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根据1999—2001年月平均海面高度资料讨论了青岛和胶州湾附近海面高度的年变化。结果表明:各验潮点夏季的海面高度普遍高于冬季的海面高度,具有明显的季节变化。此外,夏季胶州湾口外的海面高度低于胶州湾内的海面高度,表现为由北向南下倾的海面坡度。同时说明了形成这利海面坡度的原因。文章还利用动力学原理探讨了夏季风和海面坡度的动力作用,及其对月平均海流的影响,强调指出了夏季风和海面坡度所产生的压强梯度力的重要性。  相似文献   

胶州湾海面溢油轨迹的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对胶州湾湾口两侧——团岛和薛家岛 1个月的潮位观测资料进行调和分析 ,得出湾口两侧 M2 ,S2 ,O1,K1分潮的调和常数 ,进而建立了胶州湾内的预报潮流场。考虑风场对海面溢油的影响 ,给出了预测胶州湾溢油飘移轨迹的数值模型 ,对 1 983年 1 1月 2 5日“东方大使”号油轮在中砂礁触礁后的溢油的油膜漂移轨迹进行了数值模拟 ,结果与事故后观测到的结果相符 ,说明了数值模拟的正确性  相似文献   

于2001年和2002年,对广东省近岸海域的18个地点进行了贝类生物采样。采用Oshima麻痹性贝类毒素高效液相色谱法对贝类的主要毒素成分进行分析。结果显示:染毒贝类含有的高毒性毒素STX,GTX1检出率较低,而低毒性毒素C1,C2,GTX5及中等毒性毒素GTX3,GTX4检出率较高;与2001年相比,2002年染毒贝类毒素成分的检出率和检出的毒素含量有所降低,贝类消化腺在这方面变化尤其明显;主要染毒贝类是华贵栉孔扇贝、翡翠贻贝和长牡坜等;不论消化腺或壳内全部软组织,贝类毒素含量存在明显的地理分布差异,大亚湾和大鹏湾海域>深圳湾、珠海海域和粤东海域>粤西海域;大亚湾和大鹏湾的翡翠贻贝和华贵栉孔扇贝样品中,毒性效能较高的STX,GTX1和GTX4等成分均占相当的比例。  相似文献   

通过谐波分析的方法,对东亚31个冬季(1980—2010年)的气温提取年际变化分量(周期小于8a部分)进行EOF分析。结果发现:在年际变化的时间尺度上,东亚冬季气温表现为高纬模态和低纬模态2个主要模态,它们一起可以解释总方差73%的变化。进一步分析表明,在年际变化尺度上,与气温变化的高纬模态相联系的大气环流表现为显著的北极涛动(AO)负位相分布,海平面气压场上西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压北移,对流层中层东亚大槽西移,高层西风急流向西北方向移动;副热带北太平洋和阿拉斯加湾的海表面温度(SST)变化呈偶极子振荡分布,这种准两年的周期振荡对这一模态的出现有一定的预示意义。而与气温变化的低纬模态相联系的大气环流表现为类AO正位相分布,与之相关的西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压南移,对流层中层东亚大槽东移,高层的西风急流则是向东南方向移动;赤道东太平洋的SST异常可能对这一模态的形成有一定的作用,而东亚近海的SST则更多是被动地改变。此外,海冰异常变化与东亚冬季气温变化的联系主要体现在:在前夏和前秋,东西伯利亚海-波弗特海海冰异常减少(增加)对应着随后东亚冬季气温变化的高纬模态(低纬模态),而冬季东亚气温变化的高纬模态(低纬模态)又与后期春季北极东半球的海冰异常增加(减少)具有较好的相关性,此外白令海和鄂霍次克海的海冰异常变化是伴随东亚冬季气温变化产生的。  相似文献   

运用高频地波雷达测量表层海流矢量,一般均采用双站测量方案,因而,需要大量的人力和昂贵的设备投入。该项研究在分析双站测量原理的基础上,结合海洋学原理和合理的假设,推导并给出了利用单站地波雷达测量表层海流的原理和公式,从而使单站测量表层海流成为可能。可预期该方案虽然在一定程度上,适当降低了空间分辨率,但却可以大幅度降低观测成本,减少人力物力的投入,并显著提高现场观测效率。  相似文献   

