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地理加权回归是常用的空间分析方法,已广泛应用于各个领域,但利用此方法进行回归分析前,往往忽略了对设计矩阵进行局部多重共线性的诊断,从而导致对模型的估计不准确。因此,本文在引入了全局模型的多重共线性诊断方法的基础上,对这些方法进行了改进,改进后构建了加权方差膨胀因子法和加权条件指标方法——分解比法,用于诊断地理加权回归模型设计矩阵的多重共线性问题。实验结果表明,多重共线性不存在于全局模型,而可能存在于局部模型中,构建的两种方法能够有效地诊断地理加权回归模型的多重共线性问题,且加权条件指标方法——分解比法比加权方差膨胀因子法在诊断多重共线性问题上更有优势。  相似文献   

地理加权回归分析是对普通线性回归模型的扩展,将空间数据的地理位置嵌入线性回归参数之中,以此来研究空间关系的空间异质性或空间非平稳性,属于局部空间分析模型.通过地理加权回归分析可以确定两种或两种以上变量间相互依赖的定量关系,局部区域的参数估计可以得到地理空间存在的不同空间关系,核函数的选取规则和带宽参数的验证方法也是本文研究的内容.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important component of soils, and knowing the spatial distribution and variation of SOM is the premise for sustainably utilizing soils. The objective of this study was to compare geographically weighted regression (GWR) with regression kriging (RK) for estimating the spatial distribution of SOM using field-sample data in SOM and auxiliary data in correlated environmental variables (e.g., elevation, slope, ferrous minerals index, and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Results showed that GWR was a relatively better method and could provide promising results for SOM prediction in comparison with RK. The map interpolated by GWR showed similar spatial patterns influenced by environmental variables and the nonapparent effect of data outliers, but with higher accuracies, compared to that interpolated by RK.  相似文献   

Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a method of spatial statistical analysis allowing the modeled relationship between a response variable and a set of covariates to vary geographically across a study region. Its use of geographical weighting arises from the expectation that observations close together by distance are likely to share similar characteristics. In practice, however, two points can be geographically close but socially distant because the contexts (or neighborhoods) within which they are situated are not alike. Drawing on a previous study of geographically and temporally weighted regression, in this article we develop what we describe as contextualized Geographically Weighted Regression (CGWR), applying it to the field of hedonic house price modeling to examine spatial heterogeneity in the land parcel prices of Beijing, China. Contextual variables are incorporated into the analysis by adjusting the geographical weights matrix to measure proximity not only by distance but also with respect to an attribute space defined by measures of each observation's neighborhood. Comparing CGWR with GWR suggests that adding the contextual information improves the model fit.  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the multiple ways of envisioning the relationships between maps and narratives. This is approached from a map making perspective. Throughout the process of editing this special issue, we have identified two main types of relationships. Firstly, maps have been used to represent the spatio-temporal structures of stories and their relationships with places. Oral, written and audio-visual stories have been mapped extensively. They raise some common cartographic challenges, such as improving the spatial expression of time, emotions, ambiguity, connotation, as well as the mixing of personal and global scales, real and fictional places, dream and reality, joy and pain. Secondly, the potential of maps as narratives and the importance of connecting the map with the complete mapping process through narratives is addressed. Although the potential of maps to tell stories has already been widely acknowledged, we emphasize the increasing recognition of the importance of developing narratives that critically describe the cartographic process and context in which maps unfold - the core idea of post-representational cartography. Telling the story about how maps are created and how they come to life in a broad social context and in the hands of their users has become a new challenge for mapmakers.  相似文献   

地图与地图学史研究有助于了解发展规律,探索学科发展方向。本文以中西方地图、地图学史为研究对象,依时间顺序提出中西方地图、地图学发展中的3次互补,结合历史史例予以说明;通过比较分析法,探索分析3次互补融合程度,结合学科前沿,对地图与地图学发展提出合理预测,推断第4次互补发生的可能。  相似文献   

