Ordnance Survey, Britain's national mapping agency, has changed the way in which it uses photogrammetry to update its large scales topographic database. The nature of the database itself has also changed during the same period, as the concept of a "Digital National Framework" has developed. This paper describes the Digital National Framework, the topographic data captured by Ordnance Survey within this framework and the capture methods currently used. The paper concentrates on the use of photogrammetry in the update process, describing the methods of the past, the methods currently in production, and the outlook for photogrammetry within the Ordnance Survey in future.  相似文献   

王灿辉 《四川测绘》2008,31(5):232-234
本文探讨了在暂无控制点成果、控制点间不能通视等情况下,运用全站仪自由设站法进行测量工作以及数据换算的方法。  相似文献   

杨升 《四川测绘》2007,30(6):243-244,247
2000年,随着国家测绘局基础设施建设项目的完成并投入生产,标志着模拟测图时代的结束,测绘行业进入了数字化测绘的时代。从2000到2006年,测绘系统利用现代化的测图系统(主要包括影像扫描仪、PAT-B空中三角测量系统、磁盘阵列、服务器、网络系统、VirtuoZo与JX-4全数字摄影测量工作站等)陆续完成了包括大地水准面精化、全国骨干交通网数据采集、全国1:25万比例尺地形图数据库建设、1:5万比例尺地形图数据库建设等大型基础测绘建设项目,为国民经济建设与社会发展提供了有力的保障。社会的发展及民众的需求,向测绘行业提出了更高的要求,而技术的进步,则为解决这个问题提供了可能。  相似文献   

11:0000土地利用现状图制图综合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于我国传统的土地利用制图综合方法速度慢、精度差的现势,借助ArcG IS软件的可视化及空间分析工具和国源软件,将地图综合过程分解,合理地进行人机分工,交互式地完成地图缩编工作。这种缩编的方式可以更快速、高效地对基础数据进行制图综合,从而满足土地管理部门对不同比例尺土地利用现状图的用图需求。  相似文献   

本文概括了“影像信息科学的发展暨王之卓学术思想研讨会”中取得的主要成果,介绍了现代测绘学科的新概念,以及在数字地球这一机遇与挑战面前我国测绘学界正在积极建立地球空间数据框架并且具备生产“4D”产品的实用技术。同时,本文还着重描述了测绘领域的研究热点,如遥感三维成像及雷达干涉测量等技术的现状与成果。说明我国测绘学已步入现代测绘学时代,能胜任历史赋予我们测绘工作者的各项任务,进一步推动我国经济建设的发展。  相似文献   

随着地理信息产业化的高速发展,测绘产品数字化成图是发展的必然趋势,测绘产品的质量也成了专家和学者观注的焦点,本文结合生产实践中利用ARC/INFO建立全国1:25万地形数据的经验,浅谈如何提高空间数据质量。  相似文献   

本文根据数字测绘生产中面临的安全威胁,阐明从硬件设备、软件系统、网络和数据四个方面着手进行安全技术的应用和实施,强调预防病毒和黑客攻击的重要性,提出了安全技术和安全管理两手抓的安全问题应对措施。  相似文献   

本文在深入调研上海市集中测绘成果管理系统的基础上,通过对系统的建立与长期维护的总结,简要的介绍了系统实现的功能与系统架构,总结了系统建设过程中的思路与做法。着重阐述了系统在整合测绘处理与成果管理、保持基础数据的现势性方面所取得的成果,总结了系统在建设与使用过程中的优缺点,为其它地区建立或改造测绘成果系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   

付超  聂时贵 《现代测绘》2003,26(2):36-37
随着江苏省基础测绘工作的深入开展,江苏省基础地理信息数据库的建立,为数据库提供高质量的空间数据迫在眉捷,本文介绍了运用EPSCAN2000软件采集数据后,在ARC/INFO和ARCVIEW中进行入库数据检查、处理,获取符合入库要求的E00数据的方法与过程。  相似文献   

测绘工作大都是在野外进行,特殊的工作环境和工作模式决定工作中存在很多危及人身安全的不确定因素,人身安全得不到保障,测绘工作就无法顺利进行.本文结合新疆野外测绘工作特点分析可能面临危及人身安全的常见问题,并对其采取的措施进行了阐述.  相似文献   

将常用的办公软件:Excel、Word等与CASS绘图软件相结合,提供了解决绘图中常见的批量标注、插值和参数计算等问题的方法,改变了传统的纯手式输入的方式,较好的提高了数据处理的效率和准确性。  相似文献   

It has been asserted by Clough (1952) , amongst others, that British Military Survey was poorly prepared for the outbreak of war in 1939. An examination of the work carried out between the wars by the Air Survey Committee would seem to contradict that view. In this paper, the work of the Air Survey Committee is discussed and a brief assessment made of the impact of its work on British mapping during the Second World War.  相似文献   

针对“水声呐”水下扫测设备测量所得的数据量大,精度高,分布规则,但同时数据的冗余度大的特点,为了真实反映水下地形,利用四叉树的数据分块思想对海量数据进行预处理,再对处理后的分块数据采用绝对高程差,高程加权平均等算法判断不同分块窗口的地形的起伏状态,然后用Jenson&Domingue等算法提取特征点,同时把图像处理边缘提取方法——梯度算子应用到河道扫测边界提取中。  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the multiple ways of envisioning the relationships between maps and narratives. This is approached from a map making perspective. Throughout the process of editing this special issue, we have identified two main types of relationships. Firstly, maps have been used to represent the spatio-temporal structures of stories and their relationships with places. Oral, written and audio-visual stories have been mapped extensively. They raise some common cartographic challenges, such as improving the spatial expression of time, emotions, ambiguity, connotation, as well as the mixing of personal and global scales, real and fictional places, dream and reality, joy and pain. Secondly, the potential of maps as narratives and the importance of connecting the map with the complete mapping process through narratives is addressed. Although the potential of maps to tell stories has already been widely acknowledged, we emphasize the increasing recognition of the importance of developing narratives that critically describe the cartographic process and context in which maps unfold - the core idea of post-representational cartography. Telling the story about how maps are created and how they come to life in a broad social context and in the hands of their users has become a new challenge for mapmakers.  相似文献   

本文论述了 :利用Topcon全站仪的内存功能存储野外采集的数据资料 ,通过一段程序把数据传输进入计算机并转换成外业测图软件所需要的文件格式的整个过程。  相似文献   

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