A time series of velocity profile in the upper 150 m of the equatorial Atlantic was gathered at 23W in 2002 within the PIRATA program. It constitutes the first time series of near surface current measurements simultaneous with altimetric data in the equatorial Atlantic. The surface slope anomaly along the equator is computed from satellite altimetry, and, as a proxy for the pressure gradient along the equator, compared with the wind and near surface current data. In a first step, a time series of the surface slope anomaly along the equator in the Atlantic is computed from the 10-year-long TOPEX/Poseidon sea level anomalies. A sensitivity study establishes the robustness of the calculation. Apart from a 15 cm bias, the equatorial sea surface slope anomalies estimated either from TOPEX/Poseidon or from Jason over the 6-month overlap (Feb.–Aug. 2002) do not reveal drastic differences. We produce two sea surface slope anomaly composite time series for 2002 (one with T/P data, the other with Jason data during the commissioning phase) and compare them to the wind and velocity data at 23W. As expected, the near surface velocity and depth of the upper limit of the equatorial undercurrent (EUC) are extremely well correlated with the surface pressure gradient anomaly. 10-year-long time series of altimetry-derived zonal sea surface slope anomaly and ECMWF ERA40 wind stress are also well correlated. They exhibit similar spectral content and similar anomalous years. This is a first step towards a full analysis of the EUC dynamics using altimetry, PIRATA data (near surface current and subsurface thermohaline structure) and model. These initial comparisons reinforce the utility of Jason measurements for continuing the 10-year and highly accurate TOPEX/Poseidon time series for study of equatorial signals.  相似文献   

A time series of velocity profile in the upper 150 m of the equatorial Atlantic was gathered at 23W in 2002 within the PIRATA program. It constitutes the first time series of near surface current measurements simultaneous with altimetric data in the equatorial Atlantic. The surface slope anomaly along the equator is computed from satellite altimetry, and, as a proxy for the pressure gradient along the equator, compared with the wind and near surface current data. In a first step, a time series of the surface slope anomaly along the equator in the Atlantic is computed from the 10-year-long TOPEX/Poseidon sea level anomalies. A sensitivity study establishes the robustness of the calculation. Apart from a 15 cm bias, the equatorial sea surface slope anomalies estimated either from TOPEX/Poseidon or from Jason over the 6-month overlap (Feb.-Aug. 2002) do not reveal drastic differences. We produce two sea surface slope anomaly composite time series for 2002 (one with T/P data, the other with Jason data during the commissioning phase) and compare them to the wind and velocity data at 23W. As expected, the near surface velocity and depth of the upper limit of the equatorial undercurrent (EUC) are extremely well correlated with the surface pressure gradient anomaly. 10-year-long time series of altimetry-derived zonal sea surface slope anomaly and ECMWF ERA40 wind stress are also well correlated. They exhibit similar spectral content and similar anomalous years. This is a first step towards a full analysis of the EUC dynamics using altimetry, PIRATA data (near surface current and subsurface thermohaline structure) and model. These initial comparisons reinforce the utility of Jason measurements for continuing the 10-year and highly accurate TOPEX/Poseidon time series for study of equatorial signals.  相似文献   

利用NOAA卫星AVHRR图像对渤海表层水温年变化的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NOAA卫星AVHRR图像(使用1992~1994年共22幅图像)选取渤海中的15个特征区域进行分析。根据其年变化曲线,结合渤海的实际情况,讨论了渤海中相应海区的年变化,并且对大部分区域水温变化特征的形成机制进行一些初步的探讨。文中指出,辽西低温中心的动力机制是绕半岛潮流引起的垂直向环流的作用,而正是由于辽东半岛的特殊的地理特征,才可能产生这一明显的低温中心。冬季的黄海暖流在渤海中的作用是非常显著的,它是使冬季渤海中部及南部水温明显高于北部辽东湾水温的重要原因。上述工作证实,利用卫星图像进行海水温度年变化的分析是切实可行的,由此,应充分发挥卫星遥感技术上的优势,以加快海洋学的发展。  相似文献   

青岛近海夏季海风特征及其预报方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用2003~2006年7~9月青岛以及沿海地区自动站资料、探空资料对青岛近海海风进行了统计分析.平均而言,青岛近海7~8月海风发生频率为30%~35%,9月海风发生频率为25%;海风开始时间平均为10:00~12:00,结束时间可以持续到18:00~19:00;海风在垂直方向上厚度为500~600 m左右.青岛近海海风的发生与否取决于青岛上空低层925 hPa风速大小、低层大气稳定度、海陆温差以及海平面气压差四方面的综合效应.通常,925 hPa风速达到8 m/s,系统风较强时不利于海风建立;当低层大气不稳定时,有利于触发海风环流的建立;海陆温差达到4 ℃以上时,青岛近海易出现海风;此外,当地转风为离岸风时,海阳站或日照站与青岛本站08:00时海平面气压差>1 hPa时,当日一般不会出现海风.综合以上预报因子及其指标,通过建立逻辑回归模型,初步实现了夏季青岛近海海风能否发生的客观预报,并在2007年举行的国际帆船赛期间得到了应用.  相似文献   