在全国范围开展的地理国情监测是对国家基础地理信息的动态更新,对监测数据的科学分析及成果展示有利于提升数据的使用价值。本文论述了利用GIS空间分析功能和地统计学原理,对国情监测数据的变化信息进行综合制图,为地理国情监测专项成果的可视化表达提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

王树连 《测绘工程》2002,11(2):58-62
地形的自学意识与有效的测绘手段在原始战争中的体现与应用,是军事测绘产生的基本标志。据此本文认为,中国军事测绘起源于原始社会末期的黄帝时代的原始战争之中。  相似文献   

以地形地貌特征复杂、观测站点分布稀疏不均匀的四川省为研究区,引入地形因子(坡度和坡向)和植被指数,采用顾及空间关系非平稳性的(混合)地理加权回归克里格模型((mixed)geographically weighted regression Kriging,(m)GWRK)进行月尺度平均气温插值方法及精度分析研究。针对不同季节和不同地区,将(m)GWRK插值结果与基于全局回归的回归克里格(regression Kriging,RK)插值结果进行对比。结果表明,RK、GWRK、mGWRK回归关系的决定系数R2分别为0.795、0.922、0.911,均方根误差分别为0.83℃、0.64℃、0.55℃,表明GWRK、mGWRK对目标变量的解释能力以及插值精度都优于RK;GWRK、mGWRK相对于RK对月平均气温插值的改进具有季节与地区差异,冬半年的改进大于夏半年,在地形地貌变化大的地区改进大于地形地貌变化小的地区。  相似文献   

The principal rationale for applying geographically weighted regression (GWR) techniques is to investigate the potential spatial non-stationarity of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables—i.e., that the same stimulus would provoke different responses in different locations. The calibration of GWR employs a geographically weighted local least squares regression approach. To obtain meaningful inference, it assumes that the regression residual follows a normal or asymptotically normal distribution. In many classical econometric analyses, the assumption of normality is often readily relaxed, although it has been observed that such relaxation might lead to unreliable inference of the estimated coefficients' statistical significance. No studies, however, have examined the behavior of residual non-normality and its consequences for the modeled relationships in GWR. This study attempts to address this issue for the first time by examining a set of tobacco-outlet-density and demographic variables (i.e., percent African American residents, percent Hispanic residents, and median household income) at the census tract level in New Jersey in a GWR analysis. The regression residual using the raw data is apparently non-normal. When GWR is estimated using the raw data, we find that there is no significant spatial variation of the coefficients between tobacco outlet density and percentage of African American and Hispanics. After transforming the dependent variable and making the residual asymptotically normal, all coefficients exhibit significant variation across space. This finding suggests that relaxation of the normality assumption could potentially conceal the spatial non-stationarity of the modeled relationships in GWR. The empirical evidence of the current study implies that researchers should verify the normality assumption prior to applying GWR techniques in analyses of spatial non-stationarity.  相似文献   

高校专业课的课程思政建设是高校思想政治工作的基本载体。“地图学”是测绘工程、遥感科学与技术、地理信息科学、地理科学等本科专业的基础课,在测绘、地理等学科的课程思政建设中具有基础性地位。本文依据教学实践,归纳了地图学课程中与课程思政相结合的知识点,并介绍了在教学中如何巧妙、潜移默化地融入思政元素,在地图学课程教学过程中做到能力培养和素质提升共同进步。  相似文献   

中国地图学史研究近况与发展设想   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王均 《测绘科学》2000,25(3):56-59
在 2 0世纪 90年代 ,中国地图学史研究取得了丰富的成果。中国测绘科学研究院等权威机构完成了“中华古地图珍品选集”等科研项目 ,出版了《中国古代地图集》、《舆图综录》等图籍和工具书 ,在古代地图与近代地图研究方面发表了若干著作和高水平研究论文。进入 2 0世纪的信息时代 ,中国地图史研究仍具有进一步发展的动力 ,在社会化信息传播等方面将取得引人瞩目的进展。  相似文献   

