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We review available published data on the oscillator strengths determined for ionized iron Fe II lines. Particular attention is given to the lines in the ultraviolet spectrum. The oscillator strengths are calculated for 33 Fe II lines observed in the solar spectrum between λ 300 and 400 nm. The results are derived by fitting our data to the solar equivalent widths.  相似文献   

Plasma temperature diagnostics in solar flares and active regions has been carried out using data from the SPIRIT spectroheliograph onboard the CORONAS-F satellite. The temperature distribution of the differential emission measure (DEM) has been determined from the relative intensities of spectral lines recorded in the spectral range 280–330 Å in the period from 2001 to 2005. Analysis of these distributions has led to the conclusion about the existence of active regions with various “characteristic” temperature compositions. The presence of a hot plasma with temperatures logT = 6.8?7.2 in active regions has been established for the first time from XUV spectroscopic data and monochromatic X-ray line images. The DEM distribution for intense long-decay flares has also been obtained for the first time and a similarity of the temperature compositions for flares of different classes at the decay phase has been found. The spectra have been modeled on the basis of the calculated DEMs. The systematic discrepancies between the calculated and measured line intensities are discussed.  相似文献   

We recently investigated some of the hitherto unreported observational characteristics of the low frequency (85–35 MHz) type III–V bursts from the Sun using radio spectropolarimeter observations. The quantitative estimates of the velocities of the electron streams associated with the above two types of bursts indicate that they are in the range \({\gtrsim }0.13c\)–0.02c for the type V bursts, and nearly constant (\({\approx }0.4c\)) for the type III bursts. We also find that the degree of circular polarization of the type V bursts vary gradually with frequency/heliocentric distance as compared to the relatively steeper variation exhibited by the preceding type III bursts. These imply that the longer duration of the type V bursts at any given frequency (as compared to the preceding type III bursts) which is its defining feature, is due to the combined effect of the lower velocities of the electron streams that generate type V bursts, spread in the velocity spectrum, and the curvature of the magnetic field lines along which they travel.  相似文献   

We present a catalog of 65 spectral lines in the range 176–207 Å recorded by the RES spectroheliograph in active regions and flares during the SPIRIT experiment onboard the CORONASF satellite. We have identified 51 lines. The relative intensities of lines recorded during the M6.5 (GOES) flare of September 16, 2001, are given. The data processing technique is discussed.  相似文献   

The relative intensities of FeXI-Fe XIII lines in the range 176–207 Å have been measured for various plasma structures of the solar corona using data from the XUV spectroheliograph of the SPIRIT instrumentation onboard the CORONAS-F satellite with an improved spectral sensitivity calibration. Electron density diagnostics of a plasma with temperatures 0.8–2.5 MK has been carried out in active regions, quiet-Sun and off-limb areas, and, for the first time, in extremely intense solar flares. The density range is (1.6–8) × 109 cm?3 for flares, (0.6–1.6) × 109 cm?3 for active regions, and ~5 × 108 cm?3 for quiet-Sun areas. The calibration accuracy of the spectral sensitivity for the spectroheliograph has been analyzed based on spectral lines with density-independent intensity ratios.  相似文献   

The UTR-2 antenna has been used to measure angular sizes of sources of narrow-band short-lived solar stria-bursts at frequencies 24–26 MHz. The majority of these sources have apparent diameters between 20 and 40. According to this parameter they do not differ noticeably from that of type III bursts at the same frequency. The short duration of the stria-bursts prevents explanation of the large diameter by scattering in the solar corona.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic observations of comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught) were carried out with the 2 m Zeiss-RCC Telescope of Pik Terskol Observatory operated by the International Center for Astronomical and Medico-Ecological Research (Ukraine, Russia). The Multi Mode Cassegrain spectrometer was used to obtain spectra of moderate spectral resolving power with a wavelength coverage from 4140 to 5240 Å. The spectrum is characterized by the extremely low continuum level and strong molecular features. 192 emission lines of C2, CN, CH, NH2, CO+, and CH+ have been identified by the comparison of the observed and theoretical spectra of the molecules. The ratios of the gas production rates of Q(C2)/Q(CN)=1.32, Q(CH)/Q(CN)=0.49, and Q(NH2)/Q(CN)=0.81 were derived using a Haser model.  相似文献   