青岛海岸带及邻近海域地形和沉积物类型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了青岛海岸带及邻近海域的地形特征、沉积物类型及分布特征。总体看来,沿海岸粒度较粗,为砂、粉砂质砂等,向海深处粒度有逐渐变细的趋势,海深处的沉积物主要为砂—粉砂—黏土,局部为粉砂质黏土、黏土质粉砂和黏土质砂。灵山岛周围,沉积物粒度较粗。胶州湾口内外为一海底深槽,水深流急,冲刷强烈,沉积物粒度非常粗,主要为粗砂、中砂,局部有基岩出露。深槽南北两侧各有一条突出海底的砂脊,平行于深槽延伸方向砂脊由中砂组成,混有少量黏土,北侧砂脊表面呈不规则起伏,南侧砂脊表面则较为平整。胶州湾内沉积物粒度总体较细,主要为粉砂质黏土、黏土质粉砂及砂—粉砂—黏土等。根据沉积物类型及分布特征,可把青岛海岸带及邻近海域的沉积划分为4个沉积区:胶州湾口及滨岸现代沉积区、北部浅海沉积区、南部浅海沉积区和残留—残余沉积区。  相似文献   

For Future cross-sea passage spanning the Taiwan Strait, no matter what kind of scheme is adopted, its design, construction, and administration are closely related to marine hydrological and meteorological environmental elements. In this article, based on a great number of observed data, analyses for wave, typhoon, and monsoon conditions in the Taiwan strait region are made and their distributional features and character values are given. Especially, the wave height and occurrence frequencies of disastrous waves are analyzed, and the values of design wave parameters (wave height and period with a given return period) are estimated to use for the reference of the scheme optimization and project preliminary program of cross-sea passage spanning the strait.  相似文献   

For Future cross-sea passage spanning the Taiwan Strait, no matter what kind of scheme is adopted, its design, construction, and administration are closely related to marine hydrological and meteorological environmental elements. In this article, based on a great number of observed data, analyses for wave, typhoon, and monsoon conditions in the Taiwan strait region are made and their distributional features and character values are given. Especially, the wave height and occurrence frequencies of disastrous waves are analyzed, and the values of design wave parameters (wave height and period with a given return period) are estimated to use for the reference of the scheme optimization and project preliminary program of cross-sea passage spanning the strait.  相似文献   

菲律宾以西海域的高温暖水与南海夏季风爆发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用改进的甚高分辨率辐射计(AVHRR)、热带降水测量卫星(TRMM)、快速散射计(QuikSCAT)等最新高分辨率的卫星遥感资料和美国国家环境预报中心和气象研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)多年平均再分析资料,揭示出气候态下菲律宾以西海域30℃以上高温暖水的出现和面积突增可以作为南海夏季风爆发的先兆,高温暖水具有生命期短的特征。研究指出高温暖水导致的局地对流在南海夏季风爆发中起着重要作用,高温暖水的年际变化与南海夏季风爆发时间早晚关系密切。  相似文献   

The annual variabilities of the sea surface height in the Pacific Ocean were investigated by analyzing the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite data and by solving a reduced gravity model. We discuss how adequately the simple model can capture the variabilities of the sea surface height, and what the cause of the variabilities is. Three large amplitude peaks in the satellite data are found along the 12°N longitude line. Two elongated zones with a large amplitude are also found: one extends east-west along 6°N and the other extends northwestward from South America around 25°S. These features are adequately reproduced in the numerical simulation of the reduced gravity model. The propagation of the Rossby wave is analyzed by the use of the extended Eliassen-Palm flux to investigate the mechanism of these annual variabilities. The two east peaks around 12°N can be explained in terms of the interference between the local Ekman pumping and the free wave emitted near the western coast of North America, and the most western peak is affected by the Rossby wave formed by the local wind stress. The elongated zonal area around 6°N is mainly due to the local Ekman pumping. Another area around 25°S results from the convergence of the free Rossby wave emitted from the eastern boundary and the area with the strong wind stress curl off South America. A discrepancy between the satellite data and the model results suggests that the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean is relatively calm in the model but not in the satellite data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