地名凝结了区域文化及历史过程,蕴涵丰富的文化信息。如何挖掘地名文化信息是一个有趣又重要的问题。结合文本知识、专业知识、先验知识、专家知识与第二次全国地名普查成果数据,通过建立知识库及提取规则,采用数据制图、模型制图、知识制图等制图方法实现中国大陆方言地名、地名通名制图。结果表明,制图结果可以得到相关地名的空间分布范围,揭示区域地名通名的高频词汇特征,可以为区域地名管理、规划、保护与利用提供知识支撑。  相似文献   

中国古代测绘发展具有显著特点。本文基于大量测绘史料,论述了中国古代测绘发展道路的独创性、发展速度的跳跃性、测绘方法的实用性等特点及其形成原因,反映了测绘科学发展的若干规律,这对于今天的测绘科技创新具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

GIS的广泛应用加速了地图制图产业的发展,本文以ArcMap为平台,以基础地理建库数据为数据源,结合参与的工程项目,阐述了ArcMap在1:10 000地形图制图应用方面的方法和技巧,希望能给基层的作业人员提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

10 m格网数字表面模型(DSM)是全球地理信息资源建设与维护更新(简称“全球测图”)项目中的一项产品,它是基于资源三号卫星立体影像及RPC参数,利用DSM生产软件,针对不同地形进行DSM匹配,进而进行DSM产品的生产。本文以全球测图项目为背景,探究利用Inpho7.0、PixelGrid6.0、CIPS 3种主流生产软件进行DSM匹配,探究不同软件在匹配精度、匹配效果和匹配效率方面的差别,得到不同软件在DSM生产中的使用原则,不仅为DSM产品的生产提供了技术支撑,也为全球测图项目的顺利推进提供借鉴和经验。  相似文献   

利用数字化的NOAA AVHRR数据进行小比例尺、准同步宏观制图是一种低成本和快速的制图方法。笔者应用本文方法制作了第一幅小比例尺的、完整的中国假彩色卫星影象地图。它包含了全部的南中国海,这是使用其他的遥感数据(如陆地卫星或SPOT卫星)难以做到的。该图采用了热红外、近红外和可见光的红波段所构成的假彩色合成方案,提供了丰富的色彩和影象信息。本图制作时实施的数据处理内容包括:地图投影变换、影象反差增强和锐化、彩色平衡调整、去云处理和海陆分离处理、利用植被指数原理的影象时相修正和数字镶嵌操作等。根据影象地图的载负量和视觉效果,图上精心选取并设计了地理要素、地图符号和注记。该图是应用遥感新技术开发的地图新产品,被十七届国际摄影测量与遥感会议选为展示成果,并被该会评为获奖成果。  相似文献   

通过介绍公共版电子地图的广泛使用,阐述由密级测绘成果转变为公共版电子地图的过程,达到社会公众对地图信息的需求而不泄漏国家机密。  相似文献   

通过对我国明末清初测绘科技的回顾 ,分析了明末清初西方传教士来华传教及科技交流对我国测绘科技的影响 ,对当时我国测绘科技发展的人文环境和社会背景做了深入探究 ,例举了清初我国与传教士合作开展全国地图测绘的全过程、取得的成果和使用的方法 ,在此基础上深入分析了这一时期测绘科技的辉煌成就及其因后期的“闭关主义”政策和“天朝中心说”的自大守旧等人文背景和文化传统及科技政策的失误所造成的诸多历史遗憾。  相似文献   

王家耀  成毅 《测绘学报》2015,44(3):237-241
地图学和地图对测绘学和地理学来说都是十分重要的。不同历史时期的专家学者们对地图学的属性和地图的价值有不同的认识。本文从科学、技术、工程3个方面讨论了地图学的基本属性,总结了地图的科学价值、社会价值、法理价值和军事价值,对深刻理解地图学的基本属性和地图的价值,推动地图学和地图的健康、持续发展具有参考意义。  相似文献   

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