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通过对美国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家森林、水、草原、国家公园、荒地等自然资源登记制度的调研,本文总结出国外自然资源登记是以土地为核心,既有统一又有分离,基于土地、异于土地、回归土地,登记的多目的性、登记的广泛性、差异性和有限性等特点,提出我国自然资源登记制度设计中,应设定多目的且处理好确权与登记、司法与行政、自然资源登记与土地登记、信息公开与保密等关系,充分考虑信息化和大数据战略等建议.  相似文献   

This is a summary of the conversation among scholars attending the special session on "Responsibility, Opportunity, and Vision for Higher Education in Urban and Regional Carbon Management" at the First International Conference on Carbon Management at Urban and Regional Levels: Connecting Development Decisions to Global Issues in Mexico City Sept. 4–8, 2006. It includes The Declaration for Carbon Management Education, agreed upon by the participants. Obstacles to such a vision were discussed along with exemplar models of transdisciplinary curricula and suggestions for scholarship.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(2):124-127

Digital techniques for cartographic data capture and high quality map production have been developed and applied over some 18 years to the mapping of the geoscientific datasets of the British Geological Survey, in particular to the geochemical dataset. Over this period, technological advances and developments in both vector and raster data processing techniques have facilitated high quality map production and the integration and display of multiple datasets. This paper reviews the developments in high quality map production and interpretation of survey information, with particular regard to the Regional Geochemical Atlas Series, through the application of image processing techniques on the display and analysis of multiple datasets.  相似文献   

通过对澳大利亚《水法》中关于流域规划的目的、内容、编制、修订、评估等相关内容的概述与分析,总结其特点,并结合我国《水法》中有关流域规划的规定,提出我国应完善流域规划编制的协商机制、重视吸纳公众参与流域规划、加强流域规划的定期评估的建议,以充分发挥流域规划在流域水资源综合管理中的作用.  相似文献   

大型岩质滑坡形变历史回溯及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
大型岩质滑坡一般具有高位、隐蔽性强、高速远程等特点,往往造成严重的人员伤亡和财产损失。揭示其形变历史和发展演化规律,可以为类似滑坡灾害的早期识别提供参考。收集了近年来发生在中国大陆的5处典型大规模岩质滑坡滑前的多时相高精度遥感影像,通过对多时相高精度遥感影像的目视解译,对其形变迹象进行识别,并对其发展演化规律进行分析。发现大型岩质滑坡在发育演化过程中均会产生显著的地表变形迹象,这些形变信息可利用高分辨率光学遥感影像(亚米级)进行识别,变形的孕育演化时间可达数年甚至数10 a。大型岩质滑坡往往不具备“圈椅状”地貌特征,利用光学遥感影像对其早期识别的标志主要为坡体后源是否存在拉裂缝和坡体前缘是否存在局部滑塌。  相似文献   

GIS, with their predominantly visual communication of spatial information, may appear to have little to offer people with visual impairments or blindness. However, because GIS store and manage the spatial relations between objects, alternative, non-visual ways to communicate this information can be utilized. As such, modified GIS could provide people with visual impairments access to detailed spatial information that would aid spatial learning, orientation, and spatial choice and decision making. In this paper, we explore the ways that GIS have been, and might be, adapted for use by people with visual impairments or blindness. We review current developments, report upon a small experimental study that compares the ability of GIS-based and various adaptive technologies to communicate spatial information using non-visual media, and provide an agenda for future research. We argue that adapted GIS hold much promise for implicitly improving the quality of life for visually impaired people by increasing mobility and independence.  相似文献   

Remote Sensing has emerged as a key technology in recent years to generate spatial information. Exploration of this technology to its maximum potential requires trained personnel and for wider understanding of the subject it needs to be introduced in our educational system. With the rapid technological advances being made by remote sensing information and decision support systems, it has become very important that training in remote sensing keeps pace with these advances. For wider acceptability of remote sensing well thought of plan needs to be made for human resources development through training and education in Remote Sensing. Various issues for training and education in Remote Sensing have been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The default international accounting rules estimate the carbon emissions from forest products by assuming all harvest is immediately emitted to the atmosphere. This makes it difficult to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) consequences of different forest management or manufacturing activities that maintain the storage of carbon. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) addresses this issue by allowing other accounting methods. The objective of this paper is to provide a new model for estimating annual stock changes of carbon in harvested wood products (HWP). RESULTS: The model, British Columbia Harvested Wood Products version 1 (BC-HWPv1), estimates carbon stocks and fluxes for wood harvested in BC from 1965 to 2065, based on new parameters on local manufacturing, updated and new information for North America on consumption and disposal of wood and paper products, and updated parameters on methane management at landfills in the USA. Based on model results, reporting on emissions as they occur would substantially lower BC[RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK]s greenhouse gas inventory in 2010 from 48 Mt CO2 to 26 Mt CO2 because of the long-term forest carbon storage in-use and in the non-degradable material in landfills. In addition, if offset projects created under BC[RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK]s protocol reported 100 year cumulative emissions using the BC-HWPv1 the emissions would be lower by about 11%. CONCLUSIONS: This research showed that the IPCC default methods overestimate the emissions North America wood products. Future IPCC GHG accounting methods could include a lower emissions factor (e.g. 0.52) multiplied by the annual harvest, rather than the current multiplier of 1.0. The simulations demonstrated that the primary opportunities for climate change mitigation are in shifting from burning mill waste to using the wood for longer-lived products.  相似文献   