于2010年7~11月对胶州湾夏、秋季浮游动物种类和丰度进行现场调查,并分析讨论了胶州湾夏、秋季浮游动物丰度的水平分布与环境因子(温度、盐度、水深、叶绿素a)和二甲基硫(DMS)、溶解态β-二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(DMSPd)、颗粒态β-二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(DMSPp)的相关性。结果表明,胶州湾浮游动物丰度分布不均匀,8月湾内西部沿岸海域C1站位出现调查期间的动物丰度最大值(656.1ind/m3),最小值(1.492ind/m3)出现在10月胶州湾东北部的A2站位。浮游动物丰度具有明显的季节变化,秋季浮游动物丰度低于夏季浮游动物丰度。浮游动物丰度与盐度、叶绿素a含量、细菌生物量的相关性不明显,2010年10月浮游动物丰度与DMS呈显著正相关(P0.05),11月的浮游动物丰度与DMSPp呈显著正相关(P0.05),其它月份(7、8、9月)的浮游动物丰度与DMS、DMSPd、DMSPp浓度的相关性均不明显。由于浮游动物摄食活动对DMS释放的影响受多种因素的制约,因此浮游动物与DMS的相互作用需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

基于2009年夏季中潮时胶州湾湾口薛家岛-团岛断面的走航ADCP观测数据,分析了胶州湾湾口断面海流时空分布特征及影响因素。结果表明:湾口处海水运动以潮流为主,总体表现为驻波性质,强流发生在涨、落潮中间时刻。受岸线诱导,湾口海流在涨潮(落潮)时呈西北(东南)向,流速在断面上主要表现为南北方向上的变化。平流项引起的"潮流调整"效应使得断面北侧西向海流和南侧东向海流被加强,造成海流东西分量在水平方向上存在不对称性现象,即南北两侧海水运动涨、落潮不同步,欧拉余流呈现"北进南出"的形态。同时,东风分量会使得断面中心区域产生"表进底出"形态,而南北方向欧拉余流结构受风影响较小。  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual variation of upwelling along the west coast of India between 8°N and 24°N was studied for the period 1985 through 2003 using NOAA-AVHRR sea surface temperature data. The seasonal migration of pronounced upwelling, which follows the seasonal shift of the winds in southwest monsoon period and northeast monsoon, was confined. The temporal mean sea surface temperature images clearly show the upwelling season, as does the seasonal sea surface temperature anomaly. These dominate features of the upwelling system are also the most variable, with most of the variance being explained by the seasonal cycle. Quasi-cyclic behavior of seas surface temperature on interannual scales has also been observed.  相似文献   

根据1986年4、7和10月的胶州湾水域调查资料,通过对有机农药HCH在胶州湾水域的分布、来源和季节变化的分析,研究结果表明:HCH含量在整个胶州湾水域都非常低,在这1 a中都〈0.100μg/L,在胶州湾水域HCH含量都优于国家一类海水水质标准,水质在HCH含量方面更加清洁;水体中HCH的表层含量已经没有季节变化,这...  相似文献   

In order to specify a vertical thermal structure related to surface current variation on the continental slope in Tosa Bay, Japan, we analyzed monthly regular hydrographic measurements in the years 1991–2004. Subsurface temperature below 200 m on the slope was found to vary synchronously with the vertical displacement of the main thermocline around 200 m. It is shown that the vertical-averaged temperature below 200 m is significantly correlated with an along-isobath/southwestward surface current velocity on the slope. This correlation indicates that when a strong (weak) southwestward surface current is observed, temperature below 200 m decreases (increases) simultaneously, that is, isotherms below the 200 m are displaced upward (downward) together with the main thermocline. Moreover, when the strong southwestward flow is detected, across-isobath isotherms around 200 m slope upward toward the offshore direction. Furthermore, it is suggested that as the Kuroshio axis moves offshore south of the bay, the southwestward flow tends to be weakened by the combined effect of other Kuroshio parameters such as transport and stream width as well as the Kuroshio axis position. As a result, it is inferred that the correlation between the surface current and subsurface temperature can be interpreted in terms of the formation and decay of an anticlockwise circulation interacting with a cold eddy.  相似文献   

2008年11月和2010年11月分别在青岛近海6个站位和胶州湾9个站位采集了表层沉积物样品,应用连续提取法分离和测定其主要成分和重金属的赋存形态。结果表明,易还原态的重金属受铁锰氧化物体系显著影响,其中镍的迁移过程基本受控于该体系,有机结合态的铬和钡迁移变化受有机质一定影响,其他形态重金属主要受外源输入影响。Pb和Cr存在显著富集,相对其他金属污染较明显。Pb的生态风险最高。胶州湾东部,尤其是李村河口附近重金属污染程度和不稳定性都最为明显。  相似文献   

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