A balloon-borne gemanium spectrometer was flown in an attempt to detect line-emission from Cyg X-1 and the Crab nebula in the energy range 30–270 keV. The experiment was carried out on 29–30 September, 1982. A line feature at 145 keV was observed from Cyg X-1. The intensity is (1.34±0.31)×10–2 photons cm–2 s–1 and the width is 14.3 keV FWHM. From the Crab nebula, a weak line feature with 1.8 excess was found around 78 keV.  相似文献   

We present a list of 61 solar photospheric lines in the near-infrared H-band (1500?–?1800 nm), obtained by synthesis under the LTE approximation, and compute the corresponding velocity and temperature response functions (RF) in the line core and depth-integrated RFs as a function of wavelength. In particular, we computed the core formation heights and the ranges of atmospheric layers where thermodynamic perturbations are dominant. Moreover, we indicate the wavelength where the line is more sensitive to thermodynamic variations and quantify this sensitivity. This list is the extension of a previous work of Penza and Berrilli (Solar Phys. 277, 227, 2012).  相似文献   

During 1967–1970, the greatness of 90 large flares (H importance 2) was influenced by the orientation of the large-scale ( 100 000 km) magnetic field structure over the flare site. Although the average X-ray and optical emissions are only slightly larger for flares with their overlying fields directed southward, as opposed to northward, the meter-wave-length prompt flux maxima are, on average, an order of magnitude greater for the flares with southward oriented magnetic fields. There is a comparable, but possibly smaller difference in the 10 cm- fluxes. We therefore conclude that, during this period, the orientation of the overlying magnetic field affects the amount of electromagnetic flare energy radiated promptly in the corona (10 cm- and m-), relative to that radiated in the chromosphere (X-ray and optical). We demonstrate that this statistical effect shows some variability in degree during the period, although the trend is consistent throughout.  相似文献   

From the data on bright stars of different spectral and luminosity classes from the 13-color photometry catalog, the selective extinction of light by the interstellar dust has been studied. The stars from the 1000-pc vicinity of the Sun were investigated. In the optical spectral range, the interstellar extinction curves show systematic deviations from the “λ?1” law, which allows one to sort them into three types. The observed curves of the interstellar dust extinction were compared with the theoretical curves calculated from the reflectance spectra of the asteroids under the approximation of the Rayleigh particles. The calculated extinction curves for the surface material of D-type asteroids and the Tagish Lake carbonaceous chondrite agree rather well with the observed curves of the interstellar extinction of the first type.  相似文献   

Mavromichalaki  H.  Vassilaki  A.  Tsagouri  I. 《Solar physics》1999,189(1):199-216
An analysis of 373 well-defined high-speed solar-wind streams observed at 1 AU during the years 1985–1996 is outlined. The distribution of the occurrence of these streams as a function of Bartels rotation days using the dominant polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) associated with the referred fast streams shows that a four-sector pattern for the positive IMF polarity and a two-sector pattern for the negative IMF polarity are the dominant features in the investigated period. The high-speed streams seem to occur at preferred Bartels days: positive polarity streams are most frequent near Bartels days 5 and 18, while negative polarity streams are most frequent in days 14 and 23. Moreover, the corotating streams with positive IMF polarity prefer to occur in days 5 and 18 of the Bartels rotation period, whereas flare-generated streams with negative IMF polarity occur in days 14 and 23. The observed distribution of Bartels days is probably related to the distribution of the solar sources of high-speed solar wind streams as the solar wind carries with it the photospheric magnetic polarity of the solar source region. In addition, the distribution of the streams reveals a similar behaviour during the ascending and the declining phase of the last solar cycle (22nd) in contrast to the previous one where it has an opposite appearance. Determined differences in the characteristics of the sector structured IMF associated with the fast streams of the last cycle with the previous one (21st) and some similarities with the alternate solar cycle (20th) seem to be attributed to the 22-year magnetic cycle and to the polarity reversals of the polar magnetic field of the Sun. As the magnetic sectors are due to multiple crossings of the solar equatorial plane by a large-scale, warped heliospheric current sheet, it is suggested that the two-sector pattern arises from a tilted solar magnetic dipole component and the more commonly observed four-sector pattern from a quadrupole component of the solar interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model with or without viscosity in the ww′ plane, which is defined by the equation of state parameter and its time derivative with respect to the logarithm of the scale factor. We show that GCG model without viscosity approaches to a late time de Sitter attractor (w g =−1) and behaves like a “freezing” scalar field for the parameter α constrained by the latest observational data. However, introducing viscosity exerts an influence on the evolution of w and affects the location of the late time attractor (w g >−1) in viscous GCG model. We also find numerically such a transition from w′>0 to w′<0 as the universe expands in viscous GCG model different from GCG model without viscosity (w′<0) in the ww′ plane.  相似文献   

The Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model is known for its simplicity and capacity to reproduce some of the basic characteristics of the quantum chromodynamics phase diagram. However, since it is a nonrenormalizable model, there are regularization issues that should be treated conveniently. This is the case when considering the quark anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) when external constant magnetic fields are present. Regularization procedures based on entangled functions between the magnetic field and the cutoff of the model can predict first-order phase transitions for chiral symmetry restoration at finite values of magnetic fields and inverse magnetic catalysis. The strengths of magnetic fields explored in NJL model and lattice QCD do not show first-order phase transition. In the present work, we show that some of the previous results are regularization-dependent effects and how to handle the divergences using the vacuum magnetic regularization scheme.  相似文献   

In order to study the state of gas in galaxies, diagrams of the relation of optical emission line fluxes are used allowing one to separate main ionization sources: young stars in the HII regions, active galactic nuclei, and shock waves. In the intermediate cases, for example, when the contributions of radiation from OB stars and from shock waves mix, identification becomes uncertain, and the issue remains unresolved on what determines the observed state of the diffuse ionized gas (DIG) including the one on large distances fromthe galactic plane. Adding of an extra parameter—the gas velocity dispersion in the line-of-sight—to classical diagnostic diagrams helps to find a solution. In the present paper, we analyze the observed data for several nearby galaxies: for UGC10043 with the galactic wind, for the dwarf galaxies VIIZw403 andMrk 35 with star formation, for the galaxy Arp 212 with a polar ring. The data on the velocity dispersion are obtained at the 6-m SAO RAS telescope with the Fabry-Perot scanning interferometer, the information on the relation of main emission-line fluxes–from the published results of the integral-field spectroscopy (the CALIFA survey and the MPFS spectrograph). A positive correlation between the radial velocity dispersion and the contribution of shock excitation to gas ionization are observed. In particular, in studying Arp 212, our approach allowed us to confirm the assumption on a direct collision of gaseous clouds on the inclined orbits with the main disk of the galaxy.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(3-4):327-330
The asteroid 85 Io has been observed using CCD and photoelectric photometry on 18 nights during its 1995–96 and 1997 apparitions. We present the observed lightcurves, determined colour indices and modelling of the asteroid spin vector and shape. The colour indices (U-B = 0.35±0.02, B-V = 0.66±0.02, V-R = 0.34±0.02, R-I = 0.36±0.02) are as expected for a C-type asteroid. The allowed spin vector solutions have the pole co-ordinates λ0 = 285±4°, β0 = −52±9° or λ0 = 108±10°, β0 = −46±10° and λ0 = 290±10°, β0 = −16±10° with a retrograde sense of rotation and a sidereal period Psid = 0d.286463±0d.000001. During the 1995–96 apparition the International Occultation Time Association (IOTA) observed an occultation event by 85 Io. The observations and modelling presented here were analysed together with the occultation data to develop improved constraints on the size of the asteroid. The derived value of 164 km is about 5% larger than the IRAS diameter. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We utilized aerosol extinction coefficient inferred from Cassini/CIRS spectra in the far and mid infrared region to derive the extinction cross-section near an altitude of 190 km at 15°S (from far-IR) and 20°S (from mid-IR). By comparing the extinction cross section that are derived from observations with theoretical calculations for a fractal aggregate of 3000 monomers, each having a radius of 0.05 μm, and a fractal dimension of 2, we are able to constrain the refractive index of Titan’s aerosol between 70 and 1500 cm?1 (143 and 6.7 μm). As the real and imaginary parts of the refractive index are related by the Kramers–Kronig equation, we apply an iterative process to determine the optical constants in the thermal infrared. The resulting spectral dependence of the imaginary index displays several spectral signatures, some of which are also seen for some Titan’s aerosol analogues (tholins) produced in laboratory experiments. We find that Titan’s aerosols are less absorbent than tholins in the thermal infrared. The most prominent emission bands observed in the mid-infrared are due to CH bending vibrations in methyl and methylene groups. It appears that Titan’s aerosols predominantly display vibrations implying carbon and hydrogen atoms and perhaps marginally nitrogen. In the mid infrared, all the aerosol spectral signatures are observed at three additional latitudes (56°S, 5°N and 30°N) and in the 193–274 km altitude range, which implies that Titan’s aerosols exhibit the same chemical composition in all investigated latitude and altitude regions.  相似文献   

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