In the autumn of 1914, Austria-Hungary began to prepare for the possibility of an Italian offensive by building field fortifications, which formed the Tyrol Defense Line (TDL). Mountainous areas, such as the area of the TDL, present obstacles to trafficability in large part caused by terrain slope. On the eastern Tyrol front, steep slope obstructed trafficability when the Italians attacked the TDL and represented, in turn, an advantage for the Austro-Hungarian defense. This paper focuses on the assessment of the conditions of trafficability determined by slope in the eastern Tyrol front, using a GIS cost distance analysis. Key sources were the maps of Austrian and Italian official histories, parameters derived mainly from Marinelli’s slope classification, and from the interpretation of the particular historical circumstances. The advantages and disadvantages were considered from the perspective of the defensive and offensive and their significance for the history of this conflict. In particular, these were related to the perimeter to be defended by alternative Austro-Hungarian lines.  相似文献   

This paper examines the status of efforts to implement GIS in Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) education in the United States. Factors promoting and impeding the growth and diffusion of GIS are identified and suggestions for action on the part of higher education GIS specialists are made. In the United States more science teachers have adopted GIS geography/social studies teachers for several reasons. These include science teacher preservice preparation and the essentially different natures of the respective disciplines. Preservice education and teachers' perceptions of geography emerge as key factors influencing the diffusion of GIS in K-12 classrooms. The need for on cognition and GIS before effective curricula and instruction can be developed is emphasized. Three strategies directed at higher education GIS specialists may help implement this eduational innovation. They are: (1) modelling GIS instruction in content classes; (2) including GIS in preservice preparation classes; and (3) outreach to professors who tach educational technology to educate than regarding GIS. The addendum by Paul Heinrich which follows this paper compares US and UK experiences in the diffusion of GIS in elementary and secondary schools.  相似文献   

本文通过对加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的土地与资源统一登记情况和阿尔伯塔省的自然资源分类确权登记情况的分析,得出不同类型的自然资源往往采取不同的确权登记形式,土地登记系统可以作为不同类型自然资源确权登记的共同标尺.因此,中国的自然资源统一确权登记可以采取先以土地登记系统为基础构建统一的自然资源登记系统,而后再逐步推动确权的统一.  相似文献   

This paper looks at GIS education in the context of changes in society and technology. It argues that socio-economic pressures and technological change are both working to change the traditional dichotomous structure of tertiary education in respect of campus and distance learning models. In general, the changed lifestyles of a larger, less affluent student base are seen as combining with economic pressures on universities to create a mainstream demand for more flexible learning environments, a demand which new advances in applied information technology can assist in meeting. The paper considers these forces and how developments in educational technology in general are likely to impact on traditional methods of delivering GIS education.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了知识经济时代高学院校面临的新的机遇与挑战,并总结了测绘科技大学在科技创新与成果转化方面的实践经验,为高校落实科教兴国战略提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   

回顾了中国全球定位系统技术应用协会《教育与发展》专业委员会成立十年以来的工作,探讨了《教育与发展》专业委员会今后的工作任务。  相似文献   

本文通过对美国国土安全部网站的访问和研究,从网站形象塑造、功能建设、集约化建设和创新应用几方面发现优秀政府网站的基本特征,从而得出对我国服务型政府网站建设的几点启示.  相似文献   

发展我国GIS高等教育的思考   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
简述了地理信息系统在我国高校的发展概况 ,作者对如何按照教育部的八字方针办好GIS专业作了具体阐述 ,其中包括 :需要有自身特色的支撑专业 ;严格的教学大纲和合理的课程安排 ;有雄厚的师资队伍。强调培养学生的实干和动手能力 ,大力培养掌握GIS的非GIS专业的人才。  相似文献   

The World Wide Web and university education in remote sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The World Wide Web (YAW) has a potential for improving university education in remote sensing, as the WWW technology may be applied in a way which reduces the amount of resources which are needed to achieve a certain educational objective. The paper presents a survey of this new technology. The main components of the WWW technology are outlined. Reference is made to information resources which are available through the WWW which relates to remote sensing. The technology can be applied not only by individual staff members, but, also, according to decision at the departmental or faculty level. The use of information technology for education is a research field in its own right. This research field is presented as a basis for suggestion of decision issues and decision criteria regarding the use of the WWW for education in remote sensing. The paper may have an European bias.  相似文献   

课程思政建设是落实立德树人根本任务、全面提高人才培养质量的战略举措。当前,理工科专业课程思政建设仍在探索阶段。本文深入分析了理工科思政课程建设的内涵与特点;以地理信息科学核心课程“空间分析”为例,探讨了理工科专业教学融合思政教育的一些探索与实践,可为推动地理信息科学专业教学改革提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

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